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/** * PostgreSQL 8.0 support * * $Id: Postgres80.php,v 1.20 2006/11/19 21:33:13 xzilla Exp $ */
class Postgres80 extends Postgres74 {
var $major_version = 8.0;
// List of all legal privileges that can be applied to different types // of objects. var $privlist = array( 'table' => array('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'RULE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER', 'ALL PRIVILEGES'), 'view' => array('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'RULE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER', 'ALL PRIVILEGES'), 'sequence' => array('SELECT', 'UPDATE', 'ALL PRIVILEGES'), 'database' => array('CREATE', 'TEMPORARY', 'ALL PRIVILEGES'), 'function' => array('EXECUTE', 'ALL PRIVILEGES'), 'language' => array('USAGE', 'ALL PRIVILEGES'), 'schema' => array('CREATE', 'USAGE', 'ALL PRIVILEGES'), 'tablespace' => array('CREATE', 'ALL PRIVILEGES') );
// Last oid assigned to a system object var $_lastSystemOID = 17228;
/** * Constructor * @param $conn The database connection */ function Postgres80($conn) { $this->Postgres74($conn); }
// Help functions function getHelpPages() { include_once('./help/PostgresDoc80.php'); return $this->help_page; }
// Database functions
/** * Return all database available on the server * @return A list of databases, sorted alphabetically */ function getDatabases($currentdatabase = NULL) { global $conf, $misc; $server_info = $misc->getServerInfo(); if (isset($conf['owned_only']) && $conf['owned_only'] && !$this->isSuperUser($server_info['username'])) { $username = $server_info['username']; $this->clean($username); $clause = " AND pu.usename='{$username}'"; } else $clause = '';
if ($currentdatabase != NULL) $orderby = "ORDER BY pdb.datname = '{$currentdatabase}' DESC, pdb.datname"; else $orderby = "ORDER BY pdb.datname";
if (!$conf['show_system']) $where = ' AND NOT pdb.datistemplate'; else $where = ' AND pdb.datallowconn';
$sql = "SELECT pdb.datname AS datname, pu.usename AS datowner, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) AS datencoding, (SELECT description FROM pg_description pd WHERE pdb.oid=pd.objoid) AS datcomment, (SELECT spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace pt WHERE pt.oid=pdb.dattablespace) AS tablespace FROM pg_database pdb, pg_user pu WHERE pdb.datdba = pu.usesysid {$where} {$clause} {$orderby}";
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Alters a database * the multiple return vals are for postgres 8+ which support more functionality in alter database * @param $dbName The name of the database * @param $newName new name for the database * @param $newOwner The new owner for the database * @return 0 success * @return -1 transaction error * @return -2 owner error * @return -3 rename error */ function alterDatabase($dbName, $newName, $newOwner = '') { $this->clean($dbName); $this->clean($newName); $this->clean($newOwner); $status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; } if ($dbName != $newName) { $status = $this->alterDatabaseRename($dbName, $newName); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -3; } } $status = $this->alterDatabaseOwner($newName, $newOwner); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -2; } return $this->endTransaction(); } /** * Changes ownership of a database * This can only be done by a superuser or the owner of the database * @param string $dbName database to change ownership of * @param string $newOwner user that will own the database * @return int 0 on success */ function alterDatabaseOwner($dbName, $newOwner) { $this->clean($dbName); $this->clean($newOwner); $sql = "ALTER DATABASE \"{$dbName}\" OWNER TO \"{$newOwner}\""; return $this->execute($sql); }
/** * Returns the current default_with_oids setting * @return default_with_oids setting */ function getDefaultWithOid() { // Try to avoid a query if at all possible (5) if (function_exists('pg_parameter_status')) { $default = pg_parameter_status($this->conn->_connectionID, 'default_with_oids'); if ($default !== false) return $default; } $sql = "SHOW default_with_oids"; return $this->selectField($sql, 'default_with_oids'); } // Table functions /** * Return all tables in current database (and schema) * @param $all True to fetch all tables, false for just in current schema * @return All tables, sorted alphabetically */ function getTables($all = false) { if ($all) { // Exclude pg_catalog and information_schema tables $sql = "SELECT schemaname AS nspname, tablename AS relname, tableowner AS relowner FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema', 'pg_toast') ORDER BY schemaname, tablename"; } else { $sql = "SELECT c.relname, pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS relowner, pg_catalog.obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') AS relcomment, reltuples::integer, (SELECT spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace pt WHERE pt.oid=c.reltablespace) AS tablespace FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = 'r' AND nspname='{$this->_schema}' ORDER BY c.relname"; }
