Viewing file: files.php (20.96 KB) -rwxrwxr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* // License block \\ * @name: PHP AJAX File Manager (PAFM) * @filename: pafm.php * @version: 1.0 RC1 * @date: April 8th, 2008
* @author: mustafa * @website: * @email:
* @server requirements: PHP 4.4+ * @browser requirements: Firefox 3+, Internet Explorer 7+, Opera 9.5+, Safari 3+
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 mustafa * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. See gpl-3.0.txt \\ License block // */
/*** CONFIG ***/ define('AUTHORIZE', true); //Require authorization? //@bool : true define('PASSWORD', 'rizer2000'); //Authorization password //@string : auth define('AllowPathInjection', false); //Allow path injection? e.g. ../, /, etc. //@bool : false define('MaxUploadSize', 25); //Max file size for uploading. In mega-bytes //@int : 25 define('MaxEditableSize', 1); //Max file size for Editing. In mega-bytes //@int : 1 define('ROOT', './'); //ROOT path of where you want to manage. Do NOT include the domain. Must be local //@string : . /*** END CONFIG ***/
$pathRegEx = AllowPathInjection ? '//' : '/\.\.|\/\/|\/$|^\/|^$/'; $path = preg_match($pathRegEx, $_GET['path']) ? '.' : $_GET['path']; $pathURL = escape($path); $pathHTML = htmlspecialchars($path); $do = $_GET['do']; $pafm = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $redir = $pafm . '?path=' . $pathURL; //$pafm is prefixed for safari $maxUpload = min(return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')), return_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')), MaxUploadSize*1048576); $dirContents; $cpExts = array('asp', 'css', 'htm', 'html', 'js', 'java', 'pl', 'php', 'rb', 'sql', 'xsl'); //For CP Editing $footer = '<a href="" title="PHP AJAX File Manager">pafm</a> by <a href="" title="">mustafa</a>'; if (AUTHORIZE) { session_start(); doAuth(); } if (!is_dir(ROOT)) exit('ROOT (' . htmlspecialchars(ROOT) . ') is not a valid directory'); chdir(ROOT); if (!is_dir($path)) exit('path (' . $pathHTML . ') is not a valid directory'); if(!is_readable($path)) { chmod($path, 0777); if (!is_readable($path)) exit('path (' . $pathHTML . ') can\'t be read'); }
if (!isNull($_GET['subject'])) { $subject = str_replace('/', null, $_GET['subject']); $subjectURL = escape($subject); $subjectHTML = htmlspecialchars($subject); } if (!isNull($_GET['to'])) { $to = preg_match($pathRegEx, $_GET['to']) ? null : $_GET['to']; $toHTML = htmlspecialchars($to); $toURL = escape($to); } if ($do) { switch ($do) { case 'login': exit(doLogin($_POST['pwd'])); case 'create': exit(doCreate($_POST['file'], $_POST['folder'], $path)); case 'upload': exit(doUpload($path)); case 'chmod': exit(doChmod($subject, $path, $_POST['mod'])); case 'extract': exit(doExtract($subject, $path)); case 'readFile': exit(doReadFile($subject, $path)); case 'rename': exit(doRename($subject, $path)); case 'delete': exit(doDelete($subject, $path)); case 'saveEdit': exit(doSaveEdit($subject, $path)); case 'move': exit(doMove($subject, $path)); case 'moveList': exit(moveList($subject, $path, $to)); case 'fileExists': exit(file_exists($path .'/'. $subject)); case 'getfs': exit(getFs($path .'/'. $subject)); case 'logout': exit(doLogout()); } } getDirContents($path); // helper functions function isNull() { foreach (func_get_args() as $value) if (!strlen($value)) return true; return false; } function zipSupport(){ if (function_exists('zip_open')) return 'function'; if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) return 'class'; if (strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === false && @shell_exec('unzip')) return 'exec'; return false; } function escape($uri){ return str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($uri)); } function removeQuotes($subject, $single = true, $double = true) { if ($single) $subject = str_replace('\'', null, $subject); if ($double) $subject = str_replace('"', null, $subject); return $subject; } function return_bytes($val) { //for upload. $val = trim($val); $last = strtolower($val{strlen($val)-1}); switch($last) { case 'g': $val *= 1024; case 'm': $val *= 1024; case 'k': $val *= 1024; }
