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Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-11 13:16:40
I could go down and post on many threads including EFT in my opinion of dealing with pains, emotional stresses, emotional memories, healing etc etc etc

So I thought I better just put a thread up.

I have known about EFT for a while and I have had some experiences with it..

Resently I have been spending more time studying the dvd's I have and trying it out etc

First off it looks wierd and the theory is that ALL negative emotions are to do with a disruption in our energy pathways.

So you basically bring up the thought (don't have to get deep into it) and align the energy pathways (maridians).

Now I am experiencing more I'll share..

Personal experiences include

reumatism in thumb-reduced in mins and stayed reduced-knowing what I know now I would have kept going and tried to get rid of completely

tooth ache-went from a 5.5-0 in about a min... came back to a 2 (drank cold water) and got to a zero fast..with food went back up to a day it was a zero all day... the thooth ache had been there for days

Students fear of not looking good and people seeing to a 0 in mins

A falg person (is that what they are called? -hold the stop/slow sign) pain from holding sign went from a 6 to a 0 in about a min -she also does AK some other form of tapping and chakra stuff andf energy stuff etc yet she was blown away

At gym a guys shoulder when benching- 5 (I think) to a 0... later at home he had elbow pain and not really remembering it all tried on self and got rid of elbow pain

Some solid results with a dog phobea (many things have different aspects -fear of dog, fear of teeth, moving dog, dogs bark etc) we had some major head way but some other aspects came up later..she apllied the techniques and got relief her self!!!

A couple guys at the gym with chronic knee pain and I fortget the other guys... improvements in both-had I known then what I know now I would have continued.

EFT is designed for emotional stuff really... abuse, PTSD, traumatic experiences, anger etc etc etc etc etc

But I have read experiences with people improving flexibility to sports performance. Reducing jet lag to improving vision.

My friend used it on a medical Doc for asthma.. he was teaching him weights and the guy had an asthma attack... but forgot inhaler...he's asks if he can try something and gets results! Doc can't buy it worked though had to admit normally not using inhaler would have some different results!

On DVD seen some amazing PTSD and abuse issue resolved in mins or hrs...

On of the PTSD guys had been in psycotherapy for 30yrs... EFT is fast easy and nothing can go wrong. Nothing to loose and once you learn you can do on self.

My one failure thus far was a spider phobea.. Now I have studied and practiced and know more I think I know why... we are meeting today and I will let you know.

click on case examples of what apeals to you or down load the manual for free!!

oh that same friend of mine has a real cool story..

a 60yr old woman who had been in pain for 40yrs... all over, hurt to move, no one could tell her why.

My friend is very intuative and knowlageable (with experience) and found out her Dad died when she was 20 (notice it was at the on set of the pain??? this is common with almost ANY issue). Anyway he found she had a lot of unresolved grief about her Dad passing on...then her first husband died and added to it and then her second husband died and added to it!!!!

In about an hr he had delt with (pretty sure just one session) and he asked her to stand and let him know where she still hurt... it was all gone!!!

Sounds wild and far fetched??? Sure as hell does. Looks weird to. But I have had personal experience with it (on myself too). origionally it came from great sources but now with my added small experience I'm sharing what I know..

many aspects it could be used with fighting...fears of getting in the ring, infront of crowds, pains, injuries etc etc etc

Anotherthing I found out is that people can be 'pyscologocally reversed' to a specific thing. Like if you were pyscologically reversed to your knee pain it means it WILL NOT heal untill you correct that reversal.

(interestingly most people with degenerative diseases show up to have this reversal hmmmmm)

regardless this is tool that is fast, effective, relatively painless, you can do on your self, easy to learn etc etc

It can have side effects though.. if you work on some pains others may deminish or go away.

If you work on emotional issues others may deminish or go away!!!

Good luck and enjoy and if anyone tries please share...

If there is an interest I share some more experiences.

Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-11 17:38:46
Just had an 'appointment' with my friend with the spier phobia that I hadn't gotten headway with.

It was much harder than any of my other experiences but we got some great success. I suspect there are some other aspects to deal with still but some majoy head way though it took about an hour. Then we ran out of time.

Great learning experience..

So far have have reduced the problem or had complete success in every effort so far with others!!!! Myself in some areas nothing noticeable...though sme things can take a long time.