return $this->selectSet($sql); }
/** * Returns table information * @param $table The name of the table * @return A recordset */ function getTable($table) { $this->clean($table); $sql = " SELECT c.relname, u.usename AS relowner, pg_catalog.obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') AS relcomment, (SELECT spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace pt WHERE pt.oid=c.reltablespace) AS tablespace FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = 'r' AND n.nspname = '{$this->_schema}' AND c.relname = '{$table}'"; return $this->selectSet($sql); } /** * Alters a column in a table * @param $table The table in which the column resides * @param $column The column to alter * @param $name The new name for the column * @param $notnull (boolean) True if not null, false otherwise * @param $oldnotnull (boolean) True if column is already not null, false otherwise * @param $default The new default for the column * @param $olddefault The old default for the column * @param $type The new type for the column * @param $array True if array type, false otherwise * @param $length The optional size of the column (ie. 30 for varchar(30)) * @param $oldtype The old type for the column * @param $comment Comment for the column * @return 0 success * @return -1 batch alteration failed * @return -3 rename column error * @return -4 comment error * @return -6 transaction error */ function alterColumn($table, $column, $name, $notnull, $oldnotnull, $default, $olddefault, $type, $length, $array, $oldtype, $comment) { $this->fieldClean($table); $this->fieldClean($column); $this->clean($comment);
// Initialise an empty SQL string $sql = '';
// Create the command for changing nullability if ($notnull != $oldnotnull) { $sql .= "ALTER TABLE \"{$table}\" ALTER COLUMN \"{$column}\" " . (($notnull) ? 'SET' : 'DROP') . " NOT NULL"; } // Add default, if it has changed if ($default != $olddefault) { if ($default == '') { if ($sql == '') $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"{$table}\" "; else $sql .= ", "; $sql .= "ALTER COLUMN \"{$column}\" DROP DEFAULT"; } else { if ($sql == '') $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"{$table}\" "; else $sql .= ", "; $sql .= "ALTER COLUMN \"{$column}\" SET DEFAULT {$default}"; } } // Add type, if it has changed if ($length == '') $ftype = $type; else { switch ($type) { // Have to account for weird placing of length for with/without // time zone types case 'timestamp with time zone': case 'timestamp without time zone': $qual = substr($type, 9); $ftype = "timestamp({$length}){$qual}"; break; case 'time with time zone': case 'time without time zone': $qual = substr($type, 4); $ftype = "time({$length}){$qual}"; break; default: $ftype = "{$type}({$length})"; } } // Add array qualifier, if requested if ($array) $ftype .= '[]'; if ($ftype != $oldtype) { if ($sql == '') $sql = "ALTER TABLE \"{$table}\" "; else $sql .= ", "; $sql .= "ALTER COLUMN \"{$column}\" TYPE {$ftype}"; }
// Begin transaction $status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -6; } // Attempt to process the batch alteration, if anything has been changed if ($sql != '') { $status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -1; } } // Update the comment on the column $status = $this->setComment('COLUMN', $column, $table, $comment); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -4; }
// Rename the column, if it has been changed if ($column != $name) { $status = $this->renameColumn($table, $column, $name); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -3; } }
return $this->endTransaction(); }
// Sequence functions
/** * Returns all sequences in the current database * @return A recordset */ function getSequences($all = false) { if ($all) { // Exclude pg_catalog and information_schema tables $sql = "SELECT n.nspname, c.relname AS seqname, u.usename AS seqowner FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_user u, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE c.relowner=u.usesysid AND c.relnamespace=n.oid AND c.relkind = 'S' AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema', 'pg_toast') ORDER BY nspname, seqname"; } else { $sql = "SELECT c.relname AS seqname, u.usename AS seqowner, pg_catalog.obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') AS seqcomment, (SELECT spcname FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace pt WHERE pt.oid=c.reltablespace) AS tablespace FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_user u, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE c.relowner=u.usesysid AND c.relnamespace=n.oid AND c.relkind = 'S' AND n.nspname='{$this->_schema}' ORDER BY seqname"; } return $this->selectSet( $sql ); } // Tablespace functions /** * Retrieves information for all tablespaces * @param $all Include all tablespaces (necessary when moving objects back to the default space) * @return A recordset */ function getTablespaces($all = false) { global $conf; $sql = "SELECT spcname, pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(spcowner) AS spcowner, spclocation FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace"; if (!