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// Safe iterator implementation -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 // Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, // USA.
// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by // the GNU General Public License.
/** @file debug/safe_iterator.h * This file is a GNU debug extension to the Standard C++ Library. */
#include <debug/debug.h> #include <debug/macros.h> #include <debug/functions.h> #include <debug/formatter.h> #include <debug/safe_base.h> #include <bits/stl_pair.h> #include <ext/type_traits.h>
namespace __gnu_debug { /** Iterators that derive from _Safe_iterator_base but that aren't * _Safe_iterators can be determined singular or non-singular via * _Safe_iterator_base. */ inline bool __check_singular_aux(const _Safe_iterator_base* __x) { return __x->_M_singular(); }
/** \brief Safe iterator wrapper. * * The class template %_Safe_iterator is a wrapper around an * iterator that tracks the iterator's movement among sequences and * checks that operations performed on the "safe" iterator are * legal. In additional to the basic iterator operations (which are * validated, and then passed to the underlying iterator), * %_Safe_iterator has member functions for iterator invalidation, * attaching/detaching the iterator from sequences, and querying * the iterator's state. */ template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence> class _Safe_iterator : public _Safe_iterator_base { typedef _Safe_iterator _Self;
/** The precision to which we can calculate the distance between * two iterators. */ enum _Distance_precision { __dp_equality, //< Can compare iterator equality, only __dp_sign, //< Can determine equality and ordering __dp_exact //< Can determine distance precisely };
/// The underlying iterator _Iterator _M_current;
/// Determine if this is a constant iterator. bool _M_constant() const { typedef typename _Sequence::const_iterator const_iterator; return __is_same<const_iterator, _Safe_iterator>::value; }
typedef std::iterator_traits<_Iterator> _Traits;
public: typedef _Iterator _Base_iterator; typedef typename _Traits::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename _Traits::value_type value_type; typedef typename _Traits::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename _Traits::reference reference; typedef typename _Traits::pointer pointer;
/// @post the iterator is singular and unattached _Safe_iterator() : _M_current() { }
/** * @brief Safe iterator construction from an unsafe iterator and * its sequence. * * @pre @p seq is not NULL * @post this is not singular */ _Safe_iterator(const _Iterator& __i, const _Sequence* __seq) : _Safe_iterator_base(__seq, _M_constant()), _M_current(__i) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! this->_M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_init_singular) ._M_iterator(*this, "this")); }
/** * @brief Copy construction. * @pre @p x is not singular */ _Safe_iterator(const _Safe_iterator& __x) : _Safe_iterator_base(__x, _M_constant()), _M_current(__x._M_current) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(!__x._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_init_copy_singular) ._M_iterator(*this, "this") ._M_iterator(__x, "other")); }
/** * @brief Converting constructor from a mutable iterator to a * constant iterator. * * @pre @p x is not singular */ template<typename _MutableIterator> _Safe_iterator( const _Safe_iterator<_MutableIterator, typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<(std::__are_same<_MutableIterator, typename _Sequence::iterator::_Base_iterator>::__value), _Sequence>::__type>& __x) : _Safe_iterator_base(__x, _M_constant()), _M_current(__x.base()) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(!__x._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_init_const_singular) ._M_iterator(*this, "this") ._M_iterator(__x, "other")); }
/** * @brief Copy assignment. * @pre @p x is not singular */ _Safe_iterator& operator=(const _Safe_iterator& __x) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(!__x._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_copy_singular) ._M_iterator(*this, "this") ._M_iterator(__x, "other")); _M_current = __x._M_current; this->_M_attach(static_cast<_Sequence*>(__x._M_sequence)); return *this; }
/** * @brief Iterator dereference. * @pre iterator is dereferenceable */ reference operator*() const {
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(this->_M_dereferenceable(), _M_message(__msg_bad_deref) ._M_iterator(*this, "this")); return *_M_current; }
/** * @brief Iterator dereference. * @pre iterator is dereferenceable * @todo Make this correct w.r.t. iterators that return proxies * @todo Use addressof() instead of & operator */ pointer operator->() const { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(this->_M_dereferenceable(), _M_message(__msg_bad_deref) ._M_iterator(*this, "this")); return &*_M_current; }
// ------ Input iterator requirements ------ /** * @brief Iterator preincrement * @pre iterator is incrementable */ _Safe_iterator& operator++() { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(this->_M_incrementable(), _M_message(__msg_bad_inc) ._M_iterator(*this, "this")); ++_M_current; return *this; }
/** * @brief Iterator postincrement * @pre iterator is incrementable */ _Safe_iterator operator++(int) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(this->_M_incrementable(), _M_message(__msg_bad_inc) ._M_iterator(*this, "this")); _Safe_iterator __tmp(*this); ++_M_current; return __tmp; }
// ------ Bidirectional iterator requirements ------ /** * @brief Iterator predecrement * @pre iterator is decrementable */ _Safe_iterator& operator--() { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(this->_M_decrementable(), _M_message(__msg_bad_dec) ._M_iterator(*this, "this")); --_M_current; return *this; }
/** * @brief Iterator postdecrement * @pre iterator is decrementable */ _Safe_iterator operator--(int) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(this->_M_decrementable(), _M_message(__msg_bad_dec) ._M_iterator(*this, "this")); _Safe_iterator __tmp(*this); --_M_current; return __tmp; }
// ------ Random access iterator requirements ------ reference operator[](const difference_type& __n) const { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(this->_M_can_advance(__n) && this->_M_can_advance(__n+1), _M_message(__msg_iter_subscript_oob) ._M_iterator(*this)._M_integer(__n));
return _M_current[__n]; }
_Safe_iterator& operator+=(const difference_type& __n) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(this->_M_can_advance(__n), _M_message(__msg_advance_oob) ._M_iterator(*this)._M_integer(__n)); _M_current += __n; return *this; }
_Safe_iterator operator+(const difference_type& __n) const { _Safe_iterator __tmp(*this); __tmp += __n; return __tmp; }
_Safe_iterator& operator-=(const difference_type& __n) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(this->_M_can_advance(-__n), _M_message(__msg_retreat_oob) ._M_iterator(*this)._M_integer(__n)); _M_current += -__n; return *this; }
_Safe_iterator operator-(const difference_type& __n) const { _Safe_iterator __tmp(*this); __tmp -= __n; return __tmp; }
// ------ Utilities ------ /** * @brief Return the underlying iterator */ _Iterator base() const { return _M_current; }
/** * @brief Conversion to underlying non-debug iterator to allow * better interaction with non-debug containers. */ operator _Iterator() const { return _M_current; }
/** Attach iterator to the given sequence. */ void _M_attach(const _Sequence* __seq) { _Safe_iterator_base::_M_attach(const_cast<_Sequence*>(__seq), _M_constant()); }
/** Likewise, but not thread-safe. */ void _M_attach_single(const _Sequence* __seq) { _Safe_iterator_base::_M_attach_single(const_cast<_Sequence*>(__seq), _M_constant()); }
/** Invalidate the iterator, making it singular. */ void _M_invalidate();
