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The Ax Forum
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AX name:
Number of posts: 232
Real name: annie Humphrey
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Where do you live?:
What do you train/compete in?: kung-fu & kickboxing
If you attend a gym, what gym do you attend?: u.k.c.b.a
Height: 5'9'
Weight: 63kgs
Age: 45
Gender: female
Tell us about yourself: i started trainging with u.k.c.b.a with steve humphrey in 1985 became black belt in kung-fu and weopons and came 2nd in the national team display championships, won trophies for tile breaking and inter clubs. we went into kickboxing with wka in 1992 and went onto become the english national rep for them for 14 years before leaving to form our own assocaition. W.R.S.A
BECAME BRITISH FULL CONTACT CHAMPION in 2002 beaten kully ? coventry.
enjoy teaching and promotioning k/b events

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