Viewing file: msgboard.disabled.phtml (19.64 KB) -rw-rw-r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
require(''); require('');
/* actions:
- new topic "Create!" - new message (in a topic) - display topic list - display messages (on a topic)
function cantpost() { global $REMOTE_ADDR;
$toreview='f'; return $toreview; /* 139.134.108.x 139.134.109.x 139.134.220.x 139.134.221.x 139.134.222.x 139.134.223.x 139.134.224.x - 'KIP' posted from here some vulgarities on the 1st Sep. 99 - - Nickos and 'David Sloan' & co. - - Nickos and 'David Sloan' & co. */
if (ereg("^139.134.108",$REMOTE_ADDR)) $toreview='t'; if (ereg("^139.134.109",$REMOTE_ADDR)) $toreview='t'; if (ereg("^139.134.220",$REMOTE_ADDR)) $toreview='t'; if (ereg("^139.134.221",$REMOTE_ADDR)) $toreview='t'; if (ereg("^139.134.222",$REMOTE_ADDR)) $toreview='t'; if (ereg("^139.134.223",$REMOTE_ADDR)) $toreview='t'; if (ereg("^139.134.224",$REMOTE_ADDR)) $toreview='t'; if (ereg("^203.109.226",$REMOTE_ADDR)) $toreview='t'; if ($REMOTE_ADDR=='') $toreview='t'; if ($REMOTE_ADDR=='') $toreview='t'; if ($REMOTE_ADDR=='') $toreview='t'; if ($REMOTE_ADDR=='') $toreview='t'; if ($REMOTE_ADDR=='') $toreview='t'; if ($REMOTE_ADDR=='') $toreview='t'; if ($REMOTE_ADDR=='') $toreview='t'; if ($REMOTE_ADDR=='') $toreview='t';
// if ($REMOTE_ADDR=='') $toreview='t'; // if ($REMOTE_ADDR=='') $toreview='t';
return $toreview; }
function new_topic($conn) { global $name, $password, $text, $topic;
if (authorized($conn,"topic",$name,$password)) { if ($text=="") { disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Topic creation - empty text"); error("You haven't specified a topic!</p>\n"); disp_tail(); } else { $result=pg_exec($conn,"select nextval ('msgboard topics_id_seq');"); $obj=pg_Fetch_Array($result,0); $topic=$obj[0]; $expired=cantpost(); if (pg_exec($conn,"insert into \"msgboard topics\" (text, id, modified, expired, messagecount) values ('".ucwords(strtolower($text))."',".$topic.",now(),'".$expired."',0);")) { //disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Topic creation successful"); //echo "Your topic '".htmlentities($text)."' was successfully created."; pg_exec($conn,"notify newtopic;"); display_thread($conn,$topic); } else { disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Topic creation failed"); error("Your topic could not be created due to an error."); disp_tail(); } } }
function email_account_status($conn,$name) { $result=pg_exec($conn,"select * from users where name='".$name."';"); if (pg_numrows($result)>0) { $obj=pg_fetch_array($result,0); mail($obj[email],"Your account on the AX discussion board","Welcome ".$obj[name].",\n\nYour login name is: '".$obj[name]."'\nBe careful to type it exactly as it appears between the quotes when posting to allow the board to recognize you.\nYour password for the AX message board is: ".$obj[password]."\nYour registration has ".($obj[registered]=='t'?"":"not yet ")."been approved.\nYour account is currently ".($obj[enabled]=='t'?"enabled":"disabled").".\n\nYou can reach the board at\n\nThank you,\nThe AX Team"); echo "<p>Now we emailed you your account information.</p>"; } else { echo "<p>There is no user registered with the name '".$name."'. You might want to check the spelling.<br>If you spelled your name right, then you are not yet registerd with us. Please register below.</p>"; disp_register_form(); } }
function new_user($conn) { global $HTTP_POST_VARS,$REMOTE_ADDR;
$name=$HTTP_POST_VARS["name"]; $email=$HTTP_POST_VARS["email"];
$result=pg_exec($conn,"select * from users where name='".trim($name)."';"); if (pg_numrows($result)>0) { disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","User registration failed"); echo "<p>There is already an user registered with that name.<br>Please enter a different name.</p>"; disp_register_form(); disp_tail(); } else { mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $password = mt_rand(1000,9999); pg_exec($conn,"insert into users (name,password,email,registered,enabled,ip) values ('".trim($name)."','".$password."','".trim($email)."','f','f','".$REMOTE_ADDR."');"); disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Registration complete"); echo "<p>You registration request is in the queue to be approved. Upon approval, your logon password will be emailed to you at the following address: ".$email."</p>"; echo "<p>Note, that your account is not enabled yet, but it will get manually approved usually in a day.</p>"; disp_tail(); } }
