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Phil S
Posted: 2014-01-25 12:40:25

60kg A class – Andrew Lofthouse (Evolve, Manchester) vs Keith Mclachlan (Griphouse, Scotland)

Our next fight features the Fighter who, many would say, stole the show on our last event. Last years “break out” fighter Andrew Lofthouse finished an impressive 2013, which included wins over Brian Totty, Ross George and Adam Lee Mason, with an outstanding, fight of the night performance on November’s The Main Event. The unorthodox and entertaining Lofthouse will face off against the Keith Mclachan, UK’s number one ranked fighter at 59kg, in a catch weight contest matched at 60kg.

Tough as Teak Mclachlan is another fighter who can be likened to a good wine, gets better with age.
Keith brings a wealth of experience to the table with 23 fights on his record and has fought many top names over the past few years such as Darren O’connor, Ste Meleady and Oron Deachkalon, who many thought he was unlucky to lose to in the final of a Super 8 tournament. He holds wins over wins over Stevie Brown, Carl Copestake and former Thai champion Rung.

Another "call em” fight, it once again underlines the Usual Suspects mission to bring together the very best fighters out there and provide a spectacle few can match

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