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Posted: 2006-11-08 04:47:52
Wrist Injuries

i'm getting a sore wrist when its flexed and there is weight/force put on it, i know its quite a common injury but does anyone know any good ways to get rid if it? i don't really want to become dependant on wearing tape but i work as a fitness trainer so can't exactly rest it. Any advice would be great ...
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-08 09:05:50
Finding out specifically the problem would be good probably.

Likely staying off it would be good.
Posted: 2006-12-02 15:17:48
I have the same problem, it feels like the carpal bones (I think this is right) is digging in to the tendons & muscle in the wrist. It has been ongoing for months now, does limit the amount of upper body strength training I can do. Some days are better than others. 1 thing I found helps a bit is to try to keep the wrist warm and do some stretching in it before training.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-02 17:49:47
General rule of thumb.

If it causes pain don't do it.
Posted: 2006-12-03 15:45:49
Agreed Mark, so when it hurts I stop the press ups etc, but can still train the healthy parts
Donald Boswell
Posted: 2006-12-03 21:34:49
No Impact, hit with the other hand 4 - 6 weeks no impact. Lots of self massage, Dave, not that type of massage!
Posted: 2006-12-04 05:22:34
Cheers Donald will give this a try
Posted: 2006-12-04 08:24:18
Maybe self massage is the cause.
Posted: 2006-12-04 14:49:01
oh, maybe won't try that then.
Posted: 2006-12-05 04:17:36
no impact massage with the other hand
Posted: 2006-12-06 08:41:44
ha ha,
Donald Boswell
Posted: 2006-12-07 14:19:37
What activities were you previously doing that impacted this hand, and what were you wearing for protection?

Posted: 2006-12-07 16:41:39
Didn't actually feel when the injury happened (seems to have been progressive) but would imagine, boxing, holding pads, press ups, lifting a toddler. protection used for all except the last one was handwraps and gloves. (handwraps only on press ups)
Donald Boswell
Posted: 2006-12-08 23:52:45
Can I ask if you are female, this is only because the bone structure is a different proportion.
beanie baby
Posted: 2006-12-13 03:24:51
I got repetetive strain injury in my wrist, its a work related injury. It hurts when you put any kind of pressure on it. I haven't use my hand at all when training just rested it. But one of the guys who trains at the gym is a sports physio type person, he did a sports massage on it and that really helped. So definatley get a massage on it. Needs a few sessions of massages, but it does work.

Clarem, what you're talking about is Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. It's to do with the pressure in the carpel tunnel and you can feel it most when you go to sleep. It can give you the worst night's sleep ever!! The worst case scenario is surgery on it.
Donald Boswell
Posted: 2006-12-13 13:39:06

Once you have healed take a seriuos look at the protection you are using. I have a strong feeling it has been in adequate for your personal structure and activities.

Wraps: There are many ways to wrap, most will do it in a manner that they have been shown. Does that ensure it is the best way for your hand structure, no. Explore various ways to find out what gives you the best protection for you hand structure. Many world class boxers have extended careers that would have been over due to hand injuries by doing this.

Gloves: time for more padding regardless of what others think or use. Time for some pillows if you continue what you have done in the past. For impact reduction I have found that the material used in Top Ten is the best (Bayfill).

Technical: Look at the structure closley when you are impacting your hands. Is there some thing out of wack in the structure.

Statics: When you are better and have recovered add staitic push ups in the top position, and hold to your regime.

If you are hitting the bag take a look at the weight of the bag vs your body weight, hand structure and punching power. Power only after you have looked at the technical side.

If you have your pad holder pushing the pad into your hands ask them to stop, if they are to rigid to change, train someone else to hold for you.


Donald Boswell
Posted: 2006-12-13 13:42:03
I meant to add in regards to the weight of the heavy bag you may be using: use a lighter bag if avalible. If it moves too much get help holding it with just enough force to give you adequate and responsible resistance.

Good Luck
Donald Boswell
Posted: 2006-12-13 13:45:02
In the static push up hold this should be done with a closed fist, if this is uncomfortable use you gloves.
Posted: 2006-12-15 16:23:25
Ok guys, thanks, great advice, will give it a bash, been resting/light impact for a wee while now and slowly not as painful in press up position,

Beanie babie, thanks for the info, not Carpal Tunnel (I don't think - will certainly get it double checked) I had this when I was pregnant, and yes it was a nightmare, hands would swell up, lose all feeling in fingers - total nightmare, ended up in spints last 2 weeks of pregnancy, thank the Lord that was 2 years ago ;-)

Donald - Yeh, I am female. I do have to lose weight, I think that may have something to do with itwhen putting weight on it frequently

Will let you guys know.

Thanks again, have a good festive season
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