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Topic:Playboy Model To Fight Again At Vegas Show.
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-08-13 15:25:44
Playboy model to fight again at Vegas show.

Latasha Marzolla will be figting at the Vegas show. Not sure who against. But she is definitely fighting. This should make those female fighters real happy.
Posted: 2003-08-13 18:27:09
Do you have a date and place ? any Pro's?
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-08-13 20:51:03
I meant she will be fighting on the K-1's show at the Bellagio. I just haven't seen who against.
Posted: 2003-08-13 22:48:54
She was on the Howard Stern show a day or two ago. On the Howard Stern show they kept saying it was kickboxing at the Bellagio this Friday, but they didn't say "K1" too many times.
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-08-13 23:02:03
Here is a link to an article with her talking about fight on Bellagio show, among other things.
Posted: 2003-08-14 02:54:09
she gets by on looks alone right?
the fighter in me thinks that this is so unfair
Posted: 2003-08-14 06:52:09
you know when you meet someone and you accidently blurt out something that you momentarily think is relevant. some examples-

-so you're from canada. i've been to vancouver. [i get this all the time. i've never been to vancouver myself]
-so you're a kickboxer. my sister does tkd. [so?]
-so you're a ballet dancer. i can touch my toes.

i would be terrified to meet a playboy bunny. what on earth would i say? whatever it is, it would probably embarrass both of us.

-so you're a playboy bunny. i got my first erection reading playboy. [like she cares]

that would be mild compared to what some guys must let slip.
Posted: 2003-08-14 07:08:12
lol @ felix
Paul T
Posted: 2003-08-14 07:31:57
her fight wont be on the PPV though.
it was not last time, they did not
even mention it during the show.
Posted: 2003-08-14 08:24:10
Is she fighting naked . . ? If so, then sign me up for PPV . . . .
Jonathan Clark
Posted: 2003-08-14 08:44:46
Posted: 2003-08-14 10:53:59
LOL Felix, you're too funny. I thought I was the only one who got slapped around with the tkd response.
Posted: 2003-08-14 11:03:03
A mate of mine once met a famous porn 'actress'. He said it was really weird talking to a girl he'd had many a tug over.
little bully
Posted: 2003-08-14 11:12:07
as a fighter i agree w/ fahad it's tough to swallow that a 1-1 fighter is on the most well known show in north america as a girl fighter i feel like there are better options in terms of fighters for this show....the usual suspects...trisha hill, jackie nava, kerri crothers etc. if they don't want a pro then there are tons of amatuer women in north america that could put on a great show.

but the flip side to all that is she will do what promoters care about which is put asses in seats. bottom line it's a business. she has had one easy fight and been k.o.ed so now i hope that she realises the responsibility she has to respresent all fighters and do her best. w/ sapp being on leno and her being on stern there is an opportunity to get our sport at the forefront and get the respect that we deserve as athletes who work as hard as any others.

having said all that...let's all wait and see what happens and give her the respect that we would all like and call her by her name. which is latasha or sometimes tasha.

i wish all the fighters well...looks like a whole new set of eyes could be on our sport.
Posted: 2003-08-14 14:17:14
Gentlemen............she is so fine, just had lunch with her,and she was very cool and of course OUTSTANDING!!! if you know what i mean! WOW
little bully
Posted: 2003-08-14 14:24:22
*ahem* you should be focusing on carter now shouldn't you!!!! hahaha, i seem to recall you pointing that out in san jose a few weeks ago! at least you are consistent
Posted: 2003-08-14 20:10:22
carter hasn't had sex in three weeks but gene can get as much as he likes. heck, just having lunch with her would have carter's testosterone raging not to mention gene's perposterone.
Posted: 2003-08-14 23:29:59
Top ten irrelevant blurtings playboy bunny hears

