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Posted: 2015-06-30 11:55:11
So it's with a broken heart i have to finally tell the world that i have unfortunately been forced into retirement due to injury...! I've been struggling with neck problems for years now, but over the last 6 month's or so it has been getting progressively worse and worse each day. I finally went to have it checked out and have been referred for MRI scans as they think it maybe deep muscular and/or nerve damage. Regardless of the outcome I have been told that if i want to save myself any further pain and risk i must stop fighting professionally which sucks as i had 3 amazing fights lined up to finish off the year with on Lion Fight, Showdown and CMT in Oz again. I'm 36yrs old now and not getting any younger, and as much as I want to just say piss off like i have in the past and still carry on fighting, i know deep down i have to do this and it's the right time. If i did go ahead and fight again and win then i would think to myself "see I'm fine" and carry on fighting till I'm in a coffin. This is heartbreaking for me to have to do and tbh I'm not actually sure just how I will cope with it all, sat crying whilst writing this doesn't help. Muay Thai and fighting in general has been my life for almost 20yrs and knowing that i will no longer get that buzz of hearing my name called out, my tune kick in, and hear my name announced as the "winner is" ever again kills me inside. Only people close to me and family know just how much I've actually put my poor little body through over the years, breaking bones in fights and carrying on to win. cutting cast's off various parts of my body to fight, numerous operations, plastic surgery and almost 200 stitches in my poor face etc, just shows how much the sport meant and still does mean to me. To all my students and fighters at Black Widow now all my time is yours and i will do all i can for you guy's to make you the best you can be and i hope you all no that. I just want to thank Scott Kent and Christine Toledo Lion Fight Promotions for wanting me on there show and for getting me the rematch with Romie, I'm so sorry i can't be there to take part as a fighter on the card anymore. Thanks also to Hussain Shafique and to Wayne Angie Parr for the fight offers this year, I'm heartbroken i wont be a part of them. I know this is long and i am so sorry for that but almost finished... I want to thank everyone who has ever had any input what so ever in my fighting career, but there is 4 people in-particular that without them all none of what i managed to achieve would have been possible. Richard Smith you have been like a second father to me over the years and have helped mold me into a man i never even dreamed i could have been and i will forever remember everything you and Lisa Houghton-Smith have done for me over the years both in and out of the gym, i love you guys. Of course my parents Graham Howson and Patricia Howson you already no that without all of the help i would never have been able to be where i am today, every single fight, win and title was always for you 2, you won't ever truly know just how grateful i am or how proud i am to have you as my parents, you mean the world to me and i love you both so much. All of you guys at Bad Company Gym past and present, amazing people thru out my career, 3 special mentions tho go out to my cousin Liam Harrison, David Macintosh and James France all 3 of you guy's have always been there to help me train, padding me and helping me out with anything when training for a fight, Davy we have trained each other none stop for the best part of like 5-6 years and a lot of credit for my first 2 world titles needs to go to you padding me daily. All 3 of you are legends. And of course Vinny Shoreman, I don't even need to say anything Vinny mate you already no just what you mean to me and how much you have helped me thru-out the years and on going, 1 of the first people i ever met in the sport and instantly loved you, crazy little high pitched Manc that you are and I have at least got the memories of our trips away to LA, Japan and Australia fights to play over in my head, amazing times. Des Claxton......You Des mate are the 1 that made it all possible, took me under your wing when i was 16 at Tesco and introduced to to Muay Thai, and took me along to Bad Co with you, watched you fight, took me with you along to fights and i was hooked, 3 months later i was having my very own first fight and that was it, changed my life forever, thanks mate, and lastly my amazing gf Kirstie who has supported me so much for the last 3 years. Anyway I need to finish now, Thank you everyone who has been there for me along the years and followed my fights, love me or hate me i hope I have always entertained you all, I've never ducked anyone and I have fought and beaten the best out there, I do have regrets, a couple of amazing opponents I lost to along the way and all my own fault, not training to fight Rungravee and Dean James and going out drinking instead was pretty fucking silly, and those losses will now haunt me forever. Thank you again everybody and if i haven't tagged anyone please don't take offense.

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