Topic:Shin / Leg Conditioning
shin / leg conditioning
hi hope this thread hasnt been done to death
i started training about 6 months ago , have completely fallen in love with muay thai now,
im hoping to progress and have a c class fight in the next 6 month to a year ,
iv just bought a fairtex banana bag , the best way of shin conditioning is just to kick bag and thai pads till the cows come home yeah ?
iv also started hitting my shins with a rubber mallet , i figured this is ok as the mallet is softer than my bone
in regards to rolling thing down your shin is this bad practice in every case , even with plastic bottle to roll out lumps ? i normally heal really quickly but shin
after an interclub i had a big lump come up on my shin like golf ball a polish guy massaged it out with his whole weight on his knuckles this was absolute agony, is that a good or bad thing to do ?
i guess the best thing for recovery is rest (r.i.c.e)troble is im too addicted cant stop training ,
ok one last thing , i seem to constantly have a dead leg from low kicks , is the anyway to toughen up your thighs ,i used 2 do weight traing but found it limeted the amout of days i could train muay thai a week,
maybe i should do more running , or just improve my block , hehe
any help with the points raised here would be greatly appreciated
thanks B)
Do not do not do NOT ever roll roll or hit your shins with anything. It'S just causing unnecessary trauma to the bone, muscle and skin.
Just kick a ag and kick some pads. When you fight you wont notice the pain anyhow
Heavy bag, play/spar, pads...
Nephilim - could you talk more about the problems with banging the shins or rolling etc pls? Thanks
if your doing muaythai as a hobby or self ect i wouldnt bother with all the shin conditioning things just kick the pads or bags is good enuff. only take shin coditioning serious if your planning on on having a career in fighting thaiboxing remember the more damage you do to your shins and legs now the worse it going to be later in life for you. peace x
we use big car tyres and heavybags and hard pad work , the tyres are brill take it easy at first then after few weeks hit them hard and youl bend them in half .surge.
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