10. really. i was in a magazine once too.
9. those are real facinating. i mean, really they are facinating. i mean, really, that's facinating. not that [pointing] but, you know, what you just said.
8. i dare you to touch my computer mouse.
7. really. i took a shower. [pause] in the nude.
6. so you have a kid too. i guess when he starts school you be head of the PTA because what other Ps can match your T and A.
5. i i i um have a camera.
4. oh man! something in my pants is turning into the incredible hulk.
3. you know. when you dance like that i get a sudden thirst for milkshakes.
2. i've seen those pictures. i'd shake your hand but i'm sure you don't want to shake mine after all the, you know,...
1. [licks own finger][wipes it on her sleeve] damn. we've got to get you out of those wet clothes.
Posted: 2003-08-15 00:18:10
i like the way this was titled 'playboy model to fight again at vegas show' who really cares about what she does outside of the ring isnt it about the sport, not what you do out side the ring you dont see a topic 'male porn star to fight' why dose it matter what she is doing out side the ring, good or bad fighter who cares as long as you get see more fights, right ???
Posted: 2003-08-15 01:11:41
I guess we're all just human, and it's a human interest story surely. Here's this pretty petite sexy women that also likes to do the things typically associated with the male. Fighting etc. I guess the irony of it all interests people enough to want to read about her, and the press are just supplying the demand.

If there was a male porn star fighting, the press would play it up just as much don't you think.
Posted: 2003-08-15 02:14:48
you guys do know that chad bannon was a gay porn actor/model, right?

if he can fight, why not a fighter who won't make our skin crawl.
Posted: 2003-08-15 02:26:00
little bully writes:
there is an opportunity to get our sport at the forefront and get the respect that we deserve as athletes who work as hard as any others.

having said all that...let's all wait and see what happens and give her the respect that we would all like and call her by her name.
Thanks Linda. That's really the most constructive comment, and the most
atute observation in this thread.
also liked what Scottya said.

As a matter of fact, Tasjha i not unique in beinga nude model among female fighters.

there are several female boxers, and Kickboxers who have posed unclothed on magazine covers, including Lucia Rijker (who posed topless on the cover of Rolling Star)
so tasha is not unique
in that regard.

Mia St John, Graciella Cassilas, Luraina Undershute,
Christine DuPree, Patricia Demick,

I could think of others but hopefully everyone will regain their
composure shortly. (no pun intended)

She will help women's kickboxing a lot, if the talented women of kickboxing
can resist the temptation to resent, ridcule, and revile her, and possibly discourage her from continuing in the sport.
She can only help women's kickboxing. whther she wins or loses.
and won't take an oportuity from anyone.

Take her off the show,and ods are strong they won't replace her with the female kickboxing luminaries Lynda mentioned.

That is no more likely to happen than if we somehow managed to persuade
stupid spoiled fraternity boys to stop egg and tomato throwing,
in hopes those saved eggs and tomatoes would somehow reach poor hungry children. Things don't work like that way. (sadly)


Paul T
Posted: 2003-08-15 07:44:31
SSSSHHHH not so loud. Don King will hear you.
he will smell money and try to get
Mia St John in the K-1 to fight latosha

Posted: 2003-08-15 08:40:49
"who cares what she does outside the ring?", I think it's more a case of who cares what she does inside the ring. I'm not sure that all publicity is good publicty with the playboy model and bob sapp appearing on talk shows, it all seems a bit wwf to me.
Posted: 2003-08-15 09:02:18

You seem to be very interested in her ring ?
The Highlander
Posted: 2003-08-15 19:20:45
What a stunner!!!
She can do whatever she likes in Kickboxing.
She's definatlly got my vote.

if you're reading this Post.
All the best for your fight, Go in there & show them your not just a Playboy Model. (& a dame awesome one at that Girl.)
Show all these Hipocrits that you can also kick some Arse.
Posted: 2003-08-15 20:50:46
Screw fighting, she needs to do some porn!!
Kim Morris
Posted: 2003-08-15 20:57:24
Yes she is beutiful!!
Posted: 2003-08-15 23:11:31
I need some tissue. . . .
Posted: 2003-08-15 23:30:23
are these pre installed speed balls ?

I wouldn't wanna fight her. They might burst.
Posted: 2003-08-16 02:55:10
what happened to her? I didn't see her fight
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-08-16 04:07:23

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-08-16 04:07:33

Paul T
Posted: 2003-08-16 08:27:48
Did she win?
it was not on the PPV and no one mentioned it.
Posted: 2003-08-16 08:57:26

Who took the other pics off ?????

Imagine kneck wrestling with that you would need a metal groin guard on !!!!!
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-08-16 09:38:10
I think one of the rules, is no nude pics.

