Viewing file: Postgres72.php (19.44 KB) -rw-rw-r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * A class that implements the DB interface for Postgres * Note: This class uses ADODB and returns RecordSets. * * $Id: Postgres72.php,v 1.87 2006/12/28 05:03:41 xzilla Exp $ */
class Postgres72 extends Postgres71 {
var $major_version = 7.2;
// Set the maximum built-in ID. var $_lastSystemOID = 16554;
// List of all legal privileges that can be applied to different types // of objects. var $privlist = array( 'table' => array('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'RULE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER', 'ALL PRIVILEGES'), 'view' => array('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'RULE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER', 'ALL PRIVILEGES'), 'sequence' => array('SELECT', 'UPDATE', 'ALL PRIVILEGES') );
// Extra "magic" types. BIGSERIAL was added in PostgreSQL 7.2. var $extraTypes = array('SERIAL', 'BIGSERIAL');
/** * Constructor * @param $conn The database connection */ function Postgres72($conn) { $this->Postgres71($conn);
// Correct the error in the encoding tables, that was // fixed in PostgreSQL 7.2 $this->codemap['LATIN5'] = 'ISO-8859-9'; }
// Help functions function getHelpPages() { include_once('./help/PostgresDoc72.php'); return $this->help_page; }
// User functions
/** * Helper function that computes encypted PostgreSQL passwords * @param $username The username * @param $password The password */ function _encryptPassword($username, $password) { return 'md5' . md5($password . $username); } /** * Changes a user's password * @param $username The username * @param $password The new password * @return 0 success */ function changePassword($username, $password) { $enc = $this->_encryptPassword($username, $password); $this->fieldClean($username); $this->clean($enc); $sql = "ALTER USER \"{$username}\" WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '{$enc}'"; return $this->execute($sql); }
/** * Creates a new user * @param $username The username of the user to create * @param $password A password for the user * @param $createdb boolean Whether or not the user can create databases * @param $createuser boolean Whether or not the user can create other users * @param $expiry string Format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. '' means never expire * @param $group (array) The groups to create the user in * @return 0 success */ function createUser($username, $password, $createdb, $createuser, $expiry, $groups) { $enc = $this->_encryptPassword($username, $password); $this->fieldClean($username); $this->clean($enc); $this->clean($expiry); $this->fieldArrayClean($groups);
$sql = "CREATE USER \"{$username}\""; if ($password != '') $sql .= " WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '{$enc}'"; $sql .= ($createdb) ? ' CREATEDB' : ' NOCREATEDB'; $sql .= ($createuser) ? ' CREATEUSER' : ' NOCREATEUSER'; if (is_array($groups) && sizeof($groups) > 0) $sql .= " IN GROUP \"" . join('", "', $groups) . "\""; if ($expiry != '') $sql .= " VALID UNTIL '{$expiry}'"; else $sql .= " VALID UNTIL 'infinity'"; return $this->execute($sql); }
/** * Adjusts a user's info * @param $username The username of the user to modify * @param $password A new password for the user * @param $createdb boolean Whether or not the user can create databases * @param $createuser boolean Whether or not the user can create other users * @param $expiry string Format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. '' means never expire. * @return 0 success */ function setUser($username, $password, $createdb, $createuser, $expiry) { $enc = $this->_encryptPassword($username, $password); $this->fieldClean($username); $this->clean($enc); $this->clean($expiry); $sql = "ALTER USER \"{$username}\""; if ($password != '') $sql .= " WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '{$enc}'"; $sql .= ($createdb) ? ' CREATEDB' : ' NOCREATEDB'; $sql .= ($createuser) ? ' CREATEUSER' : ' NOCREATEUSER'; if ($expiry != '') $sql .= " VALID UNTIL '{$expiry}'"; else $sql .= " VALID UNTIL 'infinity'"; return $this->execute($sql); }
/** * Returns all available process information. * @param $database (optional) Find only connections to specified database * @return A recordset */ function getProcesses($database = null) { if ($database === null) $sql = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity ORDER BY datname, usename, procpid"; else { $this->clean($database); $sql = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='{$database}' ORDER BY usename, procpid"; } return $this->selectSet($sql); } // Table functions
/** * Returns the SQL for changing the current user * @param $user The user to change to * @return The SQL */ function getChangeUserSQL($user) { $this->clean($user); return "SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION '{$user}';"; }