I listened to a woman talk about her experiences. She was tapping for IBS and related issues. I don't know how many times she was told to tap a day (EFT uses tapping) but she was doing 11-15 and said that Gary (the guy working with her) would be upset as it wasn't enough). However ALL that she was tapping on improved and after 6 weeks she had the first bowel movement in the afternoon she had had in 5 years!!!.

I believe it can be used in healing and if someone is reversed then doing the reversal frequently would be huge on its own!!!! (most people with degenerative disease are reversed with that issue)...

My point is in some areas I have not noticed anything with myself are areas that are healing not pain relief or emotional relief etc...
some stories with sport and performance etc...

If you read some of these you probably wonder wtf?? the use of affirmations and repeating phrases etc is simply part of it as strange as it seems...

My point here is simply to show you its effects and to share my experiences cause in or out of the ring I think it can have some great apllications!!!!!

the moto is 'try it on everything!'
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-12 22:33:02
Had an unsuccessful try today (just being straight with you guys :)

I suspect it was location and distractions etc... there are a couple other possibiliies...

One is that sometimes it kicks in 30mins or an hour later etc... I don't think that is the case but maybe...

I suspect it needed more work (was rushed) or more likely the place..

I have a couple apointments lined up-I'll share results (if anyone is interested)

It just blows my mind!!!
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-12 22:34:15
it was on a sore shoulder for the record (I think i should have done something differently too). Though it is easy there is some skill to it though often you just get results like magic. Literally!
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-13 19:28:21
If anyone is finding this interesting please post or else I'll stop (maybe lol)

ok today I tapped for a friends frustration when talking ot her ex.. just thinking about it was a 6 and we went to 0 (I'll post after the next time she talks to him and reports). After it went to 0 she reported feeling energy flow down her right side (she has lots of injuries and issues with that side) and also the left side felt kinda numb which we got rid of with tapping too.

She's a physio and had some hip soreness we tapped for. It wasn't strong at the time but it was noticable. She could not find it after!

She's at her parents for the holidays and her Mum cam home. So we tapped!! lol

She had some knee pain that seem to reduce but it came and went so was hard to qualify.

She had jaw pain which if she stuck out her tongue was a 7...we got it to under a 1 and associated ear pain.

Positive side effects-other side of jaw stopped clicking and a big one (I know this happens but first time experiencing) she had an unrelated issue clear up.

She would get pain from raise her arm, infact would use other arm to raise. She noticed that she could raise without difficulty or pain. She had been on prednesone for 6 months for it after getting no results from physio (remember her daughter is a physio).

They promised to keep me posted withhow long it lasts, if it comes back and if tapping again gets it to go away.

From what I am learning sometimes you need to do it a few times when it returns but almost always the pain level drops or goes away and usually permanantly if repeated if not with one session.

This is really wild!! Still eager to work on more emotional stuff thats strong to get a qualitative result! I have a couple things lined up soon and I think I'll start to use with clients too...but for now getting experience before charging.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-13 19:37:03
Please note I am sharing to show that anyone can do this. My training and knowlage is limited yet I have had huge results. -download free manual
(if you buy DVD's you can copy up to 100 copies and pass out!! You don't do that if you are doing a gimic and claims to make money)
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-14 13:29:06
ok after today I'll be done posting more experiences. Partly cause I htink theres enough there and partly cause no one seem interested. If I remember I'll post over time with reports on lasting effects etc

Today I worked on with two people

-fear of public speaking
-anxiety from being sung happy birthday to
-anger for lack of closure about friends death 6yrs earlier
-anger for husband not getting involved with Christmas
-anger for kids not picking up after them selves
-anger for having to take care of everybody

Last 4 same person. She had shoulder and neck stiffness and pain and said she held stress there. I have had experience with physical pain more than emotional issues so I kinda got her to something else :) But after tapping for those 4 her shoulder/neck pain was WAY better!!

The anger for no closure with friends death 6 yrs earlier-I asked her on a scale of 0-10 what the number was and she said 20!!! We got it to a 0!!!

Her kids picking up... was a 10...after she was laughing about it etc

Mind blowing!!!!
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-14 23:34:36
On way home from doing some more (did first craving for chocolate 8 top a 0 even got her to taste some to try to get it up and she didn't think it tasted good-most of the time this work for imediate cravings though in some people it is perminant) and my friend called me...the one that we had worked on her spider phobia..