return $val; } function getExt($file){ return strtolower(substr($file, strrpos($file, '.') + 1)); } function getMod($subject){ return substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($subject)), -4); } function redirect(){ global $redir; header('Location: ' . $redir); } function refresh($message, $speed = 2){ global $redir; return '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'.$speed.';url='.$redir.'" />'.$message; } function getFs($file){ if (filesize($file) <= 1024) return filesize($file).' <b title="Bytes" style="background-color: #B9D4B8">B</b>'; elseif (filesize($file) <= 1024000) return round(filesize($file)/1024, 2).' <b title="KiloBytes" style="background-color: yellow">KB</b>'; else return round(filesize($file)/1024000, 2).' <b title="MegaBytes" style="background-color: red">MB</b>'; } function rrd($dir){ $handle = opendir($dir); while (($dirItem = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if($dirItem == '.' || $dirItem == '..') continue; $path = $dir.'/'.$dirItem; is_dir($path) ? rrd($path) : unlink($path); } closedir($handle); return rmdir($dir); } function pathCrumbs(){ global $pathHTML, $pathURL; $crumbs = split('/', $pathHTML); $crumbsLink = split('/', $pathURL); for ($i = 0; $i < count($crumbs); $i++) { $slash = $i ? '/' : null; $pathSplit .= $slash . escape($crumbs[$i]); $crumb .= '<a href="?path=' . $pathSplit . '" title="Go to ' . $crumbs[$i] . '">' . $crumbs[$i] . '</a> /' . "\n"; } return $crumb; } //authorize functions function doAuth(){ global $do, $pathURL, $footer; if ($do == 'login' || $do == 'logout') return; if ($do && $_SESSION['pwd'] != PASSWORD) exit('Please refresh the page and login'); if ($_SESSION['pwd'] != PASSWORD) exit ('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Log In | pafm</title> <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ form { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 45%; margin-left: -6.50em; margin-top: -1em; text-align: center; font-family: calibri; } a { text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #B22424; } a:visited { color: #FF2F00; } a:hover { color: #DD836F; } p { margin-top: 7.5em; } /*]]>*/ </style> <script type="text/javascript"> onload = function(){ var pwd = document.getElementsByName("pwd")[0]; pwd.focus(); }; </script> </head> <body> <form action="?do=login&path='. $pathURL .'" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend style="text-align: left;">Log in</legend> <input type="password" name="pwd" title="Password" /> <input type="submit" value="✓" title="Log In" /> </fieldset> <p>'.$footer.'</p> </form> </body> </html>'); } function doLogin($pwd){ if ($pwd == PASSWORD) $_SESSION['pwd'] = PASSWORD; else return refresh('Password is incorrect'); redirect(); } function doLogout(){ session_destroy(); redirect(); } //fOp functions function doCreate($file, $folder, $path){ if (isNull($file) && isNull($folder)) return refresh('A filename has not been entered');
$invalidChars = strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') !== false ? '/\\|\/|:|\*|\?|\"|\<|\>|\|/' : '/\//'; if (preg_match($invalidChars, $file ? $file : $folder)) return refresh('Filename contains invalid characters');
if (!isNull($file) && !file_exists($path.'/'.$file)) fclose(fopen($path.'/'.$file, 'w')); elseif (!isNull($folder) && !file_exists($path.'/'.$folder)) mkdir($path.'/'.$folder); else return refresh(htmlspecialchars($file).htmlspecialchars($folder).' already exists'); redirect(); } function doUpload($path){ if (!$_FILES) return refresh('$_FILES array can not be read'); $uploadErrors = array(null, 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.', 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.', 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.', 'No file was uploaded.', 'Missing a temporary folder.', 'Failed to write file to disk.', 'File upload stopped by extension.'); if ($_FILES['file']['error']) { if ($uploadErrors[$_FILES['file']['error']]) return refresh($uploadErrors[$_FILES['file']['error']] . ' Please see <a href="">File Upload Error Messages</a>'); else return refresh('Unknown error occurred. Please see <a href="">File Upload Error Messages</a>'); }
