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Topic:Richard Fenwick To Fight Sl Champ Alviar Lima
Posted: 2005-12-03 02:13:32

Richard Fenwick to fight SL Champ Alviar Lima
18 decemeber show in Oss/Holland Rich will face Superleague Champion Alviar Lima (Team Superpro). A very good test indeed for Rich and i wish him best of luck. Happy to meet you guys in Holland once again..
Posted: 2005-12-03 02:13:52

Richard Fenwick to fight SL Champ Alviar Lima
18 decemeber show in Oss/Holland Rich will face Superleague Champion Alviar Lima (Team Superpro). A very good test indeed for Rich and i wish him best of luck. Happy to meet you guys in Holland once again..
mark pease
Posted: 2005-12-03 04:03:13
Good luck Richard on current form mate my money will be on you..

Cheers Mark Pease..
Posted: 2005-12-03 04:11:06
Good luck Richard. Keep up the good work pal. What rules is this under MuayThai or superleague? I think it will be better for Richard if elbows are allowed.
Posted: 2005-12-03 04:23:28
good luck Richard
liam badco
Posted: 2005-12-03 05:03:07
i think fenwick can take this fight ive watched lima fight a few times and although he is strong he is scrappy and doesnt really count on technique just goes for raw power. as tony says full rules ill go for fenwick. good luck
Posted: 2005-12-03 06:24:20
Rules are modified 5x3's and the weight is set at -72.5kg

Rich will have his work cut out for him as it's above his fighting weight (-70kg) and he would rather fight full thai rules, but it is a fight he is looking forward to and happy for the opportunity to fight Lima.
Posted: 2005-12-03 07:15:13
Good luck!!
Posted: 2005-12-03 12:20:07
Cheers Lucy, wish Rich all the best for me. It will be a hard fight modified rules because Lima is big and strong. I am sure Lima will be quite a bit bigger than 72.5kg if the weigh-in is the day before. So a very hard fight but one Rich could win. I agree with Liam, Lima can be scrappy and Rich is improving all the time.
alan keddle
Posted: 2005-12-04 06:25:34
once again keddles fighters grasping the opportunity to fight the best against all the odds!! good luck to Richard, he will have all of keddles in the corner.
Posted: 2005-12-04 11:07:10
Great opportunity...but why is it against ALL THE ODDS?

Rich is a great fighter.

Didnt he just win a world MT title on that show in London?
Saying its against ALL the odds implies Rich is the under-dog (by a mile). I think it will be a tough test but as the old adage goes styles make fights....
MT V SuperLeague.

It will no doubt be a great fight and a cracking "door-opener" when he beats him!!!

Shame its not FTR as I think this would have given Rich the advantage, but hey-ho... Good luck ....and show Lima the true British grit and determination.
Bill Judd
Posted: 2005-12-04 11:20:10
"Cometh the hour cometh the man" or something to that effect.

Richard (as he has done )will rise to the occasion.

Chok-dee !

Posted: 2005-12-04 13:56:01
Best of luck Richard i really hope you do it, but as alan says with it being a bit heavy and also modded rules it wont help. Go for it mate
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-12-04 14:22:42
Good luck Rich.

How's about you Lucy???
Gettin any fights since you been back home???

All the best to both of you.

New zealand
Posted: 2005-12-05 11:10:09
Hey Scotty - good to hear from you. Will pass on regards to Rich.
It's been a quiet year fight wise so hopefully 06 will be better.

Sounds like your show went well on Friday, hope it didn't cause too many nightmares!

Rich Weston
Posted: 2005-12-05 11:25:45
Good luck Richard i am sure your style will work very well agains Lima,a good strong fighter but i have heared(not seen) that you have improved and going from strength to strenght take every opportunity given to you and grasp it,we are "a long time retired" Rich
Posted: 2005-12-05 13:48:24
Good luck Rich, batter him!
Posted: 2005-12-05 16:48:04
Good Luck Rich, Kick his ass!!!

Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2005-12-06 02:40:55
Good luck Richard, ya' Bastard ;)! No, seriously good on you man, you have gone from strength to strength now you are pro, good stuff.
Posted: 2005-12-06 14:34:57
nice one Rich ...eatin all those tayto's must have helped with all your recent success


Posted: 2005-12-07 05:48:14
Interview Richard Fenwick

Hi Richard , how are you?
Good thanks Guy

What is there to know about Richard Fenwick, how old are you, how long are you in to this fantastic sport, are you married etc..?
I’m 29 years old. I have been involved in thai boxing for about the last ten years or so, but the first few years were on and off. I hold a British, Commonwealth and World titles. I have a girlfriend Lucy who also competes, we’ve been together for a few years so you could say there’s no escaping thai boxing!

You just became World Champion Full Muay Thai Rules, could you tell us who you fought and how the fight went?
I recently won the WMTO Light Middleweight world title in London. I fought Ben ‘Pixie Burton from Australia who himself has had 70+ fights. The fight was pretty even up to the 3rd round where the referee stopped the fight. Burton was caught with a punch, knee and elbow before going down so it is difficult to say which definitely caught him but a few cuts had been caused and the fight was stopped.

