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Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2011-07-25 05:47:35
While Ax doesn't allow political discussion, I want to make an exception for this thread, because it applies to the way this forum operates.

I've been operating Ax for 13 years. During that time, the issue of freedom of speech has been brought up to me by a number of people who have criticized my moderation style. Usually, it's by people who have been suspended or given a moderation warning, but not always.

I want to ask you guys to weigh in on the issue.

In my opinion, freedom of speech is one of the most misunderstood freedoms provided in the U.S. and other countries. It is intended to place limits on the laws that the government can pass regarding a person's ability to communicate their thoughts or beliefs. It is a right that has limits. You can't say absolutely anything you want. There are other laws that still apply regarding libel, slander and threats of violence.

Freedom of speech absolutely does not apply to private enterprise, such as an internet forum. As a forum owner, I can place limits on speech in whatever manner I see fit. I could come up with arbitrary rules if I wanted, like you aren't allowed to use double negatives in your speech. Of course, if the rules become ridiculous, then you can choose not to use the forum.

I started Ax for one primary purpose: to provide a communication tool that helps further the collective MT/KB sports. The rules I've created for the Ax forum are meant to uphold that primary purpose. The biggest criticism that I've received about Ax moderation is that there isn't enough of it. Those complaints FAR outweigh any complaints regarding freedom of speech.

So which side do you lean toward? Do you feel a forum is more valuable to a community when it clamps down on insulting and off topic comments or when it loosens the rules on how people express themselves?

What do you think about Ax's rules limiting political/religious discussion?

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