Just a few q's about Andy Hug. What height was he in feet?? What weight was he in his early pre K1 fights i.e. against Changpeuk etc.( i saw these on the andy hug history tape) where can i find info on his early career i.e. what did he do for a living b4 bcoming a pro fighter, etc????
hope someone can shed some light.

Hi D-K.
I might be able to help you! I have made an homepage about Andy Hug on this address: http://www.andyhug.subnet.dk/
There you can find tons of pictures of Andy in action, from his early days as a young teenager in Kyokushin karate, pictures from when he left the Kyokushin organization and turned over to Seidokaikan, and latter from his amazing career in the K-1.
If you need information about Andy Hug, read my article about the greatest fighter of all time on this address: http://www.kyokushinmail.com/andyhug2.html
P.S. You ask about what Andy did before he becoming a pro fighter, etc? Andy has been fighting all his life, and has done nothing else. In a matter of fact, Andy started fighting so young, that the Swiss Karate Federation bent the rules to allow Andy Hug to compete with adults for the All Switzerland Karate Championship.
As you can see at the picture above, Andy started fighting in a young age.

Andy K-1 Hug

Andy K-1 Hug
Andy was a butcher before he started pro fighting.
Was there ever a fighter who managed to beat Andy more than once? Did he have a nemisis?
Francisco Filho beat him at the Kyokushin 5th World Tournament and also in the 1997 K-1 Dreams event, both by KO.
Barnardo koed Andy 2 times. The first one was a real beating. Hoost beat him 2 or 3 times. Aerts k.oed Andy 2 times. Once with a knee, the other with a high kick! Filho did it twice too with k.o's. It sounds bad, but he still was one of the best after 1996.
Does anyone know of a K-1 fighter Dennis "Hurricane" Lane who I heard fought andy hug in Switzerland???? Any one who could provide information on this fighter please Let me know. I think the fought twice.
Dennis Lane....wow, now he was a beer belly fighter! He fought Satake in 1994 or 95, and got done in 2. The only thing he got is a good spinning back fist, THATS IT! Ohh, and a mowhawk hair style, I don't know if he still has it! The Mr T hair doo has past by now would'nt you say?
Has Andy Hug ever faught Changpuek??????

Andy Hug Vs Dennis Lane Fight Night K-1

Andy Hug Vs Dennis Lane Fight Night K-1
Check out my homepage for more Andy Hug pictures on this address: http://www.andyhug.subnet.dk/

Check out my homepage for more Andy Hug pictures on this address: http://www.andyhug.subnet.dk/
oliver, what year did andy fight changpeuk? what were the rules?
who won?
It was a karate fight belive it or not!!
Andy has been fighting Changpeuk in the 3rd Seido Karate World Cup in 1993, where Andy broke Changpeuk nose with a perfect circle kick. (Karate rules)
The second time was in Switzerland at the K-1 Fight Night in 1995. (K-1 rules)
Andy won both the fights. Andy won on wazari/(points) in the 3rd Seidokaikan Karate World Cup in 1993, and by KO in the K-1 Fight Night 1995.
was it changpuek or suaduo the second time?
was it changpuek or suaduo the second time?do you have pics?