How many fights have you fought and which fight or fights you still remember as being something special?
I’ve had 24 fights. Obviously winning the above world title was a great achievement for me. Every fight is good for me as I love to fight and love the sport.

Your going to fight Superleague Champion Alviar Lima on the 18th. What can be said about you fighting him?
I have seen Lima fight a few times and it will be a good tough fight. But most of all I’ll be coming for a fight as I’m sure Lima will be too.

Both you and Lima seems in great shape lately, Lima has a 6 out of 6, you seem to win fight after fight to, is fighting Lima another step to the top or have you set another goal for this season? When, where and who will be next on the calander?
It will be my 1st fight in Holland so would like to show the people what I am capable of. Of course Lima is another step to the top as he is a world known fighter and I want to fight the best guys out there. Currently my trainer is busy organising fights for next year although I will remain fighting at 69-70kg’s which is my usual weight. I would like to defend my WMTO full rules title and fight as regularly as possible against the top 70kg guys.

Most of your fights where Full Muay Thai Rules, now you will fight modified rules. What do you think about this. Not using the elbows will that take away alot of your capacity in that ring?
Not that it will take away a lot of my capability as elbows are not my only weapons, but yes I prefer to fight full thai. Fighting with elbows changes a fight completely so it will change the fight especially in the clinch.

It seems that in the UK more and more people seems to go for Full Muay Thai Rules as in countries like Belgium, Holland etc.. Modified Rules are applied. Why do you think that is and how would you prefer to see the rules going in Europe, UK or anywhere else in the world?

I would like to see a lot more full thai fights of course. I know that a lot of English fighters spend time in thailand and take the opportunity to fight so perhaps that is why we have more full thai fights. That is the true sport of thai boxing and elbows change a fight.

Some time back you travelled the world right? Tell me something about that, where have you been and was this for pleasure or where you seeking some new experiences in Muay Thai?
I recently came back from Australia where I trained for a year, competing in both New Zealand and Australia and also Thailand. We went there with this purpose so it wasn’t for travelling. It was a great experience to go abroad and compete and have got to know a lot of people, fighters and trainers. It is always good to visit other countries and gyms just to see how thai boxing is done around the world and be faced with fresh opponents, it provides more challenges and keeps you focused.

Right now your back at Keddles Gym, who are the fighters you work out , your daily gymmates so the speak? Hows a Keddles Gym week looks like?
My main training partner would be Kieran Keddle but there are many more fighters there, Rob Storey, Michael Showers and Phill Ireland to name a few. Unfortunately I live quite a way from the gym so part of my training takes place at Keddles with my trainers Alan Keddle and Chris Carley. Since coming back from Australia I have set up my own gym, AKA Thaiboxing local to where I live so I train regularly there with one of my trainers aswell as running the gym. A typical training session would be to run, skip, then 5 rounds of pads finishing with clinch. I have regular sparring sessions aswell.

What are the fighters you look up to in UK, Europe and the rest of the world and why?
I just want to be the best fighter that I can be. I am interested in watching fighters compete around the world and watching their style.

What about other sports, every healthy Englishman is a soccerfanatic arent they? What about you? Which club ?
I can honestly say that I am not really interested in football. I used to support West Ham years back, but now my main focus is on my training and my own gym.

Anything else to add, Richard? For Lima, your fans or??
No I think that that is all, thanks for doing the interview Guy and I look forward to fighting Lima in Holland on the 18th.

Thanks for your time and good luck the 18th
Adrian R
Posted: 2005-12-07 07:09:44
Best of luck Rich
Posted: 2005-12-07 10:56:02
best of luck.
Shaun Keddle
Posted: 2005-12-08 06:14:28

Posted: 2005-12-08 06:29:50
Hi again,
Folow this link and vote !!!
Who's gonna win this fight???
Posted: 2005-12-08 06:31:10
Sorry whrong link:

This is the one!!
alan keddle
Posted: 2005-12-09 04:35:24
against all the odds means at that weight and at those rules!!! Holland will be putting the odds against Richard thats for sure. We at Keddles will have Carrot as the favourite!!! go carrot go. Alviar Lima is one of the best at that weight in superleague and is there star. A victory for Carrot will mean a victory against a superleague star and recognition over there.
Sean Toomey
Posted: 2005-12-09 08:08:01
Good luck Richard, if you perform like you did against Pixie, you have every chance in the World of winning.
Posted: 2005-12-09 08:26:52
Good luck Rich !
dirk stal
Posted: 2005-12-09 13:42:43
Who of you is coming to Oss on 18 December ?
Posted: 2005-12-10 02:22:00
dirk stal
Posted: 2005-12-10 06:05:25
Ofcourse,I know,Guy !!I will thank you,for everything that you will do for 18 December.I will gonna an event,that nobody will ever forget !!,,The Hurricane,, rulez !!!!
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