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Posted: 2003-11-14 16:56:01
man magazine reports that peter graham slipped in the shower while playing golf with a monkey and injured his pride. pride? the guy showers with a monkey!!!

seriously, he must be a rich man now. according to lucy, tarik would never let this happen against peter's will.

still waiting for something official.
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-11-14 18:56:41
now that cro cop lost a match in pride, i was wondering if he might be a possible
substitute in the g.p finals for another fighter suffering a mysterious injury ;)
Posted: 2003-11-14 20:32:13
micheal zambidis will kick ozcans ass
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-11-15 00:01:09
What are the chance of Chuck Norris fighting in K-1 next year?

Being serious, Tank Abbott's deal is up with the UFC after his up-coming fight on the Anniversary show. I could see him in K-1. Tank vs. Butterbean, I would watch that.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-15 08:26:05
..."2002 K-1 Champion Ernesto Hoost will be participating in tournament!!!

The 'poor' Peter Graham will not fight December 6th. Unfortunately he injured himself playing a 18 hole golf game!!!

It should be written in all the fighting contracts that they are NOT allowed to practice any "DANGEROUS" sports like Golf or Bowling! Bowling? ...yes, bowling; at the 2002 finals Dutch Sem Schilt injured himself playing some 'rough' game of bowling.

MAN-magazine was informed be a reliable source that Hoost will be replace the unfortunate Aussie...."


I knew it, damn I knew it!

Felix, didn’t we talk about this in a topic about one month ago, where dear Lucy told us this would never happened. Hoost always get a 2nd chance, and Peter Graham was the one of the 8 fighters who was cheapest to buy out this year.

Last year it was big Semmy who got a shoulder injury by playing bowling, next year it will be Bregy or Abidi there will get an nasty eye cut - by playing dominos in a cafe.

Posted: 2003-11-16 01:31:10
its not like graham had much of a chance any ways. but still K-1 is getting a bit cheesy with the set ups
Posted: 2003-11-16 01:31:52
hmm i guess hoost is hug's replacement
Lucy Tui
Posted: 2003-11-16 04:21:46
Hi Guys,
I have been off the computer for 2weeks been in NZ visiting family I still do not believe Graham is out...he is still training as far as I have been told...
Interesting... haven't heard anything different,,mmmmmm...
Lucy Tui
Posted: 2003-11-16 06:27:53
i wonder what graham would have to say.
"you mean i still get paid the agreed amount but i don't have to appear?"

personally i thought abidi would be the one out. he 19 second fight with should have been called a no contest.
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-11-16 08:41:28
not to mention the fact that abidi didnt really deserve to be in the all star
match. he certainly didnt win any qualifying tournaments to get there...
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-11-16 08:42:55
C'mon into the chat,david !!
Posted: 2003-11-16 17:09:04
Hoost belongs there. He is the reigning king of K-1. I'm gonna laugh if this makes him the 5 time king of K-1.
Posted: 2003-11-16 18:52:47
aerts took the two byes from ishii in 2000 and 2001.

it looks like hoost will do the same only this time it is considered corruption.
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-11-16 19:11:38
well, before it was announced well ahead of time that ishii had a "wild card"
pick to put in whoever he wanted. the last two years, the rules for qualifying are announced to be a certain way, and something strange happens so that someone who
qualified under the rules is suddenly out.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-17 00:52:19
You hit the spot David!

There is a different between getting a Wild Card and buying one out. Another thing is to qualify for the Grand Prix by the book and after the rules, and then getting a chance that no one else in the game is offered.

I agree, Ernesto Hoost belongs in the Grand Prix - but he has to qualify to get there... Like any one else in the K-1, champ or not. Other vice I will say a fighter like Carter Williams, belongs much more in the Dome than the defend champ.
Posted: 2003-11-17 00:53:50
i thought they would give the nod to carter but what can u do come into the chat if u can oliver
Posted: 2003-11-17 01:08:27
i have nothing against hoost getting a bye. he is the reigning champ and deserves it on that fact alone. however, i don't understand why the k-1 would throw away the wild card for corruption.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-17 01:24:27
Another smart move and new rule could be, that the defending champion don’t have to qualify to take part in the Grand Prix - but simply gets a "free" ticket as the champion of the K-1.