I do have some pictures, I just have to find them first in my collection, ok!
Dennis Lane is now a promoter in South Carolina, He spent the Weekend at my Gym in Stratford Ontario, Spoke very Highly of Andy and was inspirational to the young Fighters here . Any more Pictures or Info on Dennis?
Great information and great work!!
oliver,great web site by the way
Hello everybody on the Ax!
This is my first time writing on this web site.
I have been reading the info on the site for a few weeks
now and enjoy checking things out.
Regarding Andy I thought I may be helpful.I began training
with him in 99'in Tokyo with team Andy.
Andy was 6'0 feet tall and it was Sadau not Changpuek who fought in K-1
Switzerland...Sadau got hammered on.
Oliver,what can I say,I'm impressed with all of your Andy pics and
info.Andy was a great man inside and outside of the ring.
I can only say that I was honoured to know and train with
Well,it's nice to be apart of the ax.Keep training.
T-hill, did you know Hiranaka, Andys boxing coach? Andy trained at the same gym I trained at in Okinawa for a while in 95-96. I went back and trained at Hiranaka's gym in Naha last summer.
When Changpuek faught Andy Hug in the Karate Match
was it a close fight????
yes I did know Hiranaka and our communications were
limited cause I speak limited Japanese but Hiranaka spoke
no english at all!Andy would spend 1-2 weeks down in Okinawa
before most fights.We had made arrangements to go down in
September but your aware of what happened.Hiranaka was always at Andy's
fights.Alot of the time he would hold mitts to warm Andy up.
By the way,he would always tape Andy's hands.He truly did
an amazing job with the tape.How often did you train with
Andy during that time?Nice gym!Hiranaka has a shrine
of Andy in his gym now.Peace.
Before Hiranaka built his new gym, he would bring Andy to the World Ring Boxing Gym to train. Hiranaka's little brother trained out of that gym until he passed away a few years ago.
I really didn't get to train one on one with Andy because he was focused on getting ready for the fights. He did spar with a couple huge US Marine boxers, who he schooled very easy.
I did talk to Andy a few times after training, he was very humble. This was before I really understood who he was! I came home from the gym and told my wife (then she was still my girlfriend) that some Swiss kickboxer was at the gym today, she knew right away that it must be Andy.
The next day I was at the gym and my wife had all her friends watching Andy though the windows, there were reporters, newspaper people, and fans all out in the streets watching though the front windows.
The shrine is very cool, the whole gym looks like a memorial to Andy.
hey matt
thats interesting about the world ring boxing gym.
t.v.,press,and fans of all ages was like an everyday
occurance.I really enjoyed being a part of that.His
celebrity satus was of rock star proportion!Yet he was
always himself.Yes,a very humble man.He had a very
powerful aura about himself.He was truly unique.
Thats funny about the marines.You are lucky to have
got to know him a little.
Thanks for the kinds words about my Andy homepage!!
Just like you my friend, I am also very honored to have been trained by Andy Hug. Mr. K-1 was an amazing fighter, human and a true champion. I will never forget the enormous impact Andy Hug has had on me as Kyokushin fighter and student, but also as human and fan.
P.S. yenoneski : Thanks for the kind words above

Is this the shrine you are talking about??

Here is a picture of Ilona Hug and Kancho Ishii paying respect at Andy Hug's grave in Japan.
Rest In Peace Andy!!
No, I think that is the shrine at Seido Kai Kan headquarters.
I might have a picture of the one in Okinawa.
you and I both know that we are the lucky ones!
I believe we share the same belief.
That picture above is Amada and Koyasu
praying at the Tokyo branch Seido dojo.
The picture of Kancho and Ilona is in Kyoto.
I was there that day in December with a hand full
of other people when Andy's ashes were laid to rest.
Andy's final resting place is very special.He is among
some of the most famous samurai warriors to have lived.
I think it is safe to say you would rarely
if ever see a non-Japanese laid to rest with such high honours.
You are right T-Hill, we are lucky that we both had the chance to spent some time with Andy Hug! It is Amada on the picture above, but I do not know if it is at the Tokyo branch Seido dojo?? But if you say so, I am sure that you are right!
So you were there in December when Andy's ashes were laid to rest, that most has been one big touching moment. I know the history about the resting place among some of the famous samurai worriers, it just show the impact that Andy had on the Material Art society and even more, on the Japanese people!!
Do you have any pictures of Andy that you would like to share? Stay in touch, I am very interested in hearing much more from you, and your time together with Andy, please!

Is this the day in December we are talking about?? Please confirm!

