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Topic:Ultimate Promotion Results / Pics June 29 200
Posted: 2003-06-29 16:32:13
Hi guys, just writting the fight report.

Pics up in a few hours.
Dave Jackson
Posted: 2003-06-29 16:37:14
Hurry up :)
Posted: 2003-06-29 18:45:13
Just a cut and paste that I did on blitz also.

I'll put some pics up a little later.

Ultimate Promotions Show

I was totally surpised by the crowd numbers at last nights show. I don’t really know why, but a couple of years ago, I used to really dislike the Basketball Stadium as a Kickboxing venue. I guess I was always comparing it to my - at the time - very favourite Victrorian venue, the Crown Casino Showroom. I know that’s all pretty superficial and quite dumb, but for me, having the shows at the Crown, gave the sport a special touch of prestige.But Keilor honestly has grown on me over time, and I’m pleased that John has decided to return. The venue has great parking and is usually quite good in regards spectator entry and exit. I guess a lot of the other supporters that were there last night must feel the same way about the Basketball Stadium, because there were easily twice the number of very vocal fans that we had been seeing at the Sunshine venue. Anyway, great move by John. I’m sure the crowd size must have been a pleasant surprise for him. I reckon it looked about 80-85% full. And would estimate a minimum of about 1500 people.

Please note guys, I try and make notes in between rounds, as well as needing to delete the crappy pics out of my camera. Unfortunately I don’t have enough digital film cards to cover an entire event. So, please don’t take my fight report as gospel. It’s meant as nothing more than light reading filler for you guys that couldn’t make it, Until Howard Leigh does his fight report. I’ll post some images here, I don’t think Ultimate has a functional website at the moment, but you can see all images shot on Michael Vukovic’s website

Fight 1. (3x1)

Jason Laycock Vs Arthur Uegoryan
Junior Demonstration
These first couple of fights started at about 6:20. I wasn’t aware or had forgotten so I unfortunately missed them. Sorry to Blitzforum buddy Lamchops.

Fight 2. (3x1)

Jason Transek Vs Armon Pranovic.
Sorry guys, missed this one as well.

Fight 3. (3x2)

Natalie Consiglil Vs Maria Legudi

Pretty even looking first and second rounds. The third sees consiglio being the aggressor with some big punches and low kicks. Fight a little scrappy, but I’m sure experience cures all. Consiglio wins points decision

Fight 4. (3x2) Mod Muay Thai

Pele Manivong Vs Andy Colgrave

1st rnd Pele throws some effective knees, attempts spinning round kick and manages to land on Colgrave’s nuts. Colgrave connects with a beautiful headkick. Pele drops Colgrave in the second with a nicely timed straight right. Colgrave gets up, gets dropped again immediately. Ref stops the fights. Pele Manivong wins TKO second round.

Fight 5 (3x2)

Christian Stack Vs Danny Carrol

1st round pretty uneventful both fighters just feeling each other out. Stack throws a round kick but doesn’t land. 2nd round sees Carrol being the aggressor, but Stack landing the better and cleaner, with some nice crisp bodyshots. Round 3, Stack again landing the cleaner shots, and a beautiful headkick. Carrol manages to return the same, but shot just not as clean and not showing the same impact as those of Christian. Stack wins points decision.

Fight 6, (3x2)

James Roesler Vs Ben Gough

1st round, Pretty even, Roesler showing some nice technique with some very nice high kicks. Mames looking the more aggressive of the two. 2nd round, pretty even again with nothing major landing. 3rd round, Gough looking exhuasted and starts getting tagged too much. Ref Dave Hedgecock stops the fight. Gough looked pretty out of shape, I’ve seen a few of this guys fights on video, and have been impressed, but last night just looked totally buggered in the third.

