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Ross Barrett
Posted: 2012-05-16 07:46:22
Fight4C Church is made up of passionate, genuine people who are all of Christian Faith. They are trained and prepared to provide pastoral and spiritual care to fighters, athletes, coaches, their families, clubs and gyms. We work hard to build genuine relationships within the sporting community and become a fixture here by
providing chaplaincy to clubs, teams, athletes and fighters.

There are many other parts of Fight4C because the same is true about the Sporting community. They are both diverse and ever changing because they have to be. This thing is huge and only getting bigger! It includes the Athletes & fighters, of course, but also coaches, trainers, managers, agents, gym owners, referees,
supplement/gear company owners, bloggers, fight press members, the fans, all of their families, and the list goes on.

Ultimately, we want to meet people where they are and help them with whatever it is that they need. It doesn’t matter whether it is a home cooked meal, a couch to crash on, discipleship, someone to officiate a wedding, someone to talk to over coffee, a sparring partner, spiritual guidance, help w/ a flat tire, prayer before a competition, or at times sponsorship.

Every day people pack their entire life into their car, leave everything that is familiar to them behind including their social/spiritual support system, and
drive to the next biggest town hoping to be the next big Sports superstar… We want to be here for them when they arrive! This is only the beginning

Ross B
aka: The Punching Pastor

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