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<?php /** * ACL administration functions * * @license GPL 2 ( * @author Andreas Gohr <> * @author Anika Henke <> (concepts) * @author Frank Schubert <> (old version) */ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'admin.php');
/** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the admin function * need to inherit from this class */ class admin_plugin_acl extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin { var $acl = null; var $ns = null; var $who = ''; var $usersgroups = array();
/** * return some info */ function getInfo(){ return array( 'author' => 'Andreas Gohr', 'email' => '', 'date' => '2008-03-15', 'name' => 'ACL', 'desc' => 'Manage Page Access Control Lists', 'url' => '', ); }
/** * return prompt for admin menu */ function getMenuText($language) { return $this->getLang('admin_acl'); }
/** * return sort order for position in admin menu */ function getMenuSort() { return 1; }
/** * handle user request * * Initializes internal vars and handles modifications * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function handle() { global $AUTH_ACL; global $ID;
// namespace given? if($_REQUEST['ns'] == '*'){ $this->ns = '*'; }else{ $this->ns = cleanID($_REQUEST['ns']); }
// user or group choosen? $who = trim($_REQUEST['acl_w']); if($_REQUEST['acl_t'] == '__g__' && $who){ $this->who = '@'.ltrim($who,'@'); }elseif($_REQUEST['acl_t'] == '__u__' && $who){ $this->who = ltrim($who,'@'); }elseif($_REQUEST['acl_t'] && $_REQUEST['acl_t'] != '__u__' && $_REQUEST['acl_t'] != '__g__'){ $this->who = $_REQUEST['acl_t']; }elseif($who){ $this->who = $who; }
// handle modifications if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){ // scope for modifications if($this->ns){ if($this->ns == '*'){ $scope = '*'; }else{ $scope = $this->ns.':*'; } }else{ $scope = $ID; }
if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd']['save']) && $scope && $this->who && isset($_REQUEST['acl'])){ // handle additions or single modifications $this->_acl_del($scope, $this->who); $this->_acl_add($scope, $this->who, (int) $_REQUEST['acl']); }elseif(isset($_REQUEST['cmd']['del']) && $scope && $this->who){ // handle single deletions $this->_acl_del($scope, $this->who); }elseif(isset($_REQUEST['cmd']['update'])){ // handle update of the whole file foreach((array) $_REQUEST['del'] as $where => $who){ // remove all rules marked for deletion unset($_REQUEST['acl'][$where][$who]); } // prepare lines $lines = array(); // keep header foreach($AUTH_ACL as $line){ if($line{0} == '#'){ $lines[] = $line; }else{ break; } } // re-add all rules foreach((array) $_REQUEST['acl'] as $where => $opt){ foreach($opt as $who => $perm){ $who = auth_nameencode($who,true); $lines[] = "$where\t$who\t$perm\n"; } } // save it io_saveFile(DOKU_CONF.'acl.auth.php', join('',$lines)); }
// reload ACL config $AUTH_ACL = file(DOKU_CONF.'acl.auth.php'); }
// initialize ACL array $this->_init_acl_config(); }
/** * ACL Output function * * print a table with all significant permissions for the * current id * * @author Frank Schubert <> * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function html() { global $ID;
echo '<div id="acl_manager">'.NL; echo '<h1>'.$this->getLang('admin_acl').'</h1>'.NL; echo '<div class="level1">'.NL;
echo '<div id="acl__tree">'.NL; $this->_html_explorer($_REQUEST['ns']); echo '</div>'.NL;
echo '<div id="acl__detail">'.NL; $this->_html_detail(); echo '</div>'.NL; echo '</div>'.NL;
echo '<div class="clearer"></div>'; echo '<h2>'.$this->getLang('current').'</h2>'.NL; echo '<div class="level2">'.NL; $this->_html_table(); echo '</div>'.NL;
echo '</div>'.NL; }
/** * returns array with set options for building links * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _get_opts($addopts=null){ global $ID; $opts = array( 'do'=>'admin', 'page'=>'acl', ); if($this->ns) $opts['ns'] = $this->ns; if($this->who) $opts['acl_w'] = $this->who;
if(is_null($addopts)) return $opts; return array_merge($opts, $addopts); }
/** * Display a tree menu to select a page or namespace * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _html_explorer(){ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/search.php'); global $conf; global $ID; global $lang;