She had a spider in her car and then it fell (she thought on her) and then leater she found it on the steering wheel and killed it.

When we tapped she got up to an 8 thinking about it. We ran out of time with the tapping.

However today with the real spider, that she taught landed on her and couldn't find. She said she got up to only a 2!!

I call that a success (though not complete). -one or two more rnds shoulod do it!

Posted: 2006-12-16 02:28:48
I found EFT worked well for anxiety and stress, but sadly not at all for migraines. Mind you, that was when they were really bad. Now that they are less intense, EFT might have a better chance - might try again.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-16 09:43:12
flynn I have heard many great results from migraines-I don't think less intense should make a difference.

If you got some results you certainly should be on the right track but maybe it could be done slightly differently??

I'm newish to it but have watched instructional DVD's and audios etc so I could try to help if you want.

They say if you are not getting results you assume its the set up (of course if you get results in other areas you'd think you got it down...but maybe not..

Try sore spot or karate chop point (if only tried one try other)
Say set up phrase with more feeling

Anotherthing they say is persisitance.. lets say there was 10 things that contributed to the head aches... you may not notice much from getting one...know wjat I mean?

Or those ten things could have 10 aspects... (don't worry you usually don't have to hit everyone but keeping trying)

I know that working with someone that is experienced they look at other factors and there are methods of getting a gage for what possible emotional issues could be behind a physical one etc etc

Maybe you know all this stuff but a couple thoughts and suggestions.

I get lots of idea and insight from the newsletter...people write in and share experiences and experts write in a suggest methods of seeking the true cause.

I have had much greater success with others and a little less on myself. Supposedly this is normal. My friend who uses it loads with clients thinks so anyway. So if the issue is serious and you really can't figure it out it might be worth working with someone.

All the best and thanks for the info!!
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-01-10 23:29:58
I have to share one more as it is a very cool one. Its a first for me on th seriousness of the subject and the fact I didn't even know what the subject was and for the speed of the results.

I had a clonic today. My second with this woman. So we'd spent an 2 hrs together with her hand holding a tube that was in my ass lol

We talked about lots of stuff and had some similar interests etc and i had explained EFT the first visit.

Today after ther session I knew she had no one else and it came to me to offer to try a little tapping for a few minuits if she would like.

She wanted to but was also kind of hesitant.

I told her I need not know the subject matter though it would be a little easier.

She had quite a bit of tension from thinking about telling me so instead of going the not telling me root I decided to tap on that tension.

We did and got it right down. Then she said she was angry and I asked her if there was a word we could put with the issue, some way of defining it..

Then she said she was sad, and then something other emotion came up (I forgot which one).. She said the emotions were just running all over and jumping around (as I had said I wanted to try to focus on one).

So we tapped for the emotions running all over.

That came down fast as well.

Then I asked her what was left. She said she was fine.

I pressed her to think about the situation a little and tell me what emotion came up.

She said none.

I asked her to close her eyes (being reposnsib;e for her own well being) try to think about the situation in a little detail and see if any emotion comes up-stopping before its strong of course). She closed her eyes and could not get any negative emotion up.

So I asked her if she could tell me what the subject was.

She said she had been raped and told me quite a bit of detail. Every once in a while I interupted and asked her if any negative emotion was coming up, which there wasn't.

She said she never could talk about it (I htink except with her sis). Her Dad never knew etc... It happened 20years ago.

I'll be seeing her next week and she has my contact info and a request to keep me up dated if anything comes up on the subject.

Three firsts for me
Rape issue
not knowing the issue
and wiping it out fast with out even really focusing on it at all.

EFT isn't always that easy but in my limited experience emotional stuff is usually the easiest.

Total time 5-10min

Anyone interested I suggest checking it out. I think its a tool that should be in every house. its quite easy to learn too.

If anyone has any questions feel free to email but you can down load a free manual on

Posted: 2007-01-14 04:22:14
o.K this sounds realy interesting...............just for us dumb asses .........whats tapping in real basic terms

EFT for idiots he he
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-01-14 07:08:08
Rdouble-you can tap for that you know :P

It is literally tapping. :) Tapping with your fingers on different points on the body. The points are all to do with the meridians.

Basically most people think that a thought (say of a past event) triggers the negative emotionn.

The EFT theory is that the thought disrupts the electrical system which leads to the negatove emotion.

