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Topic:Kickboxing Show -capital Punishment4– Wellingtonnz
Posted: 2004-04-24 21:28:45

Hi All,

It's just under two weeks to go until Capital Punishment 4 hits the capital, showcasing a top line up of New Zealand's best fighters!!! With four title fights, it's guaranteed not to disappoint! Last years show was fantastic and you can see highlights from the show on

Held on the 8th of May at 7pm (doors open at 6pm). The venue is the Student Union Hall - Victoria University (you can see a map at the link below

Tickets 20$ at the door and 15$ presales are available from NZ Martial Arts Supplies 1A, 45 Courtenay Place Wellington.

Title fights and Main events for Capital Punishment 4 include:

NZ Men’s Super-Light Heavyweight Title (79-82.5kg)
Dan ‘Third Degree’ Burns will be meeting Kapiti’s Neil Bryant in this title match up. Dan and Neil hold the current North Island Cruiserweight and Super Light Heavyweight North Island titles respectively. Dan ‘Third Degree’ Burns, has recently completed his third University degree at Victoria and has proved himself to be relentless fighter, his energetic style making him a firm favourite with crowds. Neil is a farmer and a keen hunter and will be looking at putting Dan in his sights.

NZ Women’s Lightweight Title (57-60kg)
In one of the most highly anticipated fights of the night, Porirua’s Tabitha May is fighting Karen Lynch from Christchurch. Tabitha is on a big winning streak at the moment, but will need to bring all her skills to the ring to defeat Karen, a highly experienced two-time NZ champion.

NZ Men’s Welterweight Title (63-66kg)
Ben ‘the Virus’ Ruck from Victoria University is fighting Scotty Benson from Christchurch in what is gearing up to be a top inter-island clash. Scotty is the reigning New Zealand champ and a legend in unlimited rules fighting. Ben is a former New Zealand Olympic-class weightlifting representative, national record holder and the current North Island Light Welterweight titleholder. He has a doctor of physics, and is a lecturer at Victoria University.

North Island Welterweight title (63-66kg)
Sone ‘the Arch Angel’ Vanathy is fighting Glen ‘the Fury’ Fraser. Sone has devastating power and has just returned from fighting over in Japan and is looking more dangerous then ever. Glen has a record to maintain at Capital punishment events – so far he has KO’ed everyone who he has fought against in Wellington. Sone will be moving up in weight to fight Glen in what promises to be a great fight don’t blink – this fight could be a short one.

And a prestige fight between Sam ‘Fearless’ Fiamatai and Larn Sweeney. Larn is making a come back and Sam is now fighting at 70 kilos looking to fight in K1 max this year.

On top of all this there is a full undercard with more then 10 fights (I will post the undercard in a couple of days).

See you there

Posted: 2004-04-25 04:03:59
Is that Mark from the uni club ,how r u mate I fought you in 1992 .Good luck for your show.Denver Matthews.
Posted: 2004-04-26 01:07:38
Here is the full card for the event with the title fights at the top. We also have big Mark Anderson who weighs in at a mere 161kg!!! Fighting Evan 'the beast' Yeoman.

NZ Welterweight Title
17 Scotty Benson 66kg Vs Ben ‘the Virus’ Ruck 64kg

North Island Welterweight Title
16 Glen ‘the Fury’ Fraser 66kg Vs Sone ‘the Arch Angel’ Vanathy 63kg

NZ Super Light Heavyweight title
15 Neil Bryant 82kg Vs Dan ‘3rd Degree’ Burns 82kg

NZ Womens Lightweight Title
14 Karen Lynch 57kg Vs Tabitha May 58kg

13 Jamie Harleys 80kg Vs Tom ‘Jones’ deGroen 79kg
12 Larn Sweeney 75kg Vs Sam ‘Fearless’ Fiamatai 72kg
11 Leroy Calhoun 67kg Vs Jason ‘Yoyo’ Yocum 64kg
10 Chris Mason 87kg Vs Dan Stirling 87kg
9 Quin Maaka 77kg Vs William Tervoort 74kg

