Viewing file: actions.php (12.32 KB) -rw-rw-r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * DokuWiki Actions * * @license GPL 2 ( * @author Andreas Gohr <> */
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',fullpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../').'/'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/template.php');
/** * Call the needed action handlers * * @author Andreas Gohr <> * @triggers ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS * @triggers ACTION_HEADERS_SEND */ function act_dispatch(){ global $INFO; global $ACT; global $ID; global $QUERY; global $lang; global $conf;
// give plugins an opportunity to process the action $evt = new Doku_Event('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS',$ACT); if ($evt->advise_before()) {
//sanitize $ACT $ACT = act_clean($ACT);
//check if searchword was given - else just show $s = cleanID($QUERY); if($ACT == 'search' && empty($s)){ $ACT = 'show'; }
//login stuff if(in_array($ACT,array('login','logout'))){ $ACT = act_auth($ACT); }
//check if user is asking to (un)subscribe a page if($ACT == 'subscribe' || $ACT == 'unsubscribe') $ACT = act_subscription($ACT);
//check if user is asking to (un)subscribe a namespace if($ACT == 'subscribens' || $ACT == 'unsubscribens') $ACT = act_subscriptionns($ACT);
//check permissions $ACT = act_permcheck($ACT);
//register $nil = array(); if($ACT == 'register' && $_POST['save'] && register()){ $ACT = 'login'; }
if ($ACT == 'resendpwd' && act_resendpwd()) { $ACT = 'login'; }
//update user profile if (($ACT == 'profile') && updateprofile()) { msg($lang['profchanged'],1); $ACT = 'show'; }
//save if($ACT == 'save'){ if(checkSecurityToken()){ $ACT = act_save($ACT); }else{ $ACT = 'show'; } }
//cancel conflicting edit if($ACT == 'cancel') $ACT = 'show';
//draft deletion if($ACT == 'draftdel') $ACT = act_draftdel($ACT);
//draft saving on preview if($ACT == 'preview') $ACT = act_draftsave($ACT);
//edit if(($ACT == 'edit' || $ACT == 'preview') && $INFO['editable']){ $ACT = act_edit($ACT); }else{ unlock($ID); //try to unlock }
//handle export if(substr($ACT,0,7) == 'export_') $ACT = act_export($ACT);
//display some infos if($ACT == 'check'){ check(); $ACT = 'show'; }
//handle admin tasks if($ACT == 'admin'){ // retrieve admin plugin name from $_REQUEST['page'] if (!empty($_REQUEST['page'])) { $pluginlist = plugin_list('admin'); if (in_array($_REQUEST['page'], $pluginlist)) { // attempt to load the plugin if ($plugin =& plugin_load('admin',$_REQUEST['page']) !== NULL) $plugin->handle(); } } }
// check permissions again - the action may have changed $ACT = act_permcheck($ACT); } // end event ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS default action $evt->advise_after(); unset($evt);
//call template FIXME: all needed vars available? $headers[] = 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'; trigger_event('ACTION_HEADERS_SEND',$headers,'act_sendheaders');
include(template('main.php')); // output for the commands is now handled in inc/templates.php // in function tpl_content() }
function act_sendheaders($headers) { foreach ($headers as $hdr) header($hdr); }
/** * Sanitize the action command * * Add all allowed commands here. * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function act_clean($act){ global $lang; global $conf;
// check if the action was given as array key if(is_array($act)){ list($act) = array_keys($act); }
//remove all bad chars $act = strtolower($act); $act = preg_replace('/[^1-9a-z_]+/','',$act);
if($act == 'export_html') $act = 'export_xhtml'; if($act == 'export_htmlbody') $act = 'export_xhtmlbody';
// check if action is disabled if(!actionOK($act)){ msg('Command disabled: '.htmlspecialchars($act),-1); return 'show'; }
//disable all acl related commands if ACL is disabled if(!$conf['useacl'] && in_array($act,array('login','logout','register','admin', 'subscribe','unsubscribe','profile', 'resendpwd','subscribens','unsubscribens',))){ msg('Command unavailable: '.htmlspecialchars($act),-1); return 'show'; }
if(!in_array($act,array('login','logout','register','save','cancel','edit','draft', 'preview','search','show','check','index','revisions', 'diff','recent','backlink','admin','subscribe', 'unsubscribe','profile','resendpwd','recover','wordblock', 'draftdel','subscribens','unsubscribens',)) && substr($act,0,7) != 'export_' ) { msg('Command unknown: '.htmlspecialchars($act),-1); return 'show'; } return $act; }
/** * Run permissionchecks * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function act_permcheck($act){ global $INFO; global $conf;
if(in_array($act,array('save','preview','edit','recover'))){ if($INFO['exists']){ if($act == 'edit'){ //the edit function will check again and do a source show //when no AUTH_EDIT available $permneed = AUTH_READ; }else{ $permneed = AUTH_EDIT; } }else{ $permneed = AUTH_CREATE; } }elseif(in_array($act,array('login','search','recent','profile'))){ $permneed = AUTH_NONE; }elseif($act == 'register'){ $permneed = AUTH_NONE; }elseif($act == 'resendpwd'){ $permneed = AUTH_NONE; }elseif($act == 'admin'){ if($INFO['ismanager']){ // if the manager has the needed permissions for a certain admin // action is checked later $permneed = AUTH_READ; }else{ $permneed = AUTH_ADMIN; } }else{ $permneed = AUTH_READ; } if($INFO['perm'] >= $permneed) return $act;
return 'denied'; }
/** * Handle 'draftdel' * * Deletes the draft for the current page and user */ function act_draftdel($act){ global $INFO; @unlink($INFO['draft']); $INFO['draft'] = null; return 'show'; }