So you bring up the thought which disrupts the electrical system which balance by tapping on it which takes away the negatiove emotion.

(there are ways of minimizing emotion if really painful while still working your way deeper into the issue. you should never need to get deep into it emotion wise!)

It sounds too easy and it sounds unreal but I am telling you from personal experience that it works!!!! My experience with emotional issues/memories has been 100% having an effect and 90+% of those have been complete (from the info that is coming back over time). With the exception of my sis...

The basics of it all are simple and it is easy to do and learn. There are areas and issues that people bury in such a way that they need digging out and they often don't even know what they are. So in that way it can take skill, experience and persistance.

However, in my experience if you know what the issue is and you have a negative emotion from thinking of it you can do EFT on it like pooring water down the sink. That said there are often many aspects to an issue and more than one may need to be addressed.

Lets say a dog phobia
You tap for that and it seems to be gone and then the dog barks and scares the shit out of you.. well that just means you need to tap for the dogs bark.. then maybe its eyes etc etc those are different aspects and on any issue (forrest) there may be many aspects (trees). But whats cool is if you cut down one tree sometimes the whole forrest falls. But if there were a hundred trees I don't think you ever need to cut them all down...after a few they falls.

Different aspects of an abuse case maybe be different times it happened. Or it maybe be different emotions. Say you cut down anger, you may get sadness following it,. Cut that and you may find guilt etc

But seriously, just cause its a more serious 'case' doesn't mean its harder to get. Like my last example of a woman I didn't really know who had learned to 'deal with' the issue but was never able to talk about it and still caused pain. In less than 5 mins she told me exactly what happened and she said she had no negative emotion arise from telling me it.

Seriously its F&^&ing wild shit!!!! lol

many cases of applying it to sport etc we all know the mental game is big...

If I had 20 people lined up that had been abused I would be willing to say if we made no serious head way I would pay them for thier time and if we did they pay me for thier time at $100 an hr

Know that doesn't mean I would be 100% successful but I would be comfortable doing that from a money stand point (of course I wouldn't do that)

I am just trying to impress how powerful a tool I think this is!!! It may not work for everyone on everything but it works often enough in so many areas its blows my mind constantly. Emotional areas, in my experience, are the easiest. But people get results from headaches to IBS, some claim cancer and even one to increasing breast size lol

My point of sharing is it seems too good to be true. I am telling you in my experience of personally working with people that it really does work!

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-01-14 08:55:34
What is EFT?

EFT is based on a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture except needles aren't necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. It launches off the EFT Discovery Statement which says...

"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."

And because our physical pains and diseases are so obviously connected with our emotions the following statement has also proven to be true...

"Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-01-14 09:03:01
What is EFT?

EFT is based on a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture except needles aren't necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. It launches off the EFT Discovery Statement which says...

"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."

And because our physical pains and diseases are so obviously connected with our emotions the following statement has also proven to be true...

"Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-01-14 09:09:52
I know I have listed my experiences but being newish to it the lasting effects I have less experience with and certianly not long experience. However from all I know it generally does last.

Here is a story, not uncommon with EFT work. It uses some 'inside language' but you can easily get the picture.

"Hi Gary.

Just now getting to read mail that has backed up for several weeks. I want to share my own similar experience with you.

"Sandy" and her partner came in for pre-marriage counseling. Among the issues they were concerned about was their sexual relationship. Most often, she found herself reacting with uncontrollable negative feelings when he initiated sexual play. He was willing to be patient, kind and understanding, and seemed genuinely interested in sex as a shared experience, which she freely acknowledged. Still, she got upset and turned off. They asked whether I could help. I suggested a session with her alone.

When she came in I asked the gentle question, "Is there something in your earlier years that you could talk about?" She immediately burst into tears, her SUDS shot to a ten, and she began to relate her story, punctuated with heavy sobbing and gasping. I sat, quiet and attentive, as she told this cryptic story: "When I was seven years old we lived in [a small town in Southern Oregon]. One day my step-father took me for a walk down a country road. It was in the summer. We hiked up the side of a hill. Then we stopped. Then he took off all my clothes. Then he took off all his clothes."

At this point she was scarcely able to breath. I stopped her and said that it was not necessary to go any further, but to follow my lead and do what I showed her. We went through the first EFT tapping procedure without even clearing for PR. Her 0-10 intensity dropped to 6. We then cleared with "Even though I still have some of this…" and tapped again. 0-10 intensity fell to 2. One more clearing with "Even if I never get completely over this…" and a last round of tapping.

