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Posted: 2004-07-07 23:45:46
Hey JWP, your thoughts on your fight with Buakao? Your/his performance? I'm a big fan by the way and it's great to see you accomplishing so much in the sport of muay thai.
John Wayne Parr
Posted: 2004-07-08 00:08:22
2004 K-1 Max final

What can I say but what a show, from the time we got off the plane to the weigh-in and then the fights the atmosphere has been electric. All the fighters came here to win and you could feel all the tension between everyone before the fight but now it`s over everyone is relaxed again and everyone is back to shaking hands and being friends.

Baukow is the man now. I tried my best but he was the better fighter on the night. Everytime I tried to punch he would lock me up in the grapple and when I would kick he would move back and counter with his own. I had a game plan at the start but ended up fighting his fight, he worked his range very well and very good eyes.

After we fought Buakow made mince meat out of Kohi, even making him half give up turning his back and just not wanting to be there.

The fight with Masato was all Baukow, Masato tried his hardest but couldnt landed anything. Baukow came out a different fighter for the other two fighters showing more aggression and taking the fight right up to them. Masato had a hard fight with Kraus and I dont think he had much left in the tank were Baukow just got stronger and stronger as the rounds went on.

At the end it was good to see Buakow win, I sucked I was I sitting in the crowd watching but if I wanted anyone to win it was him and he did it in style.

You couldnt wipe the smile of his face at the after party and the K-1 max belt close up is one of the most beautiful things I have seen. Ijust hope next year it will be hanging off my shoulder.

Thanks to everyone for your support over the last few months and hope I can do better next year.

John Wayne Parr
The Flame
Posted: 2004-07-08 00:20:39
Great attitude JWP....spoken like the true champion you are in and out of the ring...You have lots to be proud of...take care Wayne!!!

Posted: 2004-07-08 00:26:02
Well done JWP- It was a shame that you had to fight Bukkao in the first round but at the end of the day it was his night, he was quality, and I don't think any of the fighters could have beaten him yesterday. I hope you get matched with Masato later this year.
Posted: 2004-07-08 01:22:07
great words from a great champ...

full props to you jwp and i hope you keep active til next years k1 max...
Posted: 2004-07-08 02:21:07
Jwp your still awesome the best farung remember your the S-1 champion bro!!!!
Posted: 2004-07-08 02:44:15

Great thoughts, sounds like it was an awesome night. Shame you guys met in the first round cos i think everyone would have loved to see that fight as a final. Have a good rest and good luck in your next bout.


Posted: 2004-07-08 02:56:54
Hey JWP,

I'm with fat boy, that's a great summary. True words of a fighter, warrior, champion and damn decent human being!

You truly are a testament to the true spirit of muay thai and fighting spirit.

May you have better luck in the future and we'll probably see you kicking arse soon huh? :)

All the best mate!
Adrian R
Posted: 2004-07-08 03:54:55
Thanks for your thoughts JWP, best of luck in your future fights.
Sounds like the best k-1 max in a while
Posted: 2004-07-08 03:59:57
Yeah great words, thoughts and especially attitude JWP. Best of luck with your next fight and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Axers. :)
Posted: 2004-07-08 05:29:35
great words JWP! you are a true champ and gentleman! though I was made up that Buakao won the whole thing as he is a great kid I would have been just as happy to see you win! as have said before its a shame it wasnt you two in the final!
Stu Chambers
Posted: 2004-07-08 05:38:50
Who's next on the list Wayne?
It sounded like an awesome fight dude, congrats from all of us at the Manawatu Martial Arts Centre, New Zealand
Posted: 2004-07-08 09:30:32

still the man......
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2004-07-08 12:07:21
Sounded like another good show for MAX. The K-1 MAX title belts are extremely cool. Having seen Parr fight now, I would like to see him come over and compete in a Shidokan tournament.
Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2004-07-08 14:08:46
Yep, sounds like the "final" match happened in the first round between JWP and Buakao.

