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Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2003-12-09 20:51:11
Hey Guys, when is the K1 Grand Prix going to be televised on Tv2 (NZ) ....Mike?, Dixon? anybody?
Cheers :-)
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2003-12-09 21:00:49
Hi Aaron

I believe it will be on December 20... Dixon and Mike will be able to confirm this but I'm pretty sure it's then.

Spread the word and let's crush those ratings.


Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2003-12-09 21:05:48
Cheers Mike, it's was nice to meet you at the NZ K1 after party, your doing wonders for our sport! keep up the great work! :-)
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2003-12-09 21:09:07
P.S. How rude of me ....i should have put Dixon and the two Mikes in my Topic question above, sorry dude!
ttt :-)
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2003-12-09 22:30:09
Thank you for the kind work Aaron. I just try to do my best by Dixon, TV2 and most importantly the fans. It's you guys continually tuning in that is building our sport bigger and bigger.
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2003-12-16 18:41:43
Does anyone know what time it's on Tv2 this saturday? Mike Angove or Dixon maybe? Cheers :-)
Posted: 2003-12-16 18:51:44
According to TV guide its on at 9:20pm till 11:30pm.
David Koay
Posted: 2003-12-16 21:31:11
How edited is it gonna be?
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2003-12-17 00:53:05
Cheers Glen, I appreciate it!
Lets get the word around and SMASH those ratings!
ttt :-)
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2003-12-17 03:18:39
You will be pleased to note that all tournament fights are the full coverage and it is at 9.20-11.30.
The Highlander
Posted: 2003-12-17 11:07:41
Is that Friday or Saturday Night at 9-20???
Posted: 2003-12-17 13:03:06
Saturday 20th.
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2003-12-17 21:14:05
Yep thats right, FULL COVERAGE OF ALL K-1 GP fights - no cuts! Woohoo!

It is SATURDAY DEC 20 at 9.20pm on TV2... excellent tournamnent, some big upsets, and look out for the knockdown of Abidi on Botha -- my highlight.

Let's top the ratings once more New Zealand and show TV2 just how much NZ loves K-1 and how much you want to see more of it next year.

Spread the word.


Michael Schiavello
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2003-12-17 21:49:14
Lets go guys,

9.20 Saturday - Peak veiwing time on Mainstream TV our first time in this time slot!!

It is a great show with some awesome knockouts and brilliant technical fighting.

Another great show voiced by the Mouth of the South Michael Shiavello.

make sure you set your videos and get your firends to do the same

David Koay
Posted: 2003-12-18 02:40:34
9:30-11:30?? In the e.g. it says it goes to 1:35. can someone confirm this so i can set my VCR.
Posted: 2003-12-18 10:27:49
can anyone tell me who's fighting in it please??? thanks
Posted: 2003-12-18 12:57:40
Cyril Abidi vs. Frans Botha
Remy Bonjaski vs. Peter Graham
Ray Sefo vs. Musashi
Alexei Ignashov vs. Peter Aerts
Carter Williams vs Bjorn Bregy

I've checked TV2's website and the EG and its true both state its a 4 hour show. Seems doubtful, surely 8 fights even with intro and credits would only take 2 hrs. When recording it just stick ya video on long play and leave it running! I've heard the movie after it is meant to be good anyway, can't hurt to record too much.
David Koay
Posted: 2003-12-18 13:53:21
and Holm vs Jan and there was one more fight i think.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2003-12-18 14:15:00
It is only a two hour show the listing is incorrect in the TV Guide.

Anything more is too long for NZ TV.

Check it out it is a great show.

There are also some interesting revelations regarding top fighters com,ing to NZ next year, and huge plans for NZ 2004.

TV2 have commited to a huge number of shows all to be screened on mianstream TV
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2003-12-18 18:44:44
Posted: 2003-12-21 14:33:41
Saw the event, bit disappointed that they didn't show the reserve match, but all of the tournament matches were there uncut.

Have to say Ray looked really ill. First time I've ever seen him come out to the ring without a smile. His defense was great but he just didn't have anything offensive.
Musashi was looking better than previous years, great speed but still lacking the KO power. The final seemed to get down to the number of rounds fought, Musashi had 9 rounds and was knackered by the end, whereas Remy had less than one going into the final.
Botha, terrible, hope to never seen him again. Abidi, still seems too light doesn't have the power for KOs. Graham didn't seem to have great defense, Remy landed all sorts of shots and you could see the KO coming. Ignashov, never seen him so slow, looked tired from the start.
Remy was definately the best on the night, love his style just never know what hes gonna throw next. Can't wait for him to try his airborne styles on some of the bigger name fighters.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2003-12-21 16:29:52
BIt harsh on Peter Glen - he looked good but failed to keep constant pressure on Remy - and allowed him the knee corridor through the middle.

