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Mark L.
Posted: 2010-09-19 10:53:14
"magic" or religious "magic" is only magic when it is not understood.

There is strong evidence of many methods that seem magical actually do have effects.

Science is always finding out more and more but it is largely limited by limited views of the scientists and society.

A tv would be magic in the 1200's, so would a lighter or a flashlight...

It was heresy to say the world was round even when people experienced it because it did not fit into the belief system of the time.

This has always happened and is always happening and physics, neuroscience, psychology etc etc are all starting to understand how and or why etc

The point???

The automatic response that something doesn't work when others say it does is suggestive of a programmed belief that responds automatically (brain washed one could say).

I believe we all are to degrees.

There is strong evidence that prayer works.
Christian scientists will use the evidence to validate their beliefs.
Secular scientists also start to explain from a physical perspective why or how prayer may work.
Then on both sides you may have both.

I have done physical experiments on the power of words to affect their physical surroundings with results that suggest the words themselves literally do have the power to influence physical surroundings.
My interpretation is around energy....

The Bible on the leg may fall into this.
The "God" factor may fall into it
the belief of the individual that something will work falls into it also... (strong evidence of this also)

So depending on what you believe to start people generally dismiss things like that or use them to validate what they already believe.

Someone said the Bible worked - that makes me curious and cautious as to assuming I know why as the ego will generally see things in a way to validate what it believes

It maybe that it does work for one and not another but the reasons for that, I think, can always be explained - even if we or science isn't there yet.

Cause and affect

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