By this time she was breathing quietly. Her skin was free of blotches, her eyes were clear, and she was looking at her hands, lying folded in her lap. I said, "Sandy, as you sit there now, think back to that hot summer day when your step-father took you for that walk down that country road. Think about how you hiked up the side of that hill until you stopped. Think about how he took off all your clothes. Think of how he took off all his clothes. (pause) Now, what do you get?"

She sat there without moving for maybe five seconds, then looked calmly at me and said, without undue emotion. "Well, I still hate him." I agreed that hating him was a pretty reasonable response and possibly a useful one to keep, then asked, "But what about the distress you were feeling?"

Again she paused before answering. This time she laughed as she said, "I don't know. I just can't get there. Well, that was 20 years ago. I was just a little girl. I couldn't protect myself then the way I can now. What's the point in getting upset about something like that. I never let that man touch me again, and my kids have never been allowed to be near him. I don't know, it just doesn't seem to bother me like it did."

That was over two years ago. I asked her a couple of months ago whether "that problem" we had worked on had ever come back. She laughed and told me that it was "good and gone." Her partner, now her husband, whom I saw last week, confirmed that there was no sign of the former difficulties. They have the usual "things", he said, but nothing they could not handle.

Thanks for letting me share, Gary. And, more than anything, for teaching me what has become central to my practice.

Blessings, Alan"

Now its not always this fast and I guess it doesn't always work (though with emotional issues it's almost a given.

If you read the stories you notice that many of the EFT practitioners have professional degrees in pscology, psycotherapy etc etc etc

Quite frankly if it works, use it.

Formal education in these areas can have advantages (as long as the mind isn't closed off). Many cases are hinded, repressed etc and knowing where to go or what someone means when they say something or how to maybe show them something that they don't see. But in getting results of the actual issue 'talk therapy', learning to talk about it, learning to deal with it, learning to manage it just isn't what I would settle for.

Posted: 2007-01-15 02:18:46
Cool cheers.

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-01-15 06:27:09
Not to be confused with tap dancing.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-01-22 07:20:35
Los Angeles physician Eric Robins, MD, explains, “Stress and negative emotions are often stored in the body’s smooth muscles, which function automatically, without our conscious control. Stress stored in smooth muscles of blood vessels going to the head might produce a migraine headache, while stress stored in smooth muscles of air passages of the lungs can produce asthma, and stress stored in smooth muscles of the digestive tract can produce Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Stored emotions also affect our immune systems."
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-01-22 07:59:04
"I experienced firsthand the years of work that went into preparing the write-up of this research so that it could meet the strict standards of the professional journals. It is therefore extremely gratifying to me to be able to report on some additional research on EFT that has now been published in a peer reviewed journal. This time we see an article reporting research on the physiological effects of this technique as well as the psychological ones."

This article goes on to share a scientific study of EFT after car accidents.

Its cool to start to get some science backing it but just reading it was interesting to me as yesterday I worked with a gal that had issues to do with a car accident from 12 yrs ago

She had many different emotions about it, all of which we took care of as they came up. She suspects this was the on set of her current health issues that she was very scared about (which was the first issue we worked on). Freeing herself of the fears and emotions, I believe, gives her a much better chance of fighting the issue.

Interestingly enough she tested to be psychologically reversed to her issue (I forget the name.. to do with the penial -spel? gland and many subsequent problems). We did the reversal proceedure and she tested out not reversed. So in my opinion, that alone will allow her body to try to heal (no idea if that means it will but it could not before)

Anyway, in my experience, there is very often something that kicks off issues and she thinks it might have been the car accident. Which she had a few different layers of guilt over (even though it was not her fault) including people having to take care of her. A few issues to do with life changing as she had been a figure skater... etc etc etc

She know has a skill she can use on herself and anyone she wishes for the rest of her life and she has emotional freedom (time will tell but in my experience it will last) over some very traumatic memories and experiences, which more and more science is showing to play roles in disease etc.

I hope someone out there is getting something from this.

free manual download

It is that easy much of the time and other times it takes greater skill in knowing how to approach it (the tapping itself is so easy a 5 year old can do it) and knowing where to go with the emotions of feelings and what words to use etc

But essentially anyone can learn it and do it

anyone reading?
Posted: 2007-02-01 03:41:23
Mark,I'm going to have a look into this i think.

