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stevie nisbet
Posted: 2006-11-11 18:07:43
question about squats

while doing squats last week one of my newer students was squating by going down and dragging his knuckles across the floor standing up and repeating, to me hes going down too far and could cause long term damage to his knees, so am i right or wrong guys.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-11 20:05:25
think back a little before squat cages and trainers telling you how to squat.. say a couple tousand years

How did we build shelter? cook? take a shit!? lots of the work (say making clothing)?

we squatted

Most of the world squat right down and have less knee probs than N. Americans and Europeans.

With out expert trainers and PTs and doctors and surgens etc etc do you think we would have survived with blown out knees etc The number of knee surgeries today is mind boggling.

We are designed to squat right to the floor!!! In fact this is how we are ment to defficate. How many parents who are potty training thier kids have seen there kids squat in thier diaper to poop???

When squatting the right thigh presses on the assending colon pushing fecal matter up hill (humans are the only mammals that need to push fecal matter up hill), The left thigh pushes on the desending colon... it help the whole process.

Anyone living in Thailand and having to use squat toilets should be able to attest the the ease at which one shits!!! I noticed it way before I knew anything about the human body!!!

Now if you are talking with heavy weight then there are loads of factors to consider, is the core functioning should be one of the first...

But not weight bearing iot is normal human design and in fact it is healthy to do it! Deforming the body in a squat pumps fluids through the body, like cerebrospinal fluid for example... I think it sucks water into the disks too (but I'd had to check that one out... Regardless it IS good.

Now if you have really messed up knees then it may be an issue but if your body functions somewhat decently you SHOULD squat and you should when you shit too! ;)


A good resource for this is "Squatology" live audio series with Paul Chek
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-11 20:50:55
By the way I have a stool infront of my toilet to put my feet on. Not as good as squatting but...

Chek, in that lecture, also talks about how as the toilet came into greater and greater use in England constipation went up in preportion to toilet use (as opposed to squatting). If memory serves England is the most constipated country in the world. Though I think N. America is pretty close.

Whats your garbage like if you don't take it out for a couple days?

People have shit in them for a couple days!!!!!!!! Toxic city!!

Squatting, right down, would be good for them (even if its not when they are going to the can)
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-12 09:31:09
Pretty sure how the knee joint works is that as one goes deeper into a squat the more surface area is covered and attually the more stable the joint. Also the even pull of the hams and quads stabilizes it.

On machines, like leg presses and stuff, the load is unbalanced and causes and imbalance i the recruitment of the hams/quads-that'll mess up your knees.

Or using a Smith machine. I see people trying to keep thier knees directly over thier shins and they are leaning way back into the bar... Well the design in the body is one to squat, but how the hell do they expect to pick up a suit case, buttun up thier kids coat, take shit in real life?

Think about how you get in a car, most people do a one legged squat.

Squatting is important!!!!!!
stevie nisbet
Posted: 2006-11-12 14:13:48
thanks mark, i knew id get the answer from you
Dave Jackson
Posted: 2006-11-12 14:30:40
Go Back the same number of years and I think you will find that we also lived to a ripe old age of 30
Spida H
Posted: 2006-11-12 16:59:42
With out getting all 'geeky' if you can bodyweight squat with bum to floor (most western people can not) then do it!! All the reasons that Mark has said from Chek!

If we are talking with a load i.e. Olympic weight lifting then hmmmm not so sure! There's a time and place for every training system/methodology so to say a blanket NO would be rubbish!

If form is GREAT when doing loaded bum to floor squats then use the modality for a period of time if it's the modality to give you the results you desire! If there is a 'better' option use it!!

What is bad, is the the leg press 99% of the time!!! :-)
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-12 19:16:02
I agree with the leg press comment 100% lol
welsh eagle
Posted: 2006-11-14 17:12:31
Squats are a great exercise i have already posted on here reference the assistance of squats in healing a very injured and weak back , i had 3 slipped discs 2 ruptured with synovial fluid leakage - end result - end of Muay Thai career, training, fighting, teaching i just gave up and became a drinking, smoking, overworked, stressed out individual for @ 6 years gained over 40 kg and was on my way to an early grave, my previous attempts at getting into shape failed due to the back problem the answer given by my dr's was surgery. i declined that as i had previously experienced guys in wheelchairs as a result of that surgery. i then started weight traing firstly along bodybuilding type routines, then i moved into powerlifting type exercises. 1st 3-4 months avoided squats, deadlifts etc then i gave them a go with very strict form - deep squats which i was always told was going to aggravate my condition. i used a relatively light weight and repped it for 15 x 3 sets that 1st time, the follwoing morning no back pain assocaited with the squats. so i kept at it training legs twice a week amongst other training the end result was that within a month all my pain had gone i had succesfully strengthened my core, back, legs, whole body and healed a serious condition, i then started to notice that my flexibility was improving and i was able to kick and move etc again - the end result was that 2005 i returned to regular instruction, was able to properly demonstrate techniques and 2 weeks ago i was teaching jumping double back spinning kicks. i now love squats and deadlifts (not the leg soreness after lol) and will encourage all of my students to do them. but with proper form and no ego on the bar
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-14 18:27:27

"but with proper form and no ego on the bar"-nicely said!
Spida H
Posted: 2006-11-15 19:28:05
That's great and you made a great point! It's often not the squat that's the problem just the ego that's doing them!!!
Posted: 2006-11-16 21:39:48
i do bodywieght squats by going all the way down and touching my ankles.
when i get down i lift up my heels, and get onto my toes. Then stand up and push heels in floor. It's a little variation but it makes it a lot harder as it also requires balance.
Works quads and calves....
welsh eagle
Posted: 2006-11-17 16:57:12
sounds like a good variation to me, i will try it!
Helena FW
Posted: 2006-12-16 07:57:19

If you're doing squats you should only bend your knees so your knees do NOT come over your toes and your back should be kept straight. Squatting to a point where your knees are going past your toes is a no no. The correct technique is so that your feet are hip width apart with toes pointing forwards, back straight as you bend your knees, knees in line with toes. I dont know about damage to the knees but it can cause damage to his back. Benefits to any exercise is always correct technique, body alignment and good posture. He needs to start doing them properly!!
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