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Posted: 2009-01-26 11:57:28

Lerdsila Choumpairtour Jockygym
Rajadamnern Belts 112-118-122 lbs

Chaowalit Jockygym
Rajadamnern belt 147 lbs
Thailand Belt 147 lbs
World belt WMC 147 lbs
Vice world boxing champion IBF 130 lbs

Sangkhrom jockygym
Rajadamnern Belt 130 lbs
PABA boxing champion 130 lbs

Lougluangchai Jockygym
Champion Omnoi cup 127 lbs 2007
Finalist toyota cup lumpini 130 lbs 2009

Parinya Jockygym
ranked number 4 Siam Omnoi stadium
Finalist Omnoi cup 147 lbs 2008
Vice Asian boxing champion PABA 47 lbs 2008

Saichorn ouangsawan Jockygym
Former CH7 Champion 108 lbs

Kaithong jockygym
Intercontinental WMC Champion 147 ls 2008

More: Antuan and Leo siangboxing,Sakai jockygym,seuwithlek,chris mertens....

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