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Posted: 2012-06-03 12:40:00
this happened to a to 2 taiwanese students last month, they knew they were being scammed, the cops knew and admitted they were being scammed too...long story short the scammers insisted on 100,000 b compo...the police "haggled" them down to 7,000 baht at the copshop

when the taiwanese students left the station they were followed by the scammers and had 10 bells booted out of them with wooden koshs and other tools by teh same scammers(doubt they even paid half of the amount they scammed in compo..more like 500b) tangent but just another recent story of how the cops and law works over there

a guy was in a "nice" restaurant on the beach in jomtien, a few tables along a thai man was arguing with his girlfriend and then started to hit her, the westerner went over and asked him to thing he gets the shit kicked out of him by the head chef and ends up in hopsital as the chef was a "skilled boxer"

police involved again, chef tells them its his job to deal with problems in the restaurant and the man shouldn't have involved himself in the problem and should have sat down and ignored it...the chef openly admitting attacking the guy and seemed proud...said he would pay towards the guys medical treatment but that the injured party would have to wait until end of month til he was paid

honestly the whole town should be boycotted...its a cesspit, the police are ratbags and the town needs to be boycotted, there's plenty of other places to train

you get dodgy scumbags in thailand but that city is full of em

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