$conf['show_system'] && !$all) { $sql .= " WHERE spcname NOT LIKE 'pg\\\\_%'"; } $sql .= " ORDER BY spcname"; return $this->selectSet($sql); } /** * Retrieves a tablespace's information * @return A recordset */ function getTablespace($spcname) { $this->clean($spcname); $sql = "SELECT spcname, pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(spcowner) AS spcowner, spclocation FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace WHERE spcname='{$spcname}'"; return $this->selectSet($sql); } /** * Creates a tablespace * @param $spcname The name of the tablespace to create * @param $spcowner The owner of the tablespace. '' for current * @param $spcloc The directory in which to create the tablespace * @return 0 success */ function createTablespace($spcname, $spcowner, $spcloc, $comment='') { $this->fieldClean($spcname); $this->clean($spcloc); $this->clean($comment); $sql = "CREATE TABLESPACE \"{$spcname}\""; if ($spcowner != '') { $this->fieldClean($spcowner); $sql .= " OWNER \"{$spcowner}\""; } $sql .= " LOCATION '{$spcloc}'";
$status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) return -1;
if ($comment != '' && $this->hasSharedComments()) { $status = $this->setComment('TABLESPACE',$spcname,'',$comment); if ($status != 0) return -2; }
return 0; }
/** * Drops a tablespace * @param $spcname The name of the domain to drop * @return 0 success */ function dropTablespace($spcname) { $this->fieldClean($spcname);
$sql = "DROP TABLESPACE \"{$spcname}\"";
return $this->execute($sql); }
/** * Alters a tablespace * @param $spcname The name of the tablespace * @param $name The new name for the tablespace * @param $owner The new owner for the tablespace * @return 0 success * @return -1 transaction error * @return -2 owner error * @return -3 rename error * @return -4 comment error */ function alterTablespace($spcname, $name, $owner, $comment='') { $this->fieldClean($spcname); $this->fieldClean($name); $this->fieldClean($owner);
// Begin transaction $status = $this->beginTransaction(); if ($status != 0) return -1;
// Owner $sql = "ALTER TABLESPACE \"{$spcname}\" OWNER TO \"{$owner}\""; $status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -2; }
// Rename (only if name has changed) if ($name != $spcname) { $sql = "ALTER TABLESPACE \"{$spcname}\" RENAME TO \"{$name}\""; $status = $this->execute($sql); if ($status != 0) { $this->rollbackTransaction(); return -3; } }
// Set comment if it has changed if (trim($comment) != '' && $this->hasSharedComments()) { $status = $this->setComment('TABLESPACE',$spcname,'',$comment); if ($status != 0) return -4; } return $this->endTransaction(); } // Backend process signalling functions /** * Sends a cancel or kill command to a process * @param $pid The ID of the backend process * @param $signal 'CANCEL' * @return 0 success * @return -1 invalid signal type */ function sendSignal($pid, $signal) { // Clean $pid = (int)$pid; if ($signal == 'CANCEL') $sql = "SELECT pg_catalog.pg_cancel_backend({$pid}) AS val"; else return -1; // Execute the query $val = $this->selectField($sql, 'val'); if ($val === -1) return -1; elseif ($val == '1') return 0; else return -1; }
/** * Returns all details for a particular function * @param $func The name of the function to retrieve * @return Function info */ function getFunction($function_oid) { $this->clean($function_oid); $sql = "SELECT pc.oid AS prooid, proname, lanname as prolanguage, pg_catalog.format_type(prorettype, NULL) as proresult, prosrc, probin, proretset, proisstrict, provolatile, prosecdef, pg_catalog.oidvectortypes(pc.proargtypes) AS proarguments, proargnames AS proargnames, pg_catalog.obj_description(pc.oid, 'pg_proc') AS procomment FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc pc, pg_catalog.pg_language pl WHERE pc.oid = '{$function_oid}'::oid AND pc.prolang = pl.oid "; return $this->selectSet($sql); } // Capabilities function hasAlterDatabaseOwner() { return true; } function hasAlterColumnType() { return true; } function hasTablespaces() { return true; } function hasSignals() { return true; } function hasNamedParams() { return true; } }