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fatty fitz
Posted: 2005-03-14 15:41:17
what foods do what to the body?
hi guys and gals, can people help me,
what foods have what effect on the body(good effects)

i know grapefruit helps burn fat and kiwi helps your body with iron, also not drinking till 15 mins after a meal but anyone got any further tips?
any help will be apreciated :-)
fatty fitz
Posted: 2005-03-15 03:04:59
Anybody?? :-)
Baz Faulty
Posted: 2005-03-16 03:57:40
drinking beer makes you fat like me
Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2005-03-17 19:27:18
This is a very vague question.
There are books written about this topic.

Given your examples, I guess you're asking more about diet tips?

Since you ask "what food does what to the body"...This stems into the category of food combining. That can get pretty complicated too. It's interesting though. Perhaps that is a separate topic?
Posted: 2005-04-05 12:32:11
Fatty, KFC family buckets build muscle, especialy if you flex upon finishing the whole lot :)
Brian Michaels
Posted: 2005-04-05 16:35:20
are they true about grapefruits and not drinking till 15 mins after eating?
Posted: 2005-04-05 16:36:53
Chips make ya fat.
Posted: 2005-04-05 16:37:50
Beans make ye fart
Posted: 2005-04-14 10:32:19
Rabbit makes u run faster.
Posted: 2005-04-14 16:32:43
Carrots make u see in the dark.
Posted: 2005-04-15 04:27:02
Redbull "gives u wings"
Mark L.
Posted: 2005-04-17 16:58:44
There are lots of threads with discussions that cover your question in one way or another.

Thats a hugely broad question.
Mark L.
Posted: 2005-05-01 23:56:06
"Research shows that since as long ago as the 1950’s, conventionally farmed American grains have been low in protein quality and quantity. So much so in fact that whenever the US tried to give its surplus grains away to countries with starving populations, they would not accept US grains if any other country was offering theirs; they had found that the deficient US grains did little to maintain or improve the health of the starving (8)."

You Are What You Eat - Grains

Paul Chek

lots of great article on and

Grains and insulin are strongly related so that blurb is somewhat on topic. :)
Mark L.
Posted: 2005-05-01 23:57:25
oops-was talking about insulin on the "How long does it take to build muscle" thread
Posted: 2005-05-02 12:54:55
"So much so in fact that whenever the US tried to give its surplus grains away to countries with starving populations, they would not accept US grains if any other country was offering theirs; they had found that the deficient US grains did little to maintain or improve the health of the starving (8)."

What is the source for this?
Mark L.
Posted: 2005-05-03 10:05:17
You Are What You Eat - Grains

Paul Chek

put it right there articles "You Are What You Eat - Grains"

(8)Pfieffer, E. “Ehrenfried Pfieffer Himsel”, audiocassette series. Acres USA,

Mark L.
Posted: 2005-05-03 10:11:05
McArdle, W, Katch, F, Katch, J. Essentials of exercise physiology. Lea & Febiger, 1998.

Crowe, I. The Quest for Food: Its Role in Human Evolution and Migration. Tempus, 2000.

Fallon, S. and Enig M. “Nourishing Traditions.” 2nd ed. Washington DC: New Trends Publishing, 1999.

Cordain, L. "Cereal grains: Humanity's double-edged sword." World Rev Nutr Diet; 84:20-73. 1999.

DiCyan, E. “Beginners Introduction to Trace Minerals” McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books, 1984.

Ballentine, R, “Diet and Nutrition, A Holistic Approach.” Himalayan International Institute. 1997.

Picton, L.J. “Thoughts on Feeding”. London: Faber and Faber LTD, Mcmxlvi

Pfieffer, E. “Ehrenfried Pfieffer Himsel”, audiocassette series. Acres USA,

Halwell, Brian. The Worldwatch Report: Sperm counts are dropping. Monday, February 22, 1999. Online.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-03-29 16:00:33
Do we even know what we're eating?

