Viewing file: colproperties.php (10.44 KB) -rw-rw-r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * List Columns properties in tables * * $Id: colproperties.php */
// Include application functions include_once('./libraries/');
$action = (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['table'])) $tableName =& $_REQUEST['table']; elseif (isset($_REQUEST['view'])) $tableName =& $_REQUEST['view']; else die("No table provided!");
/** * Displays a screen where they can alter a column */ function doProperties($msg = '') { global $data, $misc, $_reload_browser; global $lang;
if (!isset($_REQUEST['stage'])) $_REQUEST['stage'] = 1;
switch ($_REQUEST['stage']) { case 1: global $lang;
$misc->printTrail('column'); $misc->printTitle($lang['straltercolumn'], 'pg.column.alter'); $misc->printMsg($msg);
echo "<form action=\"colproperties.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
// Output table header echo "<table>\n"; echo "<tr><th class=\"data required\">{$lang['strname']}</th>"; if ($data->hasAlterColumnType()) { echo "<th class=\"data required\" colspan=\"2\">{$lang['strtype']}</th>"; echo "<th class=\"data\">{$lang['strlength']}</th>"; } else { echo "<th class=\"data required\">{$lang['strtype']}</th>"; } echo "<th class=\"data\">{$lang['strnotnull']}</th><th class=\"data\">{$lang['strdefault']}</th><th class=\"data\">{$lang['strcomment']}</th></tr>";
$column = $data->getTableAttributes($_REQUEST['table'], $_REQUEST['column']); $column->f['attnotnull'] = $data->phpBool($column->f['attnotnull']);
// Upon first drawing the screen, load the existing column information // from the database. if (!isset($_REQUEST['default'])) { $_REQUEST['field'] = $column->f['attname']; $_REQUEST['type'] = $column->f['base_type']; // Check to see if its' an array type... // XXX: HACKY if (substr($column->f['base_type'], strlen($column->f['base_type']) - 2) == '[]') { $_REQUEST['type'] = substr($column->f['base_type'], 0, strlen($column->f['base_type']) - 2); $_REQUEST['array'] = '[]'; } else { $_REQUEST['type'] = $column->f['base_type']; $_REQUEST['array'] = ''; } // To figure out the length, look in the brackets :( // XXX: HACKY if ($column->f['type'] != $column->f['base_type'] && ereg('\\(([0-9, ]*)\\)', $column->f['type'], $bits)) { $_REQUEST['length'] = $bits[1]; } else $_REQUEST['length'] = ''; $_REQUEST['default'] = $_REQUEST['olddefault'] = $column->f['adsrc']; if ($column->f['attnotnull']) $_REQUEST['notnull'] = 'YES'; $_REQUEST['comment'] = $column->f['comment']; }
// Column name echo "<tr><td><input name=\"field\" size=\"32\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['field']), "\" /></td>"; // Column type if ($data->hasAlterColumnType()) { // Fetch all available types $types = $data->getTypes(true, false, true); echo "<td><select name=\"type\">\n"; // Output any "magic" types. This came in with Alter Column Type so we don't need to check that foreach ($data->extraTypes as $v) { echo "<option value=\"", htmlspecialchars($v), "\"", ($v == $_REQUEST['type']) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ">", $misc->printVal($v), "</option>\n"; } while (!$types->EOF) { $typname = $types->f['typname']; echo "<option value=\"", htmlspecialchars($typname), "\"", ($typname == $_REQUEST['type']) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ">", $misc->printVal($typname), "</option>\n"; $types->moveNext(); } echo "</select></td>"; // Output array type selector echo "<td><select name=\"array\">\n"; echo "<option value=\"\"", ($_REQUEST['array'] == '') ? ' selected="selected"' : '', "></option>\n"; echo "<option value=\"[]\"", ($_REQUEST['array'] == '[]') ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ">[ ]</option>\n"; echo "</select></td>\n"; echo "<td><input name=\"length\" size=\"8\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['length']), "\" /></td>"; } else { // Otherwise draw the read-only type name echo "<td>", $misc->printVal($data->formatType($column->f['type'], $column->f['atttypmod'])), "</td>"; } echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"notnull\"", (isset($_REQUEST['notnull'])) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', " /></td>\n"; echo "<td><input name=\"default\" size=\"20\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['default']), "\" /></td>"; echo "<td><input name=\"comment\" size=\"20\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['comment']), "\" /></td>"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"properties\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"stage\" value=\"2\" />\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"table\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['table']), "\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"column\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['column']), "\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"olddefault\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['olddefault']), "\" />\n"; if ($column->f['attnotnull']) echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"oldnotnull\" value=\"on\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"oldtype\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($data->formatType($column->f['type'], $column->f['atttypmod'])), "\" />\n"; // Add hidden variables to suppress error notices if we don't support altering column type if (!