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Marco S
Posted: 2011-01-29 15:26:11
Just trying to envisage a more lucid idea of the process...

The ego, which is the part of our psyche that is focused and has desire to win, is, we have seemingly derived, an aspect of our character that, when put on the forefront of our incentive, happens to be counterproductive to some degree - an example being Marks exercise mentioned above.

So when the focus is on what we're DOING

(part of the psyche at work: cerebral/productive/considerate),

not on what we want to achieve,

(part of the psyche at work: ego)

then the end result is much more advanced and dynamic.

In the exercise mentioned, seemingly the most productive focus one could have, was to be relaxed - as that's when the most effective results were attained.

I find when lifting weights, to focus on my breathing - which is generally one's focus when they are trying to stay relaxed - it makes the process much more efficient and enjoyable.

I also find, when hitting pads or performing something, kicks, punches etc, that requires some degree of technique, that to focus on my movement, that seems to get the best result.

Having thought about it, I guess this may be due to good technique effectively being one's movement.
That is to say, if your movement is performed in the correct manner, this effectively translates as having good technique.

Again, in having this focus - on the task at hand, as oppose to what we ultimately wish to achieve - the ego does not come into play, and therefore our actions transcend what would actualize if our primary focus was the formerly mentioned, ego related motive.

Perhaps oftentimes it may come down to something as simple as having the presence of mind to focus on the task at hand as oppose to what we wish to achieve, and the spoils that would come with that.

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