/** * Saves a draft on preview * * @todo this currently duplicates code from ajax.php :-/ */ function act_draftsave($act){ global $INFO; global $ID; global $conf; if($conf['usedraft'] && $_POST['wikitext']){ $draft = array('id' => $ID, 'prefix' => $_POST['prefix'], 'text' => $_POST['wikitext'], 'suffix' => $_POST['suffix'], 'date' => $_POST['date'], 'client' => $INFO['client'], ); $cname = getCacheName($draft['client'].$ID,'.draft'); if(io_saveFile($cname,serialize($draft))){ $INFO['draft'] = $cname; } } return $act; }
/** * Handle 'save' * * Checks for spam and conflicts and saves the page. * Does a redirect to show the page afterwards or * returns a new action. * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function act_save($act){ global $ID; global $DATE; global $PRE; global $TEXT; global $SUF; global $SUM;
//spam check if(checkwordblock()) return 'wordblock'; //conflict check //FIXME use INFO if($DATE != 0 && @filemtime(wikiFN($ID)) > $DATE ) return 'conflict';
//save it saveWikiText($ID,con($PRE,$TEXT,$SUF,1),$SUM,$_REQUEST['minor']); //use pretty mode for con //unlock it unlock($ID);
//delete draft act_draftdel($act);
//show it session_write_close(); header("Location: ".wl($ID,'',true)); exit(); }
/** * Handle 'login', 'logout' * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function act_auth($act){ global $ID; global $INFO;
//already logged in? if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] && $act=='login'){ header("Location: ".wl($ID,'',true)); exit; }
//handle logout if($act=='logout'){ $lockedby = checklock($ID); //page still locked? if($lockedby == $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) unlock($ID); //try to unlock
// do the logout stuff auth_logoff();
// rebuild info array $INFO = pageinfo();
return 'login'; }
return $act; }
/** * Handle 'edit', 'preview' * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function act_edit($act){ global $ID; global $INFO;
//check if locked by anyone - if not lock for my self $lockedby = checklock($ID); if($lockedby) return 'locked';
lock($ID); return $act; }
/** * Handle 'edit', 'preview' * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function act_export($act){ global $ID; global $REV;
// search engines: never cache exported docs! (Google only currently) header('X-Robots-Tag: noindex');
// no renderer for this if($act == 'export_raw'){ header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); print rawWiki($ID,$REV); exit; }
// html export #FIXME what about the template's style? if($act == 'export_xhtml'){ global $conf; global $lang; header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ptln('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"'); ptln(' "">'); ptln('<html xmlns="" xml:lang="'.$conf['lang'].'"'); ptln(' lang="'.$conf['lang'].'" dir="'.$lang['direction'].'">'); ptln('<head>'); ptln(' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'); ptln(' <title>'.$ID.'</title>'); tpl_metaheaders(); ptln('</head>'); ptln('<body>'); ptln('<div class="dokuwiki export">'); $html = p_wiki_xhtml($ID,$REV,false); tpl_toc(); echo $html; ptln('</div>'); ptln('</body>'); ptln('</html>'); exit; }
// html body only if($act == 'export_xhtmlbody'){ $html = p_wiki_xhtml($ID,$REV,false); tpl_toc(); echo $html; exit; }
// try to run renderer $mode = substr($act,7); $text = p_cached_output(wikiFN($ID,$REV), $mode); $headers = p_get_metadata($ID,"format $mode"); if(!is_null($text)){ if(is_array($headers)) foreach($headers as $key => $val){ header("$key: $val"); } print $text; exit; }
return 'show'; }
/** * Handle page 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe' * * @author Steven Danz <> * @todo localize */ function act_subscription($act){ global $ID; global $INFO; global $lang;
$file=metaFN($ID,'.mlist'); if ($act=='subscribe' && !$INFO['subscribed']){ if ($INFO['userinfo']['mail']){ if (io_saveFile($file,$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']."\n",true)) { $INFO['subscribed'] = true; msg(sprintf($lang[$act.'_success'], $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $ID),1); } else { msg(sprintf($lang[$act.'_error'], $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $ID),1); } } else { msg($lang['subscribe_noaddress']); } } elseif ($act=='unsubscribe' && $INFO['subscribed']){ if (io_deleteFromFile($file,$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']."\n")) { $INFO['subscribed'] = false; msg(sprintf($lang[$act.'_success'], $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $ID),1); } else { msg(sprintf($lang[$act.'_error'], $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $ID),1); } }
return 'show'; }
/** * Handle namespace 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe' * */ function act_subscriptionns($act){ global $ID; global $INFO; global $lang;
if(!getNS($ID)) { $file = metaFN(getNS($ID),'.mlist'); $ns = "root"; } else { $file = metaFN(getNS($ID),'/.mlist'); $ns = getNS($ID); }
// reuse strings used to display the status of the subscribe action $act_msg = rtrim($act, 'ns');
if ($act=='subscribens' && !$INFO['subscribedns']){ if ($INFO['userinfo']['mail']){ if (io_saveFile($file,$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']."\n",true)) { $INFO['subscribedns'] = true; msg(sprintf($lang[$act_msg.'_success'], $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $ns),1); } else { msg(sprintf($lang[$act_msg.'_error'], $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $ns),1); } } else { msg($lang['subscribe_noaddress']); } } elseif ($act=='unsubscribens' && $INFO['subscribedns']){ if (io_deleteFromFile($file,$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']."\n")) { $INFO['subscribedns'] = false; msg(sprintf($lang[$act_msg.'_success'], $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $ns),1); } else { msg(sprintf($lang[$act_msg.'_error'], $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $ns),1); } }
return 'show'; }
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :