Viewing file: servers.php (2.78 KB) -rw-rw-r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * Manage servers * * $Id: servers.php,v 2007/07/09 14:55:22 xzilla Exp $ */
// Include application functions $_no_db_connection = true; include_once('./libraries/'); $action = (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''; if (!isset($msg)) $msg = ''; function doLogout() { global $misc, $lang, $_reload_browser; $server_info = $misc->getServerInfo($_REQUEST['logoutServer']); $misc->setServerInfo(null, null, $_REQUEST['logoutServer']); doDefault(sprintf($lang['strlogoutmsg'], $server_info['desc'])); $_reload_browser = true; }
function doDefault($msg = '') { global $conf, $misc; global $lang; $misc->printTabs('root','servers'); $misc->printMsg($msg); $servers = $misc->getServers(true); function svPre(&$rowdata, $actions) { $actions['logout']['disable'] = empty($rowdata->f['username']); return $actions; } $columns = array( 'server' => array( 'title' => $lang['strserver'], 'field' => 'desc', ), 'host' => array( 'title' => $lang['strhost'], 'field' => 'host', ), 'port' => array( 'title' => $lang['strport'], 'field' => 'port', ), 'username' => array( 'title' => $lang['strusername'], 'field' => 'username', ), 'actions' => array( 'title' => $lang['stractions'], ), ); $actions = array( 'properties' => array( 'title' => $lang['strproperties'], 'url' => "redirect.php?subject=server&", 'vars' => array('server' => 'id'), ), 'logout' => array( 'title' => $lang['strlogout'], 'url' => "servers.php?action=logout&", 'vars' => array('logoutServer' => 'id'), ), ); $misc->printTable($servers, $columns, $actions, $lang['strnoobjects'], 'svPre'); } function doTree() { global $misc; $servers = $misc->getServers(true); $reqvars = $misc->getRequestVars('server'); $attrs = array( 'text' => field('desc'), // Show different icons for logged in/out 'icon' => ifempty(field('username'), 'DisconnectedServer', 'Server'), 'toolTip'=> field('id'), 'action' => url('redirect.php', $reqvars, array('server' => field('id')) ), // Only create a branch url if the user has // logged into the server. 'branch' => ifempty(field('username'), false, url('all_db.php', $reqvars, array( 'action' => 'tree', 'server' => field('id') ) ) ), ); $misc->printTreeXML($servers, $attrs); exit; } if ($action == 'tree') doTree(); $misc->printHeader($lang['strservers']); $misc->printBody(); $misc->printTrail('root');
switch ($action) { case 'logout': doLogout(); break; case 'tree': default: doDefault($msg); break; }
$misc->printFooter(); ?>