Serious, that is a rule that I personal support. K-1 champion in year 2002, free ticket in year 2003. A champ should always have the chance to defend his belt.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-17 01:29:24
"...I don't understand why the k-1 would throw away the wild card for corruption..."

Good question Felix!

Change the rules. 7 fighters has to qualify, the last ticket is given by a wild card. And finally, drop the K-1 Japan. Having Musashi taken part in the Grand Prix year after year, only to get knock out in the first round brings my piss to the boiling stand.

Posted: 2003-11-17 01:39:26
Having Musashi taken part in the Grand Prix year after year, only to get knock out in the first round brings my piss to the boiling stand.

Musashi makes me start to love Sapp :)
Posted: 2003-11-17 02:07:33
so should we bring back satake or promote hiraku hori to token japanese figher?

i'm afraid of what will happen if musashi beats sefo. musashi...#2 heavyweigh kickboxer in the world?
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-17 02:32:54
Easy Felix, Musashi will not beat Sefo!
Posted: 2003-11-17 02:42:09
"Change the rules. 7 fighters has to qualify, the last ticket is given by a wild card. And finally, drop the K-1 Japan. Having Musashi taken part in the Grand Prix year after year, only to get knock out in the first round brings my piss to the boiling stand. "

It doesn't take for that I am willing to bet. After Hoost is done I seriously cannot see myself watching K-1 all that closely. Welcome to the WWE.
Posted: 2003-11-17 18:53:17
The time is 11.49 Australian Eastern Standard.....Just left Mundines gym asked Cheif Peter Graham if he was still fighting...Nearly took my head off.So to all you people who think they know are wrong....Oceanias K1 Champion is on his way....
Posted: 2003-11-17 18:58:02
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-11-17 22:15:59
Zack Arnold says K-1 has made an offer to Mirko to appear on the Tokyo Dome show.
Posted: 2003-11-17 22:57:12
MHO : Mirko vs. Hoost would be as exciting as the GP itself.
Posted: 2003-11-17 23:09:50
Can't see the logic behind that rematch. Mirko's already lost everyway possible to Hoost. My be entertaining for a while though. Personally I think Hoost vs. Bojansky would be far more entertaining. It'd be like an old lion vs. young lion match.
Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2003-11-17 23:28:11
The thing I would think is exciting about the Hoost vs Mirko bout is the potential deflation of the recent Mirko balloon from his Pride adventures.
Posted: 2003-11-18 00:13:41
I thought Nog already killed that madness.
Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2003-11-18 00:20:06
That's what I had hoped.

But it seems that everyone that was on the Mirko bandwagon is still aboard because Nog took so much punishment in that fight.

Posted: 2003-11-18 02:57:22
I don't understand the trend of thrashing Mirko. He's got attitude, ok. Do guys like Jackson and others have less ? Are all his victories illegitimate ? I doubt. Did he do soo bad as Sapp does so that his eventually loud mouth should be suspected of having no cover ? Would very much doubt. Only old stories "we aynt love strikers, strikers suck" which rhyme with the things in the striking world "we don't love kickboxers, only "pure" MT is cool" which rhyme with "kickboxing is cool, karate sucks".

They say a hero was wrestling the dragon and there passes a hawk sent by the toothfairy, fight being still at close odds. The hero says to the hawk "please, please, magic bird, gimme a drop of water from the river nearby, I will give you the dragon's head". There he receives it and he forcefully puts the dragon down in mounted guard and starts to smash his face. Then the dragon says to the hawk "please, please, magic bird, gimme a drop of water and I promise to the toothfairy I will be a nice lad and kill blonde girls no more and I will give you the hero's horse to eat". So he gets it, and passes guard and goes into a mounted guard and starts to smash the hero's face. So the hero negociates again "please, please, magic bird, don't believe this rascal, he's a lying bastard, and to show my good faith I will kill 4 alike more for the toothfairy and give you all his carcass and give to the poor all his treasures". And so on and so forth until comes toothfairy and says "Ok, ya motherf***g lazy bastards, apart that you are exhausting my poor bird dead what are ya tryin' to do here, ya fight or ya make "who drinks more water" contest ????"