$dir = $conf['datadir']; $ns = $this->ns; if(empty($ns)){ $ns = dirname(str_replace(':','/',$ID)); if($ns == '.') $ns =''; }elseif($ns == '*'){ $ns =''; } $ns = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$ns));
$data = array(); search($data,$conf['datadir'],'search_index',array('ns' => $ns));
// wrap a list with the root level around the other namespaces $item = array( 'level' => 0, 'id' => '*', 'type' => 'd', 'open' =>'true', 'label' => '['.$lang['mediaroot'].']');
echo '<ul class="acltree">'; echo $this->_html_li_acl($item); echo '<div class="li">'; echo $this->_html_list_acl($item); echo '</div>'; echo html_buildlist($data,'acl', array($this,'_html_list_acl'), array($this,'_html_li_acl')); echo '</li>'; echo '</ul>';
/** * Display the current ACL for selected where/who combination with * selectors and modification form * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _html_detail(){ global $conf; global $ID;
echo '<form action="'.wl().'" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"><div class="no">'.NL;
echo '<div id="acl__user">'; echo $this->getLang('acl_perms').' '; $inl = $this->_html_select(); echo '<input type="text" name="acl_w" class="edit" value="'.(($inl)?'':hsc(ltrim($this->who,'@'))).'" />'.NL; echo '<input type="submit" value="'.$this->getLang('btn_select').'" class="button" />'.NL; echo '</div>'.NL;
echo '<div id="acl__info">'; $this->_html_info(); echo '</div>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="ns" value="'.hsc($this->ns).'" />'.NL; echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.hsc($ID).'" />'.NL; echo '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="admin" />'.NL; echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="acl" />'.NL; echo '</div></form>'.NL; }
/** * Print infos and editor */ function _html_info(){ global $ID;
if($this->who){ $current = $this->_get_exact_perm();
// explain current permissions $this->_html_explain($current); // load editor $this->_html_acleditor($current); }else{ echo '<p>'; if($this->ns){ printf($this->getLang('p_choose_ns'),hsc($this->ns)); }else{ printf($this->getLang('p_choose_id'),hsc($ID)); } echo '</p>';
echo $this->locale_xhtml('help'); } }
/** * Display the ACL editor * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _html_acleditor($current){ global $lang;
echo '<fieldset>'; if(is_null($current)){ echo '<legend>'.$this->getLang('acl_new').'</legend>'; }else{ echo '<legend>'.$this->getLang('acl_mod').'</legend>'; }
echo $this->_html_checkboxes($current,empty($this->ns),'acl');
if(is_null($current)){ echo '<input type="submit" name="cmd[save]" class="button" value="'.$lang['btn_save'].'" />'.NL; }else{ echo '<input type="submit" name="cmd[save]" class="button" value="'.$lang['btn_update'].'" />'.NL; echo '<input type="submit" name="cmd[del]" class="button" value="'.$lang['btn_delete'].'" />'.NL; }
echo '</fieldset>'; }
/** * Explain the currently set permissions in plain english/$lang * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _html_explain($current){ global $ID; global $auth;
$who = $this->who; $ns = $this->ns;
// prepare where to check if($ns){ if($ns == '*'){ $check='*'; }else{ $check=$ns.':*'; } }else{ $check = $ID; }
// prepare who to check if($who{0} == '@'){ $user = ''; $groups = array(ltrim($who,'@')); }else{ $user = auth_nameencode($who); $info = $auth->getUserData($user); if($info === false){ $groups = array(); }else{ $groups = $info['groups']; } }
// check the permissions $perm = auth_aclcheck($check,$user,$groups);
// build array of named permissions $names = array(); if($perm){ if($ns){ if($perm >= AUTH_DELETE) $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm16'); if($perm >= AUTH_UPLOAD) $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm8'); if($perm >= AUTH_CREATE) $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm4'); } if($perm >= AUTH_EDIT) $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm2'); if($perm >= AUTH_READ) $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm1'); $names = array_reverse($names); }else{ $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm0'); }
