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Joe Blow
Posted: 2003-09-28 05:40:24
Andre Brilleman

How tough a fighter was Andre Brilleman, he was a pitbull, one of the toughest fighters i have ever seen, and what a sad ending to his life, he was one of the Dutch legends!!!
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-09-28 07:15:26

yes , andre brilleman was a great fighter,he's for me the best welterweight ever in the history of dutch kickboxing
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-09-28 07:19:14

Fanta Attapong vs Andre Brilleman
Posted: 2003-09-28 08:26:17
I remember his fight with Pele Nathan,Brilleman stopped him with a powerful knee.He was indeed very tough!
ercan gürgöze
Posted: 2003-09-28 13:10:05
he was a legend , very powerful fighter ,the best in his weight cathegory ...if he wouldn't be killed ,he would be in the cathegory of "kaman, dekers,carbin" as of today ...(in the past he was in the same cathegory ...)

(if i am not misremembering he was training with "nylon woman socks" in order to heat the legs ...)
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-09-28 14:57:12
i remember coming to Holland the Night a few Famous Dutch fought !
Andre Brilleman
I think Rob Kaman !
And Lucien Carbin and some other big names around that ERA
And it was Holland V Japan !
Anyone there?
/ Remember?
cheers !
Posted: 2003-09-28 22:06:44
I believe he beat American legend Howard Jackson in 1984 for the WKA welterweight title and then was killed in a nightclub as a bouncer or something like that shortly after. Come to think about it, the mere fact that Howard Jackson went 10 rounds with him attests to the fact that Jackson may be quite the most underrated American fighter of all time.
Joe Blow
Posted: 2003-09-28 22:18:19
He was killed, but not bouncing in a night club, he met with a very grizzly death indeed, a shame he was a great fighter, and he would be right up there with the likes of Dekker & Kaman
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-09-28 23:47:38
Hi Sandy,
you're right !!
It was Holland vs Japan with Kaman vs Morimoto,Carbin vs Inaba and with a great Brilleman vs Saito,the date was 31 may 1981 !!!
Greetings Dirk.
Posted: 2003-09-29 05:25:48
He was a great fighter,my curiosity has the better of me how was he killed?
What was his fight record?
Posted: 2003-09-29 07:37:41
he was a great fighter, too bad he chose the wrong path....
Posted: 2003-09-29 09:25:00
KLM, he was murdered by the henchmen of the biggest dutch criminal of that time. They found his body in a concrete vat without his legs and 6 bullets in his head.
Posted: 2003-09-29 09:56:53
Yikes, that is a gruesome end :(
Joe Blow
Posted: 2003-09-29 17:00:32
Yea, plus they cut off his penis whilst he was still alive, before he was shot, and put in the drum and dumped in a river, they said it was a warning to others as he was a tough guy they thought nobody would do the same if they did this to him,a very sad ending to a great fighter, crime doesn't pay! even if you are a criminal!
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-09-29 19:10:50
Shame and Bad Ending
wish theyd do that to some over here !
was you there ? anyone ?
Posted: 2003-09-29 20:50:59
Man. thats a hardcore way to go.
Did he fight Ronnie Green?
How old was he when he died?
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-09-29 21:12:46
i think he was too heavy for Ronnie
i think he was about 68-70 kilos ?
it was Lucien that fought Ronnie Green 60-63 kilos
ercan gürgöze
Posted: 2003-09-30 12:27:40
he was not so flexible, but very very strong...when he was clinching, it was very unconfortable for the opponents..

"kaman, brilleman, carbin, yamali, el-geubli ,royers" ...the famous mejiro team at that times(1980'S)...
Posted: 2003-10-01 08:27:24
Yes Ercan, Milo El-Geubli right? He was great. What was his weight and who did he fight besides the thai he fought in Amsterdam.?
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-10-01 18:18:58
He fought also v Tekin Donmez who oi fought too
Both are Great legends !
Was Andre' Brilleman about 68 to 70 Kilos ?
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-10-01 18:23:27

He fought also v Tekin Donmez who oi fought too
Both are Great legends !
Was Andre' Brilleman about 68 to 70 Kilos ?
147394 : MIlo ElGrube v ????

Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-10-01 18:24:40

He fought also v Tekin Donmez who oi fought too
Both are Great legends !
Was Andre' Brilleman about 68 to 70 Kilos ?
147450 : Here it is ! :)

Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-10-01 22:11:57

ercan gürgöze
Posted: 2003-10-02 03:08:55

he has fought all the best light division fighter at his time, kb etc...he had also long hair ,then i think that he had a disease and appeared in an unhairy figure later..(as far as i remember he was beaten by ballentino at his end times...)
he was the one also who trained with kaman under plas in thailand for improving at those times ...(as you may remember in the beginning the mejiro gym was founded under the effect of "japanese kb" and showed some differences with original mt order to close this gap and adapt to original thai way , the gym leaders have been bringing their fighters to thailand to let them train there...

Posted: 2003-10-02 08:27:26
Yeah, Thanks Sandy and Ercan, that Zendokan is what I'm talking about. I have a bunch from 86/87 that I have saved also (my wife thinks I'm crazy). Tekin was a big name back then also. All these guys were and still are my idols. The sheer toughness and no noncense mentality is what I LOVE!!! Sandy aren't we kinda dating ourselves though :-) you and Ercan must have been around FOREVER lol.
Do you know that the fiancee of one of the dutch prinses is said to have had an affair with the same criminal that had Brilleman murdered?
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-10-02 13:55:28
wow and cheers
Posted: 2003-10-02 14:29:15
BTW that criminal himself got shot to death outside of a Rotterdam disco a few years ago
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-10-02 14:32:39
What Goes around eh ! :-p

And me and ERCAN Started 1977 age `1`
= we are as i was on my last Birthday same date / age "26" th: July
147754 : Me and Mr Tekin Donmez

Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-10-02 14:38:27

Posted: 2003-10-02 15:16:51
Sandy, my respect to you my friend. Not many who have been in the ring with guys like Tekin are still around in the Muay Thai game...
147767 : Thankyou

Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-10-02 15:25:55
Hers that £50 i owe ya LOL
Kind Words sir ! I thankyou
He was My Toughest and LAST Opponent in My 7 years Fight Carear ! I was Glad and Lucky to Go out on a Win and a European Title ! I Had to work so hard to take from a TRUE Fighter and Champion ! Mr Tekin Donmez
Respect to him and all the Tough Dutch Fighters !
147795 : heres NOT hers oops sorry Spel

Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-10-02 15:55:47
And im Supposed to Speak English LOL
as some A/Xers on here call it:-
"SandySpeak" lol
Posted: 2003-10-02 16:25:08
here is the link to a bio on the guy that ordered andres death.It also explains how he got killed lin is
Posted: 2003-10-02 16:32:14

This is how the legend finished very sad great loss to the fightscene but will always be remembered.
Posted: 2003-10-02 16:34:18

This is how the legend finished very sad great loss to the fightscene but will always be remembered.
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2003-10-02 16:39:55
that aint the Pics; from him / then Surely ?
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