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ъъъD.Dъъъ.ъъъжжжжжжџџџџBreaking News: Michael Jackson didn't die of a heart attack, it was an allergic reaction to 12 year old nuts.Michael Jackson's family have requested he be melted down and made into toys so the kids can play with him for a change.

reports of him suffering a cardiac arrest are incorrect.he was found in the childrens ward having a stroke

I can't believe he actually died. Reports last night were just saying that he felt a little queer

It was touch and go at the hospital last night.Then they moved Jacko away from the children's ward.

His holiday this year is cancelled.He won't be going to Tampa with the kids.

Micheal jackson will always be with us..........he is not biodegradable.What's the difference between MJ and Disney Films?Disney films can still touch kids

MJ's vitiligo takes a turn for the worst; first he was black, then white, now he's blue.

There may still be hope of bringing him back! Apparently they've sent one of the Charlies Angels in after him!All his dates are now cancelled, including Simon and Ryan aged 5 and 9

MJ LAST DYING WISH.... TO BE MELTED DOWN INTO STRAWS SO HE CAN STILL GET SUCKED OFF BY KIDSDoctors say that Michael Jackson will be donating his organs to children... againMichael Jackson's last request was to be cremated and for his ashes to be put in an etch-a-sketch so kids could still play with him.His heart problem was hereditary and came from his Protestant father. It is more commonly known as the 'Billy Gene'.After the death of michael jackson his body has been metled down into 1000 plastic cups so that little children can get their mouths round his rim once againApparently he's not being buried, just moved to Madame Tussauds

R I P, easy as 1 2 3

Michael Jackson is not going to be buried or cremated but recycled into shopping bags so he can remain white, plastic and dangerous for kids to play with.

What did one paramedic say to the other when giving Jacko CPR?Dont stop, till hes had enough

NEWS FLASH: Gary Glitter has offered millions for Michael Jacksons computer

Apparently when the paramedics got to Michael Jacksons house, they found Class A drugs in the kitchen, Class C drugs in the bathroom, and Class 4B in the bedroom

What's the difference between MJ and Casper?One's white and scares kids, the other's a friendly ghost

It's quite ironic that Jacko died around midnight....when the big hand touches the little hand

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