Viewing file: Postgres83.php (23.41 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * PostgreSQL 8.3 support * * $Id: Postgres83.php,v 1.18 2008/03/17 21:35:48 ioguix Exp $ */
class Postgres83 extends Postgres82 {
var $major_version = 8.3;
// Last oid assigned to a system object var $_lastSystemOID = 17231; // need to confirm this once we get to beta!!!
// Select operators var $selectOps = array('=' => 'i', '!=' => 'i', '<' => 'i', '>' => 'i', '<=' => 'i', '>=' => 'i', '<<' => 'i', '>>' => 'i', '<<=' => 'i', '>>=' => 'i', 'LIKE' => 'i', 'NOT LIKE' => 'i', 'ILIKE' => 'i', 'NOT ILIKE' => 'i', 'SIMILAR TO' => 'i', 'NOT SIMILAR TO' => 'i', '~' => 'i', '!~' => 'i', '~*' => 'i', '!~*' => 'i', 'IS NULL' => 'p', 'IS NOT NULL' => 'p', 'IN' => 'x', 'NOT IN' => 'x', '@@' => 'i', '@@@' => 'i', '@>' => 'i', '<@' => 'i', '@@ to_tsquery' => 't', '@@@ to_tsquery' => 't', '@> to_tsquery' => 't', '<@ to_tsquery' => 't', '@@ plainto_tsquery' => 't', '@@@ plainto_tsquery' => 't', '@> plainto_tsquery' => 't', '<@ plainto_tsquery' => 't');
/** * Constructor * @param $conn The database connection */ function Postgres83($conn) { $this->Postgres82($conn); }
// Help functions
function getHelpPages() { include_once('./help/PostgresDoc83.php'); return $this->help_page; }
// Schemas functions /** * Returns table locks information in the current database * @return A recordset */
function getLocks() { global $conf;
if (!$conf['show_system']) $where = "AND pn.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg\\\\_%'"; else $where = "AND nspname !~ '^pg_t(emp_[0-9]+|oast)$'";
$sql = "SELECT pn.nspname, pc.relname AS tablename,, pl.mode, pl.granted, pl.virtualtransaction, (select transactionid from pg_catalog.pg_locks l2 where l2.locktype='transactionid' and l2.mode='ExclusiveLock' and l2.virtualtransaction=pl.virtualtransaction) as transaction FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks pl, pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn WHERE pl.relation = pc.oid AND pc.relnamespace=pn.oid {$where} ORDER BY pid,nspname,tablename";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Views functions
/** * Rename a view * @param $view The current view's name * @param $name The new view's name * @return -1 Failed * @return 0 success */ function renameView($view, $name) { $this->fieldClean($name); $this->fieldClean($view); $sql = "ALTER VIEW \"{$this->_schema}\".\"{$view}\" RENAME TO \"{$name}\""; if ($this->execute($sql) != 0) return -1; return 0; }
// Index functions
/** * Clusters an index * @param $index The name of the index * @param $table The table the index is on * @return 0 success */ function clusterIndex($index, $table) {
$this->fieldClean($index); $this->fieldClean($table);
// We don't bother with a transaction here, as there's no point rolling // back an expensive cluster if a cheap analyze fails for whatever reason $sql = "CLUSTER \"{$this->_schema}\".\"{$table}\" USING \"{$index}\"";
return $this->execute($sql); }
// Sequence functions
/** * Rename a sequence * @param $sequence The sequence name * @param $name The new name for the sequence * @return 0 success */ function renameSequence($sequence, $name) { $this->fieldClean($name); $this->fieldClean($sequence);
$sql = "ALTER SEQUENCE \"{$this->_schema}\".\"{$sequence}\" RENAME TO \"{$name}\""; return $this->execute($sql); }
// Operator Class functions
/** * Gets all opclasses * * * @return A recordset
function getOpClasses() {
$sql = " SELECT pa.amname, po.opcname, po.opcintype::pg_catalog.regtype AS opcintype, po.opcdefault, pg_catalog.obj_description(po.oid, 'pg_opclass') AS opccomment FROM pg_catalog.pg_opclass po, pg_catalog.pg_am pa, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn WHERE po.opcmethod=pa.oid AND po.opcnamespace=pn.oid AND pn.nspname='{$this->_schema}' ORDER BY 1,2 ";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// FTS functions
/** * Creates a new FTS configuration. * @param string $cfgname The name of the FTS configuration to create * @param string $parser The parser to be used in new FTS configuration * @param string $locale Locale of the FTS configuration * @param string $template The existing FTS configuration to be used as template for the new one * @param string $withmap Should we copy whole map of existing FTS configuration to the new one * @param string $makeDefault Should this configuration be the default for locale given * @param string $comment If omitted, defaults to nothing * @return 0 success */ function createFtsConfiguration($cfgname, $parser = '', $template = '', $comment = '') { $this->fieldClean($cfgname);