Fight 7, Scott Forbes Vs Khalil Kobeissi

1st round pretty even. 2nd round saw Forbes drop Khalil bad by the red corner. Fight resumes, Forbes jumps on Kobeissi and lands a massive straight right hand. Forbes wins 2nd round K.O

Fight 8, (3x2) Mod Muay thai rules

Faisal Fayed Vs O’neal Ortega

1st round, Ortega looking the more aggressive of the two and showing some flashy flying technique. 2nd round, both fighters very busy tryiing to oumanouvre each other into kneeing positions. Both guys landing some clean knees. I’m finding it hard to seperate the two, both seem to be getting as good as they’re dishing out. 3rd round, pretty much the same as the second, both guys hard workers, espescially in this final round. Faisal Fayed wins points decision.

Fight 8, Parry Nicalau Vs John Purcell (5x2)

Before the this fights report, I want to tell you guys Nicalau is one of my favourite fighters of this weight division. The reason why I love to watch him and was actually discussing this with Laura Skinner, whom felt the same. Nicalau has amazed me a couple of times. I swear he’s part Feline, because the few fights that I’ve seen, Nicalau has looked rocked to the absolute extreme, and me thinking it’s over. Next thing you know, this guy just pulls a miracle out of the hat, lands clean and K.O’s his opponent. I’ve seen this happen in Nicalou Vs Chapman (not kiwi choppa, but another Chapman), and also the young South Oz fighter (whose name I’ve now forgotten). Nicalau fought him in 2001 on another Ultimate show. Anyway, I reckon he’s pretty under-rated, but an exciting fighter to watch. I’d like to see him have some fox fights

Last nights figh against a very tough John Purcell,
1st round, both guys working hard and showing good skill. Nicalau landing some nice loud body shots. We saw pretty much the same during the 2nd and 3rd rounds, again Parry landing nice punches and kicks with more clean shots to the ribs. Purcell did just as nice a job returning it all back to Nicalau. Purcell worked beautifully the entire fight landing nice headkicks as well as some precise head shots, but to me Parry seemed to look like he had an edge in power. I know the sound of punches and kicks isn’t exactly an indicator of their effectiveness, but never the less, it’s pretty impressive seeing and hearing those crisp cracks. I thought both fighters showed great technique and I really enjoyed the fight. Parry Nicalau wins points decision.

Fight 9, Justin Deleur Vs Cory Krywula (4x2)

For those of you that missed these guys last meeting. These guys fought each other not long ago on John Scida’s last show. I can’t remember know how long it lasted. Anyway, the fight had to be stopped because Justin Deleur broke his foot. Both guys were offered the re-match and took it. I’m actually surprised Justin was back in the ring so soon afrer, as it doesn’t seem more than about 12 or so weeks since it happened (I’m not certain about these times, but feel free to correct me guys).

1st round saw Justin launching big leather from the opening bell and tagging Cory with some hard shots. Cory remained composed and maintained nine kicks and punch technique, I felt he was doing a good job trying to negate Deleur’s aggression and felt he was going take Justin the distance. 2nd round saw more of the same from both. Then Deleur lands a massive rib shot on Cory, then equally as huge an overhand right which saw Cory’s lights go out and Krywula was on the floor. Great re-match result for Deleur, this guy is definitely one to look out for.

Fight 10, Chris Chrisopolidis Demo Jimmy Thunder: Boxing

Chris looked pretty good in the ring. His hands looked pretty sharp. I’m sure this will come in handy for his fight against Stefan Leko next month on Tarik Solak’s next show. Even though an exhibition or demo, Thunder smacked Chris hard and flush. Anyway, Chris was wobbled quite bad. I saw so many of us turn and look at each other in amazement thinking Sheeeeeet. I mean, I’m pretty sure that’s the most rocked I’ve ever seen Chris, and I was paying very close attention to see if Chris was just muching about, But hardly surprising if you’ve seen some of Thunder’s KO’s. The guy has some heavy hands. I’m sure everyone like me has their fingers crossed for Chris’s fight against such a step up for him. Leko is a great athelete, but seems to be either Hot or Cold. So, here’s hoping Chris comes out the winner. You know, I was just mentioning to someone last night, I don’t think I have ever seen Chris other than happy. The guy always has a big cheery smile, and it’s very hard to even wish your very favourite fighter a win against him.