/** * Checks to see whether or not a table has a unique id column * @param $table The table name * @return True if it has a unique id, false otherwise * @return -99 error */ function hasObjectID($table) { $this->clean($table);
$sql = "SELECT relhasoids FROM pg_class WHERE relname='{$table}'";
$rs = $this->selectSet($sql); if ($rs->recordCount() != 1) return -99; else { $rs->f['relhasoids'] = $this->phpBool($rs->f['relhasoids']); return $rs->f['relhasoids']; } }
/** * Returns table information * @param $table The name of the table * @return A recordset */ function getTable($table) { $this->clean($table); $sql = "SELECT pc.relname, pg_get_userbyid(pc.relowner) AS relowner, (SELECT description FROM pg_description pd WHERE pc.oid=pd.objoid AND objsubid = 0) AS relcomment FROM pg_class pc WHERE pc.relname='{$table}'"; return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Return all tables in current database * @param $all True to fetch all tables, false for just in current schema * @return All tables, sorted alphabetically */ function getTables($all = false) { global $conf; if (!$conf['show_system'] || $all) $where = "AND c.relname NOT LIKE 'pg\\\\_%' "; else $where = ''; $sql = "SELECT NULL AS nspname, c.relname, (SELECT usename FROM pg_user u WHERE u.usesysid=c.relowner) AS relowner, (SELECT description FROM pg_description pd WHERE c.oid=pd.objoid AND objsubid = 0) AS relcomment, reltuples::integer FROM pg_class c WHERE c.relkind='r' {$where}ORDER BY relname"; return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Retrieve the attribute definition of a table * @param $table The name of the table * @param $field (optional) The name of a field to return * @return All attributes in order */ function getTableAttributes($table, $field = '') { $this->clean($table); $this->clean($field);
if ($field == '') { $sql = " SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as type, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef, adef.adsrc, -1 AS attstattarget, a.attstorage, t.typstorage, false AS attisserial, description as comment FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef adef ON a.attrelid=adef.adrelid AND a.attnum=adef.adnum LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid=t.oid LEFT JOIN pg_description d ON (a.attrelid = d.objoid AND a.attnum = d.objsubid) WHERE a.attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname='{$table}') AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum"; } else { $sql = " SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as type, format_type(a.atttypid, NULL) as base_type, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef, adef.adsrc, -1 AS attstattarget, a.attstorage, t.typstorage, description as comment FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef adef ON a.attrelid=adef.adrelid AND a.attnum=adef.adnum LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid=t.oid LEFT JOIN pg_description d ON (a.attrelid = d.objoid AND a.attnum = d.objsubid) WHERE a.attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname='{$table}') AND a.attname = '{$field}'"; } return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// View functions /** * Returns a list of all views in the database * @return All views */ function getViews() { global $conf;
if (!$conf['show_system']) $where = " WHERE viewname NOT LIKE 'pg\\\\_%'"; else $where = '';
$sql = "SELECT viewname AS relname, viewowner AS relowner, definition AS vwdefinition, (SELECT description FROM pg_description pd, pg_class pc WHERE pc.oid=pd.objoid AND pc.relname=v.viewname AND pd.objsubid = 0) AS relcomment FROM pg_views v {$where} ORDER BY relname";
return $this->selectSet($sql); } /** * Returns all details for a particular view * @param $view The name of the view to retrieve * @return View info */ function getView($view) { $this->clean($view); $sql = "SELECT viewname AS relname, viewowner AS relowner, definition AS vwdefinition, (SELECT description FROM pg_description pd, pg_class pc WHERE pc.oid=pd.objoid AND pc.relname=v.viewname AND pd.objsubid = 0) AS relcomment FROM pg_views v WHERE viewname='{$view}'"; return $this->selectSet($sql); } // Constraint functions
/** * Removes a constraint from a relation * @param $constraint The constraint to drop * @param $relation The relation from which to drop * @param $type The type of constraint (c, f, u or p) * @param $cascade True to cascade drop, false to restrict * @return 0 success * @return -99 dropping foreign keys not supported */ function dropConstraint($constraint, $relation, $type, $cascade) { $this->fieldClean($constraint); $this->fieldClean($relation);