Now- I titled the thread that, because that is what she is and how they are billing her. She's had two fights up to this show, have seen no result from her fight though. She was 1-1, and got knocked out last time. To me- she is still a Playboy bunny who is now getting into fighting. I also can promise you that her being a Playboy bunny is the very reason she has been on the K-1 shows in Vegas. Don't give that typical, judge her as fighter stuff, it is what it is. I have no ill will towards her, I hope she has a great career. But the only reason she was on the show is because she is a Playboy bunny. It has nothing to do with K-1 wanting to start booking matches with women.
Posted: 2003-08-16 09:46:10

Toddys a very clever guy, If she can box or not its a croud puller !!!!!
Posted: 2003-08-16 09:47:16

Toddys a very clever guy, If she can box or not its a crowd puller !!!!!

Sorry wrong spelling B4 "Crowd" LOL
Mark L.
Posted: 2003-08-16 09:59:01
Did any notice how she was making a fist??

Maybe the nails get in the way to do it right. I guess they'd be press ons...

Lets hope she can make a better fist than that.
Posted: 2003-08-16 10:36:21
She didnt punch it was like a cat paws !!!!!

But what the heck weve all seen Bob Sapp ?????
Paul T
Posted: 2003-08-16 10:42:17
Amanda Pera defeated Tasha Marzolla
Decision (Unanimous) 3:00 3R
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-08-16 13:07:49
And if you were comparing her to Mia St. John. Mia was a fighter first, then went on to pose in Playboy.
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-08-16 13:51:55
fist looks ok ! as does she ! and DID she win ?
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-08-16 14:38:27
who's looking at her fist??? ;)
how many fighters get another chance to be on a k-1 undercard after being
tko'd in the first round their first time out??
Posted: 2003-08-17 13:26:56
I'd lose to her in heart beat, yes while we were together at some press things and TV shoots I needed cardio-pul bad! think i missed a couple of beats.

and yes we saw the playboy shoots......OH MY GOD!!!!!! TWINS! LOL

for real shes a very good person with a big (AHEM...) heart!
very sweet and takes care of her family too. props go out to her.
Posted: 2003-08-18 06:20:17

Spent a bit of time with Latasha down at Master Toddys....she's a really nice lass (personality lads!), and is training correctly AS A FIGHTER and not as a publicity stunt. She just happens to be a model too...

I don't think Toddy would let someone fight who wasn't ready!

A game fight, but the right decision.

Posted: 2003-08-18 23:09:16
The last couple of gracious comments are pretty much
consistent with what I have heard about her from people
who actually train with her and know her.

And when even the WOMEN who train with her like her,
you know she must be a sweetheart.

Yes she is dedicated to her 7 year old son, and seems
to have her priorities in order.

I don't know if she will ever be a great fighter, but she
deserves a chance to be judged on her performance in the ring,
just as she is judged outside the ring for what she does there...


Mark L.
Posted: 2003-08-19 04:12:50
Sandy-you really think those fists are ok?? You either need glasses or you just didn't look well my friend.
140547 : KeithHarris

Posted: 2003-08-19 09:50:51
Better to be interested in her ring than an underage green puppets I suppose!
Posted: 2003-08-19 10:22:45
Each to there own hey JD whats your secrets ?
Posted: 2003-08-19 10:58:16
have a look at her again and tell me you wouldn't
Posted: 2003-08-19 11:08:03
JD Orville is a he not a she ?
Posted: 2003-08-19 11:23:43
lol every holes a goal puppet boy
Posted: 2003-08-19 11:49:45

Your weakness is out ?
Posted: 2003-08-19 21:54:08
At the risk of offending someone..I still feel she needs to do porn. Screw fighting, leave that to the gals who know how and don't have nothing to lose!
Posted: 2003-08-19 22:24:16
I'm actually quite ashamed at what is being said about her is she not a person too. Pustulio I'm sure she knows how to fight and why does she need to do porn she has big tits (and i'm sure they cost quite a bit to do as well) that is the only reason why you lot are drooling over her. Is the only reason she is getting all this attention is the fact because she is a playboy bunny if so that is disgraceful and you all should be ashamed of yourselves. There are plenty of good female fighters out there!
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-08-20 08:56:23
i think the main point of this topic is that only a handful of female fighters
have ever been on a k-1 undercard. it is the premier showcase for kickboxers
in the u.s., so there are plenty of hard working fighters with good records
that would love to get a chance to show their skills to the world!
lets be honest she has never won a fight and she has been on two undercards!!!!!
its also obvious why she is on the undercards and that is a marketing decision
by k 1. she may be the greatest person in the world, but i can see why people
question why someone with such limited experience and ability get a break that
many others didnt.
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