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Topic:Sapp To Fight Paul Kingi Sept 21st
Posted: 2003-08-27 02:59:20
Sapp to fight paul kingi Sept 21st, this has just been on the New Zealand 6.oo pm news on television, with interview and footage of k-1.
Posted: 2003-08-27 07:43:41
Any opinions on the interview on holmes of paul kingi(toa)?

I felt he seems like a good guy and has everything 2 gain from k-1, so good on him for giving it a crack.

The whole emphasis on fighting the beast though kinda just epitomised the whole k-1 move in japan to the beasts and it made it seem abit like pro wrestling(wwf).

I think it is really good for new zealand that we have another high profile fighter alongside ray sefo and mark hunt in japan.

However it makes me think that the more traditional type fighters are a bit hard done by, meaning........ray and mark trained for many years (as opposed to 10 weeks)to get where they are in japan and also the fighters aspiring to get to japan such as jason suttie and andrew peck etc work very hard to try and work there way to japan by winning regional tournaments etc.

All this aside paul is a good prospect and i wish him the best of luck, i also hope that this helps to promote k-1 in NZ.

Although 60mins have done a documentry on mark hunt i think that this feature on holmes tonight probably gathered quite abit of attention and it would be good to have a longer documentary highlighting ray and the others success in a sport that im sure will take off over the next few years in NZ.

I felt that holmes created a picture of k-1 that doesnt necessarily represent what it is all about and it would be good for people new to the sport to see the other side of k-1. Eg. not the beasts- i mean people such as ray, mark, ernesto, etc etc.

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-08-27 07:53:07
Bob Vs Toa....... Dear god, another show fight where Bob goes down in the first round, but turns over the fight to knock out Toa in the 2nd, so he can scream "Tyson I kill you" in front of the TV.

Someone please stop this sick entertainment, and bring back the real worriers in the game.
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-08-27 08:04:59
That sucks. It is a mma rules match right? I was going to get the tape to check out the Japanese heavyweights, but I was hoping Sapp was going to be fighting Kimo under mma rules- which would have made for a much better fight than their kickboxing match.
Posted: 2003-08-27 09:06:11
I so agree with u Oliver, Someone needs to kill sapp, nothing personal of course
Posted: 2003-08-27 09:40:57
if these big street figthers CAN beat the K-1 stars then let them do it
if they eventually get matched up with crocop hunt hoost and lebannerand get KO'd then tough shit ha ha ha
naah let these freaks fight in K-1
its about time street figthers were given a chance
it all adds to the credibility of K-1 in my opinion
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-08-27 12:00:36

Cant wait to see part II
Brazilian rookie
Posted: 2003-08-27 13:16:39
Lol, Bob Sapp vs Toa is crazy as hell! I wish Bob put toa TO SLEEP, to continue being the most controversial C class fighter of the world!

I love K-1 and his amazing fights against monsters!

Nothing is coolest than K-1!

Posted: 2003-08-27 15:22:48
The interview with Kingi/Toa showed him to be a really nice guy. He trains on his farm, so obviously isn't going to be top quality, but I'd still love to see him drop Sapp (hell I like seeing anyone drop Sapp).
Paul Holmes made the K1 sound like the top fighting event, mentioned the millions of fans and it was generally a very good segment.
The fight against Sapp is meant to be K1 rules, and the tattoo that covers half of Toa's face is a fake (non-smudge lasts for a couple of hours, just long enough to finish the fight I guess).
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-08-27 19:59:11
"The fight against Sapp is meant to be K1 rules"

if sapp actually fights according to k 1 rules it will be a first ;)
Posted: 2003-08-27 21:34:23
hypothetically, let's just imagine that the kingi-sapp fiasco wasn't staged. [we all know it was].

would this mean
-fighters in k-1 can challenge each other in the ring.
-the challenged fighter can accept the challenge and even decide which k-1 show the fight will take place.

it would be interesting for jerome to say "i accept carter's challenge. we will fight in january on the k-1 rising show." then step out of the ring, wink at a flabbergasted ishii and then join carter for a beer [or a beer and a wine].
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