Best of Luck Chris and John Scida.

Fight 11 (4x2)

The Leg Murderer) Pat Christophi Vs Brad Logan.

1st round, Pat seems to want to stay out of reach of a fighter that must outweigh him by about 35 kilo’s. Pat test’s out one of his humungous leg kicks. The pain is obvious. Pat goes in for the leg kill. Fight over, Christophi win 1st round kick K.O.

Fight 12, IKBF Women’s Bantamweight World Title. (7x2)

Joanne Falzon Vs Tina Caverley.

1st few rounds the girls look pretty even. 4th round, Joanne looks as if she’s hurt Tina and wobbles her with some big hands. Tina shakes it off in no time and the fight goes back to being very even. Both girls fighting like warriors. 6th round Joanne looks like she’d been hurt (I thought she was lucky not to get an 8 count). Then Tina gets a wicked bodyshot of Falzon that obviosly hurt her. I was expecting Joanne to go wild and attack her body, she doesn’t and Tina appears to recover in seconds. 7th round a very tough and very close round, both girls put on a superb fight for a womens amateur world title. It was a great one to watch. I feel one of the better fights I’ve seen Joanne in, and glad it wasn’t a knee fight. Joanne is a lot shorter than Caverley, and I reckon would have struggled with the height difference.

Sorry it’s such a long fight report, but I got a new iBook and I’m enjoying playing with it.

Pics up latter today.

Bye the way,
I was approached by 3 different guys last night all from the Blitz forum. Strangely, I was surprised to hear from 2 of them who don’t post at all, but the forum is a regular read. The third guy also is a regular reader, but has only posted a few times.

All nice friendly blokes, and I hope we’ll see them posting and contributing. 2 of the guys told me that they don’t post, because they don’t really want to get into online arguements.
It’s a shame, because I reckon we here are pretty much all O.K and pretty well behaved. I can’t think of a regular, or actually any member at the moment which is a nuisance or troublesome in general. Janer and myself are about as bad as it gets, so please join in guys.
I’m outta here, no uni today and I’m going for a nap.
Posted: 2003-06-29 20:54:02

Parry Nicalau right Vs John Purcell
Posted: 2003-06-29 23:56:49

Same guys
Posted: 2003-06-29 23:58:31

Paul Fyfield left and Parry Nikalau
Posted: 2003-06-30 01:14:29

Pic: Natalie Consiglio Vs Maria Legudi. Consiglio right won points dec.
Posted: 2003-06-30 01:46:32

Same fighters.
Posted: 2003-06-30 02:01:35
Sorry guys, got the female fighters mixed up. Natalie is the fighter on the left and it was her that won points dec.
Posted: 2003-06-30 02:11:32
Chris Chrisopolidis left and Jimi Thunder. FYI, Chris is the guy that is going to be fighting Stephan Leko at K-1 Melbourne next month.
Posted: 2003-06-30 02:12:32

Chris Chrisopolidis left and Jimi Thunder. FYI, Chris is the guy that is going to be fighting Stephan Leko at K-1 Melbourne next month.
Posted: 2003-06-30 02:36:24

Pele Manivong's 2nd round K.O of Andy Colgrave.
Posted: 2003-06-30 02:58:17

Same guys
Posted: 2003-06-30 05:08:37

Kristian Stack Vs Danny Carrol. Stack right won points decision.
Posted: 2003-06-30 06:07:11

Kristian Stack Vs Danny Carrol.
Posted: 2003-06-30 07:01:49
Awesome pics and report Paul, thanks for that!

What's the specs of your new iBook??
Posted: 2003-07-01 03:28:47
Hey guys,

In my results further up, I wrote that Roesler won in his fight agains Gough,

I had the two fighters mixed up and it was in fact the other way around.