Posted: 2004-07-08 14:40:20
hey, you win some, you lose some. Looking forward to seeing your next fight no matter who with. Good work and good luck in the future.
Posted: 2004-07-08 14:54:42
i'll just say what everyone else has already said. honest words from an honest champion. you the man John, props from my boys and myself from hamilton canada. next year its all you.
Posted: 2004-07-08 15:37:12

You don't "suck", you are one of the best strikers on the planet. If the tournament was arranged differently you and Buakao would have been in the finals for sure. I haven't seen the fight, but from what I have heard, your fight with Buakao was really close (hence the extra round) and could have gone either way. Maybe you and Buakao can settle the score in Thailand with the continuation of Songchai's S-1 tournament?
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2004-07-08 15:49:39
Accordinng to as far as Masato. News release was that X-Rays showed no fractured or broken bones in nose, face, or other parts of body. Was urinating blood and is recovering from physical beatings he took. Scheduled to return on the 10/13/04 show, which would scratch him from the August show.
I know what people were meaning by it in a way, but all 8 fighters deserved to be there. I am not sure I would say the "fianl" fight happened in the first round. Regardless of how beat-up Masato got against the Thai fighter, he still made it to the finals. I have never done an 8-man one night tournament, but I have even more respect for fighters who win a hard-core tournament like this than a single fight. To me tournament fighting is the ultimate test.
Clinch And Knee
Posted: 2004-07-08 23:34:41
Classy as always JWP, there are no losers in a fight like that. Next year it's your turn to get the belt.
Posted: 2004-07-08 23:50:28
Dear JWP, you are a top notch ambassador of muaythai.
John Wayne Parr
Posted: 2004-07-09 03:19:31
Thanks everyone for your support, it really was a classic night of fights and I am just happy I was part of it. Thats amazing about Masato, I didn`t know he had to be rushed to hospital after but looking by his face he looked banged up worse then I ever seen him.
Not all is bad, Ray has just come back from a meeting with K-1 and looks like they are going to contract me for 12 months with 4 fights. My next fight will be here in Japan on the 13th of October.
Last night we had dinner with sponsors and went out on the town a little, for the first time in my life I was recongized everywhere I went taking photos and signing autographs all night, what a buzz.
Have one of my fighters Brad Aird fighting tomorrow night here in Tokyo against Hayato in the main event then arrive back home to Australia Monday. It`s been a long week.
Posted: 2004-07-09 03:46:24

Great news on the contract I hope it all works out.

You should be recognised, you have done a lot for the sport and fully deserve this adulation.

Good luck for the future.

Posted: 2004-07-09 04:25:19
p.s JWP,

If you are contracted to fight for K1, does that mean you can't fight for Superleague??

Albert "The Hurricane"
Posted: 2004-07-09 06:16:10
JWP is the man, i always enjoy watching him fight but i am glad Thai's finally got some recognition even if they had to beat the others at their own game (modified rules)
Posted: 2004-07-09 07:32:02
Mr Parr

you are all class!

I just read what you wrote about a contract with K1 so does that mean you are fighting only for them now?

any chance of you competing in the next S1 then?

I have heard Farid Villaume will be fighting in that tourney and i would really like to see you and him fight
Posted: 2004-07-09 10:31:58

JWP is a great inspiration to all the farlungs!!

Check out his beautiful technique...
Posted: 2004-07-09 11:14:11
Congrats for the contract JWP, best luck next time.

JWP, Farid & Buakao on the same tournament, now that should be a top of the top tournament.

By the way, where abouts is Villaume? I haven´t heard of him fighting for months.
Posted: 2004-07-09 11:54:04

coe he doesnt fight that often

i think a few times a year only

but I have heard he is definatly interested in fighting in the next S1

so lets hope he gets some good opponents =)

im going to Paris soon, hopefully i can find the "best of Farid Villaume" Dvd
Posted: 2004-07-12 07:29:45
Call it strange but i have never seen jwp fight but i have to say he realy is a true professional and has a real almost childish excitement for the sport which is great to see,where can i get hold of some vids of this guy realy living out many of our dreams.(uk based)
Albert "The Hurricane"
Posted: 2004-07-12 08:22:18
if u find a best of farid DVD let us all know!"!!
Khun Kao
Posted: 2004-07-12 10:58:03
woody, I've seen him fight a few times. Awesome, awesome fighter!!!!