$sql = "CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION \"{$cfgname}\" ("; if ($parser != '') { $this->fieldClean($parser['schema']); $this->fieldClean($parser['parser']); $parser = "\"{$parser['schema']}\".\"{$parser['parser']}\""; $sql .= " PARSER = {$parser}"; } if ($template != '') { $this->fieldClean($template); $sql .= " COPY = \"{$template}\""; } $sql .= ")";
if ($comment != '') { $status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) return -1; }
// Create the FTS configuration $status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; }
// Set the comment if ($comment != '') { $this->clean($comment); $status = $this->setComment('TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION', $cfgname, '', $comment); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; }
return $this->endTransaction(); }
return 0; }
/** * Returns all FTS configurations available */ function getFtsConfigurations() { $sql = "SELECT n.nspname as schema, c.cfgname as name, pg_catalog.obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_ts_config') as comment FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.cfgnamespace WHERE pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_is_visible(c.oid) ORDER BY schema, name"; return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Return all information related to a FTS configuration * @param $ftscfg The name of the FTS configuration * @return FTS configuration information */ function getFtsConfigurationByName($ftscfg) { $this->clean($ftscfg); $sql = "SELECT n.nspname as schema, c.cfgname as name, p.prsname as parser, c.cfgparser as parser_id, pg_catalog.obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_ts_config') as comment FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.cfgnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser p ON p.oid = c.cfgparser WHERE pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_is_visible(c.oid) AND c.cfgname = '{$ftscfg}'";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Returns the map of FTS configuration given (list of mappings (tokens) and their processing dictionaries) * * @param string $ftscfg Name of the FTS configuration */ function getFtsConfigurationMap($ftscfg) { $this->fieldClean($ftscfg); $getOidSql = "SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config WHERE cfgname = '{$ftscfg}'"; $oidSet = $this->selectSet($getOidSql); $oid = $oidSet->fields['oid'];
$sql = " SELECT (SELECT t.alias FROM pg_catalog.ts_token_type(c.cfgparser) AS t WHERE t.tokid = m.maptokentype) AS name, (SELECT t.description FROM pg_catalog.ts_token_type(c.cfgparser) AS t WHERE t.tokid = m.maptokentype) AS description, c.cfgname AS cfgname ,n.nspname ||'.'|| d.dictname as dictionaries FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config AS c, pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_map AS m, pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict d, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE c.oid = {$oid} AND m.mapcfg = c.oid and m.mapdict = d.oid and d.dictnamespace = n.oid ORDER BY name "; return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Returns all FTS parsers available */ function getFtsParsers() { $sql = "SELECT n.nspname as schema, p.prsname as name, pg_catalog.obj_description(p.oid, 'pg_ts_parser') as comment FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser p LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.prsnamespace WHERE pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser_is_visible(p.oid) ORDER BY schema, name"; return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Returns all FTS dictionaries available */ function getFtsDictionaries() { $sql = "SELECT n.nspname as schema, d.dictname as name, pg_catalog.obj_description(d.oid, 'pg_ts_dict') as comment FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict d LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = d.dictnamespace WHERE pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict_is_visible(d.oid) ORDER BY schema, name;"; return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Returns all FTS dictionary templates available */ function getFtsDictionaryTemplates() { $sql = "SELECT n.nspname as schema, t.tmplname as name, ( SELECT COALESCE(np.nspname, '(null)')::pg_catalog.text || '.' || p.proname FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace np ON np.oid = p.pronamespace WHERE t.tmplinit = p.oid ) AS init, ( SELECT COALESCE(np.nspname, '(null)')::pg_catalog.text || '.' || p.proname FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace np ON np.oid = p.pronamespace WHERE t.tmpllexize = p.oid ) AS lexize, pg_catalog.obj_description(t.oid, 'pg_ts_template') as comment FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_template t LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.tmplnamespace WHERE pg_catalog.pg_ts_template_is_visible(t.oid) ORDER BY schema, name;"; return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Drops FTS coniguration */ function dropFtsConfiguration($ftscfg, $cascade) { $this->fieldClean($ftscfg);
$sql = "DROP TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION \"{$ftscfg}\""; if ($cascade) $sql .= " CASCADE";
return $this->execute($sql); }
/** * Drops FTS dictionary * * @todo Support of dictionary templates dropping */ function dropFtsDictionary($ftsdict, $cascade = true) { $this->fieldClean($ftsdict);
$sql = "DROP TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY"; $sql .= " \"{$ftsdict}\""; if ($cascade) $sql .= " CASCADE";
return $this->execute($sql); }
/** * Alters FTS configuration */ function updateFtsConfiguration($cfgname, $comment, $name) { $this->fieldClean($cfgname); $this->fieldClean($name); $this->clean($comment);
$status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; }
$status = $this->setComment('TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION', $cfgname, '', $comment); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; }
// Only if the name has changed if ($name != $cfgname) { $sql = "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION \"{$cfgname}\" RENAME TO \"{$name}\""; $status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; } }
return $this->endTransaction(); }
/** * Creates a new FTS dictionary or FTS dictionary template. * @param string $dictname The name of the FTS dictionary to create * @param boolean $isTemplate Flag whether we create usual dictionary or dictionary template * @param string $template The existing FTS dictionary to be used as template for the new one * @param string $lexize The name of the function, which does transformation of input word * @param string $init The name of the function, which initializes dictionary * @param string $option Usually, it stores various options required for the dictionary * @param string $comment If omitted, defaults to nothing * @return 0 success */ function createFtsDictionary($dictname, $isTemplate = false, $template = '', $lexize = '', $init = '', $option = '', $comment = '') { $this->fieldClean($dictname); $this->fieldClean($template); $this->fieldClean($lexize); $this->fieldClean($init); $this->fieldClean($option); $this->clean($comment);
$sql = "CREATE TEXT SEARCH"; if ($isTemplate) { $sql .= " TEMPLATE {$dictname} ("; if ($lexize != '') $sql .= " LEXIZE = {$lexize}"; if ($init != '') $sql .= ", INIT = {$init}"; $sql .= ")"; $whatToComment = 'TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE'; } else { $sql .= " DICTIONARY {$dictname} ("; if ($template != '') $sql .= " TEMPLATE = {$template}"; if ($option != '') $sql .= ", {$option}"; $sql .= ")"; $whatToComment = 'TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY'; }
if ($comment != '') { $status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) return -1; }
// Create the FTS dictionary $status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; }
// Set the comment if ($comment != '') { $status = $this->setComment($whatToComment, $dictname, '', $comment); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; } }
return $this->endTransaction(); }
/** * Alters FTS dictionary or dictionary template */ function updateFtsDictionary($dictname, $comment, $name) { $this->fieldClean($dictname); $this->fieldClean($name); $this->clean($comment);
$status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; }
$status = $this->setComment('TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY', $dictname, '', $comment); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; }
// Only if the name has changed if ($name != $dictname) { $sql = "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION \"{$dictname}\" RENAME TO \"{$name}\""; $status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; } }
return $this->endTransaction(); }
