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Mark L.
Posted: 2008-07-08 09:56:39
Training for a 5 round fight also means training for a 4 break fight in my opinion.. as a rule (some conditioning exceptions) training for breaks should be the same time as the break you will be having in the fight.

Th body and mind learn by doing. Do what you want it to do.

I don't want to fight low intensity for an hour so I don't train low intensity for an hour. I want to fight high intensity for 3 minutes with a 2 minute break. I train (mostly) for high intensity for 3 minutes with a two minute break when conditioning...

The body remembers what it does - do what you want it to do.
It remembers best what it does first and last (like reading a paragraph)...
When you finish training and or rounds tired, weak, sloppy etc you condition the body to be tired, weak and sloppy... yes you literally train your body to run out of energy by running out of energy all the time in training ( time and place to push? yes... my opinion it is way over done)...

Olympic lifters lift more in competition than they do in training...

One of the biggest things I notice with Thai training and fighting and farung training and fighting is that the Thais step it up in the ring and farung generally do better in training (certainly a gross generalization). though Thais run a lot etc the over state of a Thai in training is more relaxed - they play in training more and farung fight in training more... when you play and are having fun you use way less energy and can perform at a higher degree - they seem to stress out less... they seem to prepare for fights not fight in preparation. The conditioned body and mind are geared for high performance because you can always perform better when in a creative and fun place... fighting isn't a big stressful fear based gotta kill or be killed thing to them (as far as I can tell). For farung it seems to be this big gotta win ego thing where we train like our life is treatened - sure its a tough sport but its still a sport - train like you are going to fight for your life and you will be stressed by the fear you are covering up with anger and agression - you will be weaker and will never perform as well (watch Jordan run down the court or Samart play his game - imagine Jordan training with the same attitude and stress levels that most of us train with - I can't see him performing like he does on the court) even though fighting is serious and there has to be a serious component to training - training that is more playing conditions the body and mind to perform better as you can perform better when playing.

Needing to be tough... you can be tough weather or not you act tough in training... acting tough (angry, agressive etc) is a way of hiding from fear and covering it up.. it works to a degree but can never open up your potential like dealing with fear in other ways in my opinion.

The Thais, though they over train in my opinion, still train with a lot more play and much less effort in each movement in my opinion and observations.

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