// print permission explanation echo '<p>'; if($user){ if($ns){ printf($this->getLang('p_user_ns'),hsc($who),hsc($ns),join(', ',$names)); }else{ printf($this->getLang('p_user_id'),hsc($who),hsc($ID),join(', ',$names)); } }else{ if($ns){ printf($this->getLang('p_group_ns'),hsc(ltrim($who,'@')),hsc($ns),join(', ',$names)); }else{ printf($this->getLang('p_group_id'),hsc(ltrim($who,'@')),hsc($ID),join(', ',$names)); } } echo '</p>';
// add note if admin if($perm == AUTH_ADMIN){ echo '<p>'.$this->getLang('p_isadmin').'</p>'; }elseif(is_null($current)){ echo '<p>'.$this->getLang('p_inherited').'</p>'; } }
/** * Item formatter for the tree view * * User function for html_buildlist() * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _html_list_acl($item){ global $ID; $ret = ''; // what to display if($item['label']){ $base = $item['label']; }else{ $base = ':'.$item['id']; $base = substr($base,strrpos($base,':')+1); }
// highlight? if(($item['type']=='d' && $item['id'] == $this->ns) || $item['id'] == $ID) $cl = ' cur';
// namespace or page? if($item['type']=='d'){ if($item['open']){ $img = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/minus.gif'; $alt = '−'; }else{ $img = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/plus.gif'; $alt = '+'; } $ret .= '<img src="'.$img.'" alt="'.$alt.'" />'; $ret .= '<a href="'.wl('',$this->_get_opts(array('ns'=>$item['id']))).'" class="idx_dir'.$cl.'">'; $ret .= $base; $ret .= '</a>'; }else{ $ret .= '<a href="'.wl('',$this->_get_opts(array('id'=>$item['id'],'ns'=>''))).'" class="wikilink1'.$cl.'">'; $ret .= noNS($item['id']); $ret .= '</a>'; } return $ret; }
function _html_li_acl($item){ return '<li class="level'.$item['level'].'">'; }
/** * Get current ACL settings as multidim array * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _init_acl_config(){ global $AUTH_ACL; global $conf; $acl_config=array(); $usersgroups = array();
foreach($AUTH_ACL as $line){ $line = trim(preg_replace('/#.*$/','',$line)); //ignore comments if(!$line) continue;
$acl = preg_split('/\s+/',$line); //0 is pagename, 1 is user, 2 is acl
$acl[1] = rawurldecode($acl[1]); $acl_config[$acl[0]][$acl[1]] = $acl[2];
// store non-special users and groups for later selection dialog $ug = $acl[1]; if($ug == '@ALL') continue; if($ug == $conf['superuser']) continue; if($ug == $conf['manager']) continue; $usersgroups[] = $ug; }
$usersgroups = array_unique($usersgroups); sort($usersgroups); uksort($acl_config,array($this,'_sort_names'));
$this->acl = $acl_config; $this->usersgroups = $usersgroups; }
/** * Custom function to sort the ACLs by namespace names * * @todo This maybe could be improved to resemble the real tree structure? */ function _sort_names($a,$b){ $ca = substr_count($a,':'); $cb = substr_count($b,':'); if($ca < $cb){ return -1; }elseif($ca > $cb){ return 1; }else{ return strcmp($a,$b); } }
/** * Display all currently set permissions in a table * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _html_table(){ global $lang; global $ID;
echo '<form action="'.wl().'" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"><div class="no">'.NL; if($this->ns){ echo '<input type="hidden" name="ns" value="'.hsc($this->ns).'" />'.NL; }else{ echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.hsc($ID).'" />'.NL; } echo '<input type="hidden" name="acl_w" value="'.hsc($this->who).'" />'.NL; echo '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="admin" />'.NL; echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="acl" />'.NL; echo '<table class="inline">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>'.$this->getLang('where').'</th>'; echo '<th>'.$this->getLang('who').'</th>'; echo '<th>'.$this->getLang('perm').'</th>'; echo '<th>'.$lang['btn_delete'].'</th>'; echo '</tr>'; foreach($this->acl as $where => $set){ foreach($set as $who => $perm){ echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'; if(substr($where,-1) == '*'){ echo '<span class="aclns">'.hsc($where).'</span>'; $ispage = false; }else{ echo '<span class="aclpage">'.hsc($where).'</span>'; $ispage = true; } echo '</td>';
echo '<td>'; if($who{0} == '@'){ echo '<span class="aclgroup">'.hsc($who).'</span>'; }else{ echo '<span class="acluser">'.hsc($who).'</span>'; } echo '</td>';
echo '<td>'; echo $this->_html_checkboxes($perm,$ispage,'acl['.hsc($where).']['.hsc($who).']'); echo '</td>';