function disp_forgot_pwd_form() { global $name;
disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Forgotten password"); echo "<p>Forgot your password? Enter your username and we will send your account information to the email address listed in our database.</p>"; echo "<p>If you have any questions, please contact us at <a href=\"\"></p>"; echo "<form method=post url=\"".$PHP_SELF."\">\n"; echo "<table>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Name:<td><input type=text name=\"name\" size=40 value=\"".$name."\">\n"; echo "<tr><td><td><input type=submit name=action value=\"I forgot my password!\">\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; disp_tail(); }
function disp_register_form() { global $name,$email;
echo "<p>Please choose an user name that you will want to use on this message board. We are sorry, but we will not allow you to change it later. Note, that capitalization is important: when posting you will have to type your name exactly as you typed it here; e.g. if you register with 'Somebody' you won't be able to post with 'SOMEBODY'.</p>"; echo "<p>Please enter your email address. After approving your registration, we will send you your password to this email account.</p>"; echo "<p>At the present time, our policy is that Australian readers are not able to register with a free web-based email, such as hotmail or yahoo mail. If you have any questions regarding this, please let us know at <a href=\"\"></a></p>"; echo "<p><b>Note: the email address you give will not be visible to others, and will only be used for sending your account information to. If you don't give an email address, or give a wrong email address, we will not be able to send you your registration information, and you will have to register again with a valid email address.</b></p>"; echo "<form method=post url=\"".$PHP_SELF."\">\n"; echo "<table>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Name:<td><input type=text name=\"name\" size=40 value=\"".$name."\">\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Email address:<td><input type=text name=\"email\" size=40 value=\"".$email."\">\n"; echo "<tr><td><td><input type=submit name=action value=\"Register!\">\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; }
function unauthorized($kind,$why) { disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Message/topic creation failed"); echo("<p>Your message/topic could not be posted because ".$why."</p>"); disp_tail(); }
function authorized($conn,$kind,$name,$password) { $result=pg_exec($conn,"select * from users where name='".$name."';");
if (pg_numrows($result)==0) { disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board",$kind." creation failed"); echo("<p>Your ".$kind." could not be posted because you are not a registered user.</p>"); echo("<p>Please register now!</p>"); disp_register_form(); disp_tail(); return false; } else { $obj=pg_fetch_array($result,0); if ($obj[password]!=$password) { disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board",$kind." creation failed"); echo("<p>Your ".$kind." could not be posted because the password you submitted was wrong.</p>"); if ($kind=="message") disp_new_message_form(); else disp_new_topic_form(); disp_tail(); return false; } else if ($obj[registered]=='f') { unauthorized($kind,"your registration has not been approved yet."); return false; } else if ($obj[enabled]=='f') { unauthorized($kind,"your account is currently disabled."); return false; } else return true; } }
function new_message($conn) { global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $REMOTE_ADDR, $name, $password, $email, $url, $msgtype;