Sorry about that, first time I had seen either guy fight.

Andrew, I bought the smaller model for portability. It's the 800 version.

Just processing some more of the fight pics now.
Posted: 2003-07-01 03:50:03

Ben Gough Vs James Roesler. It was Gough left that won.
Posted: 2003-07-01 03:59:07

Posted: 2003-07-01 04:23:04

Khalil Kobeissi Kicking Scott Forbes
Posted: 2003-07-01 04:54:40

Forbes won by 2nd rnd KO
Posted: 2003-07-01 05:33:56

Ortega launches himself at Fayad.
Posted: 2003-07-01 05:44:19

Fayad punching Ortega
Posted: 2003-07-01 05:56:52
Fayad won points dec.
Posted: 2003-07-01 05:59:04

Fayad won points dec.
Posted: 2003-07-02 06:01:47

Pic Evan Themlakis and Nick Kara

I asked Evan about his arm which broke during the Nandex fight. He says it's healing well and didn't mention any complications. So perhaps we'll see him re-match Stanley after the controversy of the last fight.

Nice to see Nick back in Australia. Hopefully we'll see someone promoting him soon. I suspect we'll see him on the Seif Judgement Day show.
Posted: 2003-07-02 06:12:11

Nick Themlakis Vs Danny Lewis

Nick was cut in the second I believe. I thought it was very close. The closest fight I'd seen Nick in.
Posted: 2003-07-02 06:16:39

Same guys.
Posted: 2003-07-02 06:25:03

Pic: Cory Krywula kicking Justin Deleur.
Posted: 2003-07-02 06:31:36

The shot that KO'd Cory Krywula
Posted: 2003-07-02 06:37:12

Deleur exstatic over his re-match win.
Posted: 2003-07-02 07:11:57

Jimmi Thunder and Chris Chrisopolidis Demo.

Jimmy caught Chris a liitle hard for a demo a couple of times.

Chris's hands looked improved to me.
Posted: 2003-07-02 07:28:21

Same guys.
Posted: 2003-07-02 08:05:15

Pat Christophi kick KO's Brad Logan.
Posted: 2003-07-02 08:42:19

Not many fight pics of Pat. Fights are ususlly over in a minute.
Posted: 2003-07-02 08:54:06

Joane Falzon kicking Tina Caverly
Posted: 2003-07-02 09:30:45

Tina Caverly kicking Joanne Falzon.
Posted: 2003-07-02 09:43:52

Posted: 2003-07-02 10:05:41

Last pic.
Posted: 2003-07-02 15:14:19
Paul, keep up the good work with your photography. Your fight pics are awesome.
Mike Angove
Posted: 2003-07-02 17:44:36
Awesome Paul
Posted: 2003-07-03 01:35:08
Thanks guys,


It would be awesome if we could get some of the Kiwi guys interested in doing something regurlarly regarding pictures for ax. There are so many fighters over there that we are interested in.
Posted: 2003-07-08 02:09:56
Just a reminder for the guys who fought on the show, and anyone else that may want to look at the nearly 300 images from the show, they are now loaded on

for a site so new, it's getting a hell of a lot of traffic and is becoming a great archive for Melbourne fighters. Perhaps not such a big deal now, but hopefully your children and grandchildren will appreciate the pics of Grandpa or Grandma's fight days.

I hope that Ian and Vince will get something similar set up with their prospective promoters in their own states. Because I genuinely believe that they will become invaluable sometime in the sports history not only to the fighters families but for present and future publications. The software is becoming more and more automated and is pretty easy to use.

I really am not pushing this for my own gain, as the website isn't mine and revenue from print sales is minimal to non existent, and will not be changing because of how great the internet is for information sharing. After studying art history I just genuinely believe that all history is important. And because this is our community, I think it's up to us to maintain it's imaging resources and archival availability.

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