if (!is_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) return refresh($_FILES['file']['name'] . ' could not be uploaded. Possible causes could be the <b>post_max_size</b> and <b>memory_limit</b> directives in php.ini.');
if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) return refresh(basename($_FILES['file']['name']) . ' is not a POST-uploaded file');
$name = basename($_FILES['file']['name']); if ($_FILES['file']['size'] > MaxUploadSize * 1048576) { unlink($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); return refresh($name . '\'s size exceeds the MaxUploadSize directive.'); }
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path.'/'.$name)) redirect(); else return refresh($name . ' could not be moved.'); } function doChmod($subject, $path, $mod){ if (isNull($mod)) return refresh('chmod field is empty');
chmod($path . '/' . $subject, octdec(strlen($mod) == 3 ? 0 . $mod : $mod)); redirect(); } function doExtract($subject, $path){ global $subjectHTML; switch (zipSupport()) { case 'function': if (!is_resource($zip = zip_open($path.'/'.$subject))) return refresh($subjectHTML . ' could not be read for extracting');
while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry); if (substr(zip_entry_name($zip_entry), -1) == '/') { $zdir = substr(zip_entry_name($zip_entry), 0, -1); if (file_exists($path.'/'.$zdir)) return refresh(htmlspecialchars($zdir) . ' exists!'); mkdir($zdir); } else { $fopen = fopen($path.'/'.zip_entry_name($zip_entry), "w"); fwrite($fopen, zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)), zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); } zip_entry_close($zip_entry); } zip_close($zip); break; case 'class': $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($path.'/'.$subject) !== true) return refresh($subjectHTML . ' could not be read for extracting'); $zip->extractTo($path); $zip->close(); break; case 'exec': shell_exec('unzip ' . escapeshellarg($path.'/'.$subject)); } redirect(); } function doReadFile($subject, $path){ return file_get_contents($path.'/'.$subject); } function doMove($subject, $path){ global $pathHTML, $subjectHTML, $to, $toHTML; if (isNull($subject, $path, $to)) return refresh('Values could not be read');
if ($path == $to) return refresh('The source and destination are the same'); if (array_search($subject, explode('/', $to)) == array_search($subject, explode('/', $path . '/' . $subject))) return refresh($toHTML . ' is a subfolder of ' . $pathHTML);
if (file_exists($to.'/'.$subject)) return refresh($subjectHTML . ' exists in ' . $toHTML); rename($path . '/' . $subject, $to.'/'.$subject); redirect(); } function doRename($subject, $path){ $rename = $_POST['rename']; if (isNull($subject, $rename)) return refresh('Values could not be read');
if (file_exists($path.'/'.$rename)) return refresh(htmlspecialchars($rename) . ' exists, please choose another name');
rename($path.'/'.$subject, $path.'/'.$rename); redirect(); } function doDelete($subject, $path){ global $subjectHTML; $fullPath = $path .'/'. $subject;
if (isNull($subject, $path)) return refresh('Values could not be read'); if (!file_exists($fullPath)) return refresh($subjectHTML . ' doesn\'t exist');
if (is_file($fullPath)) if (!unlink($fullPath)) return refresh($subjectHTML . ' could not be removed');
if (is_dir($fullPath)) if (!rrd($fullPath)) return refresh($subjectHTML . ' could not be removed');
redirect(); } function doSaveEdit($subject, $path){ global $subjectHTML; $data = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_POST['data']) : $_POST['data']; if (!is_file($path .'/'. $subject)) return 'Error: ' . $subjectHTML . ' is not a valid file'; if (isNull($data)) return 'Error: There is nothing to save';