8 Mark Anderson 161kg!! Vs Evan ‘the Beast’ Yeoman 105kg
7 Claire Saxton 56kg Vs Kerry ‘the Smiling Assassin’ Keneally 56kg
6 Glen Foster 79kg Vs Ryan Heketa 79kg
5 Nop 60kg Vs John Turner 60kg
4 Tony Mazur 74kg Vs Harley French 68kg

3 Micheal Davids 81kg Vs Tommy Vestin 79kg
2 Adam Calver 66kg Vs Andrew Hassmann 68kg
1 James Simpson 75kg Vs Callan Dean 75kg

Posted: 2004-04-26 01:48:01
whats the 161kg guy like!!!!!!!
Posted: 2004-04-26 02:01:46
He's very big!
Posted: 2004-04-26 15:11:48
Just out of interest why isn't Ngapera fighting Karen? - not that I don't think Tabitha May will fight well but I know that Karen has been wanting to fight Ngaps for ages and vice versa. Has Ngapera moved down a weight category?
Posted: 2004-04-26 16:24:05
Hi Catherine,

Ngapera is pregnent so she wont be fighting for a while. I agree Ngapera and Karen would be a good fight as well. How is your training going?

Posted: 2004-04-26 20:02:50
Hey Mark

I have to laugh!! Me and Ngapera will have to trade notes - I'm pregnant too!
After seeing you in Nelson, I decided that I'd definately get back into it again then found out the news! I guess that's the downfall of female fighters!
Maybe me and Ngaps can have a post-baby bash cause we'll both be as unfit as each other!

Good luck with the show. If I'd known Karen was fighting for a title, I would have taken advantage of the cheap air fares and come to watch but nevermind.

All the best and keep in touch.
Posted: 2004-04-26 23:06:15
Hey guys, all the best! Go VUW!!
Posted: 2004-04-27 14:32:39
The 161 guy is huge!!! I think he has size 21 feet (and size 21 shoes!!).

Hi Denver - I remember watching you fight Mark Norton back in 92 it was shaping up to be a great fight. Shame that it did not get the chance to develop. Mark is now in Sydney and working hard.

Posted: 2004-04-27 16:14:56

Yep.. he's big.. 6'10" and the runt of the family. His uncle is 7'4" !!!

A couple of snapshots before Mark 'slimmed down' to 160 kg from around 200 kg two years ago.. the guy beside him is close to 6'0" and weighs around 64 kg
Posted: 2004-04-27 16:18:19

Punching his 130 kg opponent in the face ..
Posted: 2004-04-28 23:00:07
The show is shaping up well,

Might have another fight to add. Some local Kykoshin Karate want to have a go as well - they have just got back from the nationals and are rarring to go. Will confirm this later.

Posted: 2004-04-29 16:48:22
Only about a week now - I'm looking forward to it!! Can't wait to see the big guy.
Stu Chambers
Posted: 2004-04-30 05:25:26
Hi Chiang
I guess its a bit rude to ask the big fulla to sauna off 60kg,hehe
See you at tha fites
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2004-04-30 21:07:04
Looks like a great show, all the best Mark. No disrespect to Glen he's a good gutsy fighter but i think he might be a bit overmatched against Sonne. Sonne has amazing speed and power. Still I might eat my words, and all the best to those fighting.
Stu Chambers
Posted: 2004-04-30 22:25:03
Hey Ritchie
Sonne is a formidable opponent and you know you can only improve fighting opponents better than yourself eh. Glen has been doing really well at welterweight.
Posted: 2004-05-01 03:36:39
Hi Richie,

Saw your last fight up in Auckland - sorry I didn't have time to come up and congradulate you - good luck with your next fight against Willie Lam.

I think that Sone (one N) and Glen will be one of the most exciting fights of the night. Sone is stepping up 2 weight classes (he normally fights at 60kg) and has alot of experience and power.

Glen is fighting at his natural weight and in his last 2 outings in Wellington has KO'd his opponents. So I really think it is one of the rarest of fights - both fighters have massive KO power (who could forget the front kick that Sone landed against Micheal in Wanganui that made Mike FLIP over - a full flip!!!!).