Unicorn goes to drink a coffee.
Posted: 2003-11-19 07:19:53
Hoost says on his website that he is offered to fight Botha in a superbout.

Not bad either, so lets wait and see...
Posted: 2003-11-19 07:26:27
thats a fight I'd like to see
Posted: 2003-11-19 07:39:49
Is it a coincidence that Sammy Schilt (spelling) last year playing bowls (i think) and then Peter Graham this year (playing golf) both get injured and then Ernesto gets to fight.

Somone more cynical than myself might think they were paid off to make way for a bigger more marketable name !

I actually heard that last year by people who are pretty clued in on the workings of k1, they were convinced it was the case!!!!

Thoughts anyone??

Posted: 2003-11-19 07:50:32
No way AndyC! Still I'd rather see hoost than Graham
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-19 08:12:30
I don’t know the truths about Peter Graham and his playing golf "injury"? But the story about Semmy Schilt got a shoulder injury by playing bowling, is a lie in disguise made by Ishii/K-1 organization.

It was announced that Semmy was to fight in a Pride event, right after he had qualified himself to fight in the K-1 Grand Prix. The Pride fight was something about two weeks before the Grand Prix fight night. No one would fight two weeks before the biggest tournament in the K-1, but Semmy did. And the only reason why he took part in a Pride fight was, because he knew that he was NOT going to fight and take part in the 2002 K-1 Grand Prix.

Days before Semmy got his “injury” by playing bowling, people with connection to the K-1 Holland organization told me, that Semmy was dropping out and that Hoost was to get his spot. Is that and coincidence?

Semmy had a draw in his K-1 fight against Hoost. Why should Sem choose to fight in The Pride, in a single fight event - when he had a realistic chance to become K-1 champion, with a little luck and lot of hard work. Sem was not a favorite, but he had the chance to go all the way. It was defiantly not impossible.


Did Bob Sapp really break his hand/knuckle against Hoost in the opening fight at the K-1 2002 Grand Prix? If Bob did break his hand, how could he fight 3 weeks after at the Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2002, where he won on KO by defeating Yoshihiro Takayama. And why did Bob throw away the bandage two days after he broke his hand, having no raised knuckle any longer?

Just asking, I don’t know myself?
Posted: 2003-11-19 09:02:12
I reckon there is something to the rumours JD !

lets be fair Graham is not a patch on Hoost in terms of marketability, though I'm sure he's a fine fighter. I've not had the pleasure to see him as yet !

Don't get me wrong I too would rather see Hoost as I think he's a legend and the best heavyweight i've ever seen in terms on technical ability.

Posted: 2003-11-19 09:10:31
Interesting post Oliver. Since you have the inside track makes it difficult to watch K-1 knowing all the fights may be subject to a fix I imagine.
Posted: 2003-11-19 13:18:01
Doesn't mean any of the fights are fixed, just the lineup changes. Not necassarily a good thing, but I doubt there would be many people who would mind seeing Hoost at the final.

Keep in mind this is just another rumour, unconfirmed and in fact disputed by people close to Peter Graham. These kind of rumours surface all the time and its usually 50/50 as to which come true.

As for Sapp they did show his hand (which is more than they did for Schilt) and it was looking pretty swollen, didn't look like it was arranged and surely K1 corp would have wanted their biggest draw card to progress to the end?
As for the swelling going down in a couple of days, thats fairly normal. Injuries are always alot worse looking when they happen to what they look like 48 hours and a bucket of ice later.
As for fighting 3 weeks later, I guess we will never know exactly what the injury was, or what the doctor recommended. Probably just pumped him full of pain killers before the fight.
Posted: 2003-11-19 13:53:17
"Doesn't mean any of the fights are fixed, just the lineup changes."