if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[name]!=$HTTP_POST_VARS[name]) { pg_exec($conn,"insert into namechange (oldname,newname,ipaddr,date) values ('".$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[name]."','".$HTTP_POST_VARS[name]."','".$REMOTE_ADDR."',now());"); setcookie("name",$HTTP_POST_VARS[name],time()+3650*86400); $name=$HTTP_POST_VARS[name]; } if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[password]!=$HTTP_POST_VARS[password] && $HTTP_POST_VARS[savepassword]=="yes") { setcookie("password",$HTTP_POST_VARS[password],time()+3650*86400); $password=$HTTP_POST_VARS[password]; } if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[email]!=$HTTP_POST_VARS[email]) { setcookie("email",$HTTP_POST_VARS[email],time()+3650*86400); $email=$HTTP_POST_VARS[email]; } if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[url]!=$HTTP_POST_VARS[url]) { setcookie("url",$HTTP_POST_VARS[url],time()+3650*86400); $url=$HTTP_POST_VARS[url]; } if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[msgtype]!=$HTTP_POST_VARS[msgtype]) { setcookie("msgtype",$HTTP_POST_VARS[msgtype],time()+3650*86400); $msgtype=$HTTP_POST_VARS[msgtype]; } if ($msgtype!="HTML") $text=htmlentities($text);
if (authorized($conn,"message",$name,$password)) {
$toreview=cantpost(); $expired=$toreview;
if (pg_exec($conn,"insert into \"msgboard messages\" (topic,name,email,url,subject,date,expired,toreview,text,ipaddr) values (".$HTTP_POST_VARS[topic].",'".$HTTP_POST_VARS[name]."','".$HTTP_POST_VARS[email]."','".$HTTP_POST_VARS[url]."','".$HTTP_POST_VARS[subject]."',now(),'".$expired."','".$toreview."','".$HTTP_POST_VARS[text]."','".$REMOTE_ADDR."');")) { pg_exec($conn,"insert into posters_today (date,name) values(now(),'".$HTTP_POST_VARS[name]."');"); $HTTP_POST_VARS[text]=''; if ($toreview!='t') { pg_exec($conn,"update \"msgboard topics\" set modified=now(), messagecount=messagecount+1 where id=".$HTTP_POST_VARS[topic].";"); pg_exec($conn,"notify newmsg;"); } display_thread($conn,$HTTP_POST_VARS[topic]); } else { disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Message creation failed"); error("Your message could not be posted due to an error."); disp_tail(); } } else { } }
function disp_new_topic_form() { global $name,$text,$password,$PHP_SELF;
echo "<form method=post>\n"; echo "<table>"; echo "<caption>Create a new topic!</caption>"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Username:<td><input type=text name=\"name\" value=\"".$name."\">\n"; echo "<a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."?action=forgotpwd\">Forget your password?</a>"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Password:<td><input type=password name=\"password\" value=\"".$password."\">\n"; echo"<tr><td align=right>Topic name:<td><input type=text name=text maxlength=50 value=\"".$text."\">\n"; echo "<tr><td><td><input type=submit name=action value=\"Create!\">\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; }
function display_topics($conn) { global $PHP_SELF,$HTTP_USER_AGENT; if (strpos(strtoupper($HTTP_USER_AGENT),"MSIE")) $targetstring=" target=_blank"; /* $result=pg_exec($conn,"select topic,count(*) from \"msgboard messages\" where expired<>'t' group by topic;");
$rows=pg_numrows($result); for($row=0;$row<$rows;$row++) { $obj=pg_fetch_array($result,$row); $darab[$obj[topic]]=$obj[count]; pg_exec($conn,"update \"msgboard topics\" set messagecount=".$obj[count]." where id=".$obj[topic].";"); } */ $result=pg_exec($conn,"select *, date_part('epoch',modified::datetime) from \"msgboard topics\" where expired<>'t' order by modified desc;"); if (!$result) { disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Error listing topics"); error("An error occured while listing the topics."); disp_tail(); exit(); } disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","List of topics"); $timeresult=pg_exec('select current_timestamp;'); $obj=pg_fetch_array($timeresult,0); echo "<p align=center><font color=#c46802>Want to post? Please <a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."?action=register\">register here</a>.</font></p>"; echo "Is <b>",substr($obj[0],0,19),"</b> your local time? If not, click <a href=\"tzset?back=msgboard\">here</a> to set your timezone!</p>";