/** * Return all information relating to a FTS dictionary * @param $ftsdict The name of the FTS dictionary * @return FTS dictionary information */ function getFtsDictionaryByName($ftsdict) { $this->clean($ftsdict); $sql = "SELECT n.nspname as schema, d.dictname as name, ( SELECT COALESCE(nt.nspname, '(null)')::pg_catalog.text || '.' || t.tmplname FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_template t LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nt ON nt.oid = t.tmplnamespace WHERE d.dicttemplate = t.oid ) AS template, d.dictinitoption as init, pg_catalog.obj_description(d.oid, 'pg_ts_dict') as comment FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict d LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = d.dictnamespace WHERE d.dictname = '{$ftsdict}' AND pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict_is_visible(d.oid) ORDER BY schema, name";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Creates/updates/deletes FTS mapping. * @param string $cfgname The name of the FTS configuration to alter * @param array $mapping Array of tokens' names * @param string $action What to do with the mapping: add, alter or drop * @param string $dictname Dictionary that will process tokens given or null in case of drop action * @return 0 success */ function changeFtsMapping($ftscfg, $mapping, $action, $dictname = null) { $this->fieldClean($ftscfg); $this->fieldClean($dictname); $this->arrayClean($mapping);
if (count($mapping) > 0) { switch ($action) { case 'alter': $whatToDo = "ALTER"; break; case 'drop': $whatToDo = "DROP"; break; default: $whatToDo = "ADD"; break; } $sql = "ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION \"{$ftscfg}\" {$whatToDo} MAPPING FOR "; $sql .= implode(",", $mapping); if ($action != 'drop' && !empty($dictname)) { $sql .= " WITH {$dictname}"; }
$status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; } $status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; } return $this->endTransaction(); } else { return -1; } }
/** * Return all information related to a given FTS configuration's mapping * @param $ftscfg The name of the FTS configuration * @param $mapping The name of the mapping * @return FTS configuration information */ function getFtsMappingByName($ftscfg, $mapping) { $this->fieldClean($ftscfg); $this->fieldClean($mapping);
$getOidSql = "SELECT oid, cfgparser FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config WHERE cfgname = '{$ftscfg}'"; $oidSet = $this->selectSet($getOidSql); $oid = $oidSet->fields['oid']; $cfgparser = $oidSet->fields['cfgparser'];
$getTokenIdSql = "SELECT tokid FROM pg_catalog.ts_token_type({$cfgparser}) WHERE alias = '{$mapping}'"; $tokenIdSet = $this->selectSet($getTokenIdSql); $tokid = $tokenIdSet->fields['tokid'];
$sql = "SELECT (SELECT t.alias FROM pg_catalog.ts_token_type(c.cfgparser) AS t WHERE t.tokid = m.maptokentype) AS name, d.dictname as dictionaries FROM pg_catalog.pg_ts_config AS c, pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_map AS m, pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict d WHERE c.oid = {$oid} AND m.mapcfg = c.oid AND m.maptokentype = {$tokid} AND m.mapdict = d.oid LIMIT 1;"; return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Return list of FTS mappings possible for given parser (specified by given configuration since configuration * can only have 1 parser) */ function getFtsMappings($ftscfg) { $cfg = $this->getFtsConfigurationByName($ftscfg); $sql = "SELECT alias AS name, description FROM pg_catalog.ts_token_type({$cfg->fields['parser_id']}) ORDER BY name"; return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Type functions
/** * Creates a new enum type in the database * @param $name The name of the type * @param $values An array of values * @param $typcomment Type comment * @return 0 success * @return -1 transaction error * @return -2 no values supplied */ function createEnumType($name, $values, $typcomment) { $this->fieldClean($name); $this->clean($typcomment);
if (empty($values)) return -2;
$status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) return -1;
$values = array_unique($values);
$nbval = count($values);
for ($i = 0; $i < $nbval; $i++) $this->clean($values[$i]);
$sql = "CREATE TYPE \"{$this->_schema}\".\"{$name}\" AS ENUM ('"; $sql.= implode("','", $values); $sql .= "')";
$status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; }
if ($typcomment != '') { $status = $this->setComment('TYPE', $name, '', $typcomment, true); if ($status) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; } }
return $this->endTransaction();