If a lineup change and substituion is made to effect the outcome of a fight that constitutes a fix. At the very least it is tampering with what the tourney was allegedly setup to accomplish.

"Not necassarily a good thing, but I doubt there would be many people who would mind seeing Hoost at the final."

In my opinon Hoost as reigning champion should be there. Unless of course you consider his presence in the last K-1 GP a fix as well. But if K-1 is buying people's time out due to fictional injuries as Oliver alludes to how can you in good faith watch K-1 with any presumption of it being a fair competition, free of a fix or sleight of hand?
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2003-11-19 14:22:24
No Doubt many of you will be familiar with the effect of injecting saline solution under the skin - among other substances it is a rather safe way to induce bolbous swelling.

Bob didn't continue becasue his leg was smashed and his ribs were shagged. So many true fighters have continued with Broken hands in any case - they just keep the wraps on and ice the hell out of it, the fact that the wraps came off says something. How many fighters on this forum have continue with broken hands, fractured ribs among other things. In NZ David Tua fought Lennox Lewis with torn rib cartildge, Pea Wolfgramm fought in the Olympic Finals with a broken right hand, Jeff Fenech used to fight constanly with broken hands .... etc etc etc

And I'm sure everyone on this forum could think of ten examples in thier own country of fighters fighting on through serious injury and pain because they have the will and spirit to win.

I'd love to see Peter in becasue at least he has earned his way, may not be a raging favorite but the guy works bloody hard and has won the fights he needed to fight to win. He will give (if he gets the chance) Semi a hell of a time first up.

I agree with Felix - Abidi should be the one who gets the shaft, he sat on his butt to get in the final. I probably would have done the same thing given the opportunity but in terms of who earned their way there Graham has, Abidi hasn't unfortunately he is just not as bankable as Ernesto or Abidi.
Posted: 2003-11-19 17:31:05
Oliver Sperling u r a dribbler who has no idea,when it comes to passion and desire non is more passionate then the cheif.He has taken on all of Oceanias guns including Mark Hunt,Ronnie Sefo and Stan the man .Now if I recall he beat Mark before the doctor cleaned up the K1 crew to win the final....So that gives you a sample of what he is really capable of.He is on the verge of becoming a star on the K1 and with the proper fight plan can and will win the finals.Non the less that game of golf wasa load of b.s.....Check yourself Sperling.....
Posted: 2003-11-19 17:38:24
Whats youre problem Dangerous? Oliver didn't even say anything bad about the Chief and is probably the biggest K-1 fan there is. All he said was that when the same crap went down with Schilt that it was rigged. And if you were there when he fought Hunt you would know that Mark sleepwalked through the whole thing. He didn't even say anything bad about Graham
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2003-11-19 17:44:56
Dangerous - I don't think Oliver was getting at Peter, more getting at K-1 match making, no one is questioning Petes desire. In fact I've had a closer look than most (HAHA I so enjoyed eating those knees 1 to 40 of them LOL)Mind you in defense of myself I did give away about 34 kilos.

Oliver is pretty good, except when he and I argue about RAY SEFO BEATING PETER AERTS (LOL) he is only going on what is published
Posted: 2003-11-19 17:53:58
"people with connection to the K-1 Holland organization told me, that Semmy was dropping out and that Hoost was to get his spot. Is that and coincidence? "

