Viewing file: Postgres71.php (13.87 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * A class that implements the DB interface for Postgres * Note: This class uses ADODB and returns RecordSets. * * $Id: Postgres71.php,v 1.80 2007/12/11 14:17:17 ioguix Exp $ */
// @@@ THOUGHT: What about inherits? ie. use of ONLY???
class Postgres71 extends Postgres {
var $major_version = 7.1; var $_lastSystemOID = 18539; var $_maxNameLen = 31;
// List of all legal privileges that can be applied to different types // of objects. var $privlist = array( 'table' => array('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'RULE', 'ALL'), 'view' => array('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'RULE', 'ALL'), 'sequence' => array('SELECT', 'UPDATE', 'ALL') );
// List of characters in acl lists and the privileges they // refer to. var $privmap = array( 'r' => 'SELECT', 'w' => 'UPDATE', 'a' => 'INSERT', 'd' => 'DELETE', 'R' => 'RULE', 'x' => 'REFERENCES', 't' => 'TRIGGER', 'X' => 'EXECUTE', 'U' => 'USAGE', 'C' => 'CREATE', 'T' => 'TEMPORARY' );
// Function properties var $funcprops = array(array('', 'ISSTRICT'), array('', 'ISCACHABLE')); var $defaultprops = array('', '');
// Select operators var $selectOps = array('=' => 'i', '!=' => 'i', '<' => 'i', '>' => 'i', '<=' => 'i', '>=' => 'i', '<<' => 'i', '>>' => 'i', '<<=' => 'i', '>>=' => 'i', 'LIKE' => 'i', 'NOT LIKE' => 'i', 'ILIKE' => 'i', 'NOT ILIKE' => 'i', '~' => 'i', '!~' => 'i', '~*' => 'i', '!~*' => 'i', 'IS NULL' => 'p', 'IS NOT NULL' => 'p', 'IN' => 'x', 'NOT IN' => 'x'); // Supported join operations for use with view wizard var $joinOps = array('INNER JOIN' => 'INNER JOIN', 'LEFT JOIN' => 'LEFT JOIN', 'RIGHT JOIN' => 'RIGHT JOIN', 'FULL JOIN' => 'FULL JOIN');
/** * Constructor * @param $conn The database connection */ function Postgres71($conn) { $this->Postgres($conn); }
// Help functions
function getHelpPages() { include_once('./help/PostgresDoc71.php'); return $this->help_page; }
/** * Sets the client encoding * @param $encoding The encoding to for the client * @return 0 success */ function setClientEncoding($encoding) { $this->clean($encoding);
$sql = "SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO '{$encoding}'";
return $this->execute($sql); }
// Database functions
/** * Return all database available on the server * @return A list of databases, sorted alphabetically */ function getDatabases($currentdatabase = NULL) { global $conf, $misc;
$server_info = $misc->getServerInfo();
if (isset($conf['owned_only']) && $conf['owned_only'] && !$this->isSuperUser($server_info['username'])) { $username = $server_info['username']; $this->clean($username); $clause = " AND pu.usename='{$username}'"; } else $clause = '';
if ($currentdatabase != NULL) $orderby = "ORDER BY pdb.datname = '{$currentdatabase}' DESC, pdb.datname"; else $orderby = "ORDER BY pdb.datname";
if (!$conf['show_system']) $where = ' AND NOT pdb.datistemplate'; else $where = ' AND pdb.datallowconn';
$sql = "SELECT pdb.datname AS datname, pu.usename AS datowner, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) AS datencoding, (SELECT description FROM pg_description pd WHERE pdb.oid=pd.objoid) AS datcomment FROM pg_database pdb, pg_user pu WHERE pdb.datdba = pu.usesysid {$where} {$clause} {$orderby}";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Table functions
/** * Protected method which alter a table * SHOULDN'T BE CALLED OUTSIDE OF A TRANSACTION * @param $tblrs The table recordSet returned by getTable() * @param $name The new name for the table * @param $owner The new owner for the table * @param $schema The new schema for the table * @param $comment The comment on the table * @param $tablespace The new tablespace for the table ('' means leave as is) * @return 0 success * @return -3 rename error * @return -4 comment error * @return -5 owner error * @return -6 tablespace error * @return -7 schema error */ /* protected */ function _alterTable($tblrs, $name, $owner, $schema, $comment, $tablespace) {
$status = parent::_alterTable($tblrs, $name, $owner, $schema, $comment, $tablespace); if ($status != 0) return $status; // if name != tablename, table has been renamed in parent $tablename = ($tblrs->fields['relname'] == $name) ? $tblrs->fields['relname'] : $name;
/* $tablespace, schema not supported in pg71 */ $this->fieldClean($owner); // Owner if (!empty($owner) && ($tblrs->fields['relowner'] != $owner)) { // If owner has been changed, then do the alteration. We are // careful to avoid this generally as changing owner is a // superuser only function. $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"{$tablename}\" OWNER TO \"{$owner}\"";