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-01 08:51:22
chalky-100% serious. This seriously should be all over the place. Our programming blocks us from excepting this kind of stuff. I have a bunch of DVD's and there are police on it and first response people etc that use it but when they try to spread it it doesn't happen. But they get amazing results when they use it.

Sexual abuse specialists talking about how that specialty has such a high burnout rate. They have to sit and hear such horror daily and get so small results over su much time. Now the ones that add EFT to their skill set don't have this problem. I just watched a couple hours with an expert (who has also been abused herself) who loves her job and gets a rush from it because she can now make real results and much much quicker. She gets a buzz off being able to change peoples lives.

Same with the PTSD guy I am watching right now. Comparing his work before and after learning EFT (and other techniques). Before 3 PTSD cases a day would drain him. Now it doesn't and he can get huge results.

It sounds too good but seriously it is amazing!

I have worked with some abuse issues now (including sexual). I have worked with abandonment issues. Anger issues. Lost love ones, fear or death, fears and emotions surrounding illnesses, emotions around a father not being able to see his daughter etc etc etc the thing is the reports I am getting back are that it lasts and how these changes effect peoples lives is really cool.

I just talked on the phone with a gal who had issues around the father of her child leaving when the child was diagnosed with autism. It was at a party and we went down stairs, sat on the floor worked on issues to do with anger and sadness for him leaving the daughter and her and the daughter not having a father etc

As great as that all was I am being told that the change on the daughter (autistic) is huge. We effect those around us and kids are very sensitive to their mothers. The daughter can now get ready for school alone and does her homework at school which she never did etc.. wow!! I'm meeting them on Sun to do some more work.

The thing is it is easy and works on tons of things. My bud now taps instead of using his inhalor for his asthma. Any expert trained in medicine that is stuck in that paradigm would tell you it isn't possible. But the fact is people are doing it.

I have used it for sport performance stuff too. I mean think about it. What gets in the way?? Alot of the time it is emotion, stress etc negative thinking which often stems from emotions or past painful experiences.

With EFT you also learn about psychological reversal which means that if someone is reversed the tapping won't work and how to get around that. The thing is if someone is reversed on an issue NO healing can work. And its common!!!!!

Loosing weight, depression, degenerative diseases, addictions-very common for people to be reversed-so good luck getting over it.

But even outside of that reversal is probably present around 40% of issues.

Works awesome with kids!

It can be used in a million ways and is so simple and easy to learn.

If you down load the free manual I suggest not using the 9 gamut and skip the hand points in the sequence. (Gary doesn't even use them any more-hardly and no one else seems to-hasn't made a differance for me) So to start that makes it even easier.

If you have any questions feel free to email as this is something that should be in every house hold IMO!!! A very valuable tool that doesn't cost and the only side effects are positive.

I am doing a workshop on it Sun.. One person coming has a fear of mice so I am going to try to get one from a pet shop :) Don't worry there is no working through it and no break throughs needed. I'll only bring it out when she is ready and I would bet money she can touch it! (I hope I can find one lol)

Doing a mini talk on it today at my buds MA gym with the womens class too.

I am biased but I have seen almost a 100% success rate with ridding perminantly negative emotions!!!

Sounds too good to be true but that is my experience!!!!!

If you choose to expand your thinking and check it out you will not be sorry.

Any probs or questions feel free to email as there can be some minor stumbling blocks.

This tool alone could change your life!
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-04-19 19:32:08

"A new study is the first to directly compare the brain areas involved in processing osteoarthritis (OA) pain and experimental pain. The results indicated that emotions play a strong role in how patients feel arthritis pain."
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-04-22 09:49:56
I now do this as a living. Mechanically EFT is very very easy. Can be learned in mins.

There is more to it and 'the art of delivery' goes a long long way. understanding the body and the human mind or being able to go with intuition to find deeper issues the client might not know about all can help EFT practitioners etc But mechanically its a sinch.

Seriously, this shit blows me away all the time.

As a tool for fighters I think it is huge!!!

I'd be interested in hearing people experiences with EFT.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-04-25 15:30:13

7min video on EFT
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-05-03 08:18:24
Practicaluse for EFT and fighting.

The other day I was at some fights. I met this kid who was fighting.
First fight ever and first fight of the night.