/** * Get defined values for a given enum * @return A recordset */ function getEnumValues($name) { $this->fieldClean($name);
$sql = "SELECT enumlabel AS enumval FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t JOIN pg_catalog.pg_enum e ON (t.oid=e.enumtypid) WHERE t.typname = '{$name}' ORDER BY e.oid"; return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Function methods
/** * Creates a new function. * @param $funcname The name of the function to create * @param $args A comma separated string of types * @param $returns The return type * @param $definition The definition for the new function * @param $language The language the function is written for * @param $flags An array of optional flags * @param $setof True if it returns a set, false otherwise * @param $rows number of rows planner should estimate will be returned * @param $cost cost the planner should use in the function execution step * @param $replace (optional) True if OR REPLACE, false for normal * @return 0 success */ function createFunction($funcname, $args, $returns, $definition, $language, $flags, $setof, $cost, $rows, $replace = false) { $this->fieldClean($funcname); $this->clean($args); $this->clean($language); $this->arrayClean($flags); $this->clean($cost); $this->clean($rows);
$sql = "CREATE"; if ($replace) $sql .= " OR REPLACE"; $sql .= " FUNCTION \"{$this->_schema}\".\"{$funcname}\" (";
if ($args != '') $sql .= $args;
// For some reason, the returns field cannot have quotes... $sql .= ") RETURNS "; if ($setof) $sql .= "SETOF "; $sql .= "{$returns} AS ";
if (is_array($definition)) { $this->arrayClean($definition); $sql .= "'" . $definition[0] . "'"; if ($definition[1]) { $sql .= ",'" . $definition[1] . "'"; } } else { $this->clean($definition); $sql .= "'" . $definition . "'"; }
$sql .= " LANGUAGE \"{$language}\"";
// Add costs if (!empty($cost)) $sql .= " COST {$cost}";
if ($rows <> 0 ){ $sql .= " ROWS {$rows}"; }
// Add flags foreach ($flags as $v) { // Skip default flags if ($v == '') continue; else $sql .= "\n{$v}"; }
return $this->execute($sql); }
/** * Returns all details for a particular function * @param $func The name of the function to retrieve * @return Function info */ function getFunction($function_oid) { $this->clean($function_oid);
$sql = "SELECT pc.oid AS prooid, proname, pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(proowner) AS proowner, nspname as proschema, lanname as prolanguage, procost, prorows, pg_catalog.format_type(prorettype, NULL) as proresult, prosrc, probin, proretset, proisstrict, provolatile, prosecdef, pg_catalog.oidvectortypes(pc.proargtypes) AS proarguments, proargnames AS proargnames, pg_catalog.obj_description(pc.oid, 'pg_proc') AS procomment, proconfig FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc pc, pg_catalog.pg_language pl, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn WHERE pc.oid = '{$function_oid}'::oid AND pc.prolang = pl.oid AND pc.pronamespace = pn.oid ";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Trigger functions
/** * Grabs a list of triggers on a table * @param $table The name of a table whose triggers to retrieve * @return A recordset */ function getTriggers($table = '') { $this->clean($table);
$sql = "SELECT t.tgname, pg_catalog.pg_get_triggerdef(t.oid) AS tgdef, CASE WHEN t.tgenabled = 'D' THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END AS tgenabled, p.oid AS prooid, p.proname || ' (' || pg_catalog.oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes) || ')' AS proproto, ns.nspname AS pronamespace FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger t, pg_catalog.pg_proc p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace ns WHERE t.tgrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname='{$table}' AND relnamespace=(SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname='{$this->_schema}')) AND (NOT tgisconstraint OR NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_depend d JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint c ON (d.refclassid = c.tableoid AND d.refobjid = c.oid) WHERE d.classid = t.tableoid AND d.objid = t.oid AND d.deptype = 'i' AND c.contype = 'f')) AND p.oid=t.tgfoid AND p.pronamespace = ns.oid";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Capabilities function hasCreateTableLikeWithIndexes() {return true;} function hasVirtualTransactionId() {return true;} function hasEnumTypes() {return true;} function hasFTS() {return true;} function hasFunctionCosting() {return true;} function hasFunctionGUC() {return true;} } ?>