Probably not. I am very interested in any other insights Oliver has into this especially because I have no insider source from k-1.
Posted: 2003-11-19 18:48:29
PTB if he is k1 biggest fan he should support the boys and not contradict them and their performances.In regards to the K1 management you can not help but feel for them,in a sport of this nature it is very uncomprising and very demanding.Ask any seasoned fighter and they will tell you.Simply saying with the demands on the management and the unpredictable nature of the sport you have to allow for certain inadequacies in the sport.Mike Ki Ora mate,just got off the phone from Mark and he sends his regards.He was offered a fight with Shannon Briggs on G.Prix night and said no,he just had a knee op.He is looking forward to taking on the boxers K1 has signed,and is trainning hard under Sung Noi. Send our love to Ray,good luck .....
Posted: 2003-11-19 19:28:48
He has taken on all of Oceanias guns including Mark Hunt,Ronnie Sefo and Stan the man.

are you saying greco and ray sefo are not top guns?

just kidding.

personally, i hope the k-1 sticks with the grand prix as it is. no one will buy a ticket to see graham but they will still come. they'll buy tickets to see the more famous fighters.

i also hope the k-1 learns from this creates a bye for the champ in future years.

peter's saving grace here is probably the dec 31st show. k-1 is going head to head with inoki and pride on the same day in a ratings war. dec 6th is relatively safe so there should be no need to pull strings.
Posted: 2003-11-19 20:37:09
Felix,Greetings from all and many, of course Sefo and Greco are the pride of the pacific but along with Graham and many others who have aspirations to fight in the K1....THEY MUST BE GIVEN A CHANCE.There is no doubt that everyone wants to see the current stars,how ever you have to realise that in order to make the profile of the sport lift,you must develope the sport.Developement includes getting these boys to fight the current stars...after all if you would have said that Mark Hunt was going to win the Grandprix the year he did ,you would have laughed.Non the less he is a bonafided star and has come threw the system...My one pun is that the K1 should get these boys to fight against the Japs and others as fighting the big guns can be daunting task.Ask Mark about his 1st fight against Jerome... In regards to the other contact sports beating K1 in ratings...its the quality and not the quanity of the fight in the dog....
Posted: 2003-11-19 22:06:03
Dangerous when you say 'trainning hard under Sung Noi' do you mean Sun Doi and has he left Hape or are they both training him??
Posted: 2003-11-19 22:10:15
whether you mean it or not, you are going to offend japanese people by calling them japs. unless you are black, i wouldn't call a black person nigger either, FYI.

just to clarify, i was pulling your leg above. you used the word "all" and left out sefo and greco. extreme language like that is easy to rebute: all, only, never, everyone, etc.

there is no need for graham to fight japanese fighters. he fought and beat the best in oceania. as daunting as the task is, underdogs do win. mirko flattened out bernardo in 99 then went on the do the same to musashi and greco. this year williams beat sefo in every sense of the word except points on the scorecard. if graham needs assistance here, he should stay in his own country.

don't ever think that k-1 happens in the ring. the ring takes up a very small part of the stadium. it is all about tickets and ratings. akebono is very good for the k-1, at least temporarily. bob sapp too.

the k-1 beast shows sucked and i don't expect to see them again. sapp will be gone in about a year or two. how does that compare to aerts? sapp's appeal was greater than aerts' but wouldn't last 11-12 years.