an interesting look at super market chicken
Posted: 2006-03-31 07:11:25
Spinnach is a great source of iron- good for red blood cells.
Whole grains good for fibre- digestive and bowel health.
Youghurt has cultures that keep the bacteria balance in the gut healthy- digestion.
Apples, cant remember the name of the chemical but it helps stabilise insulin.
Fish has omega that helps with joint functioning and brain connections.
Carrots have carrotene that is supposed to support vision.
They tested it a couple of times and found that chicken soup seems to support immune function.
Dairy foods are good for calcium- bones and have a stabilising effect on insulin.
Protiens ie. meat, tofu, lentils etc have amino chain sequences that asist with muscle growth.
Green tea has heaps of anti-oxidants- combats free radicals that cause degeneration of cells.
Avacados have heaps of healthy fats that support skin hair and nail growth.
Olive oil same as avacados.
Oranges have heaps of vitamin C which supports imune function.
I assume you are asking about foods that support fat loss while supporting muscle and general health.
I would suggest eating lean protien (fish, chicken, red meat, tofu or lentils)
Trying to get most of your food from vegies of all colours (colour is one indicator of the nutrients it provides) Not too many potatos they can play around with insulin levels even in healthy individuals and dont provide many nutrients.
And fresh fruit not juices- juice has all the calories without the fibre.
And if you like them grains but whole grain bread is better for you than white bread. Basmati or wild rice is the best option if you like rice.
And dont cut out the fats too much, natural fats such as fish, avacado and olive oil etc are better options than trans fats or fat from red or white meat.
Posted: 2006-03-31 13:51:17
I believe if you are having fruit or veg you should have it BEFORE your meal as it digests faster. If you have it afterwards it ferments.
This applies especially if you are making fresh fruit/veg juice using a juicer.
Posted: 2006-03-31 13:52:42
the darker green the vegetable, the more nutrients.
Posted: 2006-03-31 13:55:13
If you are ever going to buy a juicer. Try researching for a guy called Jason Vale. He's got a book specifically containing all info about different fruit and veg, and what the content of each of them does for the body. Very informative and straight to the point. Also gives info on what to juice and not to juice, and how you can get the best out of your fruit and veg including how to select the best and store them.

Sorry if I've gone quite a bit off topic.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-04-01 12:09:28
I think eating live foods first helps in digestion.

Whole grains-good for fiber and bowel health

You know whats funny is many native cultures (who had no bowel probs) ate very little fiber and if you look back at our ancestors I don't think many grains where consumed at all..

Now different areas ate more or less fiber and all, going back before modernization of foods, had fine bowel health.

Eskimos for example ate very very little fiber and where very very healthy.

Is fiber good for you? And how much? "Are you an Eskimo, and African, or an Englishman?"

I think everyone has different dietary needs.

Also any food is only as good as the soil. Poor quality soil=poor quality plant feed poor quality to animals and you get poor quality animals and animal products.

Yoghurt-if good quality, is great for many people (not all). Lets say you have a cow fed grains (cows aren't ment to eat grains and messes them up) lets add on the grains are grown in crap quality (commercially farmed) fields. So we feed the cows something that is bad for them, thats bad quality to start and as you go up the food chain often nutrition and toxins condense. So the crap farming on the grains means the cows are condensing pesticides, herbisides, fugisides etc etc for us. Then the you pasturize (oui oui Louise) it and kill much goodness and make the fat rancid (so you add chemicals to put back colour, flavour, smell, take away smell-rancid fat reaks) etc

I mean the list goes on and on

To say a food is good is like saying a kicks are better than punching. Well I'd bet on top Thais against most punchers but I'd bet on top boxers against most MA guys kicks.

High quality yoghurt-yes good for some. Some won't digest well.

Dairy-good for calcium. Well thats what they like to tell us to sell us no??
Yes dairy has calcium, unfortunatly Mr Pasteur's brillianty contribution kills all enzymes. Lactase is the enzyme in milk that helps to digest lactose. Our wonderful hero in healths system is to kill all enzymes in milk. The calcium in milk is not absorbed.

In a grass fed healthy cows raw milk-then yes you can get calcium.

But you don't need dairy to get calcium at all. Thats just what the dairy people have been telling us for years and years till we take it as fact.
brian stevens
Posted: 2007-07-22 18:37:30
Has anyone else noticed this thing that food manufacturers have started doing?
You go to check the 'best before' date and instead of a date, there's some kinda code that means nothing to the consumer.

Here's an example, I found a bar of chocolate in the cupboard and it actually says;

Best Before End L6151DE3

What the fuck does that mean to ANYONE??? How do they get away with that?
shermon burgess
Posted: 2007-12-19 01:05:42
best before end L6151DE3.

LMFAO @ what the fuck does that mean.

Man that shit cracked me up, cause i dont know what that means either,
but it sounds really fucked up.

Ps they should be shot for trying that cause it sounds like a bar you would buy in the year 2036 when robots need to read use by dates on chocolate bars aswell
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-12-19 10:44:05
Many marketing tricks and loop holes are used in packaging.

I am not sure what the numbers you have related above refer too.. scary.. I would imagine there would be a date somewhere... if not I would be cautious.

beware of anything that says "natural flavors" as well... that can mean anything..

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