Either way I don't think it will go the distance but I would not bet a dime on who will win : - ]

Posted: 2004-05-04 16:30:17
Only 3 days to go.

All fights are Knees to the head this is something that is now becoming standard in Wellington and I hope that the rest of the country will adopt this as well.

Posted: 2004-05-04 19:33:17
Just out of interest - has anyone ever fought elbows here in NZ (other than the pro's). We train elbows so why not fight elbows (with padding if you want).

Good luck to all the fighters.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2004-05-04 19:39:43
Can someone give us more info on the big fella, is he any good, is he trimmed down to 160 or could he lose another 30 kilos, what is his other fight back ground, who is his trainer etc etc cheers

Posted: 2004-05-04 20:01:34
Hi Mike,

Mark Anderson is trained by Barry Page (Chiang) and he would be the best person to ask about Marks background.

Given his size Dixon is already aware of him.

Posted: 2004-05-06 16:36:07

Chris Mason has had to pull out due to illness but we are looking at a top Karate fighter for Dan Stirling.

Posted: 2004-05-07 04:44:17
Just done the weigh in and everyone is looking sharp - especially Glen Fraser who weighed in at 64.5 his natural weight. In the past Glen has fought up in weight divisions often fighting Super welterweight middleweight (Richie Hardcore) and supermiddleweight (Lance) fighters now the weight is for once in his favour.

Sone weighed in and said that he was looking forward to a good fight. Scotty Benson and Ben Ruck Both weighed in at 64.0 kg and Tabitha and Karen both weighed in at 59.5. Dan Burns weighed in at 82.0 kg.

Will be the best show that we have ever put on - can't wait for it.

Posted: 2004-05-07 06:05:39
Shot Mark, all the best to the boyz (and girls) at VUW! Will be looking out for the results.
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2004-05-07 20:12:14
Hey good luck for the show Mark.. I honestly meant no disrepect to Glen Stu, sorry if any offence was taken. Thanks for the congrats Mark, I fought terribly, but a wins a win. I won't be fighting Willie unfortunatly I have an injury that needs to heal from the last fight.
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2004-05-08 09:24:36
Great Show Mark, ...Well Done!!!
Hey, did you find my top by any chance??? ...I sent you a txt about it, hopefully it turns up, it's kinda sentimental
Cheers for a Great night :-)
P.S. It's so much more interesting with knees to the head - way to go!!!
P.P.S Do you know of any Full-Thai fights (Elbows) coming up? - Rex is the only Muay Thai fighter I've seen "Sling'n" them from the Wellington region for some time.
Posted: 2004-05-08 11:11:08

Hey guys,

I'd love to see this 160kg fighter fight Dwayne 'the house of Pain' (forgotten his surname). Dwaine is just about that Tall and weighs the same. You might remember there was talk of him fighting Stefan Leko a little while back. I don't remember now if Leko was meant to fight in Aus, or if Dwayne was to go to Japan. Regardless, the fight was called off.

It would be a friggen impressive sight seeing two guys that big in the ring together. Dwayne has had only about 6 or 7 fights though, not sure how experienced this other guy is.
Posted: 2004-05-08 17:52:03
Gidday Everyone,

Here's the results as best I can remember.

17 Scotty Benson 66kg Vs Ben ‘the Virus’ Ruck 64kg
Scotty by TKO. He was just too good on the night. I felt OK for 2 rounds, but couldn't step it up after that and Scotty unleashed with some long combos that I couldn't answer. If I get a rematch sometime I'll ask Scotty beforehand not to do that again :) Congrats and thanks to Scotty.

16 Glen ‘the Fury’ Fraser 66kg Vs Sone ‘the Arch Angel’ Vanathy 63kg
Yeehaa, what a fight!!!! Glen must have trained his butt off for this. He gave it everything. Sone was his usual awesome self, but he often had trouble countering Glen's excellent come forward style, although both guys landed some big shots throughout. Unfortunately for Glen Sone's experience paid off, and he was able to put 2 8 counts on Glen in the last to take a split decision. Fight of the night, these guys are both sensational.