the k-1 is very clear about development. they always have been. the fighter and his team are 100% responsible. glaube feitosa could have been a very good kickboxer but mo smith couldn't get the job done in time.
Posted: 2003-11-19 22:31:48
I dont know the exact details but yes he has left Hape....No Dramas according to Mark he still has a world of respect for Hape.I spoke to Hape and he was telling me he was trainning a top Jap fighter,who fights on the pride shows.He had an amicable separation with Mark and they are doing their own things.Sung Noi has an awesome reputation and has trainned Marcus Mangan I.S.K.A. World Champion and Alex Tui.I personally think that he will get the best out of Mark,I ve known Mark for a decade and he honestly has never been 100per cent fit.We talk and laugh about it at times ,but his last few fights seem to have awoken a sleeping giant...And if all goes well, he stays focussed and fit he could really become the king of K1.
Posted: 2003-11-19 22:32:11
I dont know the exact details but yes he has left Hape....No Dramas according to Mark he still has a world of respect for Hape.I spoke to Hape and he was telling me he was trainning a top Jap fighter,who fights on the pride shows.He had an amicable separation with Mark and they are doing their own things.Sung Noi has an awesome reputation and has trainned Marcus Mangan I.S.K.A. World Champion and Alex Tui.I personally think that he will get the best out of Mark,I ve known Mark for a decade and he honestly has never been 100per cent fit.We talk and laugh about it at times ,but his last few fights seem to have awoken a sleeping giant...And if all goes well, he stays focussed and fit he could really become the king of K1.
Posted: 2003-11-19 22:32:19
I dont know the exact details but yes he has left Hape....No Dramas according to Mark he still has a world of respect for Hape.I spoke to Hape and he was telling me he was trainning a top Jap fighter,who fights on the pride shows.He had an amicable separation with Mark and they are doing their own things.Sung Noi has an awesome reputation and has trainned Marcus Mangan I.S.K.A. World Champion and Alex Tui.I personally think that he will get the best out of Mark,I ve known Mark for a decade and he honestly has never been 100per cent fit.We talk and laugh about it at times ,but his last few fights seem to have awoken a sleeping giant...And if all goes well, he stays focussed and fit he could really become the king of K1.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-20 01:26:27

I agree with you, having the lineup changed doesn't mean any of the fights are fixed. I never did say that. But telling stories, if they are true – about top fighters getting injuries by bowling, golf and by playing drums in there basements, and at the same time having the same fighter as stand by in every hilarious story, makes one think of fixed deals.

I am one of the many people who would love to see Hoost fight in the Grand Prix. I just dont like the concept of buying people out. It might be another roomer as you say, we don’t know yet?

Lightning Mike Angove,

Injecting saline solution under the skin, is a story that I have heard before in this spectacular case. Funny you mention it. Just like you, I also believe that the main reason why Bob Sapp didn’t continue to the 2nd round, to fight against the winner between Ray Sefo Vs Peter Aerts, was first of all because his leg was smashed and his ribs were shagged. Bob was simply out of gas and totally damage from top to toe. Then rather take the backdoor (again), and earn some extra money and respect, instead of getting KO or D.Q.

Just a question? Why did Ernesto Hoost take part in a show wrestling “fight” against Bob Sapp after the Grand Prix? Why should a K-1 champion, a born fighter suddenly take part in a crap show fight, where he has to throw chairs and play clown?

P.S. Mike. Thanks for the kind words!!!!!


It is my English or is it your English that is bad? When and where did I talk with disrespect about Peter Graham? The only time I like to see Peter loose a fight was when he was to fight Glaube Feitosa at the 1999 Kyokushin World Open tournament in the opening round. You did properly not even know Peter Graham back in 1999?

Just to put this clean, I do support the boys and not contradict them and their performances. In fact I have been talking to Ernesto Hoost about this scenario, and about the way he became champion. Believe me, Hoost did not agree with me, but he respected my point of view and my standpoints.
Martin H
Posted: 2003-11-20 07:53:00

Hi everyone. Im de-lurking here for the first time.

Has anyone seen or heard anything about Graham being replaced by Hoost from any official K-1 sources.
No dissrespect to MAN, but they are not official.
Since the rumour got started many news items has been added to the official k-1 webpages. But nothing about this.
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-11-20 09:01:05
these days k-1 doesnt announce their lineup changes. it seems like every fight card they are stringing a guy or two along until the last minute.....

sapp admitted in an interview recently that hes not ready to fight in a tournament. i dont know if hell ever have enough endurance to fight two or
three fights in an evening.
Posted: 2003-11-20 13:43:55
Oliver regarding your comment about Hoost and the pro wrestling thing with Sapp.Look at it as a nice bonus cheque.Just because Ernesto did it it doesnt mean his reputation as an fighter is suffering he lives from K-1 and if they pay him to do a pro wrestling appearance i dont see why he shouldnt at the end of the day they are payin his bills.OSU!
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-20 14:01:43
I respect Hoost taking part in the show for the money. Hoost is a father and a provider, so if he can earn good and easy money to provide his family and his future, it is more than fine with me! I would have done the same if the check was big. But damn it has to big! Still I think Hoost did look like a fool in his show fight against Bob.