Botha - well it answered a good question as regards how a good boxer would go against an OK Kickboxer - mind you if Abidi hadn't got the knock downb it would have been draw or win to Botha.

MAsashi - to be Honest I didn't see much of a difference from previous years - and Peter Aerts has always had difficulties with Mushashi and south paews in gerneral.

Alexi looked lethargic the lights were on but nobody home. But I do think Musashi deserves some credit for doing it hard and doing the full nine rounds -and he never looked in danger of being KO'd except when ever ray got close to him.

Be interesting to see Remi vs Ray, vs Carter, Le BAnner, Iggy again, Leko, ... and a few of the other big names but confidence is a funny thing it can make a huge difference.

Also Great news: Next Year TVNZ has commited to at least 8 shows including the ANZAC show in Late March, K-1 NZ, K-1 Oceania, K-1 Max NZ, K-1 Osaka, K-1 Grand Prix Final, PLsu 2 to 4 other shows min. This is pretty huge for NZ a real step forward , next year will prove an incredible year for our sport in nz.!!
Posted: 2003-12-21 20:53:19
It was good to be able to watch K1 free to air again, and even better to be told by many people -who I'd never have picked as fight fans- that they watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Never expected to hear "did you see the K1 last night" from so many people not in the fight scene.
Awesome work Dixon & co.Looking forward to next year.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.
From myself and Mrs Diesel,
God bless
Ivan "Diesel" Walker
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2003-12-21 22:25:36
And to you DZL
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2003-12-22 22:54:41
The show was pretty cool i thought, Remy's the man! How did it do with the T.V. Ratings? Dixon?,Mike? :-)
Posted: 2003-12-23 00:57:17
Posted: 2003-12-23 01:16:41
I watched it last night with Musashi at his place,oh I am in Japan at the moment,he is very cool about it all and says that he was a tired in the final thats why he could not win and I tend to agree as Remy certinly had a nicer ride to the final(eg Abidi shitty effort in the semis)Ray and Peter in a row even on there worst days is no easy task infact I thought Ray sometimes looked very dangerous even if he was sick for example that spinning back hand he did.
But I dont think Remy is as strong as people think infact I hope I get to fight him soon.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2003-12-23 03:39:46
We topped the ratings again with an averaga high of 42.3%. well done nz and 2004 is looking even better. Merry Christmas all
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2003-12-23 13:07:06
Clean sweep through out the year! Way to go NZ!!!
Cheers Dixon!
Thanx for your input and views also Andrew ....all the Best for next year :-)
Oh and a Very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone,
Dream Big, Aim High.
Azza :-)
Posted: 2003-12-23 13:31:30
Dixon... is TV2 showing the Dynamite show on New Years Eve?
David K
Posted: 2003-12-23 20:54:37
hopefully next time thell show the superfights.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2003-12-25 16:19:39
Unfortunately not Mark as the broadcaster in Japan is not releasing it internationally I did ask though.
bugs bunny
Posted: 2003-12-25 19:38:28 wats up doc. I taw da show and it was the bestest show in wabbit land...big ups and aways to da dixon..and have lots of carrots for da christmas break and da new year....boing..boing..boing have to go....
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2003-12-26 02:34:20
POWERHOUSE- Can you send me back a gtr skyline while your there?
Posted: 2003-12-26 04:00:49
Rexy 32 0r 34.
Posted: 2003-12-26 05:03:20
Well thats a bummer Dixon.... ah well zIm sure that video outlets will have it eventually


bugs bunny
Posted: 2003-12-26 18:24:38
boing..boing..i reckon ray deserves all the credit as he was sick before the fight for weeks leading up to it..he didnt have to fight but he did, for us fans and you could see it when he was fighting that he was sick..if ray was 100% fit he wouldve eaten everybody up to go all the way...even a pesty little wabbit like me so i better go...boing..boing..boing..sugarfoot is awesome a big hoorah to you..oh yaeh and congrats to brother ron for his win in the k1-nz.
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2003-12-27 02:20:37
34! and I just rang musashi and he said he never even heard of you before ! ;p
Posted: 2003-12-27 05:49:56
If you are serious about the GTR let me know and I will get you one asap.
Yeah you caught me out about Musa.LOL
bugs bunny
Posted: 2003-12-29 04:24:57
ha..ha..ha..powerhouse got the way mr powerhouse can you get me a big bag of carrots as
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