Viewing file: ajax.php (8.28 KB) -rw-rw-r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * DokuWiki AJAX call handler * * @license GPL 2 ( * @author Pavel Vitis <> */
//fix for Opera XMLHttpRequests if(!count($_POST) && $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA){ parse_str($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, $_POST); }
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../').'/'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/init.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/common.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/auth.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/html.php');
define(SHOW_GRAVATAR, false); define(BASE_URL, preg_replace('!(.+)(/.+){3}!', '\\1/', DOKU_BASE));
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
//call the requested function $call = 'ajax_'.$_REQUEST['call']; if ($call == '') { $call = 'ajax_'.$_REQUEST['call']; } if(function_exists($call)){ $call(); }else{ print "The called function '".htmlspecialchars($call)."' does not exist!"; }
function _getChatHtml($pageFN, $ltime = 0, $mtime = 0) { if (!@file_exists($pageFN)) { return; print "1,"; }
// echo '<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="" title="'.$ltime.' / '.$mtime.'"> </a>';
$file = trim(io_readFile($pageFN));
if ($file == ' ') { $file = ''; }
$html = "";
// $html .= "1,"; $lines = explode("\n----\n", $file."\n");
$patterns = array( '!(\[\[((http|https|ftp)://[^\]\|]+)\]\])!', '!(\[\[((http|https|ftp)://[^\]\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\])!', '!(\[\[([^\]\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\])!', '!(\[\[([^\]\|]+)\]\])!', '!(\s)((http|https|ftp)://[^\s\n\r]+)!', '!\*{2}([^\*]+)\*{2}!', '!(\s)/{2}([^/]+)/{2}(\s)!', '!(\s)_{2}([^_]+)_{2}(\s)!' ); $replaces = array( '<a href="\\2" class="urlextern" target="_blank">\\2</a>', '<a href="\\2" class="urlextern" target="_blank">\\4</a>', '<a href="\\2" class="urlintern">\\3</a>', '<a href="\\2" class="urlintern">\\2</a>', '\\1<a href="\\2" class="urlextern" target="_blank">\\2</a>', '<strong>\\1</strong>', '\\1<em>\\2</em>\\3', '\\1<u>\\2</u>\\3' );
$smileys = getSmileys(); foreach ($smileys as $key=>$value) { $key_escaped = preg_replace( array("/\\\\/","/\*/",'/\&/','/\(/','/\)/','/\[/','/\]/','/\|/','/\=/','!/!','/\?/'), array('\\\\\\','\\*','\\&','\\(','\\)','\\[','\\]','\\|','\\=','\\/','\\?'), $key); // echo $key_escaped.'<br />'; // echo $value; $patterns[] = '@'.$key_escaped.'@'; $files = preg_split('/\|/', $value); if (count($files) > 1) { $file = $files[mt_rand(0,count($files)-1)]; } else { $file = $files[0]; } $replaces[] = '<img src="'.BASE_URL.'lib/images/smileys/'.$file.'" '. 'class="smiley" alt="'.str_replace('"',"'",$key).'" title="'.str_replace('"',"'",$key).'" />'; } // print implode('|', array_keys($smileys));
if (true == SHOW_GRAVATAR) { @require_once(DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/gravatar/syntax.php'); if (true == SHOW_GRAVATAR && class_exists('syntax_plugin_gravatar')) { $gravatar = true; } }
$color = count($lines) % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { if (trim($lines[$i]) == '') { continue; } preg_match('/\(([^\)]+)\)[\s]+([^:]+):[\s]+(.+)/', $lines[$i], $parts);
if ($parts[1]*1 != 0 && $parts[1]*1 <= $ltime) { // print $ltime.'<br />'; // print $parts[1].'<br />'; break; } $uinfo = explode('|', $parts[2]);
$html .= '<div class="chat-line '; $html .= ' chat-line-'.(0 == ($color++) % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd');
// if ($i == 0 && $ltime < $mtime) { // $html .= ' chat-line-last" id="chat-last-message"'; // } // else { $html .= '"'; // } $html .= '>';
if ($gravatar) { if (!empty($uinfo[1])) { $html .= syntax_plugin_gravatar::_renderAvatar( $uinfo[1], 'left', 40, '', DOKU_INC, BASE_URL); } }
