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Posted: 2014-06-10 03:55:06
The response has been overwhelming so far guys, we have hundreds of names to process.

To be clear, the rankings are independent of any sanctioning body and are for any Junior fighters in the UK and Ireland aged 5-17 yrs. The rankings will only be as good as the information we receive from the gyms.

It is quite clear already that we have some elite juniors in the UK, some of who have had over 70 fights with less than 10 losses. Obviously juniors with a record like this will be installed at number 1 in their weight categories, in the event of any disagreements please contact Pete or myself privately to discuss, or if you believe your fighter could beat the number 1 issue a challenge and fight them.

The only way to climb up the rankings in each weight division is by beating someone above you.

Expect to see the rankings taking shape by the end of this week.
Keep sending the information in.
Thanks again, Neil Gribbon.

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