switch ($type) { case 'c': // CHECK constraint $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"{$relation}\" DROP CONSTRAINT \"{$constraint}\" RESTRICT"; return $this->execute($sql); break; case 'p': case 'u': // PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint return $this->dropIndex($constraint, $cascade); break; case 'f': // FOREIGN KEY constraint return -99; } }
/** * Adds a unique constraint to a table * @param $table The table to which to add the unique key * @param $fields (array) An array of fields over which to add the unique key * @param $name (optional) The name to give the key, otherwise default name is assigned * @param $tablespace (optional) The tablespace for the schema, '' indicates default. * @return 0 success * @return -1 no fields given */ function addUniqueKey($table, $fields, $name = '', $tablespace = '') { if (!is_array($fields) || sizeof($fields) == 0) return -1; $this->fieldClean($table); $this->fieldArrayClean($fields); $this->fieldClean($name); $this->fieldClean($tablespace);
$sql = "ALTER TABLE \"{$table}\" ADD "; if ($name != '') $sql .= "CONSTRAINT \"{$name}\" "; $sql .= "UNIQUE (\"" . join('","', $fields) . "\")";
if ($tablespace != '' && $this->hasTablespaces()) $sql .= " USING INDEX TABLESPACE \"{$tablespace}\"";
return $this->execute($sql); }
/** * Adds a primary key constraint to a table * @param $table The table to which to add the primery key * @param $fields (array) An array of fields over which to add the primary key * @param $name (optional) The name to give the key, otherwise default name is assigned * @param $tablespace (optional) The tablespace for the schema, '' indicates default. * @return 0 success * @return -1 no fields given */ function addPrimaryKey($table, $fields, $name = '', $tablespace = '') { if (!is_array($fields) || sizeof($fields) == 0) return -1; $this->fieldClean($table); $this->fieldArrayClean($fields); $this->fieldClean($name); $this->fieldClean($tablespace);
$sql = "ALTER TABLE \"{$table}\" ADD "; if ($name != '') $sql .= "CONSTRAINT \"{$name}\" "; $sql .= "PRIMARY KEY (\"" . join('","', $fields) . "\")";
if ($tablespace != '' && $this->hasTablespaces()) $sql .= " USING INDEX TABLESPACE \"{$tablespace}\""; return $this->execute($sql); }
// Function functions
/** * Returns a list of all functions in the database * @param $all If true, will find all available functions, if false just userland ones * @return All functions */ function getFunctions($all = false) { if ($all) $where = ''; else $where = "AND p.oid > '{$this->_lastSystemOID}'";
$sql = "SELECT p.oid AS prooid, p.proname, false AS proretset, format_type(p.prorettype, NULL) AS proresult, oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes) AS proarguments, pl.lanname AS prolanguage, (SELECT description FROM pg_description pd WHERE p.oid=pd.objoid) AS procomment, p.proname || ' (' || oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes) || ')' AS proproto, format_type(p.prorettype, NULL) AS proreturns FROM pg_proc p, pg_language pl WHERE p.prolang = pl.oid AND (pronargs = 0 OR oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes) <> '') {$where} ORDER BY p.proname, proresult ";
return $this->selectSet($sql); } /** * Updates (replaces) a function. * @param $function_oid The OID of the function * @param $funcname The name of the function to create * @param $newname The new name for the function * @param $args The array of argument types * @param $returns The return type * @param $definition The definition for the new function * @param $language The language the function is written for * @param $flags An array of optional flags * @param $setof True if returns a set, false otherwise * @param $comment The comment on the function * @return 0 success * @return -1 transaction error * @return -2 drop function error * @return -3 create function error * @return -4 comment error */ function setFunction($function_oid, $funcname, $newname, $args, $returns, $definition, $language, $flags, $setof, $comment) { // Begin a transaction $status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; }
// Replace the existing function if ($funcname != $newname) { $status = $this->dropFunction($function_oid, false); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -2; }
$status = $this->createFunction($newname, $args, $returns, $definition, $language, $flags, $setof, false); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -3; } } else { $status = $this->createFunction($funcname, $args, $returns, $definition, $language, $flags, $setof, true); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -3; } }
// Comment on the function $this->fieldClean($newname); $this->clean($comment); $status = $this->setComment('FUNCTION', "\"{$newname}\"({$args})", null, $comment); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -4; } return $this->endTransaction(); }