Is this the day in December we are talking about?? Please confirm!
Yeah....he was the Man alright.
If that's who I think it is (T-hill), it's good to see you here brother...
Hello Oliver,
Yes,of course I would know if that is the Tokyo
Dojo!I know it may be hard to tell because Andy's
shrine is sectioned off but if you look closely
above Koyasu's head you can see the ring ropes.We sure
did alot of sparring in that ring.We would always rotate
into the ring as Andy would always stay in the ring.The rest
of the team would spar in the open area until it was your turn
to spar with Andy.Yes, those pictures above were that day in December.
The picture above where everyone is sitting was part of the ceremony.
You can barely see me to the right of Xhjavit's head.It was very
hard on him because it was his first time back in Japan since Andy's passing.
He was in Switzerland at the time preparing for a K-1 tournament.
I was in Japan at the time and things were so crazy.It seemed like
it was ceremony after ceremony.It was very difficult emotionaly.
I don't know how Xhjavit could go ahead and fight a week or
so after Andy's death but he did.It was very hard for him.
Well,I hope I was able to answer some questions for you.
I hope to hear from you soon Oliver.
It is nice hearing from you again. I most say that you have been very close to Andy Hug, and also to the ceremony - it most have been sad but, also in a way nice/exciting to be a part of the funeral. When I say nice/exciting, I mean having the chance to say the last goodbye. Sorry... But finding the right word in English is not always easy for me. But I hope that you get my point?
I got some small videoclips from the funeral, and I know that Xhjavit was very sad and hurt. I agree with you, it is amazing that he could steep into the ring so soon after the death of Andy. Are you in contact with Xhjavit today?
Stay in touch T-Hill and even more... Stay healthy!
Hello Oliver,
I enjoy writing to you because your words are from the heart.
I don't mind sharing my experience with you at all.I knew the
week before that things had turned for the worse.That it was very
serious but Andy didn't want anyone to know.He was going to make
a press statement,but then things got really bad.I spoke to him on
tuesday-a phone call that I will never forget.Andy told me what was
going on.We shared a very special conversation that day-and it was our
last time we spoke.After we spoke I cried like a baby.I just couldn't
believe it.The next day Andy was in a coma.Thursday I went by the dojo
to "try" to do some training-thats what Andy wanted-
and thats when I was told to go to the Hospital
right away.I feared the worse.Andy was gone that evening.
Yes,I always keep in touch with Xhjavit.We have a bond for life.
We lived together at the Seido house.He is doing well.He had
a boxing fight in South Africa not so long ago and did a great
job.As for me, I had minor knee surgery at the end of summer
and I also have a bad lower back that is just getting better!
FINALLY-For a while there I was a prisoner in my own body!
Well,I hope things are good for you,Oliver.Greetings,T-hill
Hi T-Hill:
It was great hearing from you again, and also a little "funny". When I say funny... I mean that a lot of the stuff that you writhe in your message above, is the exact same words that I wrote in my article about Andy Hug!!!!!!!!!!
It was almost like getting a flash back, when you wrote that you were on the phone talking to Andy before he went into a coma, and about your where told to go to the hospital right away. It is a little scary, I mean even the part about Andy was going to make a press statement, it things that I also has been writing about. So you might found my article very very interested my friend? You can read my article about the last days of Andy Hug's life on this address: http://www.kyokushinmail.com/andyhug2.html
Please read my article T-Hill and let me know what you think, ok!
Please send Xhjavit my deepest respect and say OSU to him from me, thanks. Stay in touch and stay healthy. (How is your knee?)
Hello Oliver,
I just got a chance to read your article.It was amazing.
Wow...I'm almost shocked.There were some things in your article
that even I was not aware of.My question to you is where and how
did you get so much of this information?!?It is an excellent article.
Andy and I were going to go to Yokohama and watch the tournament
together but the day before he called and said he would not be going.
I was at that time not aware of how bad he was.He just told me he had a bad
fever and to not tell anyone.Keep things private.At this time in Japan
only Teraguchi knew of Andy's health.And that his health was not
to be talked about.On Tuesday morning,we also talked about the tournament.
He said that he was going to give me a call that evening and tell
me what was going on.I never got a chance before to read the letter
that Andy wrote to the fans.At the time,I did not know things had turned
for the worse on the 23rd.Like I told you,we were told to go to the hospital
that evening on Thursday.Ilona was already there with Andy's Swiss Doctor
-Didi,and Kuveta,Ilona and Andy's very very close friend.Alot of Japanese
were there.The room was full.When Andy's heart stopped everyone got very
loud.People were trying to bring him back almost like they were cheering
him on and saying things like "come on Andy!!"And his heart began beating
again.It was so emmotional.Peter showed up shortly after and was very emmotional
as was everyone there.It was the worst day in my life.It was a very hard to be
in Japan with the way things were being done.There was a business side to things
that had to be done.It was very hard on me.
I will give Xhjavit a OSU for you and I will also tell him of your article.
I think next time I'm in Europe we should get together.I will be in Holland
in the new year.
P.S.my knee is o.k.-95% strong.It is my back that was very bad.But it
also is getting better.Maybe 85%.
Take care my friend.T-hill

Hi again... I am glad that you like my article about Andy Hug, it also took me some time to make it. So thank you very much for your kind and nice words about my article T-Hill.
I know a lot about Andy Hug and about his fighting career, because I have been a "fan" of Andy since I started to train Kyokushin karate back in 1985. When I started to train Kyokushin karate, there was a few Danish and international fighters that I admired a lot, and who inspired me - and Andy Hug was one of them. But after the 4th World Open Kyokushin Tournament in 1987, there was only one, and that was Andy. His style, spirit, strength and technique really was amazing, and Andy became my hero and absolute favorite fighter of all time!! So all the information’s about his career is knowledge that I personal have received over many years.
About the part in my article, where I am writing about Andy’s last days in Japan and about his death, is information that I have found on the Internet and even more important, information that I have personal received from friends of Andy after his death.
Peter Aerts the former K-1 Champion has written to me, and told me a little about his friendship with Andy, and about the days after Andy passed away. Michel Wedel, the famous Dutch Kyokushin fighter and champion has written to me a couple of times by E-m@il, and he has told me about his friendship with Andy. Michel Wedel has even sent me some of his personal and private pictures together with Andy. Hiroki Kurosawa the former Japanese Kyokushin star and know K-1 fighter, and his wife Tomoko Kurosawa told me about the sudden death of Andy Hug only a few hours he has passed away, and they have also sent me a lot of information’s from Japan. The Official K-1 photographer Susumu Nagao, who is personal very good friend of mine, has also supplied me with many information’s and pictures etc… Koen Scharrenberg, a Dutch Kyokushin Shihan and very very good friend of Andy has helped me with information’s, so the article is made of information’s from personal good friends of Andy.
For how long have you been a friend of Andy? Thanks for giving Xhjavit my greetings and respect the next time you see him, that is very kind of you T-Hill. If you ver come to Denmark, let me know – we should get together as you say. Take cares and stay in touch……………….

