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Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-20 09:11:56
K I wasn't gonna pout this uyp but I ended up doing so on another thread.

If anyone is interested its relatively easy to teach yourself. However, unless you can get a clear response to start you don't assume its working.

There are many ways and varieties on muscle testing. I'm not an expert in many but I am very comfortable in using a couple ways (I use it with clients to find out what issues to go for even if the client isn't consciously aware of it-and it almost always gets me amazing results-I use it very differently with clients though).

What I'll attempt to explain is what I consider one of the easiest ways to get going on it.

I'll explain a way to muscle test someone else (though there are at least 15 ways to muscle test youraself!)

Have someone stand facing you with their right arm out to the side. (right left doesn't matter)

You tell them you are going to slowly apply pressure to their arm and you want them to resist. Basically you don't want them to fight you and push up and force anything.. just to try to hold their arm there. If it moves thats fine just try to maintain it where ever it is. But its not a strength competition.

When you apply pressure apply, increase untill you get some movement. Its important to get movement!

OK so ask
What is your name? Get answer. Remind them to hold (the arm) and apply pressure, getting a feel for how much you have to apply. (note how much pressure you have to use to move them)

Now ask them to lie to you.
Tell them to say "My name is Bob Marley". Tremind to hold and apply the pressure at the same rate untill you get movement.
(note how much pressure it takes to move the arm)

second ask them to think of a positive memory/something wonderful that happened to them. Once they have it remind them to hold and apply the test.

Then ask for them to think of a negative memory/something that happened that wasn't good.

a third set of questions you could do would be.
Think of someone you love.
Think of someone you hate.

IF you are getting clear differences all the way through (with a strong response on the positives and truths and a weak response on the negatives etc then you can be pretty sure there is nothing getting in the way. (you could also hold a bottle of mineral water and test and then a poison or something that is bad for you, like deet, some cleaning product. cell phone etc)

If you have a clear response, a strong and a weak on those you should be clear to test unknowns.

For example. test whole wheat bread, soy

Simply hold the product in the hand not being tested (or have them hold if you are testing) and test.

IF you are getting clear results, in my experience it is very accurate. When its not clear it might not be a 'good' or 'bad'. It might be somewhat nutral.

Now there are things than can get in the way. It would be best to take off any watches, cell phones, pagers etc etc there are lots of things that can get in the way but my experience is with a bit of praactice (you need to get your judgements out of the way) its easy to get clear responses on most people.

By the way I have tested blind and the client blind so no one knew what was being tested with positive results.

Getting self out of the way is important. Do not expect a strong or weak as you can influence the test. You need to get your ego and judgements out of the way.

Let me know if you try and please share results :)
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-20 09:24:21
Note that thinking, lieing and saying negative things literaly makes the body weak.

Its a fact that our body has receptor sites for all the chemicals produced from our thoughts and emotions. They are literally connected to the make up and health of the body (immune system has them too). Candace Perts "Molecules of Emotion" is a recommended read that I have yet to get to lol but seen many a refferance to it. I have strated reading a different book of hers and heard inteviews with her etc..

What can you test. With a little imagination and breaking of programming we can test lots.

Foods are an easy thing to test all by them selves. testing loads in a row takes greater skill and experience. Example, if you tested 5 fish oil suppliments and the body tested strong on threee and then you tested the three if would respond strongest to the the one that fit it the most.

You can often get very clear responses from saying things as you see from the first tests.

Try saying "I hate you" and test and "I love you" and test. Thats pretty cool.

Try saying the word "vegan" for you vegans and see if you are strong or weak.

Even say whole wheat.

The body cannot lie (toxins and stuff can screw up responses. if you get strong on a lie or with a poison when you are setting up and getting a feel then something is wrong in the body).

If you want to see if you are 'reversed' over healing an issue (physical, emotional, degenerative). Make the statement. "I want to get over this ______ issue" and test. If you test weak then in my understanding there is something 'switched' so that you won't heal. Dr Callahan coined the term "psychological reversal".

addictions, weight loss, depression, and degenerative disease are common to find psychological reversal on... However it can be found anywhere and with anything.

Low self esteem, pain when thinking about a break up. Negative emotions around traumas etc (contrary to popular belief you can perminantly release negative emotions and have freedom from them in my experience).

So if anyone wants to try to learn this wonderful tool called muscle testing and give it a shot (we're only scratching the surface here) please respond.

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-20 09:46:16
By the way some, like Dr David Getoff, think muscle testing is more accurate than blood tests. He reffers to studies done where blood was taken from one person and put in two bottles with two names on it and sent to the same lab. The results coming back were always different. The best labs were fairly close (memory here) maye 8% variable and the norm was (memory) 15-20% but many were (memory) 50-60%.

Thats a lot!! I forget the numbers and I am guessing but I'm sure they are in the ball park. I do remember it was a lot.

Now Getoff does use blood tests too. They are a tool for sure. He's not prgrammed to think they are the only tool though. I'm sure he does saliva testing etc as well. (many docs use to laugh at this, they may still, but its been known to be very effective for a long long time. Hell NASA started using it quite a bit back. But it takes time to trickle on down)

Muscle does take practice and skill and there is more to it than above but with a bit of practice (often right away for many) its easy to get clear results on a good/bad kind of approach.

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-22 10:48:06
Anyone testing or no one interested or you think its nuts? :)
Posted: 2007-02-22 20:42:06
hi mark
i have tried to email you with out success.
could you please email me on & i will try to get my message to you by 'reply'

many thanks
Posted: 2007-04-05 22:46:34
i will try it mark l, always looking for new and interesting things about the human body
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-04-06 12:36:00
magb-there are a few reasons that it may not appear to work. Have you tried it with different people (sometimes people can be switched or will interfere with results. The trick is to take yourself and your expectations out of the equation, the same goes for the person being tested.