$rows=pg_numrows($result); if ($rows==0) {echo "<p align=center>There are no topics onboard.</p>";} else { echo "<table>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Topic<th>Messages<th>Last modified</tr>\n"; for($row=0;$row<$rows;$row++) { echo "<tr>"; $obj=pg_fetch_array($result,$row); echo "<td><a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."?action=dispthread&topic=".$obj[id]."&junk=".urlencode($obj[date_part])."\"".$targetstring.">".htmlentities($obj[text])."</a></td>\n"; echo "<td align=right>".$obj[messagecount]."</td>\n"; echo "<td>".substr($obj[modified],0,19)."</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>"; }
pg_exec('update hitcounter set msgboard=msgboard+1;'); $hitresult=pg_exec('select * from hitcounter;'); $hits=pg_fetch_array($hitresult,0); echo "<p>Hit counter (started on 1999-07-18): <b>",$hits[0],"</b> hits up to now.<br>";
$hitresult=pg_exec('delete from hits_today where date<(\'now\'::timestamp+\'1 day ago\'::reltime)::timestamp;'); $hitresult=pg_exec('select count(date) from hits_today;'); $hits=pg_fetch_array($hitresult,0); echo "Daily hit counter: <b>",$hits[0],"</b> hits in the last 24 hours.<br>"; $posterresult=pg_exec('delete from posters_today where date<(\'now\'::timestamp+\'1 day ago\'::reltime)::timestamp;'); $posterresult=pg_exec('select distinct name from posters_today;'); $posters=pg_numrows($posterresult); echo "Daily poster counter: <b>",$posters,"</b> people posted in the last 24 hours.<br>"; $postresult=pg_exec('select count(date) from "msgboard messages" where (date::datetime)>=(\'now\'::timestamp+\'1 day ago\'::reltime);'); $posts=pg_fetch_array($postresult,0); echo "Daily message counter: <b>",$posts[0],"</b> posted messages in the last 24 hours.<br>"; if ($posts[0]!=0) { echo "Daily posting ratio: <b>",sprintf("%.3f",$hits[0]/$posts[0]),"</b> hits/posted message in the last 24 hours.<br>"; } echo "Note: MSIE browsers blindly refresh once every five minutes; Netscape browsers refresh only when any visitor posts a new message.</p>";
disp_tail(); }
function display_thread($conn,$topic) { global $name,$email,$url,$PHP_SELF;
$result=pg_exec("select * from \"msgboard topics\" where id=".$topic.";"); if (pg_numrows($result)==0) { disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Topic ".$topic." not found"); echo "<p align=center><a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."\">[Back to topic list]</a></p>"; error("We could not find this topic.<br>Either it was removed since bookmarked, or we still have bugs in the message board."); disp_tail(); exit(); } $obj=pg_fetch_array($result,0); disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Topic '".htmlentities($obj[text])."'"); echo "<p align=center><a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."\">[Back to topic list]</a></p>"; $result=pg_exec("select * from \"msgboard messages\" where topic=".$topic." and expired<>'t' order by date;"); if (!$result) { disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","Error listing thread '".$obj[text]."'"); echo "<p align=center><a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."\">[Back to topic list]</a></p>"; error("An error occured while listing the messages in this thread."); disp_tail(); exit(); } $rows=pg_numrows($result); if ($rows==0) { echo "There are no messages in this thread.</p>\n"; } else { for ($row=0;$row<$rows;$row++) { $obj=pg_fetch_array($result,$row); disp_message($obj[name],$obj[email],$obj[url],$obj[subject],$obj[date],$obj[text]); } } disp_new_message_form(); echo "<p align=center><a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."\">[Back to topic list]</a></p>"; disp_tail(); }
function disp_person($name,$email,$url) { if ($name=="") { echo "An unknown poster"; } else { if ($email!="") echo "<a href=\"mailto:".$email."\">"; echo $name; if ($email!="") echo "</a>"; if ($url!="") echo " (<a href=\"".$url."\">".$url."</a>)"; } }