if (!($openf = fopen($path .'/'. $subject, 'w'))) return $subject . ' could not be opened'; fwrite($openf, $data); fclose($openf); return 'Saved'; } function moveList($subject, $path){ global $pathURL, $pathHTML, $subjectURL, $subjectHTML, $to, $toURL, $toHTML; if (isNull($subject, $path, $to)) return refresh('Values could not be read');
$return = '["div", { attributes : { "id" : "movelist" } }, [ "span", { attributes : { "class" : "pathCrumbs" } }, [ '; $crumbs = split('/', $toHTML); $crumbsLink = split('/', $toURL); for ($i = 0; $i < count($crumbs); $i++) { $slash = $i ? '/' : null; $pathSplit .= $slash . $crumbsLink[$i]; $return .= ($i ? ',' : null) . '"a", { attributes : { "href" : "#", "title" : "Go to ' . $crumbs[$i] . '" }, events : { click : function(e){ fOp.moveList("'.$subjectURL.'", "'.$pathURL.'", "'.$pathSplit.'"); e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false; } }, text : "' . $crumbs[$i] . '", postText : " / " }'; } $return .= ' ], "ul", { attributes : { "id" : "moveListUL" } }';
$j = 0; $handle = opendir($to); while (($dirItem = readdir($handle)) !== false) { $fullPath = $to.'/'.$dirItem; if (!is_dir($fullPath) || $dirItem == '.' || $dirItem == '..') continue; $fullPathURL = escape($fullPath); $dirItemHTML = htmlspecialchars($dirItem); $return .= ', [ "li", {}, [ "a", { attributes : { "href" : "#" }, events : { click : function(e){ fOp.moveList("'.$subjectURL.'", "'.$pathURL.'", "'.$fullPathURL.'"); e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false; } } }, [ "img", { attributes : { "src" : "pafm/images/odir.png", "title" : "Open '.$dirItemHTML.'" } } ], "a", { attributes : { "href" : "?do=move&subject='.$subjectURL.'&path='.$pathURL.'&to='.$fullPathURL.'", "title" : "move '.$subject.' to '.$dirItemHTML.'", "class" : "dir" }, text : "'.$dirItemHTML.'" } ] ]'; $j++; } if (!$j) $return .= ', "b", { text : "No directories found" }, "br", {}, "br", {}'; $return .= ', "a", { attributes : { "href" : "?do=move&subject='.$subjectURL.'&path='.$pathURL.'&to='.$toURL.'", "id" : "movehere", "title" : "move here ('.$toHTML.')" }, text : "move here" }] ]'; return $return; } function getDirContents($path){ global $dirContents; $dirHandle = opendir($path); while (($dirItem = readdir($dirHandle)) !== false) { if ($dirItem == '.' || $dirItem == '..') continue; $fullPath = $path.'/'.$dirItem; $dirContents[is_file($fullPath) ? 'files' : 'folders'][] = $dirItem; } closedir($dirHandle); } //list directory contents functions function getDirs($path){ global $dirContents, $pathURL;
// SORT $dirContents['folders']; if(count($dirContents['folders'])>0) sort($dirContents['folders']);
for ($i = 0, $l = count($dirContents['folders']); $i < $l; $i++){ $dirItem = $dirContents['folders'][$i]; $dirItemURL = escape($dirItem); $dirItemHTML = htmlspecialchars($dirItem); $fullPath = $path.'/'.$dirItem; $mod = getmod($path.'/'.$dirItem); echo ' <li title="' . $dirItemHTML . '">' . "\n\t" . '<a href="?path=' . escape($fullPath) . '" title="' . $dirItemHTML . '" class="dir">'.$dirItemHTML.'</a>'. "\n\t" . '<span class="mode" title="mode">' . $mod . '</span>' . "\n\t" . '<a href="#" title="Chmod '.$dirItemHTML.'" onclick="fOp.chmod(\''.$pathURL.'\', \''.$dirItemURL.'\', \''.$mod.'\'); return false;" class="chmod b"></a>'. //Chmod $dirItem "\n\t" . '<a href="#" title="Move '.$dirItemHTML.'" onclick="fOp.moveList(\''.$dirItemURL.'\', \''.$pathURL.'\', \''.$pathURL.'\'); return false;" class="move b"></a>'. //Move $dirItem "\n\t" . '<a href="#" title="Rename '.$dirItemHTML.'" onclick="fOp.rename(\''.$dirItemURL.'\', \''.$pathURL.'\'); return false;" class="rename b"></a>'. //Rename $dirItem "\n\t" . '<a href="?do=delete&path='.$pathURL.'&subject='.$dirItemURL.'" title="Delete '.$dirItemHTML.'" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete '.removeQuotes($dirItem).'?\');" class="del b"></a>'. //Delete $dirItem "\n </li>\n"; } } function getFiles($path){ global $dirContents, $pathURL, $cpExts, $denyAccess; $filePath = $path == '.' ? '/' : $path.'/';