echo '<td align="center">'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="del['.hsc($where).']" value="'.hsc($who).'" />'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } }
echo '<tr>'; echo '<th align="right" colspan="4">'; echo '<input type="submit" value="'.$lang['btn_update'].'" name="cmd[update]" class="button" />'; echo '</th>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</div></form>'.NL; }
/** * Returns the permission which were set for exactly the given user/group * and page/namespace. Returns null if no exact match is available * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _get_exact_perm(){ global $ID; if($this->ns){ if($this->ns == '*'){ $check = '*'; }else{ $check = $this->ns.':*'; } }else{ $check = $ID; }
if(isset($this->acl[$check][auth_nameencode($this->who,true)])){ return $this->acl[$check][auth_nameencode($this->who,true)]; }else{ return null; } }
/** * adds new acl-entry to conf/acl.auth.php * * @author Frank Schubert <> */ function _acl_add($acl_scope, $acl_user, $acl_level){ $acl_config = file_get_contents(DOKU_CONF.'acl.auth.php'); $acl_user = auth_nameencode($acl_user,true);
// max level for pagenames is edit if(strpos($acl_scope,'*') === false) { if($acl_level > AUTH_EDIT) $acl_level = AUTH_EDIT; }
$new_acl = "$acl_scope\t$acl_user\t$acl_level\n";
$new_config = $acl_config.$new_acl;
return io_saveFile(DOKU_CONF.'acl.auth.php', $new_config); }
/** * remove acl-entry from conf/acl.auth.php * * @author Frank Schubert <> */ function _acl_del($acl_scope, $acl_user){ $acl_config = file(DOKU_CONF.'acl.auth.php'); $acl_user = auth_nameencode($acl_user,true);
$acl_pattern = '^'.preg_quote($acl_scope,'/').'\s+'.$acl_user.'\s+[0-8].*$';
// save all non!-matching $new_config = preg_grep("/$acl_pattern/", $acl_config, PREG_GREP_INVERT);
return io_saveFile(DOKU_CONF.'acl.auth.php', join('',$new_config)); }
/** * print the permission radio boxes * * @author Frank Schubert <> * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _html_checkboxes($setperm,$ispage,$name){ global $lang;
static $label = 0; //number labels $ret = '';
if($ispage && $setperm > AUTH_EDIT) $perm = AUTH_EDIT;
//general checkbox attributes $atts = array( 'type' => 'radio', 'id' => 'pbox'.$label, 'name' => $name, 'value' => $perm ); //dynamic attributes if(!is_null($setperm) && $setperm == $perm) $atts['checked'] = 'checked'; if($ispage && $perm > AUTH_EDIT){ $atts['disabled'] = 'disabled'; $class = ' class="disabled"'; }else{ $class = ''; }
//build code $ret .= '<label for="pbox'.$label.'" title="'.$this->getLang('acl_perm'.$perm).'"'.$class.'>'; $ret .= '<input '.html_attbuild($atts).' /> '; $ret .= $this->getLang('acl_perm'.$perm); $ret .= '</label>'.NL; } return $ret; }
/** * Print a user/group selector (reusing already used users and groups) * * @author Andreas Gohr <> */ function _html_select(){ global $conf; $inlist = false;
$specials = array('@ALL','@'.$conf['defaultgroup']); if($conf['manager'] && $conf['manager'] != '!!not set!!') $specials[] = $conf['manager'];
if($this->who && !in_array($this->who,$this->usersgroups) && !in_array($this->who,$specials)){
if($this->who{0} == '@'){ $gsel = ' selected="selected"'; }else{ $usel = ' selected="selected"'; } }else{ $usel = ''; $gsel = ''; $inlist = true; }
echo '<select name="acl_t" class="edit">'.NL; echo ' <option value="__g__" class="aclgroup"'.$gsel.'>'.$this->getLang('acl_group').':</option>'.NL; echo ' <option value="__u__" class="acluser"'.$usel.'>'.$this->getLang('acl_user').':</option>'.NL; echo ' <optgroup label=" ">'.NL; foreach($specials as $ug){ if($ug == $this->who){ $sel = ' selected="selected"'; $inlist = true; }else{ $sel = ''; }
if($ug{0} == '@'){ echo ' <option value="'.hsc($ug).'" class="aclgroup"'.$sel.'>'.hsc($ug).'</option>'.NL; }else{ echo ' <option value="'.hsc($ug).'" class="acluser"'.$sel.'>'.hsc($ug).'</option>'.NL; } } echo ' </optgroup>'.NL; echo ' <optgroup label=" ">'.NL; foreach($this->usersgroups as $ug){ if($ug == $this->who){ $sel = ' selected="selected"'; $inlist = true; }else{ $sel = ''; }
if($ug{0} == '@'){ echo ' <option value="'.hsc($ug).'" class="aclgroup"'.$sel.'>'.hsc($ug).'</option>'.NL; }else{ echo ' <option value="'.hsc($ug).'" class="acluser"'.$sel.'>'.hsc($ug).'</option>'.NL; } } echo ' </optgroup>'.NL; echo '</select>'.NL; return $inlist; } }