function disp_message($name,$email,$url,$subject,$date,$text) { echo "<font color=#4A7DB7>\n"; echo "<font color=#FFCC33>".$subject,"</font><br>\n"; echo $name,"<br>\n"; echo $email,"<br>\n"; echo $url,"<br>\n"; //echo substr($date,0,10),"<br>\n"; echo "</p>"; echo $name," writes:</p>\n"; echo "</font>"; //disp_person($name,$email,$url); //echo " wrote on ".substr($date,0,10)." regarding ".$subject.":<br>\n"; //echo "<pre>\n"; echo "<font color=#FEFFD2>\n"; // #408080 echo(nl2br($text)); echo "</font>"; //echo "</pre>\n"; echo "<hr>\n"; }
function disp_new_message_form() { global $name,$email,$password,$url,$topic,$msgtype,$text,$REMOTE_ADDR,$PHP_SELF;
if (cantpost()=='t') { echo "<p><b>Warning:</b> Someone using the same IP address (".$REMOTE_ADDR.") you are using right now has previously displayed inappropriate behaviour on the board. Therefore as a preventive measure, we are not displaying messages posted from this IP address right away; they will be reviewed instead, and made available for others to read when found appropriate.<br>We apologize for the inconvenience.</p>"; } echo "<form method=post url=\"".$PHP_SELF."\">\n"; echo "<input type=hidden name=topic value=".$topic.">\n"; echo "<table>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Name:<td><input type=text name=\"name\" size=40 value=\"".$name."\">\n"; echo "<a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."?action=forgotpwd\">Forget your password?</a>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Password:<td><input type=password name=\"password\" size=40 value=\"".$password."\">\n"; echo "<input type=checkbox name=savepassword value=yes>Save password\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Email address:<td><input type=text name=\"email\" size=40 value=\"".$email."\">\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right>URL:<td><input type=text name=\"url\" size=40 value=\"".$url."\">\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Subject:<td><input type=text name=\"subject\" size=40 value=\"".$subject."\">\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Message type:<td><input type=radio name=msgtype value=plain"; if ($msgtype!="HTML") echo " checked"; echo ">Plain text <input type=radio name=msgtype value=HTML"; if ($msgtype=="HTML") echo " checked"; echo ">HTML\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right>Text:<td><textarea name=\"text\" rows=20 cols=80 wrap=soft>"; echo $text; echo "</textarea>\n"; echo "<tr><td><td><input type=submit name=action value=\"Send!\">\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; }
function handle_table($conn) { global $action, $timezone, $topic, $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $REMOTE_ADDR, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS;
switch ($action) { case "Create!" : new_topic($conn); break; case "Send!" : new_message($conn); break; case "Register!" : new_user($conn); break; case "I forgot my password!" : disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board",""); email_account_status($conn,$HTTP_POST_VARS[name]); disp_tail(); break; case "dispthread" : display_thread($conn,$topic); break; case "forgotpwd" : disp_forgot_pwd_form(); break; case "register" : disp_preamble("The Ax Discussion Board","New user registration"); disp_register_form(); disp_tail(); break; default : pg_exec($conn,"set time zone '$timezone';"); pg_exec($conn,"listen newtopic;"); pg_exec($conn,"listen newmsg;"); pg_exec($conn,"insert into agents (agent,ipaddr,date,username) values('".$HTTP_USER_AGENT."','".$REMOTE_ADDR."',now(),'".$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[name]."');"); pg_exec($conn,"insert into hits_today (date) values(now());"); if ((strpos(strtoupper($HTTP_USER_AGENT),"MSIE")) | (strtoupper(substr($HTTP_USER_AGENT,0,4))=="LYNX")) { display_topics($conn); } else { multipart_init("ThisRandomString"); while(!connection_aborted()) { multipart_open('text/html'); display_topics($conn); multipart_close(); pg_getnotify($conn,1); } multipart_done(); } break; } } handle_table(pg_connect("","","","","ax")); ?>