This has nothing to with his reputation. Hoost is Mr. Perfect and the best fighter in the K-1, and I have nothing... Nothing but respect for his talent and for what he has accomplished in his career. I am just wondering why Hoost got the offer to fight in a show event so close after the Grand Prix. To me it seems like he was paying back a debt?

I have nothing against Hoost. I love to see that man in a ring, it is art. We are talking about deals made by the K-1, and NOT by single persons!!

I was just asking why Hoost did it? Was it coincidense, money or what ever? But I guess that the answer most be for the money, or for the "kick":).
Posted: 2003-11-20 19:54:53
i prefer Graham than Hoost,just because he qualified.
i hope they get Hoost and Crocop in super fights.

Posted: 2003-11-20 19:55:36
or Mike Bernardo:)
Posted: 2003-11-20 20:46:52
But then Crocop and Mike Bernardo would be required to qualify. Hoost at least was last year's K-1 King.
Posted: 2003-11-20 22:37:32
i don't think you have to qualify for a superfight.
Posted: 2003-11-20 23:36:35
That's true but completely out of context with what Crocop fan is trying to say.
Posted: 2003-11-20 23:45:27
No just be in the mix some how.
Posted: 2003-11-20 23:54:41
Why should Hoost be in a super fight in the GP? He earned his way by being champ in my opinon.
Posted: 2003-11-21 00:16:43
Crocopfan writes:

i prefer Graham than Hoost,just because he qualified.
i hope they get Hoost and Crocop in super fights.

the above underlined portion is the context crocopfan was discussing hoost and mirko and bernardo.

monkey, your opinion means very little in the whole scheme of things. the k-1 will do what ever the hell they want. you and i will just have to watch cyril abidi and musashi and graham strive for a B+ performance.
Posted: 2003-11-21 00:34:37
Well my opinon probably means less than nothing to K-1 actually. But why would Hoost do a superfight if rumors are true and he ends up in the tourney?
Posted: 2003-11-21 00:44:27
I personaly think Hoost should be in it as defending champ and i really hope graham puts on good performance cause he has worked hard to get there.
Posted: 2003-11-21 03:57:44
But why would Hoost do a superfight if rumors are true and he ends up in the tourney?

that's a pretty funny question.
the rumors were starter by a dutch based website and refuted by the k-1 oceania reps.

if the rumors are true, hoost will enter the tourney.
if not, he will fight in a super fight.

yeah. hoost should be in. this is the first year a k-1 champ couldn't enter the tournament to defend the title.

where i grew up there was a dangerous intersection. people complained about how they narrowly escaped disaster but the local govenment did nothing until... someone died.
Posted: 2003-11-21 04:12:04 has Hoost very conspicously on the top next to the banner Dec.6th: K-1 World GP Finals 2003. Maybe it means nothing but it was an interesting interpolation of images.
Fredric Rosenberg
Posted: 2003-11-21 05:43:53
According to the Swedish K1 site Holm is now fighting reserve fight on Dec 6, they dont say against who though .......
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-11-21 09:08:55
I saw the Sapp footage backstage after the Hoost fight on ESPN fight. I just don't know why they would have pulled him like that if he was able to fight at all. He had a punchers chance to win it, which would have the huge for K-1. And even if he lost the next match, it wouldn't have made him look bad or anything. I question more Kakuda's stoppage of the fight.

Mirko is fighting pro wrestler Takayama on Antonio Inoki's New Year's Eve show.

Hoost vs. Botha- I am not sure if that would be good or not. Might be, beecuase at least Hoost would be willing to go toe-to-toe with Botha.

Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-11-21 12:54:21
Semmy Schilt vs. Josh Barnett has also been signed for Inoki's New Year Show- Pancrase rules.
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