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Posted: 2008-05-24 01:18:01
Hey Paul, I really am going to keep my promise to the moderator and
not comment further on this issue. We have both had our say.

I am sure if we met personally we would probably agree on more things
than we disagree on.

Most women dont grow up with the same opportunities and exposure to
contact sports that men do. So It takes a lot more guts (imo) for a
woman to even take up fighing in a gym-much less in a ring.

So, maybe for Cecile, (whom I dont know) fighting seems like a much bigger
risk than it does to you.(I dont think English is her first language,
so her choice of words may sound more dramatic than she intended.

I also think some of the comments I read here and other places are
stupid. for example: Headgear!
I believe head gear have the potential to cause far more damage than protection. But some people whom I really respect actually think headgear afford protection.

I had lots of experience with mandatory head gear for the army's boxing team nearly 40 years ago and have strong opinions. But I STILL wont insult these head gear guys even though I think their arguments on the subject of headgear are kind of "stupid" But I also know they are NOT stupid *people*

Paul I really would prefer to end this conversation on a positive note.
So lets agree to disagree on the right to make choices about
who to fight or not fight. Fair enough ?

Best of luck to you.


Marcus: ditto what I said to Paul.

I have no problem with the French People ("Frenchmen") .
Our two countries have a great
mutual history and relationship and everytime I go to NYC, I see that magnificent statute in NY harbor given to my country by your country as a token of friendship. Lets end it that way.

In the future, if you will show me some respect, (and the lady fighters also) I'll try to return that courtesy to you.

Have the last word,


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