15 Neil Bryant 82kg Vs Dan ‘3rd Degree’ Burns 82kg
Another punishing performance by Dan to win a unanimous decision. Neil is tough as hell and never gives up. Dan is leaving us for Europe - great send off mate!!

14 Karen Lynch 57kg Vs Tabitha May 58kg
I think Karen won - stoppage by leg kicks, but I'm not certain cos I missed it.

13 Jamie Harleys 80kg Vs Tom ‘Jones’ deGroen 79kg
Bugger me, but is Tom good or what. He looked so well balanced and sharp. They wont exactly be lining up for a piece of him. Jamie was unlucky to get caught hard in the first, which stopped him from showing how good he also is.

12 Larn Sweeney 75kg Vs Sam ‘Fearless’ Fiamatai 72kg
Larn gave it everything. Sam had the advantage in the power department, but Larn wouldn't stop throwing combos, and eventualy he caught Sam with a nice high kick to stop Sam in the third round as Sam was looking to create an opening to finish the fight. I know exactly how you feel Sam mate - we're singing the blues :(

11 Leroy Calhoun 67kg Vs Jason ‘Yoyo’ Yocum 64kg
A great performance by Jason, showing great distancing and beautiful knees to win the fight by stopage (cut???) after the first. Look out for the Yoyo in the future.

10 Chris Mason 87kg Vs Dan Stirling 87kg
Chris had to pull out I think.

9 Quin Maaka 77kg Vs William Tervoort 74kg
Hard fight. I think Will took the first, but Quinn came back to win the last two rounds with nice high left leg whip kicks. Both boys will be sore!!!

8 Mark Anderson 161kg!! Vs Evan ‘the Beast’ Yeoman 105kg
Great fight from Evan - he stayed off the ropes and combo'ed well to get a deserved win over Mark. From what I saw Mark gave it everything too, and every time he threw a bomb I think everyone held their breath.

7 Claire Saxton 56kg Vs Kerry ‘the Smiling Assassin’ Keneally 56kg
Another tough fight. Kery's knees were excellent, but Claire's powerful punches and kicks gave her a close fought win.

6 Glen Foster 79kg Vs Ryan Heketa 79kg
I didn't see it, but I'm pretty sure it was Ryan by knee to the body in the first.

5 Nop 60kg Vs John Turner 60kg
This one was full action too. It was youth versus, hmmm, shall we call it experience :) Youth prevailed eventually to give Nop the win, but great effort by John who became a dad again only a couple of months ago. It's tough for us old guys John!!!

4 Tony Mazur 74kg Vs Harley French 68kg
Didn't see all of this. I think Tony is only about 14 (hope I've got the right guy), and will be one to look out for.

3 Micheal Davids 81kg Vs Tommy Vestin 79kg
Both guys fought a hard tiring fight. Michael mixed his combos a bit better to get the win, but it didn't come easy.

2 Adam Calver 66kg Vs Andrew Hassmann 68kg
Adam took a couple of rounds to get on top of Andrew by using very sharp punch combos, but both guys did themselves proud. Andrew's first fight I think, and he threw some nice shots.

1 James Simpson 75kg Vs Callan Dean 75kg
Callan was a bit too much for James, throwing nice hard hands and knees, but James was very game and gave it everything.

Cheers all. Thanks heaps to Mark for an awesome night, and to all the VUW crew for their support.

Posted: 2004-05-08 22:28:46
hey Ben, thanks for the update! You're a much better loser than me, LOL. bad luck mate, get him next time! Congrats to all the fighters and Mark on the show, have to catch the tape.
Posted: 2004-05-09 01:39:35
Wow! That was a darn good night, the quality of ALL the fights was very high and everyone can be very proud regardless of whether they won or not.

Glen vs Sone - Man, I haven't seen a faster fight in a very long time. If at all! It was close in the end. Shame both there has to be a winner and loser cos both guys really deserve a win.

