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Posted: 2004-02-14 18:00:51
Mcdonald stops Lindwall
Posted: 2004-02-14 18:06:17
In this super fight from K-1 Sweden Larry would not come out
for round 4 so Big Mac wins via TKO.
Sorry I would like to give more details but don't have them.

Next up is Mark Russell from England in 3.5 weeks.For WKA world title.
Mike WILL get the K.O. in this one for sure.
P.J. Reilly
Posted: 2004-02-14 18:16:57
Good job and Good luck. No time too rest eh? :(
Paul T
Posted: 2004-02-14 18:20:03
I read on another report that
it was a Judges Decison for Linvall???
what ?

Which is it? thanks!
Posted: 2004-02-14 18:45:24
i heard it was a draw and larry believing he lost gave the trophy to mike.
Posted: 2004-02-14 19:15:52
Just looking for details on the net here and it was a 3 rounder.
Or so I'm lead to believe it was.
My info source came from Mike's old boxing coach and I think he made
a mistake.
Which means I posted a mistake.-----My Bad then.Sorry axers and sorry
to Larry and all his fans.
Posted: 2004-02-15 00:33:19
I spoke to Mike McD and he said he won, by Larry's corner stopping it.
Posted: 2004-02-15 02:58:01
maybe it was a draw that called for an overtime. could that be it?
Posted: 2004-02-15 06:02:48
Hello everyone! im new here...

I was there and the fight was a draw. aftervards Larry gave the trofy to Mike
because he think that mike should have got the Decison...
Paul T
Posted: 2004-02-15 07:32:32
Welcome to the AX, TheOne.

McDonald Screwed again by K-1.
What else is new? I hope it
was a good fight anyway. Linwall
must be decent to make it 3 rounds
with the Sniper anyway. Hope maybe there
is a re-match in the future, or something.
Fredric Rosenberg
Posted: 2004-02-15 13:44:51
I was there last night and yes it was a good fight ...... i thought that Larry did enough to win though,
Round 1 was mostly kicking from Larry and punching from McD .... little edge to Larry because off good kicks and nice knees..
Round 2 went to McD because he stunned Larry a couple of times with hard punches
Round 3 everybody thought that McD would finish the fight but Larry answered with good bodykicks and lowkicks and McD had no respons ......

Larry gave him the trofy just to show good heart and sportsmanship , not meaning that he thought that McD had won the fight .
The fight was scheduled for 3 rounds and went all three without any counts .....
Posted: 2004-02-15 14:48:01
Sounds like a good fight well done Mcd and Larry a draw means no one lost.
Posted: 2004-02-15 14:50:16
Hey Fred,
I spoke to Mac and he said it was a draw after 3 and they were
going into 1 extra round but Larry/corner said no fights over.
Maybe Mac misunderstood/doesn't understand Swedish.His understanding
is he won by Larry not wanting to fight anymore...

Fredric Rosenberg
Posted: 2004-02-15 15:28:11
Hey T-hill ......
The problem was that the announcer said they were going into a extra round but he was not informed that there are no extra round in supefights ....
There were some talks and then they told the audience about the speakers misstake .

I can say that it was a pleasure watching McD fight even though i am a friend of Larry ..... he is in very good shape and can really punch quick and hard .
I have never seen Larry get hit that hard before ....
Hope to see McD again someday !

Posted: 2004-02-15 15:42:16
Hey Fred,
Mac said Larry is a strong fighter and can take a very good punch.
Thanks for clearing things up.Mike trains all the time and is always
and I mean always in great shape.I leave for Holland Monday and will
go to London for his fight in 3.5 should go...
Fredric Rosenberg
Posted: 2004-02-15 15:51:57
London .... yes why not , that could be fun.
I have just started to train for a possible fight though so maybe it will hard to get some time off , but then again some days in London could do me good :-)
Will he stay here in Europe to prepare for that fight ?
Posted: 2004-02-15 16:04:50
No way.He is very methodical/anal about his training.LOL.
Maybe we could hook up for a day of training at a gym in London?
That would be cool.
Posted: 2004-02-15 16:54:03
You forgot ...

Round 2: McD knocked Lindwall down with a punch and he was saved count by the bell.

I had the laugh of the night at the rules-recap when Lindwall put his hand on McD's shoulder and got it pushed off. Then like a rejected stepchild he put it there a second time and got the same treatment. And I laughed at McD's reaction when the crowd "oooohh":ed on the first lowkick Larry landed. It's a shame a fight like that ends without a KO/TKO ... I wish there had been more rounds than 3.
Posted: 2004-02-15 17:46:03
WOW! must have been great, any filming going on would to see that fight.
Guy Paret
Posted: 2004-02-16 02:25:34
Superfight 3 rounds??
Fredric Rosenberg
Posted: 2004-02-16 04:33:15
Hey T-hill .... that sounds interesting and i will check if i can , anyway i can reach you besides here ??
Posted: 2004-02-16 06:26:17
"WOW! must have been great, any filming going on would to see that fight."

McD's cornerman was filming. TV was there filming. Nothing out yet.
Posted: 2004-02-16 08:36:22
Fred give larry our best wishes from vinny (and the non drinkers)!!!
Fredric Rosenberg
Posted: 2004-02-16 08:43:24
Sure Vinny .... i will do that ;-)
Posted: 2004-02-16 11:01:59
Hey Fred,
I will drop you a personal email in a few days...I fly today-just running
around town with last minute stuff.Details later...take care.
Fredric Rosenberg
Posted: 2004-02-16 11:07:32
Ok .. sounds good !!
Posted: 2004-02-21 08:20:02
Hey Fred,
Post your email for me here cause I cant see it on your profile.
Fredric Rosenberg
Posted: 2004-02-21 09:43:05
Hey T-hill ..........
Mark L.
Posted: 2004-02-21 10:27:30
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