$lang = $_REQUEST['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']; if (date('Yz',time()) == date('Yz',$parts[1])) { $datetime = date('H:i:s',$parts[1]); } else { if ($lang) { } $datetime = date('Y/m/d, H:i:s',$parts[1]); }
$html .= '<strong>'.(!empty($uinfo[2]) ? $uinfo[2] : $uinfo[0]).'</strong> ('.$datetime.'): <br /><blockquote>'; $html .= preg_replace($patterns, $replaces, ' '.$parts[3].' '); if ($i+1 < count($lines)) { $html .= '<br />';//'<hr noshade="noshade" size="1" />'; } else { $html .= '<br />'; }
$html .= '</blockquote></div>'; }
return $html; }
/** * Get number of new comments * * @author Pavel Vitis <> */ function ajax_check() { global $conf; global $lang;
$pageId = cleanID($_POST['pageId']); if(empty($pageId)) { return; } $ltime = (int)$_POST['time']; $pageFN = wikiFN($pageId); $mtime = @filemtime($pageFN);
if ($ltime == 0 || $mtime > $ltime) { echo "1"; } }
/** * Get new comments * * @author Pavel Vitis <> */ function ajax_checkAndGet() { global $conf; global $lang;
$pageId = cleanID($_POST['pageId']); if(empty($pageId)) { return; }
if ($conf['useacl'] && auth_quickAclCheck($pageId) < AUTH_READ) { print "<!--AJAXCHAT_MTIME:0-->\n"; print "<p><em>Not sufficient user rights. Please re-login to see the messages.<br />". "If that does not work for you from some reason, clear your browser cookies and then login again:</em></p>". "<p><strong>IE:</strong> Tools->Internet options...->Delete cookies...<br />". "<strong>Mozilla/Firefox:</strong> Tools->Options...->Privacy->Cookies->Clear cookies now...</p>"; return; }
$pageFN = wikiFN($pageId); $mtime = @filemtime($pageFN);
$ltime = (int)$_POST['time']; // echo $time ." - " . $pageId; // echo "<BR>$mtime";
if ($ltime == 0 || $mtime > $ltime) { print "<!--AJAXCHAT_MTIME:$mtime-->\n"; print _getChatHtml($pageFN, $ltime, $mtime); print ' '; } }
function ajax_send(){ global $conf; global $auth; global $lang;
// check pageid validity $pageId = cleanID($_POST['pageId']); if(empty($pageId)) { return; }
$ltime = (int)$_POST['time']; if ($ltime > 0) { while (time() - $ltime < 1) { sleep(5); } } // modified now $mtime = time(); // set modified header $html = "<!--AJAXCHAT_MTIME:$mtime-->\n";
// check user rights if ($conf['useacl'] && auth_quickAclCheck($pageId) < AUTH_EDIT) { // and append warning if not possible to send messages $html .= "<p><em>Insufficient user rights. Please re-login to be able to send the messages.</em></p>"; } else { // $ltime = (int)$_POST['time']; $user = cleanUser($_POST['user']); $message = cleanMessage($_POST['msg']);
while (checklock($pageId)) { sleep(50); } lock($pageId);
$pageFN = wikiFN($pageId); $file = trim(@io_readFile($pageFN));
if ($file == ' ') { $file = ''; }
$udata = $auth->getUserData($user);
$line = "(".time().") ".$user; if (!empty($udata['mail'])) { $line .= "|".$udata['mail']; } if (!empty($udata['name'])) { $line .= "|".$udata['name']; } $line .= ": ".htmlspecialchars($message);
$file = $line."\n----\n".$file."\n";
saveWikiText($pageId, $file, "Message added", true);
unlock($pageId); }
print $html . _getChatHtml($pageFN, $ltime, $mtime); }
function ajax_clear(){ global $conf; global $lang;
$ltime = $_POST['time']; $ltime = (int)$ltime;
$pageId = $_POST['pageId']; $user = cleanUser($_POST['user']); $message = $_POST['msg'];
$pageFN = wikiFN($pageId); if (!@file_exists($pageFN)) { return; }
while (checklock($pageId)) { usleep(50); } lock($pageId);
saveWikiText($pageId, ' ', "Messages cleared", true);
// @touch($pageFN);
print ' '; }
function cleanUser($user) { global $conf;
$user = preg_replace('/[^ .,a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/i', '', $user); $user = substr($user, 0, 40); return $user; }
function cleanMessage($msg) { global $conf;
$maxmsgsize = (int) $conf['chat']['max-message-size']; if ($maxmsgsize <= 0) { $maxmsgsize = 1024; } if ($maxmsgsize > 4*1024) { $maxmsgsize = 4*1024; } if (strlen($msg) > $maxmsgsize) { $msg = substr($msg, 0, $maxmsgsize); } return $msg; }
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 : ?>