Maybe its just the recording that I received, but is anyone else extremely disappointed that only the highlights of Buakao vs. JWP are shown???? I realize it is a Japanese event, but the copy of the fights that I have only shows highlights of the non-Japanese fighters matches....
David Lucas
Posted: 2004-07-12 12:01:09
unfortunately that is pretty common for japanese tv broadcasts of k-1 and k-1 max shows. usually the complete shows are released commercially later on.
Posted: 2004-07-12 12:57:30
Yes that does suck that they only showed clips of the JWP fight. I hear it was the fight of the night...
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-12 20:19:56

Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-12 20:21:15

Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-12 20:22:03

Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-12 20:24:00
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-12 20:24:29

Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-07-12 21:08:55
`3` WORDs
to the JWParr
Posted: 2004-07-13 00:47:43
Wow Danny you lucky bugger. I need to get my arse over to the next max show.Looks like you were close to the ring aswell.
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 03:29:14
Yeah Shane, my $150 AUS ticket didn't get me that
close but the atmopshere at the K1 shows is unreal.
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 03:35:46

Here's the venue before the fights.
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 03:37:46

Myself and JWP before his fight.
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 03:38:47

Zambidis after his fight.
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 03:39:34

The final fight.
The Flame
Posted: 2004-07-13 07:37:03
Hey Danny

Great pictures thanks....if you have more please put them up...good work!!!

Posted: 2004-07-13 07:55:02
how did zambidis get them lump on his left eye or did i miss some thing ?
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 08:55:18
Thanks John,
I have some more pics but as i was so far away
i had to use the digital zoom. So there not that clear.
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 10:23:26

Jadamba Narantungalag v Masato
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 10:26:11

Buakaw Por.Puramuk v Kohiruimaki
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 10:27:46

Masato digging on Kraus
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 10:28:09

Masato digging to the body of Kraus
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 10:29:43

Shamil Gaidarbekov
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 10:31:35

Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 10:34:10

Masato after round 3. Didn't look happy when
he had to fight the extra round.
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 10:35:22

Masato leaving after the Kraus fight
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-13 10:41:07
That's about it. Pretty boring pics, but hey
"you pay peanuts you get monkeys"
On a serious note i saw JWP sitting near ringside
and during the break he was signing autographs
and getting pics taken for 20mins+. The Japanese
fans i think are the best in the world for supporting
fighters and JWP took the time out.I can see him
getting very popular here.
Danny Blake
The Flame
Posted: 2004-07-13 12:13:33
Thanks very much Danny!!!
Posted: 2004-07-13 14:54:18
great pics Danny! wish I could have been there!!
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-07-13 15:00:42
Hey Danny Great Pics: matey what ya mean ?
Nice-1 Thanks For Posting / sharing ! Cheers !!!!!!!!!!
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-07-13 16:07:53
I Met JWP Moments Before he Entered the S-1 In Rajadamnern Stadium Thailand This Year and He Took Time out to Talk and Pose For Piccies
A very Humble and GENTLEMAN
for Sure !
Danny Top stuff matey
and Wow if your seats was $150?
what was Ringside?
Phewwwwwwwww !

BTW Where you From Danny?
etc: ? Cheers ! :-))
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-07-13 16:09:40
Sorry Danny Just Read your Profile Got it ta ! and Nice-1
Hows it Going ?
Danny Blake
Posted: 2004-07-14 02:01:32
Thanks guys,
Hi Sandy, the next sits down on the flat
were 30,000 yen 147 pounds and i think ringside
was 100,000 yen 490 Pounds.
Posted: 2005-05-03 02:10:51
I am posting here so this will show up in the main forum again.
There is a AX member whom is commenting about JWPs performance.
Posted: 2005-05-03 02:11:40
Pustulio should read this.
Straight from the horses mouth.
Posted: 2005-05-03 18:34:00
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