He said he was nervous at a 9 level on a scale of 0-10

In less than 3min with EFT we got him to about a 1.5 out of 10.

I think he was about 9 yrs old.

To get the basics and to do it from a mechanical end of things, ANYONE can do this and learn it very easily.

Practice, skill, experience and using intuition make it out of this world but begginers who use it mechanically should get great results also.

A wonderful tool.

I have seen big changes in performance in training for dealing with frustrations with training which of course inhibit the training.

If anyone down loads the free manual on I offer the thought that today most practitioners don't use the 9 gamut and much of the time not many use the hand points.

I'd be happy to offer my thoughts on any questions if anyone is learning it.

I have done training and it added to it for sure but just from reading the manual, practice and reading some of the stories on, I was getting very good results.

A great tool for anyone IMO&E but a great tool for taking the excess nerves and stress away pre-fight or frustrations etc in training.

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-05-28 19:45:48

Offerings Of Love
Non-profit to take EFT to places like Rwanda

As we get things up and rolling, which will include a proper website (possibly designed by an Axer) we are just throwing up a myspace for the time being.

We are planning a trip to Rwanda in Dec to offer EFT to relieve some of the emotional scars left from the genocide as well as release any physical pains we can.

We are planning a trip to Florida to meet with Ben of War Survivors Ministries to work out the planning of the trip and to train him in the basics of EFT as he will be working as a translator. We also will train anyone interested so we can leave EFT in the hands of those that keep going back and those that live there. We are not limiting ourselves to only using EFT and we will help Ben in anyway we can but EFT will be the main focus. Ben left Rwanda at 39 and has given up a successful practice as an attorney to work with the survivors of the genocide.

If anyonoe wishes to offer donations to support this type of work please contact us at

If anyone wishes to support War Surivors Ministries info at

Offerings Of Love will continue on and travel anywhere we can make contacts and there are people who wish to work with us.

We also intend to have a group ready to go on short notice for trauma relief when disasters like tsunamis, earth quakes or events like 9/11 happen.

To be clear, the non-profit is not offical yet. It will be set up and is in the process. Any moneys coming in will go to good use and in the future we will have charities we work with for any extra that comes in.

As is are plans are to set up this Dec trip to Rwanda.

Thank you
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-07-17 09:15:56
Last week I visited a friend and met his family. He wanted to know more
about EFT and if it was possible that his son could benefit from it.
His son has cerebral palsy.

He was thinking it might help when he had muscle spasms. I have read of some
success with EFT in this area but very little. I also believe that anyhting is possible and why not try. "Try it on everything."

We only spent about 20 minutes (he wanted to watch tv after).

But he could start to pick up things and have more movement in his right hand and
could start saying the letter 'l', which he had never been able to say.

Cerebral palsy is certainly a physical issue and certainly not just something that heals... I also saw EFT have effects.

If we can suspend judgment and move away from what we "know" then we might be able to move into the realm of possibilities and find out that things can happen beyond what we have been taught to believe.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert someone (think he was pretty wise)
"knowing" is rigid - it is belief based on what we think is true.
Just like the world is round.
Galelao found some moons with his telescope. At the time the experts wouldn't even look through it as it didn't fit into what they already "knew".

Imagination is curious and open to possibilities. Imagination is unlimited.
Knowing is rigid and hard. Imagination is curious and soft.

If we can suspend judgment enough to consider a possibility and are open to have an experience then we become more available to possibilities.

All I know is that results talk and to get results you have to try.
Most people won't try something that isn't in their rigid belief system (which was mostly learned from their parents before they were 6/7 years old.

What that means is much of our beliefs we never chose and in looking for ourt self what is true we ussually look through the filters of our programming as children and we validate those beliefs (ego does) in our search. We find what we want as we are only looking through our filters.

"if you believe you can, you're right. If you believe you can't, you're right."

I'd add if you believe it is true, you are right and if you believe it is false, you're right.

Cause when you believe something ego holds onto that and for the most part when we check if it is true we look with ego which helps us see what it wants to see.

(we see way way more than the brain interprets. What the brain interprets is mostly from what we already "know" or believe.

Mark L.
Posted: 2008-01-28 09:38:35

8 minutes with PTSD with a Vietnam vet...
My experience is it is usually this fast, easy and gentle

And it lasts...
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