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craig Hernandez
Posted: 2007-01-03 09:45:23
Did anyone on this forum see the UFC Rich Franklin All Access show?
I ask becuase he did this hard core wieght circuit training session and he said in the show he does it 3 times a week. it consist basically of 10 stations, 15 reps on each station and 10 times around.. it takes between 45 - 60 minutes with no rest at any point...supposedly not for the squemish...
I was impressed and designed my own , not so brutal, version...11 stations , 15-20 reps(till near or failure) and I do it 3 times with a 5 min cardio start at a med/high it should take between 15 - 18 minutes per " round" and the whole things takes 50 - 60 mins...

Here is my questions..this workout should build muscle endurance and strength and I feel that I am getting stronger... problem that I foresee is that I do it 3 times a week. Tues-Thur-Sat...does this offer enought recovery time?? I keep reading how 3 times a week wieght training does not give enough recovery and your muscles "learn" and become increasingly resisitant to gains... I go 6 weeks on and 1 week off to try to help but does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on this....

Posted: 2007-01-03 09:58:30
Hiya there is review of this type of training on a site that linked to ax. Il try find it is Combat training type. They reviewed that this type of circuit was too much muscle endurance. Lots of machine weights only strengthen in that plane of movement and not core strength. I would rather recommend heavy free weights for strength sessions while body circuits with plyometric on boxing days. IMO.
craig Hernandez
Posted: 2007-01-03 11:18:11
Hmm...Interesting...thanks Jamie....But I have read that Heavy wieghts build more bulk than functional strength??? Due to muscle memory also when doing heavy wieghts you need to go slow and use form to properly isolate the correct muscles, but while doing a lighter higher rep weight session you can use more explosive movement while still keeping proper form....I believe the recovery is where they doing heavy weights the rec now a days is do one body part per week....7 day recovery between body parts...but yet you are still working out 4 - 5 times a week... while doing my circuit I have only 24 hours of rest between workouts...not good from what i have read....
Posted: 2007-01-04 04:42:35
My aim of heavy weights 85-90% of 1 rep max is to lift weights with power to train central nervous system ie. no more mass but everything firing properly. When decent weights are enabled use more power exercises eg. power clean and squat. Final stage which rarely get too is to superset these with plyometrics. As with plyometric exe as many you can do in one session but prob only one a week.

This may benefit fighters in heavier weight divisions more plus power sports such as Rugby League and Judo. IMO again.

Im always willing to try other athletes ideas.
Spida H
Posted: 2007-01-08 21:54:34
Here's the link to a discussion about Rich Franklin's training that I posted a few months back.
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