$status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) return -5; }
return 0; } /** * Finds the number of rows that would be returned by a * query. * @param $query The SQL query * @param $count The count query * @return The count of rows * @return -1 error */ function browseQueryCount($query, $count) { return $this->selectField($count, 'total'); }
/** * Retrieve the attribute definition of a table * @param $table The name of the table * @param $field (optional) The name of a field to return * @return All attributes in order */ function getTableAttributes($table, $field = '') { $this->clean($table); $this->clean($field);
if ($field == '') { $sql = "SELECT a.attname, t.typname as type, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef, adef.adsrc, -1 AS attstattarget, a.attstorage, t.typstorage, false AS attisserial, (SELECT description FROM pg_description d WHERE d.objoid = a.oid) as comment FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef adef ON a.attrelid=adef.adrelid AND a.attnum=adef.adnum, pg_class c, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = '{$table}' AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid ORDER BY a.attnum"; } else { $sql = "SELECT a.attname, t.typname as type, t.typname as base_type, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef, adef.adsrc, -1 AS attstattarget, a.attstorage, t.typstorage, (SELECT description FROM pg_description d WHERE d.objoid = a.oid) as comment FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef adef ON a.attrelid=adef.adrelid AND a.attnum=adef.adnum, pg_class c, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = '{$table}' AND a.attname='{$field}' AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid"; }
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Formats a type correctly for display. This is a no-op in PostgreSQL 7.1+ * @param $typname The name of the type * @param $typmod The contents of the typmod field */ function formatType($typname, $typmod) { return $typname; }
// View functions /** * Protected method which alter a view * SHOULDN'T BE CALLED OUTSIDE OF A TRANSACTION * @param $vwrs The view recordSet returned by getView() * @param $name The new name for the view * @param $owner The new owner for the view * @param $comment The comment on the view * @return 0 success * @return -3 rename error * @return -4 comment error * @return -5 owner error * @return -6 schema error */ function _alterView($vwrs, $name, $owner, $schema, $comment) {
$status = parent::_alterView($vwrs, $name, $owner, $schema, $comment); if ($status != 0) return $status;
$this->fieldClean($name); // if name is not empty, view has been renamed in parent $view = (!empty($name)) ? $name : $tblrs->fields['relname'];
$this->fieldClean($owner); // Owner if ((!empty($owner)) && ($vwrs->fields['relowner'] != $owner)) { // If owner has been changed, then do the alteration. We are // careful to avoid this generally as changing owner is a // superuser only function. $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"{$view}\" OWNER TO \"{$owner}\""; $status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) return -5; }
return 0; } // Sequence functions
/** * Protected method which alter a sequence * SHOULDN'T BE CALLED OUTSIDE OF A TRANSACTION * @param $seqrs The sequence recordSet returned by getSequence() * @param $name The new name for the sequence * @param $comment The comment on the sequence * @param $owner The new owner for the sequence * @param $schema The new schema for the sequence * @param $increment The increment * @param $minvalue The min value * @param $maxvalue The max value * @param $startvalue The starting value * @param $cachevalue The cache value * @param $cycledvalue True if cycled, false otherwise * @return 0 success * @return -3 rename error * @return -4 comment error * @return -5 owner error */ /*protected*/ function _alterSequence($seqrs, $name, $comment, $owner, $schema, $increment, $minvalue, $maxvalue, $startvalue, $cachevalue, $cycledvalue) {
$status = parent::_alterSequence($seqrs, $name, $comment, $owner, $schema, $increment, $minvalue, $maxvalue, $startvalue, $cachevalue, $cycledvalue); if ($status != 0) return $status;
