Viewing file: rules.php (7.02 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * List rules on a table OR view * * $Id: rules.php,v 1.33 2007/08/31 18:30:11 ioguix Exp $ */
// Include application functions include_once('./libraries/');
$action = (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : '';
/** * Confirm and then actually create a rule */ function createRule($confirm, $msg = '') { global $data, $misc; global $lang;
if (!isset($_POST['name'])) $_POST['name'] = ''; if (!isset($_POST['event'])) $_POST['event'] = ''; if (!isset($_POST['where'])) $_POST['where'] = ''; if (!isset($_POST['type'])) $_POST['type'] = 'SOMETHING'; if (!isset($_POST['raction'])) $_POST['raction'] = '';
if ($confirm) { $misc->printTrail($_REQUEST['subject']); $misc->printTitle($lang['strcreaterule'],'pg.rule.create'); $misc->printMsg($msg);
echo "<form action=\"rules.php\" method=\"post\">\n"; echo "<table>\n"; echo "<tr><th class=\"data left required\">{$lang['strname']}</th>\n"; echo "<td class=\"data1\"><input name=\"name\" size=\"16\" maxlength=\"{$data->_maxNameLen}\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']), "\" /></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th class=\"data left required\">{$lang['strevent']}</th>\n"; echo "<td class=\"data1\"><select name=\"event\">\n"; foreach ($data->rule_events as $v) { echo "<option value=\"{$v}\"", ($v == $_POST['event']) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ">{$v}</option>\n"; } echo "</select></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th class=\"data left\">{$lang['strwhere']}</th>\n"; echo "<td class=\"data1\"><input name=\"where\" size=\"32\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_POST['where']), "\" /></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th class=\"data left\"><label for=\"instead\">{$lang['strinstead']}</label></th>\n"; echo "<td class=\"data1\">"; echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"instead\" name=\"instead\" ", (isset($_POST['instead'])) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', " />\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th class=\"data left required\">{$lang['straction']}</th>\n"; echo "<td class=\"data1\">"; echo "<input type=\"radio\" id=\"type1\" name=\"type\" value=\"NOTHING\"", ($_POST['type'] == 'NOTHING') ? ' checked="checked"' : '', " /> <label for=\"type1\">NOTHING</label><br />\n"; echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"SOMETHING\"", ($_POST['type'] == 'SOMETHING') ? ' checked="checked"' : '', " />\n"; echo "(<input name=\"raction\" size=\"32\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_POST['raction']), "\" />)</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"save_create_rule\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['subject']), "\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['subject']), "\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['subject']]), "\" />\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"ok\" value=\"{$lang['strcreate']}\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"{$lang['strcancel']}\" /></p>\n"; echo "</form>\n";
} else { if (trim($_POST['name']) == '') createRule(true, $lang['strruleneedsname']); else { $status = $data->createRule($_POST['name'], $_POST['event'], $_POST[$_POST['subject']], $_POST['where'], isset($_POST['instead']), $_POST['type'], $_POST['raction']); if ($status == 0) doDefault($lang['strrulecreated']); else createRule(true, $lang['strrulecreatedbad']); } } }
/** * Show confirmation of drop and perform actual drop */ function doDrop($confirm) { global $data, $misc; global $lang;
if ($confirm) { $misc->printTrail($_REQUEST['subject']); $misc->printTitle($lang['strdrop'],'pg.rule.drop'); echo "<p>", sprintf($lang['strconfdroprule'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['rule']), $misc->printVal($_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['reltype']])), "</p>\n";
echo "<form action=\"rules.php\" method=\"post\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"drop\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['reltype']), "\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['reltype']), "\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['reltype']]), "\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rule\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['rule']), "\" />\n"; echo $misc->form; // Show cascade drop option if supportd if ($data->hasDropBehavior()) { echo "<p><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"cascade\" name=\"cascade\" /> <label for=\"cascade\">{$lang['strcascade']}</label></p>\n"; } echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"yes\" value=\"{$lang['stryes']}\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"no\" value=\"{$lang['strno']}\" />\n"; echo "</form>\n"; } else { $status = $data->dropRule($_POST['rule'], $_POST[$_POST['subject']], isset($_POST['cascade'])); if ($status == 0) doDefault($lang['strruledropped']); else doDefault($lang['strruledroppedbad']); }
/** * List all the rules on the table */ function doDefault($msg = '') { global $data, $misc; global $lang;
$misc->printTrail($_REQUEST['subject']); $misc->printTabs($_REQUEST['subject'], 'rules'); $misc->printMsg($msg);
$rules = $data->getRules($_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['subject']]);
$columns = array( 'rule' => array( 'title' => $lang['strname'], 'field' => field('rulename'), ), 'definition' => array( 'title' => $lang['strdefinition'], 'field' => field('definition'), ), 'actions' => array( 'title' => $lang['stractions'], ), );
$subject = urlencode($_REQUEST['subject']); $object = urlencode($_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['subject']]);
$actions = array( 'drop' => array( 'title' => $lang['strdrop'], 'url' => "rules.php?action=confirm_drop&{$misc->href}&reltype={$subject}&{$subject}={$object}&subject=rule&", 'vars' => array('rule' => 'rulename'), ), );
$misc->printTable($rules, $columns, $actions, $lang['strnorules']);
echo "<p><a class=\"navlink\" href=\"rules.php?action=create_rule&{$misc->href}&{$subject}={$object}&subject={$subject}\">{$lang['strcreaterule']}</a></p>\n"; }
function doTree() { global $misc, $data;
$rules = $data->getRules($_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['subject']]);
$reqvars = $misc->getRequestVars($_REQUEST['subject']);
$attrs = array( 'text' => field('rulename'), 'icon' => 'Rule', );
$misc->printTreeXML($rules, $attrs); exit; }
if ($action == 'tree') doTree(); // Different header if we're view rules or table rules $misc->printHeader($_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['subject']] . ' - ' . $lang['strrules']); $misc->printBody();
switch ($action) { case 'create_rule': createRule(true); break; case 'save_create_rule': if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) doDefault(); else createRule(false); break; case 'drop': if (isset($_POST['yes'])) doDrop(false); else doDefault(); break; case 'confirm_drop': doDrop(true); break; default: doDefault(); break; } $misc->printFooter();