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Topic:Off Topic:fighting Events At Ancient Olympics
Posted: 2004-08-03 03:45:36

currently there`s a magnificent series at the German/French channel ARTE:
a crew of young athletes and archaeologists are trying to imitate the Ancient olympics !
they are really observing every tiny detail to get as close to the "Original" as possible:Food,venues,training methods (e.g:rocks instead of dumbbells lol),
equipment, clothing(well ALMOST rofl ).
there are nine programs ,the last will see the champion.
i`m delighted.

any FACTS or OPINIONS about Ancient Olympics,particularly the Fighting disciplines ?
anybody knows about that mysterious PANKRATION ("a combination of Boxing and Wrestling"? ) seemed not unlike MMA,is that correct ?
in boxing they used leather straps,lethal outcome wasn`t rare.
in that program a German boxer "treated" a DUMMY with leather-straps-punches,
allowing scientists to analyze the force set free:it is up to three times higher than with a glove !!
(so no humans were getting hit mind lol !)
Baz Faulty
Posted: 2004-08-03 04:35:29
PANKRATION is a persian martial art its what alexander the greats soldiers were trained in
Dave Jackson
Posted: 2004-08-03 05:15:28

Their training methods looked a little worrying to me! Not sure if the guys in the gym would be up for this type of thing?
Baz Faulty
Posted: 2004-08-03 05:28:31
looks rather scary dave very batty boy. still encourages you to get proper form in your squats get a bad name for yourself touching blokes with ya knackers
Posted: 2004-08-04 03:15:21
didn`t know that about Alexander the Great, thank you.

Hmmmmm,Baz it possible that Baz=abbrevation of baSIL and my favourite TV-series is also your favourite TV-series ?
if so i`ll be really happy cause i`m literally mad about "Fawlty Towers".i have all programs on tape,some of them even twice,in English and in German (the latter being much worse of course !).
my image of Americans is based on that "Waldorf-salade" episode lol.
but i also like the "Germans-jokes",particularly that scene where the "Major"
wants to use a gun rofl.

Baz Faulty
Posted: 2004-08-06 02:34:51
I like faulty towers as well shyguy "Mr Fawlty Mr Fawlty its a hamster,'' "its not a hamster its a rat manuel.'' quality show. Faultys actually my nickname along with a no of other ones lol, Its cause I had a bit of a bad temper at school a bit like mr Fawltys displays of anger so the name stuck mainly because it goes with my second name Fullard it then got shortened to either fault or baz lol nicknames eh. I didn't start hitting any minis with branches mind you.

I've got the dvd collection its a top show my fave espiode is a tossup between basil the rat or the germans.

Posted: 2004-08-06 10:27:33
thank you,Baz *)
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-08-06 17:08:50
lol @ Daves Collection of training methods?
And Yep uts True they invented Naked Mud / Gease Wretling too
Greco type
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-08-06 17:09:46
Yike>>> Spel
its True
Grease Wrestling
Posted: 2004-08-07 01:47:08
as you (Sandy) may have guessed,i asked Dave if that is an appropriate pic to
post or not.
so:i have no indication whatsoever that this is what the training at Dave`s gym looks like lol ! :))
Posted: 2004-08-07 01:50:35
maybe that was daves gym..hmm...?
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-08-07 03:50:43
hahah ! it is i think ( back Room )
Posted: 2004-08-07 17:27:14
Pankration existed way before Alexander the Great. But enjoyed tremendous expansion due to incorporation of large number of young greek trainess into his army and some methods were imported for conditioning the soldiers for warfare. An incident mentioned in the chronographies suggests that a member of his army was a Pankration practitioner - he had a duel and defeated a Macedonian general with whom he was feuding. See a brief description in a more comprehensive paperwork of a friend of mine -
Posted: 2004-08-08 16:34:58
thank you,highly appreciate your comment !
wish you could see that series as it`s way above average "doku-soap"-standard,
they´re even hoping to help answering some scientific questions simply by letting athletes of today doing the disciplines as authentic as possible and see if they have to think some concepts they had so far over.

will check out this report right now...
Posted: 2004-08-08 18:52:59
I'd still have a comment : ok, they want to reproduce the real thing as close as possible, but did they really need to allow THAT degree of summary clothing ? :P :P :P
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