/* $schema, $increment, $minvalue, $maxvalue, $startvalue, $cachevalue, * $cycledvalue not supported in pg71 */ // if name != seqname, sequence has been renamed in parent $sequence = ($seqrs->fields['seqname'] == $name) ? $seqrs->fields['seqname'] : $name; $this->fieldClean($owner);
// Owner if (!empty($owner)) {
// If owner has been changed, then do the alteration. We are // careful to avoid this generally as changing owner is a // superuser only function. if ($seqrs->fields['seqowner'] != $owner) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"{$sequence}\" OWNER TO \"{$owner}\""; $status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) return -5; } } return 0; }
/** * Resets a given sequence to min value of sequence * @param $sequence Sequence name * @return 0 success * @return -1 sequence not found */ function resetSequence($sequence) { // Get the minimum value of the sequence $seq = $this->getSequence($sequence); if ($seq->recordCount() != 1) return -1; $minvalue = $seq->fields['min_value'];
/* This double-cleaning is deliberate */ $this->fieldClean($sequence); $this->clean($sequence);
$sql = "SELECT SETVAL('\"{$sequence}\"', {$minvalue}, FALSE)";
return $this->execute($sql); }
// Function functions
/** * Returns all details for a particular function * @param $func The name of the function to retrieve * @return Function info */ function getFunction($function_oid) { $this->clean($function_oid);
$sql = "SELECT pc.oid AS prooid, proname, lanname as prolanguage, format_type(prorettype, NULL) as proresult, prosrc, probin, proretset, proisstrict, proiscachable, oidvectortypes(pc.proargtypes) AS proarguments, (SELECT description FROM pg_description pd WHERE pc.oid=pd.objoid) AS procomment FROM pg_proc pc, pg_language pl WHERE pc.oid = '$function_oid'::oid AND pc.prolang = pl.oid ";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Returns an array containing a function's properties * @param $f The array of data for the function * @return An array containing the properties */ function getFunctionProperties($f) { $temp = array();
// Strict $f['proisstrict'] = $this->phpBool($f['proisstrict']); if ($f['proisstrict']) $temp[] = 'ISSTRICT'; else $temp[] = '';
// Cachable $f['proiscachable'] = $this->phpBool($f['proiscachable']); if ($f['proiscachable']) $temp[] = 'ISCACHABLE'; else $temp[] = '';
return $temp; }
// Constraint functions
/** * Returns a list of all constraints on a table * @param $table The table to find rules for * @return A recordset */ function getConstraints($table) { $this->clean($table);
$status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) return -1;
$sql = " SELECT conname, consrc, contype, indkey FROM ( SELECT rcname AS conname, 'CHECK (' || rcsrc || ')' AS consrc, 'c' AS contype, rcrelid AS relid, NULL AS indkey FROM pg_relcheck UNION ALL SELECT pc.relname, NULL, CASE WHEN indisprimary THEN 'p' ELSE 'u' END, pi.indrelid, indkey FROM pg_class pc, pg_index pi WHERE pc.oid=pi.indexrelid AND (pi.indisunique OR pi.indisprimary) ) AS sub WHERE relid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname='{$table}') ORDER BY 1 ";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Trigger functions
/** * Grabs a list of triggers on a table * @param $table The name of a table whose triggers to retrieve * @return A recordset */ function getTriggers($table = '') { $this->clean($table);
// We include constraint triggers $sql = "SELECT t.tgname, t.tgisconstraint, t.tgdeferrable, t.tginitdeferred, t.tgtype, t.tgargs, t.tgnargs, t.tgconstrrelid, (SELECT relname FROM pg_class c2 WHERE c2.oid=t.tgconstrrelid) AS tgconstrrelname, p.proname AS tgfname, c.relname, NULL AS tgdef FROM pg_trigger t LEFT JOIN pg_proc p ON t.tgfoid=p.oid, pg_class c WHERE t.tgrelid=c.oid AND c.relname='{$table}'";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Aggregate functions
/** * Gets all aggregates * @return A recordset */ function getAggregates() { global $conf;
if ($conf['show_system']) $where = ''; else $where = "WHERE a.oid > '{$this->_lastSystemOID}'::oid";
$sql = " SELECT a.aggname AS proname, CASE a.aggbasetype WHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE format_type(a.aggbasetype, NULL) END AS proargtypes, (SELECT description FROM pg_description pd WHERE a.oid=pd.objoid) AS aggcomment FROM pg_aggregate a {$where} ORDER BY 1, 2; ";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Capabilities function hasAlterTableOwner() { return true; } function hasAlterSequenceOwner() { return true; } function hasFullSubqueries() { return true; }