$data->hasAlterColumnType()) { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['type']), "\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"length\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['length']), "\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"array\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['array']), "\" />\n"; } echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$lang['stralter']}\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"{$lang['strcancel']}\" /></p>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; break; case 2: global $data, $lang;
// Check inputs if (trim($_REQUEST['field']) == '') { $_REQUEST['stage'] = 1; doProperties($lang['strcolneedsname']); return; }
$status = $data->alterColumn($_REQUEST['table'], $_REQUEST['column'], $_REQUEST['field'], isset($_REQUEST['notnull']), isset($_REQUEST['oldnotnull']), $_REQUEST['default'], $_REQUEST['olddefault'], $_REQUEST['type'], $_REQUEST['length'], $_REQUEST['array'], $_REQUEST['oldtype'], $_REQUEST['comment']); if ($status == 0) { if ($_REQUEST['column'] != $_REQUEST['field']) { $_REQUEST['column']=$_REQUEST['field']; $_reload_browser = true; } doDefault($lang['strcolumnaltered']); } else { $_REQUEST['stage'] = 1; doProperties($lang['strcolumnalteredbad']); return; } break; default: echo "<p>{$lang['strinvalidparam']}</p>\n"; } }
/** * Show default list of columns in the table */ function doDefault($msg = '', $isTable = true) { global $data, $conf, $misc, $tableName; global $lang;
function attPre(&$rowdata) { global $data; $rowdata->f['+type'] = $data->formatType($rowdata->f['type'], $rowdata->f['atttypmod']); } if (empty($_REQUEST['column'])) $msg.= "<br/>{$lang['strnoobjects']}"; $misc->printTrail('column'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strcolprop']); #$misc->printTabs('column','properties'); $misc->printMsg($msg);
if (! empty($_REQUEST['column'])) { // Get table $tdata = $data->getTable($tableName); // Get columns $attrs = $data->getTableAttributes($tableName, $_REQUEST['column']);
// Show comment if any if ($attrs->f['comment'] !== null) echo "<p class=\"comment\">", $misc->printVal($attrs->f['comment']), "</p>\n";
$column = array( 'column' => array( 'title' => $lang['strcolumn'], 'field' => 'attname', ), 'type' => array( 'title' => $lang['strtype'], 'field' => '+type', ) ); if ($isTable) { $column['notnull'] = array( 'title' => $lang['strnotnull'], 'field' => 'attnotnull', 'type' => 'bool', 'params'=> array('true' => 'NOT NULL', 'false' => '') ); $column['default'] = array( 'title' => $lang['strdefault'], 'field' => 'adsrc' ); }
$actions=array(); $misc->printTable($attrs, $column, $actions, null, 'attPre');
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<ul>\n"; if ($isTable) { $return_url = urlencode("colproperties.php?{$misc->href}&table=$tableName&column={$_REQUEST['column']}");
/* Browse link */ echo "\t<li><a href=\"display.php?{$misc->href}&table=", urlencode($tableName), "&subject=column&column=", urlencode($_REQUEST['column']), "&return_url={$return_url}&return_desc=", urlencode($lang['strback']), "&query=", urlencode("SELECT {$_REQUEST['column']}, count(*) AS \"count\" FROM $tableName GROUP BY {$_REQUEST['column']} ORDER BY {$_REQUEST['column']}") , "\">{$lang['strbrowse']}</a></li>\n";
/* Edit link */ echo "\t<li><a href=\"colproperties.php?action=properties&{$misc->href}&table=", urlencode($_REQUEST['table']), "&column=", urlencode($_REQUEST['column']) . "\">{$lang['stralter']}</a></li>\n"; /* Delete link */ if ($data->hasDropColumn()) echo "\t<li><a href=\"tblproperties.php?action=confirm_drop&{$misc->href}&table=", urlencode($_REQUEST['table']), "&column=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['column']) . "\">{$lang['strdrop']}</a></li>\n"; } else { $return_url = urlencode("colproperties.php?{$misc->href}&view=$tableName&column={$_REQUEST['column']}"); /* Browse link */ echo "\t<li><a href=\"display.php?{$misc->href}&view=", urlencode($tableName), "&subject=column&column=", urlencode($_REQUEST['column']), "&return_url={$return_url}&return_desc=", urlencode($lang['strback']), "&query=", urlencode("SELECT {$_REQUEST['column']}, count(*) AS \"count\" FROM $tableName GROUP BY {$_REQUEST['column']} ORDER BY {$_REQUEST['column']}") , "\">{$lang['strbrowse']}</a></li>\n"; }
echo "</ul>\n"; } }
$misc->printHeader($lang['strtables'] . ' - ' . $tableName); $misc->printBody();
if (isset($_REQUEST['view'])) doDefault(null, false); else switch ($action) { case 'properties': if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) doDefault(); else doProperties(); break; default: doDefault(); break; } $misc->printFooter();