// Type functions
/** * Returns a list of all types in the database * @param $all If true, will find all available functions, if false just those in search path * @param $tabletypes If true, will include table types * @param $domains Ignored * @return A recordet */ function getTypes($all = false, $tabletypes = false, $domains = false) { global $conf; if ($all || $conf['show_system']) { $where = ''; } else { $where = "AND pt.oid > '{$this->_lastSystemOID}'::oid"; } // Never show system table types $where2 = "AND c.oid > '{$this->_lastSystemOID}'::oid"; // Create type filter $tqry = "'c'"; if ($tabletypes) $tqry .= ", 'r', 'v'"; $sql = "SELECT pt.typname AS basename, format_type(pt.oid, NULL) AS typname, pu.usename AS typowner, (SELECT description FROM pg_description pd WHERE pt.oid=pd.objoid) AS typcomment FROM pg_type pt, pg_user pu WHERE pt.typowner = pu.usesysid AND (pt.typrelid = 0 OR (SELECT c.relkind IN ({$tqry}) FROM pg_class c WHERE c.oid = pt.typrelid {$where2})) AND typname !~ '^_' {$where} ORDER BY typname ";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Opclass functions
/** * Gets all opclasses * @return A recordset */ function getOpClasses() { global $conf; if ($conf['show_system']) $where = ''; else $where = "AND po.oid > '{$this->_lastSystemOID}'::oid";
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT pa.amname, po.opcname, format_type(po.opcintype, NULL) AS opcintype, TRUE AS opcdefault, NULL::text AS opccomment FROM pg_opclass po, pg_am pa WHERE po.opcamid=pa.oid {$where} ORDER BY 1,2 ";
return $this->selectSet($sql); } // Administration functions
/** * Vacuums a database * @param $table The table to vacuum * @param $analyze If true, also does analyze * @param $full If true, selects "full" vacuum (PostgreSQL >= 7.2) * @param $freeze If true, selects aggressive "freezing" of tuples (PostgreSQL >= 7.2) */ function vacuumDB($table = '', $analyze = false, $full = false, $freeze = false) { $sql = "VACUUM"; if ($full) $sql .= " FULL"; if ($freeze) $sql .= " FREEZE"; if ($analyze) $sql .= " ANALYZE"; if ($table != '') { $this->fieldClean($table); $sql .= " \"{$table}\""; }
return $this->execute($sql); }
/** * Analyze a database * @note PostgreSQL 7.2 finally had an independent ANALYZE command * @param $table (optional) The table to analyze */ function analyzeDB($table = '') { if ($table != '') { $this->fieldClean($table); $sql = "ANALYZE \"{$table}\""; } else $sql = "ANALYZE";
return $this->execute($sql); }
// Statistics collector functions
/** * Fetches statistics for a database * @param $database The database to fetch stats for * @return A recordset */ function getStatsDatabase($database) { $this->clean($database);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname='{$database}'";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Fetches tuple statistics for a table * @param $table The table to fetch stats for * @return A recordset */ function getStatsTableTuples($table) { $this->clean($table);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE'; if ($this->hasSchemas()) $sql .= " schemaname='{$this->_schema}' AND"; $sql .= " relname='{$table}'";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Fetches I/0 statistics for a table * @param $table The table to fetch stats for * @return A recordset */ function getStatsTableIO($table) { $this->clean($table);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM pg_statio_all_tables WHERE'; if ($this->hasSchemas()) $sql .= " schemaname='{$this->_schema}' AND"; $sql .= " relname='{$table}'";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Fetches tuple statistics for all indexes on a table * @param $table The table to fetch index stats for * @return A recordset */ function getStatsIndexTuples($table) { $this->clean($table);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM pg_stat_all_indexes WHERE'; if ($this->hasSchemas()) $sql .= " schemaname='{$this->_schema}' AND"; $sql .= " relname='{$table}' ORDER BY indexrelname";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Fetches I/0 statistics for all indexes on a table * @param $table The table to fetch index stats for * @return A recordset */ function getStatsIndexIO($table) { $this->clean($table);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM pg_statio_all_indexes WHERE'; if ($this->hasSchemas()) $sql .= " schemaname='{$this->_schema}' AND"; $sql .= " relname='{$table}' ORDER BY indexrelname";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
// Capabilities function hasWithoutOIDs() { return true; } function hasPartialIndexes() { return true; } function hasProcesses() { return true; } function hasStatsCollector() { return true; } function hasFullVacuum() { return true; }