Tom de Groen was really impressive. I think we all knew he was gonna do well but that was extraordinay.

How good is Karen Lynch?! Tabitha May is a great fighter in her own right and is a gutsy performer but Karen was a class above last night. What a fantastic display that was. Congratulations.

I could go on and on about all the fights but that will do.

Thanks to everyone who came. Those who didn't can contact myself or Mark for details on the video coverage which will be available as soon as possible.

Posted: 2004-05-09 04:04:10

Everyone was wanting to watch Mark Anderson fight, because of his size, but forgot to focus on the "smaller" one of the two - Me. Thanks for the fight, hope he keeps in the ring, thats the only way to progress. As you can see of the height and size difference in the photo, he had 53kg and a bigger reach but my main goal was not letting him use that weight to an advantage. Great night thanks to Mark at VUW for putting the night on and thanks to Ben - for refereeing the fights really well, and cheers to everyone else who helped make the night a success.
Posted: 2004-05-09 04:10:59

The boys from MMAC
Posted: 2004-05-09 04:12:48
Evan moving in on Mark
Posted: 2004-05-09 04:16:53

Evan moving in on Mark (sorry the last one didnt attach - file size too big)
Posted: 2004-05-09 04:18:53

Evan vs mark -

PS Mark (VUW) is there going to be a video made and those pictures that were taken - are we able to get copies of them?

Posted: 2004-05-09 16:58:15
Hi All,

Thanks for coming to the show and for putting on such good fights. The atmosphere was electric and every fight had the crowd up on its feet.

Sone VS Glen amazing fight - I still have to check the outcome but I think it may have been a split decision and there was nothing in it. A rematch would be a great idea and if I can put it on for our show on August the 28th then I would love to do it again.

Videos will be available soon for 20$ - it will be a top notch production. As per usual Andrew out did him self this time.

Roger the MC did a great job - I missed alot of his comments but the ones that I thought were great were

"To hell with New Zealand idol how about kickboxing idol" and one that I am not sure if he appropriated from somewhere.

"Hes all over him like SARS in singapore"

It was good to see a show where all fights are knees to the head and the quality of the match ups were better then I have ever seen before in Wellington.

Cheers and if you have any feedback on how we can improve the show or any other comments please email them to me on

Stu Chambers
Posted: 2004-05-11 16:29:37
Hi mark
Thanks for the great show dude. The fights were awesome and well matched. It shows just how much depth and experience there is in our up and commer fighters. Over the next couple of years our sport is going to be huge. Big thanks to Glen Sam and Evan for the effort put into their fights. They all trained really hard in the preparation for their matches and it showed on the night. I am very proud about all three of them. Once again, thanks Mark and all the guys and gals from VUW for the awesome night

Stu Chambers
Manawatu Martial Arts Centre
Karen Lynch
Posted: 2004-05-13 00:58:26
A bit late, but..... Thanks Mark for an awesome show! I didn't see many of the fights, but the ones I did see were well matched, good, hard, battles. And everyone's been raving about the night, so i can't wait to see the rest of the fights on video. Also i wanted to congratulate you as the promoter; the whole event was excellently organised, the accomodation was great and you really went over and above the call of duty to look after us. we were well impressed! (apart from not coming out for a drink afterwards!)
Good job by Ben too, as ref; especially stopping the fight to send out that smoker!

Posted: 2004-05-16 21:00:22

Here's a few pics for ya'll.

Adam Calver landing a big right.
Posted: 2004-05-16 21:03:18

Callan Dean with one of his trademark kicks
Posted: 2004-05-16 21:06:16

John Turner jabbing Nok Phonharath
Posted: 2004-05-16 21:07:23

Nok returning the favour
Posted: 2004-05-16 21:09:17

Quinn Maka quite fancied the flying knee technique as well
Posted: 2004-05-16 21:10:01

As did Sam Fiamatai
Posted: 2004-05-16 21:13:53
I've just grabbed those from the video as I've been editing so the resolution is pretty low but nevermind.

Speaking of the video...

