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#! /usr/bin/perl -wT # # Require the debian package libchart-perl.
BEGIN { @INC=("./usr/share/perl5/", @INC); }
$ENV{PATH}="/usr/bin:/bin"; $dirpng="../www/stat"; while (<>) { my ($file); m/^(.*\/popcon-([0-9-]+)\.gz)$/ or next; $file=$1; $f=$2; push @date,$f; open FILE,"zcat $file|"; while(<FILE>) { my @line=split(/ +/); if ($line[0] eq "Submissions:") { $subt{$f}=$line[1]; } elsif ($line[0] eq "Architecture:") { $sub{$f}->{$line[1]}=$line[2]; $arch{$line[1]}++; } elsif ($line[0] eq "Release:") { if (defined($line[2])) { $rel{$f}->{$line[1]}=$line[2]; } else { $rel{$f}->{"unknown"}+=$line[1]; } } elsif ($line[0] eq "Package:") { last; } } close FILE; }
@days = sort grep { defined($sub{$_}->{'i386'}) } @date; @data = (\@days); @arch = sort keys %arch; $maxv = -10; for $arch (@arch) { my @res=(); for (@days) { my $data=defined($sub{$_}->{$arch})?log($sub{$_}->{$arch})/log(2)+1:0; push @res,$data; $maxv=$data if ($data > $maxv); } push @data,\@res; }
@labels=(@arch); sub ytick { my ($x)=$_[0]-.5; $x < 0 and return 0; return int 2**$x; }
use Chart::LinesPoints;
$obj=Chart::LinesPoints->new (600,400); $obj->set ('title' => 'Number of submissions per architectures'); $obj->set ('legend_labels' => [@arch]); $obj->set ('f_y_tick' => \&ytick); $obj->set ('brush_size' => 3); $obj->set ('pt_size' => 7); $obj->set ('max_val' => $maxv+1); $obj->set ('y_ticks' => int $maxv +1); $obj->set ('x_ticks' => 'vertical'); $obj->set ('skip_x_ticks' => 28); $obj->png ("$dirpng/submission.png", \@data);
use Chart::Composite; for $arch (@arch) { my @data; my @res=(); my @tot=(); for (@days) { push @res,defined($sub{$_}->{$arch})?$sub{$_}->{$arch}:0; push @tot,defined($subt{$_})?$subt{$_}:0; } @data=(\@days,\@res,\@tot); @labels=($arch, 'all submissions'); $obj=Chart::Composite->new (600,400); $obj->set ('title' => "Number of submissions for $arch"); $obj->set ('legend_labels' => \@labels); $obj->set ('brush_size' => 3); $obj->set ('pt_size' => 7); $obj->set ('x_ticks' => 'vertical'); $obj->set ('skip_x_ticks' => 28); $obj->set ('composite_info' => [ ['LinesPoints', [1]], ['LinesPoints', [2] ] ]); $obj->png ("$dirpng/sub-$arch.png", \@data); }
@days = sort grep { $_ ge "2004-05-14" } @date; %release= map { map { $_ => 1 } keys %{$rel{$_}} } @days; @data = (\@days); @release= sort keys %release; for $release (@release) { my @res=(); for (@days) { my $data=defined($rel{$_}->{$release})?$rel{$_}->{$release}:0; push @res,$data; } push @data,\@res; } $obj=Chart::LinesPoints->new (600,400); $obj->set ('title' => 'popularity-contest versions in use'); $obj->set ('legend_labels' => [@release]); $obj->set ('brush_size' => 3); $obj->set ('pt_size' => 7); $obj->set ('x_ticks' => 'vertical'); $obj->set ('skip_x_ticks' => 28); $obj->png ("$dirpng/release.png", \@data);