Viewing file: (3.58 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
my $ProcessID = $$; my $Arg0 = $ARG0;
sub com_app { usage_and_exit if (@ARGV == 0);
my $command = shift; my $app = shift(@ARGV); my $upapp = ($command eq 'update') ? $app : undef; my @category = @ARGV; my @ocategory = @category;
arg_check($app) || exit ERROR;
mylock(1); init_all($upapp);
my $appinfo = &Debian::Defoma::Configure::get_app_info($app);
unless($appinfo) { term_all(); mylock(0); printw("$app: Application not found."); exit ERROR; }
my @cs = &Debian::Defoma::Configure::get_app_categories($app); @cs = reverse(@cs); @category = @cs unless (@category);
unless (exists($appinfo->{ignore_category})) { $appinfo->{ignore_category} = {}; } my $ics = $appinfo->{ignore_category};
my $clean = 1; my $update = 0; my $purge = 0; my $onlyupdate = 0; my $reexec = 0; my $ignore = 0; my $cleanstr = "Cleaning up"; if ($command eq 'purge') { $Debian::Defoma::Id::Purge = 1; @category = @cs; $purge = 1; $cleanstr = "Purging"; } elsif ($command eq 'update') { my $ppid = $ENV{DEFOMA_PREVIOUS_PROCESS_ID} || 0; if ($ppid != $ProcessID) { $update = 1; if ($appinfo->{script_change} eq 'updated') { $reexec = 1; } } else { $onlyupdate = 1; $clean = 0; } } elsif ($command eq 'ignore') { $ignore = 1; }
if ($update) { printm("Updating font configuration of $app..."); } elsif ($clean) { printm("$cleanstr font configuration of $app..."); }
my $fobjs = \%Debian::Defoma::Font::Fobjs; my $fobj; my @hints; my @list; my ($c, $max, $i, $font);
foreach $c (@cs) { next unless ($clean); next unless (grep($_ eq $c, @category)); if (exists($ics->{$c})) { printm("Skipping category $c; it's ignored."); next; }
printm("$cleanstr category $c..");
next unless (exists($fobjs->{$c}));
$fobj = $fobjs->{$c};
@list = keys(%{$fobj->{cache_list}}); foreach $font (@list) { @hints = split(' ', $fobj->{cache_list}->{$font});
printv(" $cleanstr $font...");
&Debian::Defoma::Configure::call_1($fobj, $app, 'unregister', $c, $font, @hints);
$fobj->remove_failed($font, $app); } }
if ($reexec) { term_all(); &Debian::Defoma::Configure::remove_script($app); $ENV{DEFOMA_PREVIOUS_PROCESS_ID} = $ProcessID;
mylock(0); exec($Arg0, ARGS); }
if (($update || $onlyupdate) && @ocategory) { my @rics; foreach $c (@ocategory) { if (exists($ics->{$c})) { delete($ics->{$c}); push(@rics, $c); } } if (@rics) { printm("Releasing 'ignore' on following categories: @rics"); } }
if ($ignore) { foreach $c (@category) { $ics->{$c} = undef; } printm("Setting 'ignore' on following categories: @category"); } @cs = reverse(@cs); foreach $c (@cs) { next unless ($update || $onlyupdate); next unless (grep($_ eq $c, @category)); if (exists($ics->{$c})) { printm("Skipping category $c; it's ignored."); next; } printm("Updating category $c.."); next unless (exists($fobjs->{$c})); $fobj = $fobjs->{$c}; @list = keys(%{$fobj->{cache_list}}); foreach $font (@list) { @hints = split(' ', $fobj->{cache_list}->{$font}); printv(" Updating $font..."); &Debian::Defoma::Configure::call_1($fobj, $app, 'register', $c, $font, @hints); } }
if ($purge) { &Debian::Defoma::Configure::purge_script($app); } term_all(); mylock(0); exit 0; }
sub main { my $command = shift;
if ($command =~ /^(clean|update|purge|ignore)$/) { com_app($command); } }