A Beer after training? I was told by a well respected American Coach that after every hard training session you should have a beer. The trick he told me was just to have 1 beer and stop there. I understand that beer has loads of Carbs but I’m not convinced it wouldn’t have a detrimental effect.
Ive read a similar theory that recommend's a dash of salt in the beer.
Is there any truth in this?
Alcohol blocks glycogen resynthesis.
A beer after training is great for club moral! :)
Knew a long distance runner that would do the same.
Now is that the top of the line delicious unpasturized real ale (burp), or are you talking the dregs. All joking aside real ale I think can be considered an alive food as opposed to the beer that is pasturized. Regardless thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
What about the potassium levels in beer?
Yeah, sure.
Go ahead.
They should have it on tap in all fighting gyms.
But only for after training, and only one.
Matt wrote
"Alcohol blocks glycogen resynthesis."
Does that mean it will slow down recovery?
dunno what it does but a pint of guiness tastes great after training even better if it has a drop of blackcurrent in the top
Baz, you don't put pop in Guinness!
That's sacrilege!
"Does that mean it will slow down recovery?"
Not only slow down recovery, but if Matts right (I bet he is) it will also mean that you won't be as prepared for your next work out.
The best way to get high glycogen levels in the muscles is right after a work out. Matt is saying that alcohol blocks the resynthesis of glycogen. Blocking it right after a work out is a great way to minimize levels for the next work out.
Remember-whats your source? Just cause someone is a trainer and or even a great one it doesn't mean that they don't have faulty ideas on science and health or even performance.
Someone may perform well and even great and not be doing stuff the best way.
I came across this article that argues the case for a beer as part of a training regime. http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/news/article.asp?UAN=3390
You can find studies saying anything. Never mind that most beer, at least in N. America, is made from genetically modified grains, I can not see how beer's possible bonuses would out way its negatives.
I would bet money against it. The main thing is to try it for yourself... the thing is unless you are sensitive with your body talk and feed back you may not be able to notice. "Muscle testing" would give you feed back and looking at studies on both sides of the fence and using logic too... If possible look to see who funds the studies.
How much can one beer hurt as lets face it, you expel most of it an hour later anyway?
its part of the pakage! like rugby n beer, never did them any harm!
look at contender, cant remember names but one guy didnt drink for 3 months prior to his fight, his opponant was hung over the day befor the fight! and he won!
everything in moderation, if you enjoy a beer after training and your in good health then who is to tell you no!if you drink 5 beers a night and you dont feel good for it, then cut down! why should you stop enjoying simple things in life?
sex is bad for thaiboxers and affects training, u aint gonna cut back on that tho are you (sorry, not tonight love ,my kicks will be crap tomorrow at training)lol
OK its not the best.
There is a small window directly after working out to optimally take in carbs and protein to maximize "growth". Around 45 minutes!
But at my extended age, there is the occasional night I will substitute this for a pint. Life is short, love it!
Of course with out the proper rest and recovery, its point mute. (Mark):)
Love this article 'cause my gym is over a pub!! Sells great curry to, its hard!
Alcohol retards athletic performance, says study
Sydney, Jan 15 : Even moderate amounts of alcohol slows down recovery from athletic performance, besides doubling muscle performance loss, a new study has found.
"If you're there to perform, you shouldn't be drinking alcohol," said Matt Barnes, author of the study.
Barnes, B.Sc Honours candidate at the Massey University's Manawatu campus, recruited recreational sportsmen and tested their muscle performance after a strenuous resistance training session, followed by either a moderate amount of alcohol in juice or the same energy content in juice alone.
Using specialised equipment at the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, the athletes' performance was measured at 36-hours and 60 hours later.
"That's two mornings and three mornings later," Barnes said. "With the alcohol the loss of muscle performance was far greater - nearly twice as much. Normally you would expect to see weakness or loss in performance after strenuous exercise but the alcohol really exacerbated that.
"This shows that if you drink even moderate levels of alcohol after you use your muscles strenuously you are impairing your ability to recover and I would say if you are serious about your sport, you shouldn't be drinking alcohol in the post-match or recovery period."
Exercise physiologist and co-director of Sport and Exercise Science at Massey University Steve Stannard is supervising Barnes' research. Stannard said he began thinking of undertaking research on the effect of alcohol on athletic performance after organising a sport and alcohol conference in 2005.
"It struck me at the time that, whilst alcohol was commonly consumed after competition, there was very little research on whether alcohol affected the recovery process," according to a Massey release.
"Although many sportspeople drink, rugby is the most obvious: they go after training or the match to the pub or club to socialise or celebrate. In fact some coaches encourage that - I've even been told matter-of-factly by a high profile coach that 'the spirit of the team is at the bottom of the bottle'," said Stannard.
From a purely physiological perspective I think its silly.
However, the mental and emotional aspects to having some fun and connected with friends and doing something that you may well be conditioned to through life experiences and or cultural programming - could have some great benefits.
I would think a couple bears once a week would be better than daily after training though...
a quality wine or rice beer would be better for you...
found an awesome whiskey here in Thailand - made from honey and leaves I think... home brew stuff $2 Canadian :)
I have a Fighters Guidelines document I give all fighters before their first fight for our school. In it is the stipulation that fighters will not drink alcohol after a fight, also not to use asprin products, as both of these thin the blood causing worse bleeding and bruising. You never know whats happened inside the head in regards to bleeds & concussions. Alcohol will mask concussion. It also stipulates that they have a safe driver to get them home, incase they get injured and cannot drive. This saves me having to organise something short notice to get people home if need and again delayed concussion is a serious issue that you don't want to be behind the wheel with. I have known someone to drive off the road due to delayed concussion, ended up in someones front yard across the wrong side of the road. Just lucky he didn't kill the two kids in the car with him or anyone else. Also I will never drink at a fight event until after the last fight. I will never corner a fighter or go into a ring smelling of drink. Thats how I do it but others have their own ideas. I've seen fight officals drinking while judging!
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