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Mark L.
Posted: 2008-07-06 08:29:56
the example of a marathon runner and a sprinter is they are both running... this is very close use of the same muscles... running for fighting isn't... however, even running for running, it is important to train the energy system and the muscles in a similar manner to competition.

Kicking is very different on the muscles and energy system than running is.

I remember training a marathon runner in MuayThai. One of the fittest men I have met. Couldn't last a round on pads.

I use to run two or three times a day in Thailand... I know how some of the gyms train there.

I also know some gyms don't run and have excellent fighters also.

Sport specific movement and sport specific conditioning are key. Many debates on what that is of course.

Lots of running and skipping is also to keep weight down.

If its not needed why does Jitti's do it - obviously a fan of Jitti's. Well I'll give you this.. if not needed why do most gyms in Thailand (not all) do it.

(by the went to Jitti's back in '94)

Here is a wonderful little story that I feel applies to running long times in power sports.

A woman served up the family pork roast one day and the husband asked her "why do you cut off the ends of the roast when you cook it?" She said that that is the way her Mum taught her to do it... he persisted and asked why though... she decided to ask her Mum. When she asked her Mum her Mum said she didn't know as that is how grandma did it and finally they decided to ask Grandma.. Grandma told them she didn't have a big enough pan so she had to cut off the ends to make it fit...

Our parents, trainers, teachers and preachers get things past on to them as "the way" to do things... rarely can we look outside the box and say "does this even make sense?"

A warrior always learns and looks to improve his craft. He learns from, but is not limited, by his teachers.

I am not using this story to suggest I am right. I am using it to say that "Jitti's gym does it so it must be right" logic doesn't work for me.

Any marathon runners or distant runners, bikers etc in excellent shape out there... if so please post how much that seems to have helped you do MuayThai at a high intensity... or trainers who have had distance guys with great distance cardio....

Built for speed and power or built for distance... crotch rocket or cruiser... the design is different for it has different purposes.

The energy systems are not all equal. Train one and you drop in another basically... also train slow twitch muscle fibers (not good for explosiveness) - see you actually can change some mid fibers into slow or fast... once you have slow though you are pretty limited on changing them.

My opinion based on my experiences up to this point in time... they may change :)

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