Are you in contact with Ilona Hug today?

This smile of Andy on this photo says more than thousands words!
hello Oliver,
just got back into town.I like your pictures.
Your right,that picture does say a thousand words!
I was curious on how you got so much detailed information.
Now I know.It makes me feel good about your honesty and respect
that you have had for such a great man.The last time I saw Ilona
was in March when Xhjavit fought Hoost.I must add that Xhjavit
was not 100% as he too had a bad back.Of course Hoost is still
a top fighter and K-1 Grand Prix champion.Like I said earlier,
I will be in Europe in the new year,and if I can work around
my schedule I have always wanted to see Denmark.Maybe do some
training!Well,take care my friend!T-hill.
P.S.keep in touch.
Nice hearing from you again! I understand why you were curious about how I got so detailed information. But as you say T-Hill, know you know. It would be impossible for me to get these information’s, unless I know someone who was very close to Andy. A lot of the words in my article are private information, so I could not make the article without help from amazing and wonderful people!
I will stay in touch!
I have never heard of T-Hill myself, before he appeared on this board, so I don’t know who he is?? But he is a "fighter" who was close to Andy, and it seems like they also was good friends.
He knows a lot about Andy Hug, so I find it exciting to write with him!!
(T-Hill: What is your real name? Maybe some of my good friends in Japan know you? I have some good Kyokushin and K-1 friends in Japan who also knew Andy very well, it could be funny if you also know them???)


a few months ago, i have ask oliver how populair andy in japan is.
look at the picture !!!
Hi Dirk Stal..
Nice to hear from you again my good friend in Holland!!! And welcome onboard on this discussion board, I am looking forward to talk K-1 with you. (Otherwise I mail you if it is private, ok)
Stay in touch..............................

How are you guys doing?I have noticed the new pictures
and I like them very much!I like the picture of Andy
and Peter.The one fight I recall between the 2 of them
Andy won.
I consider Peter a great Karate man and also a great kickboxer.
Not only did he K.O.Robbie Kaman in Japan but also a terrible
K.O.of Changpuek with some big elbows!Unfortunatly,his health
has not been so good.Dirk,the last time I saw Peter a comeback
was not so promising.His ankle/leg looked to be in bad shape.
I would really like to see a farewell fight for Peter.I heard
he has a very nice dojo so I am happy for him.Please say hello and Osu
to Peter.We had a very good time in Sendai,Japan one crazy night.Pete
knows I'm training with Andre now-but I want to visit his dojo!
Oliver,thanks for answering for me.
I will stay in touch..............

hi t-hill and my dear friend oliver
well,about peter smit. i'm a good friend of him,i know him 36 years !!!!
peter is operated a view weeks ago and everything is o.k with his ankle.
so maybe,he can comeback !!!!!! i hope so,because if that happen then is that a great victory !
and you must visit his dojo ,,hurricanegym,, that's a place for fighters !!
unbelieveble !!what a beautiful dojo,all in japanese style.
peter was a great fighter,for me one of the best in dutch kickboxing history.
when he visit me i say hello to him from you.
greetings dirk.
T-Hill & Dirk...
Nice to hear from both of you again!
T-Hill: Do you have any pictures of Andy that you would like to share with me/us??
Dirk: I will mail you soon my good friend. Say hello to Bryan and Annemarie from me, thanks.

oliver and t-hill
here's a picture of peter,,hurricane,,smit.
i go to sleep now,tomorrow 06.30 we go to eurodisney.
sunday we're back.
oliver,greetings to you and charlotte & kisses for sofie.
maybe can you say the trainingprogramm from andy hug , t-hill ?
I am really interested
Wow this as an old topic... Hug was one of my altime favourite k1 fighters. Excellent the way he took on the best kickboxers and beat most of em. Awsome fighter.
whats JLB up to these days then?
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