I am moving tomorrow and am very busy please email me at if you would like to try to get this working.

handsup-keep us posted please :)

magb-people can also be 'switched' which give opposite results. If the tester is 'switched' it can get in the way also. However if done right it should almost always give results. Some people are a lot easier to read the results on than others so testing multiple people is a good idea.

Watches can get in the way, cell phones, pagers-anything electronic. If someone is sensitive to a toxin in the room or say flouresent lighting (not good for anyone but some are more sensitive) then that could effect also. hysdration plays a big role in normal body function also.

Even pressure, not looking at each others face, don't smile... (or try testing with a smile or frown lol)

Try the positive first (truth or positive memory etc) and make sure you get movement in the arm. Then the negative, and see if it takes the same pressure to move the arm...

Email me and I will get back to you when I can-12hr drive to Calgary tomorrow.

Good luck :)
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-04-06 13:08:51
I'll test on money too lol Give someone $500 and often they test weak. Or get them to make a statement like they deserve to be rich or that they are worth what they are charging and often you will get a weak response. My belief is that because some part of the brain is reacting poorly to money (maybe they have the belief that money is the root of all eveil or that rich people are bad-even if that is only a small hidden part in their belief system that they may not even be aware of)-this, I believe, can lead to the mind self sabbotaging actually making money. Maybe they don't take opportunities etc... I believ that if we don't think we are worth something we can limit getting it (relationships, love, success, performance etc). i also believe that if we do get something a part of us doesn't deserve we may subconsiously create situations so that it gets taken away.

Have you ver experienced someone in a relationship that is great do things to cause conflict?? I believe that this can often come because of some part of us not feeling worthy of being in that place.

EFT is a great tool to change these belefs and creating freedom to allow some of the potentials to come into our lives.

I worked with a woman on money issues and beliefs etc She is an artist (very good one) and things are moving very fast.

A fighter I worked with on anger for his gf cheating with his friend-got rid of the anger and now he is in a beautiful relationship. Same guy had a need to fight someone and fears around it also-we delt with all that and the next day he got a call to fight him (I don't believe in coincidence) -this is a little off topic and getting into The Law of Attraction..

As much as my ego doesn't want to believe it I see it time and time again.

Actually the woman I am love write now... well I wrote her down in January and she is what I wrote down and believed would come into my life. She had made a vision board also and for a while had been intending to bring things into her relationship and that her partner have certain qualities etc... I match those too

(she was married when she made the board and her dogs chewed off the corner with her husband-they seperated and we came together...)

Almost daily I come across this stuff and peoples experiences-my ego fights it but another part of me embraces it as I see it time and time again...

Anyway muscle testing can be used to see where are beliefs are or where we might have limiting beliefs..

"I want to loose weight" -muscle test on this statement and in my experience often I get a weak results, meaning that there is a part that doesn't want to loose weight. That is powerful info as we can then look at dealing with that part to take away the conflict one creates with fighting ones self. It also leads to healing that part that wants to hold onto the weight and the reasons for it. Example may be a woman who was sexually abuse din the past. If there was a part of her (no matter how small) that felt she was partly to blaim, say for looking attractive, the mind may try to prtect itself from that happening again by making the body less attractive (getting fat). Without dealing with that issue trying to loose weight causes great amounts of stress and conflict within her being and inner mind. She may try and try but a part self sabotages as it believes its protecting self by having the excess weight.

So muscle testing is a powerful tool that can bring awareness or help find limiting beliefs, or unresolved pains, or conflicts within the mind.

Just some juice to keep you trying to figure it out if you choose to :)

A bit of practice and patience can lead to a very valuable tool (once you figure it out you can muscle test yourself too!!! :)

-with practice and experience you can use it for many things. I muscle test myself when out to eat or buying food for if my body wants or needs that food at the moment. Or with clients I can muscle test to find out deeper issues that they might not be aware of. (sometimes my ego gets in the way-getting yourself out of the picture is HUGE) "Ego fears intuition" Muscle testing is a mechanical form or validating intuition. Its a great tool to become more aware of your intuition.

Going too far maybe lol

My experience has been it works and is very a powerful tool that I use almost daily.

"I deserve to win this fight" -if you get weak you know you have something to figure out. The beliefs and thoughts in even judst a small part of the mind can have big influences on how we act and perform IMO&E
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-04-06 13:16:36
some people the response is huge-it will blow you away. Some people its hard to tell. I only go with it if it is clear and no question (even then it is only info-don't judge it, don't second guess) When I go with it I get good results..

Example, working with a fighter. Muscle testing told me there were dad issues to work on and to go there. He didn't think that was as important as issues with his brother, so of course I listen to him. However, it turns out his brother became with father figure after his dad left when he was very young. Turns out, in my interpretation, that mucle testing was bang on even though it seemed off. This has happened a few times and also taught me that one needs to be very clear and specific with the questions and intention on the muscle test.

Sometimes people will test weak on 'love'. I suspect that they have painful associations in their experiences with love. Point is it doesn't nessasrily mean the testing isn't accurate and again they can be 'switched'. Igf theyget weak on love and strong on hate its very liekly that there is something going on. If you can't tell the difference then you can assume the testing isn't working.

blah blah I better get packing lol
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-05-01 13:53:50
hands up and magb-any results or experiences with it?

Its certainly harder to write about than demonstrate but I think its possible to get a start from writing.

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