/** Likewise, but not thread-safe. */ void _M_invalidate_single();
/// Is the iterator dereferenceable? bool _M_dereferenceable() const { return !this->_M_singular() && !_M_is_end(); }
/// Is the iterator incrementable? bool _M_incrementable() const { return this->_M_dereferenceable(); }
// Is the iterator decrementable? bool _M_decrementable() const { return !_M_singular() && !_M_is_begin(); }
// Can we advance the iterator @p __n steps (@p __n may be negative) bool _M_can_advance(const difference_type& __n) const;
// Is the iterator range [*this, __rhs) valid? template<typename _Other> bool _M_valid_range(const _Safe_iterator<_Other, _Sequence>& __rhs) const;
// The sequence this iterator references. const _Sequence* _M_get_sequence() const { return static_cast<const _Sequence*>(_M_sequence); }
/** Determine the distance between two iterators with some known * precision. */ template<typename _Iterator1, typename _Iterator2> static std::pair<difference_type, _Distance_precision> _M_get_distance(const _Iterator1& __lhs, const _Iterator2& __rhs) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator1>::iterator_category _Category; return _M_get_distance(__lhs, __rhs, _Category()); }
template<typename _Iterator1, typename _Iterator2> static std::pair<difference_type, _Distance_precision> _M_get_distance(const _Iterator1& __lhs, const _Iterator2& __rhs, std::random_access_iterator_tag) { return std::make_pair(__rhs.base() - __lhs.base(), __dp_exact); }
template<typename _Iterator1, typename _Iterator2> static std::pair<difference_type, _Distance_precision> _M_get_distance(const _Iterator1& __lhs, const _Iterator2& __rhs, std::forward_iterator_tag) { return std::make_pair(__lhs.base() == __rhs.base()? 0 : 1, __dp_equality); }
/// Is this iterator equal to the sequence's begin() iterator? bool _M_is_begin() const { return *this == static_cast<const _Sequence*>(_M_sequence)->begin(); }
/// Is this iterator equal to the sequence's end() iterator? bool _M_is_end() const { return *this == static_cast<const _Sequence*>(_M_sequence)->end(); } };
template<typename _IteratorL, typename _IteratorR, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator==(const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorL, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorR, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_compare_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_compare_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() == __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator==(const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_compare_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_compare_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() == __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _IteratorL, typename _IteratorR, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator!=(const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorL, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorR, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_compare_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_compare_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() != __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator!=(const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_compare_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_compare_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() != __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _IteratorL, typename _IteratorR, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator<(const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorL, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorR, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_order_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_order_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() < __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator<(const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_order_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_order_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() < __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _IteratorL, typename _IteratorR, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator<=(const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorL, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorR, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_order_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_order_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() <= __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator<=(const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_order_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_order_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() <= __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _IteratorL, typename _IteratorR, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator>(const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorL, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorR, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_order_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_order_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() > __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator>(const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_order_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_order_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() > __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _IteratorL, typename _IteratorR, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator>=(const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorL, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorR, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_order_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_order_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() >= __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence> inline bool operator>=(const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_iter_order_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_order_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() >= __rhs.base(); }
// _GLIBCXX_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS // According to the resolution of DR179 not only the various comparison // operators but also operator- must accept mixed iterator/const_iterator // parameters. template<typename _IteratorL, typename _IteratorR, typename _Sequence> inline typename _Safe_iterator<_IteratorL, _Sequence>::difference_type operator-(const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorL, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_IteratorR, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_distance_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_distance_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() - __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence> inline typename _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>::difference_type operator-(const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __lhs, const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __rhs) { _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! __lhs._M_singular() && ! __rhs._M_singular(), _M_message(__msg_distance_bad) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__lhs._M_can_compare(__rhs), _M_message(__msg_distance_different) ._M_iterator(__lhs, "lhs") ._M_iterator(__rhs, "rhs")); return __lhs.base() - __rhs.base(); }
template<typename _Iterator, typename _Sequence> inline _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence> operator+(typename _Safe_iterator<_Iterator,_Sequence>::difference_type __n, const _Safe_iterator<_Iterator, _Sequence>& __i) { return __i + __n; } } // namespace __gnu_debug
#ifndef _GLIBCXX_EXPORT_TEMPLATE # include <debug/safe_iterator.tcc> #endif