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Topic:What Makes Agood Corner Man?
accrington muay thai
Posted: 2011-05-11 08:02:28

Posted: 2011-05-11 08:38:35
a strong chin, firm buttocks, secure job, own car and a good sense of humor.
The Phoenix
Posted: 2011-05-11 09:38:38
lol at nephilims comment

i was recently doing the corner for several guys from my gym and was trying hard not just to shout hit him hit him f***** hit him!!!!!

I think a good corner man should have fight experience,

I have seen some quality instructors do an appalling job at cornering there fighters
Fellow fighters sometimes make good corner men, (as if you’re a 1st timer its re-assuring when they say I know how you feel,….)

Being able to read the opponent and guide your fighter,

giving constructive criticism and praise not just saying that was shit or that was great

Letting your fighter know your there for them

One of the girls had her 1st fight she was terrified I said to her she hasn’t got to fight id she doesn’t want to,

I also told her fear is good if she wasn’t scared id be worried she wasn’t taking the fight serious,

I said use that fear and turn it into strength, She drew her fight and the other girl was battered

remembering to give them water re-assure them and put there mouth guard back in!!!

Also knowing when to throw the towel in I seen fighters take a beating cos there to proud to stop or the corner man tells the to get back out there even when they are getting smashed (its easy to say your ok form outside the ring)

Having heart is a great thing but walking into a brick wall is stupid.

this is jus my opinion and i have only had a few fights myself.
Andy Bell
Posted: 2011-05-11 16:53:49
"know when to throw the towel in?"

Posted: 2011-05-11 18:18:02
following on from Nephilims comment, Also if his wife is a MILF that often helps.
The Phoenix
Posted: 2011-05-12 06:49:04
@ FattaTheThai

I saw a guy take a beating and the corner man did nothing the ref obviously thought the guy was ok but the towel should of gone in so he could of avoided unecessary punishment
Posted: 2011-05-12 13:05:38
Whats that got to do with how hot the cornermans wife is?
jp gallacher 1
Posted: 2011-05-12 16:09:52
When my coach always tells me after each round this is mine uv got it ;)
and when he beats the ring apron every time i land a body kick or knee etc!!
Posted: 2011-05-12 18:19:48
Anyone remember that Russian corner man at a UK K1 a few years back, who flapped the towel between rounds like a man possessed. He almost took off he was generating that much wind.
Posted: 2011-05-12 19:30:44
Corner team must be lead by someone experienced and level headed who wont be caught up in the emotion of the event. Someone who can see both fighters strengths and weaknesses then during the break can advise on how best to approach the next round. This should only one or two clear points, not a instruction session. The supporting corner crew are to do their job of ice and cooling off, not giving their opinions and advise. Cool, calm and collected is what you want from your corner. Throwing the towel depends on fight level. Had a lad in a title fight so went into it knowing that he was in for a hard fight. He was clearly losing but still fighting hard and up for it. Took a loss, walked away with minimal bruising, danced up a storm at the after party and walked without a limp next day. Get the fight dvd a few weeks later and commentator went on about the hammering he was getting and that the corner should be throwing the towel in. Called it a discrace that we didn't! In the corner I trust my experience and knowledge of my fighter and the sport. Others are welcome to their opinion but thats all it is, opinion.
Posted: 2011-05-21 16:09:22
A good starting point is.

1. A man

2. In your corner.

3. Ability to try and indulge in a conversation when you are knackered and breathless.

4. Being able to give you a drink ideally a vodka and coke or a nice latte immediately you return to your corner.

5. Trying to confrim you are not in pain.

6. Lastly his experience to shout louder than the opposing cornermen/men to knock him/her out.

Posted: 2011-05-22 05:43:18
A basic idea of how to win a fight might be a good idea
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