// SORT $dirContents['files']; if(count($dirContents['files'])>0) sort($dirContents['files']);
for ($i = 0, $l = count($dirContents['files']); $i < $l; $i++){ $dirItem = $dirContents['files'][$i]; $dirItemURL = escape($dirItem); $dirItemHTML = htmlspecialchars($dirItem); $fullPath = $path.'/'.$dirItem; $ext = getext($dirItem); $mod = getmod($fullPath); echo ' <li title="' . $dirItemHTML . '">' . "\n\t" . '<a href="' . escape(ROOT . $filePath . $dirItem) . '" title="' . $dirItemHTML . '" class="file">'.$dirItemHTML.'</a>'. "\n\t" . '<span class="fs" title="file size">' . getfs($path.'/'.$dirItem) . '</span>' . "\n\t" . '<span class="extension" title="file extension">' . $ext . '</span>' . "\n\t" . '<span class="mode" dirItem="mode">' . $mod . '</span>' . ((zipSupport() && $ext == 'zip') ? "\n\t" . '<a href="do=extract&path='.$pathURL.'&file='.$dirItemURL.'" title="Extract '.$dirItemHTML.'" class="extract b"></a>' //Zip extract $dirItem : null) . (filesize($fullPath) <= (1048576 * MaxEditableSize) ? (in_array($ext, $cpExts) ? "\n\t" . '<a href="#" title="Edit '.$dirItemHTML.'" onclick="edit.init(\''.$dirItemURL.'\', \''.$pathURL.'\', \''.getext($dirItem).'\'); return false;" class="edit cp b"></a>' //Edit $dirItem : "\n\t" . '<a href="#" title="Edit '.$dirItemHTML.'" onclick="edit.init(\''.$dirItemURL.'\', \''.$pathURL.'\', null); return false;" class="edit b"></a>') : null) . //Edit $dirItem "\n\t" . '<a href="#" title="Chmod '.$dirItemHTML.'" onclick="fOp.chmod(\''.$pathURL.'\', \''.$dirItemURL.'\', \''.$mod.'\'); return false;" class="chmod b"></a>'. //Chmod $dirItem "\n\t" . '<a href="#" title="Move '.$dirItemHTML.'" onclick="fOp.moveList(\''.$dirItemURL.'\', \''.$pathURL.'\', \''.$pathURL.'\'); return false;" class="move b"></a>'. //Move $dirItem "\n\t" . '<a href="#" title="Rename '.$dirItemHTML.'" onclick="fOp.rename(\''.$dirItemURL.'\', \''.$pathURL.'\'); return false;" class="rename b"></a>'. //Rename $dirItem "\n\t" . '<a href="?do=delete&path='.$pathURL.'&subject='.$dirItemURL.'" title="Delete '.$dirItemHTML.'" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete '.removeQuotes($dirItem).'?\');" class="del b"></a>'. //Delete $dirItem "\n </li>\n"; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title><?php echo str_replace('www.', null, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); ?> | pafm</title> <style type="text/css">@import "pafm/style.css";</style> <script src="pafm/js-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script><!--when debugging replace with js.js--> </head> <body>
<div id="header"> <a href="?do=logout&path=<?php echo $pathURL; ?>" title="logout" id="logout">logout</a> <span class="pathCrumbs"><?php echo pathCrumbs(); ?></span> </div>
<div id="dirList"> <ul id="info"> <li> <span id="file">name</span> <span class="fs">size</span> <span class="extension">extension</span> <span class="mode">mode</span> <span id="fileop">file operations</span> </li> </ul>
<!-- BEGIN list dirs --> <ul> <?php getDirs($path); ?> </ul> <!-- //END list dirs -->
<!-- BEGIN list files --> <ul> <?php getFiles($path); ?> </ul> <!-- //END list files --> </div>
<div id="add" class="b"> <a href="#" title="Create File" onclick="fOp.create('file', '<?php echo $pathURL; ?>'); return false;"><img src="pafm/images/addfile.gif" alt="Create File" /></a> <a href="#" title="Create Folder" onclick="fOp.create('folder', '<?php echo $pathURL; ?>'); return false;"><img src="pafm/images/addfolder.gif" alt="Create Folder" /></a> <a href="#" title="Upload File" onclick="upload.init('<?php echo $pathURL; ?>', <?php echo $maxUpload; ?>); return false;"><img src="pafm/images/upload.gif" alt="Upload File" /></a> </div>
<div id="footer"> <p><?php //echo $footer; ?></p> </div>
</body> </html>