I would dearly appreciate photos of the following fighters, either from friends or trainers.
Neil Bryant
Leroy Calquhoun
Nok Phonharath

I need these for the "tale of the tape" style intro screens so they would need to be along the lines of those used on the poster above...

Anyone have these?? I will do you special price for the video!
Larn Sweeney
Posted: 2004-05-18 04:09:47
Thanks Mark for a great show, all fights were awesome. I do think there need to be some sort of limitation on the knees to the head for the newer fighters, due to the number of cuts and early stoppages.

I would like to challenge Sam for his title at the next Capital Punishment show.
Posted: 2004-05-18 04:32:05
Hi Larne

I was thinking something along those lines regarding the knees to the head. It's all well and good for us old ugly buggers to do it but the younger guys and girls perhaps shouldn't be? As well as lesser experienced fighters.

Not wanting to water things down, just don't want people to get too disfigured at a young age ya know!
Stu Chambers
Posted: 2004-05-18 04:32:37
Hi Larn
Sam does'nt have a title but will gladly fight you over 5 rounds for one thou.It would have to be either a middleweight or a supermiddleweight title
Stu Chambers
Manawatu Martial Arts Centre
The Highlander
Posted: 2004-05-18 16:22:41
Knees to the Head all Good!!!

Sorts the men out from the boys!!!

Should be Head Butts aswell!!!
Posted: 2004-05-18 17:43:13
Posted: 2004-05-18 17:47:52
Hi Guys,

Personally I like the fact that knees to head are in the fights. In these fights generally there are less knees to the head then normal fights.

The reasoning behind this is that people know they are going to get kneed in the head if they have their head down so they try to keep it up. It also means that fighters tend to try and grapple properly.

It was not very long ago when a fighter lost a close fight after having a point deducted for kneeing the other fighter in the head (this was a no knees fight). The fighter who was kneed in the head kept his head really low and effectively nullified the knees.

This situation is less likely to occur with knees to the head.

Stu Chambers
Posted: 2004-05-18 18:01:25
I agree with u mark
Posted: 2004-05-18 18:07:33
Thanks Stu,

If you guys are keen we would love to have a rematch between Larn and Sam for a title on our show on August the 28th (just 13 weeks away now!!). I will give you a call about it later.

Oh and Larn only one fight was stopped due to a knee to the head and that was because the corner did the right thing and wanted to ensure that the fighter was ok. One fight out of 16 is reasonable and with the other knee to the head fights that I have seen it makes it now about 1 in 40.

Posted: 2004-05-20 03:27:06
Is this the same Sam fiamati that had a few fights in Auckland a few time's and on Rex Redden title win against Lek?,correct me if im wrong,but doesnt he hold the TBA light heavy title?looks to be a real entertainer can be a bit defensive at times but has all the skills,i'll be be sure to make it down to wellington to see Capital much is the tape of C.P.4?
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2004-05-20 04:00:46
Hi jo'sua,
Sam did fight on the same card as Rex's World Title Fight in Porirua in November 02' ...he fought Neil Bryant from Kapiti Thai Boxing (Under Barry Page)
Sam is a good fighter and I believe he will go far.

"Dream Big, Aim High"

Posted: 2004-05-20 08:45:24
Hey jo'sua

Video's are 20 bucks. Drop me an email and I'll sort one out for you as soon as they're ready.
Posted: 2004-05-20 08:46:53

Couple more pics

Tabitha vs Karen
Posted: 2004-05-20 08:51:05

Tabitha vs Karen
Posted: 2004-05-20 08:55:03

Dan vs Neil
Posted: 2004-05-20 08:58:04

Scotty vs Ben
Posted: 2004-05-20 10:01:22

Scotty vs Ben
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2004-05-20 10:41:27
Hey Andrew,
Great Pic's Dude, could you please put a vid aside for me also, my email addy is listed in my profile but i think Mark has my mobile number if needed.

Cheers :-)

"Dream Big, Aim High"

Posted: 2004-05-20 16:01:17
hey Andy, I'll do you a trade mate. Sam must have lost alot of weight. Is that the same Larn that trained at VUW? still kicking old fella.
Larn Sweeney
Posted: 2004-05-21 03:10:47
I think knees to the head are needed in the kick boxing ring, this stops as I have seen guys and girls dropping there head down in the grapple and thus stopping the grapple.

But some of the first fighters e.g. new fighters were doing just this and getting nailed to bits, sure good to watch but guys may lose heart and stop in the sport, this may be a good or bad thing since as stated already the men are sorted out from the boys. Sure only one fight was stopped by a head knee, but that fight should have been full rules anyway, it was that alot of the first undercard fights the decisive weapon was the head knee and the receiving fighter was just not prepared for it. This may be show that we must start train fighters to train/spa with head knees.

Larn Sweeney
Posted: 2004-05-21 03:12:46
Yep Vince it is, long time no see.:)
Larn Sweeney
Posted: 2004-05-21 03:21:40
Kurt "The world of hurt" Gilbertson 78kg vs Tom "Jones" deGroen 79kg
Larn Sweeney
Posted: 2004-05-21 04:33:58
Kurt "The world of hurt" Gilbertson 78kg vs Tom "Jones" deGroen 79kg
Stu Chambers
Posted: 2004-05-21 05:19:54
You have answered your own question about knees to the head. A trainer needs to teach his fighter how to knee to the head and defend against it. Its the same with elbows, you learn how to throw them and you learn how to defend against them. You can cut someone with a punch,kick, knee or an elbow, if you know what you are doing. If a fighter enters the ring and has no idea how to defend against a knee to the head, then thats not his fault, its the fault of his/her trainer not preparing him/her properly. I am sure mark made it quite clear, in advance that all matches were knees to the head at his fight night.
I make sure my fighters are well aware of the rules and the possible dangers of injury that comes from our sport. In the end the referee looks after the fighters and I thought Ben did a awesome effort (thanks Ben)
Stu Chambers
Manawatu Martial Arts Centre
Posted: 2004-05-24 23:03:28
OK, the video is finally ready, sorry about the wait but editing has been very time consuming.

The details are:

Duration: 2hours for 16 fights.

Format: PAL VHS tape or MPEG-1 file spanning 2 CDs for higher quality. Sorry, can't do NTSC but don't let that stop you because the CD's are darn good and can play on all PCs and Macs made after 1998.

Cost: In NZ it's $20.00. If you're overseas then please get in touch and we can arrange something that works for both parties.

Anything else, please feel free to email or call and I'll help as best I can.

This was a really high quality fight night with a lot of wicked bouts. If you weren't there, it's worth getting a copy of the video. You wont be disappointed!

mobile: 021 253 7737


Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-05-24 23:17:51
1 Catherine Congrats a Little BRETT eh ??
Its Baby Fever over here too
Mary Hart Pregnant
Lisa Houghton had a baby
Jussys Married and Trying for one ! Geeeeez mad as ! LOL

Catherine writes:

Hey Mark

I have to laugh!! Me and Ngapera will have to trade notes - I'm pregnant too!
After seeing you in Nelson, I decided that I'd definately get back into it again then found out the news! I guess that's the downfall of female fighters!
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-05-24 23:18:56
Mark LOL :-p
mark writes:

The 161 guy is huge!!! I think he has size 21 feet (and size 21 shoes!!).

Well he wouldnt be Happy in Size 18 or say 23's ?
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-05-24 23:20:10
And Evan Well done
Its Like David and Goliath, Nothing away from His Opponent ! With that Weight advantage !?
Its No wonder we / I Want the Little ???? Lol
Guy to Win !
Well done ! :-)
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-05-24 23:21:17
p.s. Great Knneing Techs: and Pics: Quality Well Done the Kiwis !
Posted: 2004-05-27 21:39:52
Have just seen the video and it is awesome - well done Andrew
Posted: 2004-05-27 23:35:26
Cheers Mark, glad you liked it :)

Having a wicked show helps tho as really the content is what people want. Some pretty slow-mo replays only enhance what's already a fantastic event.

Quality fights all night. Awesome!
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